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I get turned on by knowing other people find me attractive Anonymous 12743

I get the most turned on when other people find me sexually attractive. I like to wear tight see-through shirts with no bra on underneath so people can see my nipples. I like to do it on days I have to present in class and I always make sure to sit up front.

I find it so hot my when boyfriend is unable to control himself and has to touch himself just because I whispered a few words to him.

Sometimes, I wonder if I’m a lesbian and I’m just with my bf because I like to turn him on. I want all humans walking this Earth to be sexually attracted to me. I’m attracted to all genders.

I definitely know I’m an attention-whore because I like to wear revealing clothing even when I’m out with my bf because I like the attention and I want to turn everyone (including my boyfriend) on.

Does anyone know what this is called?

Anonymous 12744

I know what it's called but I'm not gonna say

Anonymous 12746


being a whore

Anonymous 12750

Don't go to prison or every CO will have to look at your booty pocket

Anonymous 12751

>Does anyone know what this is called?
attention whore

Anonymous 12754

>Does anyone know what this is called?
Ignore these plebs
It's exhibitionism

Anonymous 12985

I think on the hierarchy of female kinks it’s a pretty common one too. My academic feminism brain says it’s because of the male gaze affecting women but it erases us bisluts who wish to be attractive to women as well. Ot but I’ve see troons use this desire to be seen as attractive as evidence of women having autogynophelia but that’s total cope

Anonymous 13090

I feel the same as you. When radfems talk about AGP not being a real thing in natal females I feel guilty. I feel like I have a moid-like sex drive. I have more androgens than normal (and estrogens) so maybe that is why?

Anonymous 13112

i think agp is different from what you’re describing, you don’t get turned on by just being a woman and living in a female body. just knowing people find you attractive

Anonymous 13120

Of course you get turned on by that. It's the most natural thing in the world and the whole of human sexuality would probably collapse if it stopped being that way. Imagine what would happen if people only started sleeping with others they found objectively attractive, the human population would nose dive faster than the dinosaurs' did after the asteroid hit.

Anonymous 13174

I get turned on by women finding me attractive but extremely turned off by real life men finding me attractive. I'm definitely not a lesbian though because I do like looking at and fantasizing about attractive men, I'm only OK with them reciprocating only in the context of my own fantasy and no, I can't see myself dating or fucking a man in real life either.

Anonymous 13175

>the human population would nose dive faster than the dinosaurs' did after the asteroid hit
if that means less ugly rapist moids crawling around it would be unironically a good thing. quality > quantity

Anonymous 13176

I don't think you have a moid-like sexuality just because you don't relate to how radfems talk about sex, most of them aren't exactly sexually normal themselves. you and OP might be closer to the median woman than they are.
if I'm being honest I think what's weird about your sexuality is just that it's dialed up to a very high level, not that the principles it works on are necessarily different from anyone else. like the thing about OP is that a lot of women feel and act like that during sex, they just aren't walking around like that all the time because they aren't hypersexual and shameless like that.

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