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Anonymous 12540
Shitty sex life vent thread
>What's wrong with your sex life? /What would you change?
>Is it you or your partner?
etc etc
Anonymous 12541

>>12540I don't have sex.
My sex life is great.
Anonymous 12542
>>12540I have a high sex drive 24/7 but I will never have sex a woman cause there's no point. Only thing I would change is society or other people cause sex positivity is grooming and it affects me personally what people as a collective do
Anonymous 12543
>>12542I also have a high sex drive 24/7-
why is sex positivity grooming?
Anonymous 12544
>Sex life
It's pretty good but could be better. I'm a switch and my bf cannot handle being any form of submissive because he is so insecure and afraid of any form of submission. He cries every time I bring it up and blames it on trauma (of being chased by someone in a truck and of being chased by a truck while on a motorcycle). He is perpetually worried of being attacked and forced into submission.
I beat him while wrestling once and he started hyperventilating and crying and said, "If you can beat me, how am I gonna be able to defend myself out there?"
I just want to make him my pet and play with his asshole. He has let me finger him twice but I so badly want more.
I find it so degrading always being "his" sub. I'm not just a sub. But I let him think that just so I can use the sex we have as an escape from my life. I like letting go of control and forgetting I exist, but I don't want to be doing that every time anymore.
I brought up that I won't cede my switch side a few months ago and nothing changed after his crying fit because I coddled him, said it was ok and ignored how I feel. I'll try again when I see him next… hopefully he doesn't blame his trauma on this again.
Anonymous 12546
..? Is this that unbelievable? I'm just being honest. I hate having to coddle my own boyfriend because he's so fucking insecure. It'd be nice if he could earn the title of dominant instead of me just ceding it for a quick orgasm.
Anonymous 12547
>>12544>I just want to make him my pet and play with his asshole. He has let me finger him twice but I so badly want more. Condition him like a dog. Every time you suck dick finger him. Stop as soon he complains. Soon you can stop sucking his dick and solely focus on his asshole
Anonymous 12548
I feel guilty and ashamed for my sex drive and at the same time unable to act on it. Recently I went on a couple of dates with a guy I was very attracted to but I couldn’t do anything more than make out with him because I wasn’t sure it was going anywhere and I couldn’t let myself take the risk of having sex with him if it didn’t. I think I shame myself more than anyone else and I’m not sure why. It sucks because I think I naturally have a pretty high sex drive but I need to be in love / committed to act on it without hating myself or feeling like a sl*t and I already feel so much guilt for ending things with my last (and only) boyfriend. The problem is I can’t reach that stage when I’m so unwilling to put myself out there so I remain in this loop indefinitely. I’m sure this is some kind of ingrained misogyny but I can’t shake it.
This is turning out as more of a vent but wondering if anyone else can relate
Anonymous 12550
>1 year
Are you OK, Nona?
I can understand 3 months or even 6 months but ONE YEAR?!
Do you have any idea how unrealistic this is?
The male orgasm shares similarities to a heroin shot chemically speaking. Imagine telling a heroine addict that he must wait 1 year to get his next shot (all moids are addicts).
It's like openly asking to be cheated. 99 % of moids will not wait that long even if they are not a coomer/ porn addict. Also doesn't dragging it out increase the fear from it? Not saying get in bed after 3 dates but if you can't tell after 6 months if he is a keeper maybe you should let the decision be made by your parents…
I'm glad I didn't wait this long. There would have been an unspoken weirdness/uncertainty in our relationship if something so significant would have been missing.
Anonymous 12551
Thank you that’s so sweet of you. I feel like I am lacking in female role models a bit and I don’t know how to talk to my friends about this so it can feel lonely. Genuinely appreciate your advice
Anonymous 12552
You sound like a moid trying to groom women into his schizophrenic tradwife fantasies. You don't live in the real world. No person would put up with a year of constant sexual tension unless they're asexual.
Even in the dumb archaic societies you want to parrot, men and women would not spend this much time being together and doing nothing because genders used to be much more segregated.
Anonymous 12553
It'd be hotter if he were more gay. He is really not turned on by dicks. At all. Believe me, I've tried. Doesn't work. He only likes pussy and occasionally letting me finger him.
Anonymous 12554
You can like purity and not be so bitter when a girl wants to enjoy sex and explore her sexuality. Why does others doing what they want affect YOUR purity? Do you have some idea of how all women should be?
Anonymous 12555
>>12547Very hot. I may try that. I have been trying to jerk him off every time he eats to encourage him to gain weight… Maybe I can train him for anal too.
Anonymous 12556
>>12555Have you looked into failed orgasms?
Anonymous 12557
>"To say you truly know someone, you must eat a sack of salt with them"
– that's beautiful! I'm gonna use that one
Anonymous 12558
>>12556I have not! That sounds enticing.. Tell me more!
I've heard of ruined orgasms, and I would love to ruin an orgasm for my bf while milking his prostate. I love watching ruined orgasm porn. I feel so powerful.
Thing is my bf is way too insecure in his masculinity to be comfortable exploring that with me. He gets uncomfortable discussing anything even remotely "gay" on his end. He's a 5'7" otter, I just want to fuck his ass
Anonymous 12559
>>12557The ironic thing is that back in the day, girls and boys were married to each other at their teenage years due to the wish of their parents.
Meaning: FIRST they were married (most of the times including sex on the night of their wedding) and AFTERWARDS they got to know each other. That's where the saying "You learn to love" comes from.
Anonymous 12560
>>12558It has come to my attention that otter does not mean what I think it means
He is hairless except from a treasure trail going down his navel, skin white like a blank canvas, and lean. Slim. Gymnast body
Anonymous 12561
>>12558please post a photo of your chin, sir, with timestamp to verify your female biology.
Anonymous 12563
What makes you think we're going to share trade secrets with you, moid? You're not welcome here.
Anonymous 12565
>>12561>>12562>>12563>>12564I am going to post a picture of my boob so y'all know I'm no scrote.
Anonymous 12566
Pepe crying.jpg

I can't believe it, you are a woman! But what kind abuse did you witness when you were young that made you like this? Pls tell me.
Anonymous 12567
pepe poster.jpg

>>107812>>12566same nona. Now for real: you are probably the epitome of so many moids' fantasy. how come you just don't leave him for someone else. Admit it, you like it that he is not into the idea of being analy raped by you and you have to persuade him into giving in your fetishes. Slutty little nona!
Anonymous 12568
also apart from the gruesome pictures you find on 4chan of gore, I have never come across a post over there that set me off as much as yours did. CC is on more or less the same psycho level than that awful website.
Anonymous 12572
Because this is not how 99% of all of us feel. In most cases it is the moid that initiates sex. Why? Because he needs and we don't. Look at porn or social media. It all appeals to male fantasies. So when you see a women who has equivalent kinks I come to the conclusion that there is something wrong in her upbringing.
Anonymous 12573
>>12566In retrospect it wasn't that bad. It just affected me a lot because it was my first experience with sexuality. I don't really know if this counts as sexual abuse but it was my first encounter with sex
>I had my first girlfriend at 13 and was the first openly non-hetero girl at my school, so everyone called us 'the lesbians'>This scrote thinks it's hot so he approaches me and asks how far we've gone>I'm innocent and admit she wont let me kiss her >he starts approaching me in school and flirting with me, makes me uncomfortable>i break up with gf (still never been kissed) >I start spiralling for dysfunctional family reasons, distance myself from all my friends, and teachers go on strike so there are no more extra curricular activites. I get curious about weed and lo and behold, Scrote Fuckface is the school drug dealer>He takes me to some rando's back yard, gives me an overpriced weed brownie, grabs me and says, 'I heard you've never been kissed before' then proceeds to kiss me >I have mixed feelings about him so i go along with it >He starts feeling me up, putting his hands up my skirt and rubbing my clit, and i kept swatting his hands away while also trying to be the 'cool' girl that is down for anything (gag)>Owner of property catches us and threatens to call police. We run away, and Scrote says 'Don't tell anyone we talk. People like to start drama'
>He played with my feelings and would pull me out of class to make out sometimes, then pretend i didn't exist at others. He would text me on snapchat doing classic fuckboy shit, trying to convince me to suck his dick and it made me scared. sometimes i'd stay in the guidance office just to avoid him>once he was showing me a david bowie album, then he took me into an alley, grabbed my neck and pressed me against a wall, fingered me and said "it's gonna be your turn to please me soon". I begged him to let me leave and said "I need to go home" and he was like "you're lying! no you don't!" and thankfully i pleaded enough and he let me go
>The worst was I bought acid from him and had a little gettogether at my house with new friends. We got extremely high, dropped the acid and raided the liquor cabinet. I was super fucked up. Then I find out someone invited Scrote to my house. >Scrote shows up, immediately gets touchy with me (rubbing my clit over my pants in front of everyone) and everyone, myself included, gets extremely uncomfortable but doesnt say anything>Eventually we are all hanging out in my room, and I jokingly say, "let's have an orgy!" and Scrote takes this seriously and starts fondling me>everyone gets uncomfortable and leaves>We start making out >we end up on the bed >Scrote says "let me eat your pussy">"c'mon, don't be like that" >I say "mm noo i dunno.." (tripping balls)>My dog is freaking the fuck out and barking at him, so he straight up KICKS HER off of my bed, throws her out of the room, and pushes the couch in front of the door.>"c'moon take em oofff">I reluctantly pull my pants down >worst two-minute head of my life; i piss a little in his mouth by accident>"did you just cum?">"uh no i dont think so">He shrugs, stops, pulls his dick out (doesnt even take his pants off) and grabs my face, shoves it onto his dick. i gag, and he gets frustrated>tries to put it in>I say no >He says ok >keeps kissing >tries to sneakily do it again>I say no>he argues with me>I say "do you have protection?" and he scoffs at me>he tries cramming it in again and at this point I dont even bother trying to make him stop, i just let it happen >He only manages to get the tip in, then finally gives up. >Rest of the night he ignored me and ended up hooking up with my best friendFound out later he told everyone at school that his dick was "too big for me" and that my pussy "tasted like fish". I didn't tell anyone what happened until a year later.
Also found out he's a serial groomer (idk what to call it). He's done this to at least five other girls that I know of. He got expelled from my school shortly afterwards for selling drugs, so he took his rapey energy to other schools.
I also think I am predisposed to being kinky and perverted. I have family members I hear crazy stories about (like my uncle fucking a bunch of his students, even marrying one), my great uncle was a pimp, etc…
Anonymous 12574
I had to press em together and contort myself like a retarded frog to fit them next to my sign. Couldnt use front cam or it wouldve been flipped
Anonymous 12575
>>12573I also think a big part of how I am now is because I wanted to please this Scrote so badly, but was also afraid of him. So it created this strange fear-based pleasure whenever we hooked up, and that's my earliest memory of sexuality with another person.
That could explain why I have kinks like CNC, choking play, drugged/raped roleplay, etc. Fear and sex going together is what I'm most familiar with and i've grown to enjoy it a lot
As for the dominance, I think thats a part of myself that is outgrowing the need to submit to a man to feel pleasure. Knowing he can also be degraded gets me; putting him in a vulnerable, objectified, afraid place turns me on in soo many ways
Anonymous 12576
Screenshot 2024-01…

>>12567>Admit it, you like it that he is not into the idea of being analy raped by you and you have to persuade him into giving in your fetishes.>mfw Anonymous 12578
>>12575nona, to me the dominance thing sounds like your mind is fighting against the thought of ever being in a vulnerable position because of the bad memories. Maybe (pure speculation, tell me if im wrong) part of it is also that you want to me make a man suffer in retribution for what another person of the same sex had done to you in order to even things out. Maybe this is subconcious.
Anonymous 12579
bitch hold on.jpeg

NONO PLEASE, dont encourage her even more.
Rather help me try to get to the bottom of this to help her.
Anonymous 12580
>>12579uhh..maybe "bottom" wasn't the word of choice here. But you get my drift.
Anonymous 12582
>>12578> part of it is also that you want to me make a man suffer in retribution for what another person of the same sex had done to you in order to even things out.I think this is definitely the case to some degree. But I lean more toward submission naturally. Submission is still a big part of sex for me.
My first experience with sex during a time in my life where I needed escapes and coping strategies led me to view sex as something you do while checked out mentally. For a very long time I just went into a mindless state during sex. BDSM makes it feel a lot more real and present.
Anonymous 12583
does therapy acutally work. This is a genuine question. Do you come to any realization that you couldn't figure out yourself AND is worth hundreds of dollars?
Anonymous 12584
I've done 7 years of therapy and haven't properly explored my relationship with sex yet because i'm too embarrassed to say it aloud to a therapist.
It isn't interfering with my life though so I don't think it's necessary to bring up
Anonymous 12585
>>12582Being a little kinky and dominant in bed is nothing to be ashamed of and not wrong. I'm sure your bf secretly likes it as well.
But wanting to finger a scrotes hary disgusting ass is a little to far…
Anonymous 12587
>>12584you have been doing 7 years of therapy and you have not openly discussed the one main topic for why you chose to visit therapy sessions in the first place?
Anonymous 12588
>>12587I lots more fun things to talk about with the therapist
Anonymous 12589
You know a place appealing to women?
Im all ears…
>I've heard of plenty of women who want to finger their man's ass.
Get off tiktok! Those pickme thots only apeal to mens' fantasies.
Anonymous 12590
>>12586I don't want nor do I need to change. I love my sexuality and I wouldn't change anything about it.
>>12587Just to clarify, I've been through a lot of therapists. I've gone over the high school scrote story with all of them. Just haven't gone over how kinky I am and how this all circles back to him. There is plenty more wrong with me that needed attention.
I was diagnosed with PTSD but parts of me feel that was an exaggerated diagnosis. I was 14 and seeing a PhD candidate. The psychologist overseeing us died suddenly of brain cancer (which fucking sucked) so I'll never get to ask him why he thought that
Anonymous 12592
>>12590Honestly you are right.
What ever way your history has affected you, you cant change who you are and simply move on from it. Therapy cant change your behavior, it can only help you in accepting what has happened.
As long as this has no big negative effect on your relationship, be yourself nona. best of luck to you.
Anonymous 12593
>>12589 There's r/chickflixxx on reddit but it's not super active
Anonymous 12594
>Is wanting to finger a shaved scrotes asshole acceptable?
Yes. And it's even hotter when you get him to shave his asshole for you
Anonymous 12596
What a dick sucking pig
Anonymous 12597
Anonymous 12599
>>12598It's a changed up version of the 4chan slang "TITS OR BTFO"
Often moids use it to mock women/people pretending to be women. Since "women don't exist kn the internet", in order to prove that you truly are an internet woman, you must flash your tits for everyone to verify that you are infact female
Anonymous 12600
>>12558Ruined orgasms ofc that is what I had meant but I had an ESL moment. Well, why not try to convince him that milking his prostate is part of the tantric lingam massage to cover up any homo thoughts of him and trick him with some made up moid shit like cummaxxing to lure him into your anal submission plot
>>12560Blonde? Blonde treasure trails are one of my fetishes as they are still angelic in some sort
>>107812>>12574haha bold move nona're so cool
Anonymous 12601
>>12558God please Nona tell me where can I find a boy like this I can abuse. He did the two of yu got together?
Anonymous 13140
>>12544he sounds like a closet sissyboy, like he reallym craves his little tooter being played with but doesnt want to believe that hes weak and gay
Anonymous 13287
We've been together for nearly a year and while he has no libido at all, mine is just low. It's normally not a problem as he's fine to just kiss as I grind out an orgasm in bed with him every few weeks, but lately I've been having these intense fantasies about a guy and really craving real penetration. My bf agreed to try sex, but he just gets tired after 5 minutes and gives up. We're in this spiral where I'm feeling incredibly sexually active because of another guy, want to transfer those feelings towards my boyfriend, find he's sexually imponent, which only makes me resent him and increases my desire for the guy who's turning me on in the first place. What makes it worse is I can't avoid this guy and in talking to his ex learned he's fantastic in bed. I WILL MYSELF TO BE HORNY FOR MY BEST FRIEND BEDBUDDY, but it just doesn't seem to work.
Anonymous 13290
My partner and I just don't have time or space to have sex. We have a toddler, and on top of that, my partner is doing his PhD and also doing online tutoring to bring in some money. When I'm at work, he looks after our son, and vice versa, but also most of his spare time is spent tutoring or finishing the PhD. We're both just so stressed and tired all the time.
We've had sex maybe half a dozen times since my son was born a year and a half ago. He won't have sex at night while the baby is asleep in our room (we live with my parents for financial reasons, we are not well off), which is fair, but he also won't when anyone else could hear us, meaning any and all other opportunities are few and far between, and when we do he's always paranoid we'll be overheard.
I've resorted to masturbating late at night after he's fallen asleep. Tbh it would almost be hot if I didn't have that sad guilt of 'the love of my life is lying right next to me asleep and I'm rubbing myself'. I'd worried he was cheating on me but he just literally doesn't have the time.
I just want things to get better but it feels like the goal posts keep shifting.
Anonymous 13297
>>13290Allocate 10 mandatory minutes every day for benis in baggina
Anonymous 13361
>>13290The first two or three years are the hardest with kids. It gets steadily easier after that (at least until they reach high school), you've just got to try your best to make time until things settle down.
If you're living with your parents it shouldn't be impossible for you to convince them to take care of your son for a couple days, and if your partner's in school, even if they're working on their PhD, they can probably get a little time away as long as there's not a conference or deadline coming up, even if it's just a few days.
Talk to your partner about your needs, make a long weekend of it, get a cabin or an Airbnb or something, relax, and fuck each other's brains out. You'll come home and feel like a million bucks.
Anonymous 14298
I hate being the one with the high libido in the relationship.
I love sex, I love kissing, I love touching and fondling. I love being fucked.
My husband is sad so now his sex drive is non-existent and it's making me sad. I can't talk to him about it because he gets hurt. I can't seduce him because then he gets mad and call me a pest. So I just masturbate all the time. It's been so much and so hard lately that I feel like I am losing sensitivity down there and I am kind of glad. I want to be ruined.
I don't want other men, I want him.
Anonymous 14299
>>14298I guess I'm just especially hurt today because it was my bday yesterday and he didn't even try to initiate sex.
Anonymous 14304

Grew up with a high libido, constant daydreams of being sexually adventurous and trying new things. Finally get a partner as an adult but he has a low libido and hates it if I ever try to initiate anything.
Even when he is up for it there's no foreplay. If he doesn't stick it in the second he feels up for it, the boner is gone almost immediately. Once every 2 months I maybe get 3 minutes of boring sex. I hate to seem like a moid but I'm so sexually frustrated it's driving me crazy.
After growing up always hearing how addicted to sex men are this is not the issue I expected to have.
Anonymous 14305
It's an awful thing to be in.
Anonymous 14306
>>14304Could be that he has porn addiction nona.
Anonymous 14404
I've been with my boyfriend for the last 8 years and our sex life has never been good, but now it's non-existent. Despite living together, he spends half of his time away, and when he's here I'm usually so angry with him, because he's become an asshole, that I'm never in the mood. Meanwhile, he constantly asks for sex, which is the next problem because he's just plain bad at it and uninterested in improving. He cums in minutes, refuses to build a rhythm, thrusts too hard and fast because he says he can't feel it otherwise (which is another matter, because he's been trying for years to convince me to take the pill so he doesn't need to use condoms), his foreplay is maybe 45 seconds long and he thinks it's all ok because he then ineffectually fingers me for another 10 minutes until I essentially grind out a very weak and sometimes painful orgasm. This wasn't an issue when we were younger, because he's so desperately hot that looking at him thrust into me, feeling him against me, could bring me to orgasm and a glance at him naked would instantly put me in the mood. Now our relationship is so bad that I just don't find him very attractive anymore, and I'd even go so far as to say my type has changed. I think he's ruined thin, wirey, long-haired arthoe men for me. I think we need to break up, but I've built a life around him and I'm scared to end it.
Anonymous 14425
>>14404you should probably end it. sunk cost fallacy. unless you somehow think you can fix it and/or want to ACTIVELY try to fix it
it is your life that you are wasting in an unhappy relationship with unhappy sex.
i'm currently having sex with someone who is into me very much but they are sort of fat and i'm not so into it. the sex feels good-enough but a little disjointed. i can tell he goes somewhere else when we're in the middle of it.
Anonymous 14427
>>14425I did just that. I realised all our issues stemmed from a fundamental incompatibility that had just never come up until recently.
Anonymous 14453
I think my sex life is amazing most of the time, I love my boyfriend and he loves me. We have some kind of sexual activity pretty much every single day. Honestly I couldn't be happier… except for one little thingy that happened not too long ago.
I'm specifically telling you this because anonymity allows me to vent over something very embarrassing.
>Start getting more and more into buttstuff (always kind of been but I was also afraid of putting anything other than my finger there)
>At first it was just fine, fun enough but nothing too crazy
>Explicitly tell my bf I don't want him to do porn shit
>He complies and starts very slowly, first using just his mouth, then fingers and after days of that he finally puts his dick in there
>Painful, but feels good
>Wait, this feels TOO good
>Discover he can hit my g-spot from there somehow
>Over time I ask him to be rougher, do it harder, essentially backtracking on my first request
>One day after being separated for like two weeks we had amazing sex
>Ask him to destroy me for round 2
>He totally does
>We finish and cuddle for a bit
>Something's wrong with me… with my gut
>Let out a little fart, he just laughs it off and says something like "that's nothing compared to what you do when you're asleep."
>Laugh a little bit and fart again
>Now I'm farting uncontrollably
>I'm actually panicking as I'm unable to control my sphincter, now my bf is panicking too
>Let out a little bit of poop in too
>Bf takes me to the hospital, turns out it was nothing too serious. Basically the jump from light buttplay to hard anal sex was too sudden, doctor tells me to be more careful and do it gradually
>Took me days to get over the shame of not just farting uncontrollably in front of my bf, but also shitting his bed
So yeah… if you're a freak like me, take your time to "acclimate" your body. The whole thing didn't stop us from using that hole.
Also my bf is very hesitant about receiving rimjobs or giving me a golden shower and honestly that kind of frustrates me a bit because so far he's done every single thing I've asked.
Anonymous 14491
I might just be insane but I feel so empty and missing something at times, like right now I feel like killing myself unless I could beat the shit out of a moid… I am genuinely in so much pain right now