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Anonymous 12605

i wish i had the power to make a man sexually obsessed with me. my bf had many partners in the past but i had none, he took my virginity. i get so jealous thinking abt him having sex with more experienced, "wild" women

Anonymous 12612

>i wish i had the power to make a man sexually obsessed with me
have you tried breathing?

Anonymous 12727

this is unironically why I'm trying to learn hypnosis, it's the only way to level the playing field with a more experienced person.

Anonymous 12740

This is why you shouldn't settle for used goods

Anonymous 12741

Seconding this anon. Introduce him to hypno kink. Make him feel good through it, and slowly recondition him to being obsessed by you, and only you. It actually works. You just have to make sure you take it slowly and intimately, not jumping to istructions that conflict with his mind a lot. There are a lot of books on it

Anonymous 12748

please give some tips nona

Anonymous 12749

I don’t have a partner currently, but I’ve really been enjoying reading transcripts of hypno files online. I prefer it over listening because I can seamlessly switch roles; they have some effect on me if I read them silently in the intended sub role, or I can start reading them aloud and practice being the hypnotist.

it’s very important to find actual examples of hypnotism that appeal to you so you can learn the feel of it; learning theoretical terminology like “anchoring” and such is important too but there’s only so much you can learn from books. it can be more important to find concepts you’re interested in and then see what comes up in search results in communities like /r/erotichypnosis and build out your knowledge base that way (and non-kinky therapeutic hypnosis is also worth learning about and there are communities for that too).

I’m also starting to look into self-hypnosis to see if I can get any interesting behavior changes that way (either for helping with bad habits or just figuring out what can be done and gaining confidence for hypnotizing others).

(>>12727 here, not the other anon who may be more experienced than me)

Anonymous 12874

>obsessive kink
>I actually don't have a partner
gee really?

Anonymous 12893


>virgin moid goes for skanks
>virgin nona goes for fucktoy
that sucks so bad

Anonymous 12897


>two virgins in bed be like

Anonymous 12917

average tomarry reader

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