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Embarrassing things during lovemaking Anonymous 12320

Post about embarrassing things that happened or "cringe" stuff that happened during lovemaking

Anonymous 12323

My bf says he doesn't mind and it's natural, but I'm still really embarrassed by it and can quickly kill the mood for me

Anonymous 13248


Anonymous 13292

I got a cramp in my thigh in the middle of sex and we had to stop because it hurt so much.

Anonymous 13294

I usually get tired or sore after a bit and we have to take a bunch of breaks. Even my mouth gets sore after a bit.

Anonymous 13309

Queefing is so embarrassing but i got used to it. I’ve started farting a lot more during sex which is suuuuuper embarrassing though

Anonymous 13322

Trying to be creative with dirty talk occasionally leads to some cringy nonsense.
Last time my boyfriend was literally cumming and I'm croaking
>oh you little pervert, why are you fucking me in the ass here in broad daylight, what would your mother say
when his mother is dead and it's night and it isn't anal and he isn't even the one doing the fucking.
Then it was over and we just looked at one another blankly

Anonymous 13323

Anonymous 13324

This wasn't me so idk if it counts but one time on a school band trip this girl realized the student she had a crush on was alone (because a really stupid school policy meant the kid he'd share a room with couldn't go but that's not the point) so she snuck into that student's motel room to fuck. I snuck out of bed at around 1:00 am myself to go to the vending machine because I needed something cold to drink and as I walk past the room, not only could I hear their bed creeking but she was making the weirdest and most comical moaning sound I ever heard.
Something like "Gwummuh Gwummuh Gwummuh…" On my way back from the vending machine I heard what could only be described as an Animal Crossing character having an orgasm and i kinda wanted to puke.

Anonymous 13326

Something I only realised just recently (and the conclusion I've come to based on a lack of other evidence) is that I have to be able to see my own breasts to be able to climax. I don't really know why this is, but I've literally never had an orgasm where either I'm wearing a top or a bra, or in a position where my breasts aren't visible to me (i.e. doggy, 69, etc.). I've practised on my own to confirm this theory, it has to be irl and not a picture either. I don't have to be staring directly at them, but having them at least partially in my view works.

Maybe there's actually another trigger here, but I find this wildly embarrassing to talk about with my bf for some reason.

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