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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 12355

I don't see what the problem is with the one on the left, it just means he likes the amazon position.

Anonymous 12356

I heard this stuff is purely genetic. Probably related to the size too, since a bigger one would be pushed down by its weight.

Anonymous 12357

Left is jack of all trades master of none, right has an advantage in misionary but is disavantaged in everything else; regardless you shouldn't be thinking about worthless moid dick tho

Anonymous 12358

Using a pillow helps with the missionary if you're dealing with the left one.

Anonymous 12359

The problem with /nsfw/ is that you people aren't just 'avin a laff and you actually believe this much penis related non-science.

Anonymous 12360

even the twitter user who posted that doesn't believe it, she's just trying to stir up shit.

Anonymous 12361

After the "secrets to tell if a guy is hung" thread, I just cannot believe that.

Anonymous 12362

Anonymous 12363

Because no true girl would laff at penises and penis related science

Anonymous 12368

Left has weaker erectio.

Anonymous 12404

What about those that have it pointed downwards?

Anonymous 12413

i love this type of images. they always make moids so mad. haha

Anonymous 12419

protractor overlay…

If he isn't more than 6 inches/16 centimeters and less than 60 degrees then ignore him.

Anonymous 12420

love this lmao

Anonymous 12463

willy guide.png

Handy guide

Anonymous 12465

Screenshot 2023-12…

>this thread

Anonymous 12466

This is true btw. The more aroused he is, the more his penis goes upwards. If he's madly in love with you it will point at the ceiling

Anonymous 12470

Anonymous 12672

what if i’m just ugly

Anonymous 12673

If you're dating that's because he finds you attractive even if you're ugly (unless he only sees you as a living fleshthigh)

Anonymous 12674

Anonymous 12675

Oh God I hope you didn't really fall for what that anon said. The angle his dick points is about the slack in the ligament that attaches to it, not how aroused he is.

Anonymous 12692

>(unless he only sees you as a living fleshthigh)
yes this option

Anonymous 13395

if it ain't touching his belly i don't want it

Anonymous 13421

wouldn't the one on the right be better suited for the amazon position?

Anonymous 13422

amazon position isn't just him on bottom, it's pinning his legs back and bending his cock forward so you can ride it. over time it would give him the angle on the left.

Anonymous 13423

That sounds uncomfortable.

Anonymous 13428

It's a position that only really exists in moid-centric porn. The point is to look uncomfortable so the guy can look more submissive, which is dumb.

Anonymous 14597

How exactly is this better than what incels think? Didn't we all learn that incels think exactly like that?

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