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Is there a way to stop being a submissive / masochist? Anonymous 12987

ever since i hit puberty ive been into fantasies of getting raped/masochism/humiliation/sub cringe etc. I do not want to be this way, it is gross immortal and i already have low self esteem which that just highlights it.

ps i remember asking this 5 years ago here and getting flamed

Anonymous 12988

Imo it's more about how it's done rather than the what is done. As long as your partner genuinely respects you and you respect them, it doesn't really matter what you're doing as long as you enjoy it.

Anonymous 12989

I got nothing for you except the most generic advice, which is to meditate, because it's the most reliable way to have more mental and emotional resources if you can't handle something that should be simple to think about: https://vipassanadhura.com/howto.htm
also the other anon is right and you should accept being a sub but just learn to be less pathetic about it. but you could gain insights into what exactly it is you like about those scenarios and see how other things could press those buttons just as much if a partner understood your psychology.

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