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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 12246

Opinions on hotwifing? (not cuckolding, which is a moid centric fetish)
I'm ashamed to admit I like the idea of it, but I'm not sure if its healthy.

Anonymous 12248

What is the difference between the Hotwife and Cuckold lifestyles?

Generally speaking, the difference is that often the cuckold (husband) is submissive to his wife (the Cuckoldress), and sometimes even masochistic, gaining arousal from “humiliations, degradation, and other demeaning activities at the hands of his wife and her lover.” Cuckolds often see themselves as inferior lovers and unable to sexually satisfy their wives, hence the desire to have other men (younger, alpha-male lovers called “bulls”) who are much more virile than themselves fulfil their wife’s sexual needs.

Anonymous 12256

Definitely not healthy

Anonymous 12265

this is one of those things that are best kept as a fantasy

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