Total Moid Death.j…

How deep are your sexual urges? Anonymous 12501
I can go without any for about one week without any urges arising. But the impression I have from reading posts here is that most girls could go without sex (not talking about romance but the physical activity!) for years… So which one of us is wrong in the head? How much sex-craving is natural for women compared to moids? Don't have many acquaintances so I'll ask you. Also I'm a POC I that makes any difference (read it once somewhere but not sure).
Anonymous 12502
Usually never. I only have reactive sexuality.
Anonymous 12503
>>12501I don't think any of those are abnormal as long as it doesn't affect your life in a bad way like when your sex drive makes it hard to focus on other things or when your sex drive declined and you want it back. As long as it's no problem for you that seems good enough.
I used to think I'm asexual because I used to be averse towards sex but after having some positive experience with it I started finding it no so bad. Though I still don't enjoy the physical part as much as emotional connection and find it alright at best. Despite this I kinda like acting sexual just for the attention and emotions it provides. So I think I could go without sex for years if I was dating an asexual who prefers other ways of physical and emotional connection but in the end of the day a lot of guys like sex and I like attention and emotions it brings so might as well have it
Anonymous 12504
I feel like I have a lowish sex drive but a fairly high intimacy drive? I don't need much actual sex, but certain kinds of emotional closeness are so electric that they feel like sex, like I'm longing to bare the core of my being to them and to lose my entire self in theirs. I'm okay being sexual at those times because it really intensifies the feeling of exchange. I feel like I'm attracted to being truly seen, and the soul level has to be there for the physical level to not feel intrusive or even a little dissociative.
I actually called myself gray ace for a while before I decided it was cringe lol
Anonymous 12505
I have a high sex drive but hetero sex is useless for women so there's no point for me in acting on it ever, women can't even come from piv or women have to do physically uncomfortable acts that don't pleasure them physically. I wish I had a dick so I could experience love and pleasure. I don't call myself asexual but people think I am cause they can't comprehend my pov. Sex with men is for cool girls
Anonymous 12506
>>12502Do you think this is normal? Sorry for asking so bluntly but I know no one amongst my peers that does not at some point have active desires.
Has your pet moid ever brought that up for discussion?
>>12505Nona what do you mean by "cool girls". Never had the urge to ride him like a cowgirl?
Anonymous 12507
>>12506?"Cool girl" is a pickme girl that does shit for male validation, to please males and thinks that certain things are nice solely to sound like a cool girl to men and no, what's the point of doing this sexual shit as a woman, it doesn't serve us and it worships men, I only even thoughts positively of it when I was going through a submissive cool girl phase/
To make you understand what I mean better: even this position directly leads to a male orgasm but not mine unless I do so much work,
Wanting to be hot or desired by men is also a "cool girl" thing even tho it's a natural part of female heterosexuality which proves that a big amount of female "pleasure" is psychological therefore psychologically you have to be a pickme
Anonymous 12508
Usually women with higher T levels will have higher sex drive. But it's not normal.
Anonymous 12509
>>12508The testosterone thing is an interesting idea. But what level of a sex drive is normal? For moids maybe say every other day. And I would agree that for a normal healthy woman this could be seen as too high. But if your answer is that you yourself can go without it for a whole year without a problem then that means that you don't have a sex drive at all. That can't be normal either nona, can it? If you say you like salad but at the same time you can go without ever having the urge for a salad for whole year, can you actually say that you like salad?
Anonymous 12510
>>12509I am horny 24/7 but dont wanna have sex lol why can't people comprehend it
Anonymous 12511
>>12510Maybe because your standpoint lacks elaboration? "I want salad but I won't buy salad because there is no point in it." Do you have experience?
Anonymous 12512
>>12511What is there to explain? You can be horny and still not go and have sex ever cause of your own will this doesn't change the fact that you're horny
Anonymous 12514
Sounds like moids are infiltrating
Anonymous 12515
Uh no not childhood trauma… Just my obsession with purity. That's it. I have been forcing myself to suppress sexual urges for a long time now, in order to focus more on my heart and mind instead. Also soldiers should not feel any earthly urges. It really distracts you from the higher goals. I don't like lust. Its my least favorite sin.
I cannot deny that there has been childhood issues in my life but I dont think they are connected to my obsession with mind-pruity
Anonymous 12516
>>12514Its a discussion about sex and women. Any moid would be here to feast his eyes on our horny discussions
Anonymous 12517
>>12516They think whoredom is a privilege because it would be for men which suggests that they only think about themselves and don't acknowledge women humanity.
Anonymous 12518
>>12506Tbh cowgirl doesn’t feel that great to me and my moids penis naturally curves upwards which is supposed to hit the g-spot. I just feel pain. I think it’s because he always licks me and eats me out with fingers before penetration until I Orgasm and I’m overly stimulated from it, so anything that goes inside is ultra sensitive
Anonymous 12519
>>12501Very deep. I am extremely perverted, probably from being sexually abused in my early teens.
One thing I love is fingering men. I get sexually frustrated and very turned off if their masculinity is too fragile to explore this. Eating anyone's ass is a turn-on, having my face sat on, etc. I love the taboo of it. I also love having sex in front of (consenting) people, or watching (consenting) people have sex. Even watching my bf fuck other girls turns me on, I get to see him from so many wonderful angles!
Sex and kink is a big part of my life. I love going to BDSM events with my partner and exploring how far sex can go. Erotic hypnosis, impact play, voyeurism… It's honestly a hobby for me. It feels so good to see how perverted a person can get, and how far they'll go to be pleasured or to please another.
I realise I sound like a moid typing this, I swear I'm not. No one is wrong in the head for their sexuality. It's genes and environmental adaptation. It's not a big deal unless you're a pedo, a rapist, or don't honour people's boundaries.
Anonymous 12520
>>12519I assure you…
…you sound more like a woman than a moid…
Somehow I have never ever seen a man as perverted as you, I swear, nor online nor in real life.
It would actually be a relief for me to know that you are just a male troll posting weird stuff to get a laugh outa ppl like me
Anonymous 12521
>>12520>Somehow I have never ever seen a man as perverted as you, I swear, nor online nor in real life.…thank you?
I feel weirdly complemented. I could talk about sex forever, I love it so much
Anonymous 12522
>>12520>Somehow I have never ever seen a man as perverted as you, I swear, nor online nor in real life.I don't really know what you mean by this.
Maybe we have different definitions of perverted.
I can produce any number of examples of weird fetishes with themes of extreme abuse, violation, desecration that many moids seem to gobble up.
What makes her more perverted?
Is it the tone of how she describes it which makes the behavior sound somewhat playful and innocent?
Moids do that with their fetishes too though.
Anonymous 12526
Sounds exactly like me, nona. I'm only just starting to get past this and I still masturbate too much.
I know I was masturbating as a way to escape and procrastinate. I wasn't in school, wasn't doing art, wasn't making music, didn't have a job, just rotting away at my parents' place. I felt like a total loser, knew I was better than this, knew exactly what I needed to do, but I didn't change. Because nothing is scarier than leaving the familiar. So I sabotaged myself from success. Masturbating was my primary method.
Nothing can hurt you when you're immersed in the porn bubble, pressing a vibrator against your pleasure button over and over again to avoid life.
I've since bitten the bullet and applied to uni. I've also decided to start a band since my local music scene is full of scrotes and girls who worship them for their shitty music. I still masturbate every day (maybe once every couple days some weeks). I'm still procrastinating from what I'm doing. I'm still afraid. But I feel like I'm still capable of making good choices. It's a matter of wanting to, and whether I want that thing more than an orgasm.
Are you masturbating away from something, nona?
Anonymous 12528
I know that I think about sex and want to have it more often than most men, but while I can approach my "partner" at almost any time and be all but guaranteed he'll accept, I can get instantly turned off by the realities and logistics of sex. Knowing if I'm just horny or actually want to have sex can only be solved by seeing him with my own eyes with the question on my lips, before my brain will say "Weeeell, you haven't showered, there's clothes all over the bed, you've got a bit of a cramp in your leg and you just finished a meal. Gross". I'm horny probably 3-5 times a day, but only sex-having horny 5 or 6 times a week.
Anonymous 12529

>>12501Pretty deep. I had a miserable time during puberty, growing up in a very conservative society and yet horny beyond a level any women around me I knew could relate to. I've always been the higher libido partner in my relationships. I'm also somewhat demisexual, though I hate that term, which makes that harder I guess. Like if I were single I would be so much less fulfilled and not really able to just get the energy out with other people.
When I was younger I used to feel like >>107771 a lot, I tried all sorts of tricks and remedies to try and reduce my urges. Ultimately nothing worked super well, and being in therapy helped me see my libido as less of a curse. Though I still conclude it has led to some of the worst anguish I've felt, it now is also a reliable source for love, for relief and bonding with my partner.
Anonymous 12530
Mine is weird.
My libido is pretty high, used to be very high just like >>107771 when I was young but time and responsibilities and other interests changed me. I still think of sexual shit during most of my brain's idle time, but only bother to wank 3-4 times a week and sometimes not at all. I rarely look at 3D porn anymore. Another weird thing is that I can enjoy intense sexual fantasies without getting off.
However, I've yet to have physical sex and have never sought it out on its own (eg. ONS or FWB). I can have depraved fantasies about someone but easily not engage sexually with them if it doesn't suit my ideal non-sexual situation. My urges towards men specifically are repulsive, but I've always resisted. That's why I have no sympathy for male sickos who excuse predation with "giving in to their urges."
I'm also bisexual but I think I'm just weird in general, unrelated to orientation.
Anonymous 12532
Sure. Spoiler since this is a sfw board.
I want to make men that I'm attracted to feel great amounts of agony and fear and exercise complete control over them. This includes more "typical" bdsm things like bondage, cutting, beating, shaving their heads, and branding them. It also includes things like amputation and tooth or even eye removal (although the men I like have pretty eyes, so this is a lower fantasy), as well as cannibalism but NOT killing. We would eat his arms together. I also like the idea of starving a man and forcing him to vomit and piss himself.
These are all kind of non-sexual, but sexually I'd be interested in abusing a man's anus until it prolapses. As well as dub-con stuff like touching them while they sleep, or on transport.
All this to say I don't really hate men. I've just enjoyed their pain since I was young, they're cute when they cry and feel hopeless. Maybe a misplaced, weird motherly instinct? There's probably something wrong with me but I indulge a lot less now. I think this part of me sucks.
As for my previous point, I've been very close to men who I've been extremely attracted to but just treat them as people. I wouldn't even hug or touch him unless he agreed to it because being a decent fucking person is the bare minimum. Maybe if they'd shown interest in masochism we would have done something, but it's probably for the best I never act on it. I'm happier being with women anyway.
And despite the above, I hate seeing women in any pain or discomfort at all.
Also pls no moid accusations, I'm an oldfag here. Gone through many attempts to either cope away """my truth""" or feel cool and edgy about it, but I'm at peace now.
Anonymous 12533
>>12532I don't come often on CC but I think I remember your posts even from years ago lol. Anyways, it seems you have a very clear understanding of what is fantasy and what is reality, so nothing to be ashamed I guess.
I do have some depraved fantasies too but it was making me anxious so I'm trying to stop porn completely and see what are my actual fetishes and what is just porn fucking with my brain. In general my life has gotten better a bit.
Anonymous 12535
ight imma head out…

>>12532I have never read anything remotely as concerning on 4chan as this post
Anonymous 12536
>>12535Come on, you know that that nona is not going to walk around amputating men. Also wasn't Guro allowed on 4chan's /d/ or am I remembering wrong?
Anonymous 12538
>>12532more women should torture men tbh
Anonymous 12539
>>12532If you still suck their dicks then it all doesn't matter to me, you're the bottom that gets zero physical pleasure
Anonymous 12604
I get off daily. 5 times on my days off. I have a lot of erotic daydreams. It's fun but not exactly an acceptable hobby to talk about…
Coitus however I don't care for. Not once in my life has horniness lead to any thought like "hmm, I could do this with a man". I did have a boyfriend for years and I didn't get much from the sex. Being licked was nice but still not as good as schlicking alone. When I got horny I was just annoyed he was at home since getting him involved guaranteed I wouldn't have an orgasm.
Anonymous 12606
>>12536No guro is banned on all boards except /b/.