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Hypersexuality Anonymous 13125

I've been hypersexual since the age of eleven and my brain is fried to the point all I want to do is masturbate when I'm home alone. It's a huge distraction and gets in the way of daily life, I can't focus on hobbies or even clean my room due to chronic horny consuming my thoughts. Real sex doesn't do it for me so finding a long-term partner isn't an option. Nonas… Help.

Anonymous 13128

How do you feel when it happens? Is it actually enjoyable with arousal and release? Or is it more like a very strong itch that you need to scratch.

Anonymous 13135

Have you considered taking birth control or SSRIs to manage the horniness? Or blocking porn sites/etc when you're home alone? Not gonna lie having things to do out of the house helped me manage when my hypersexuality was at its peak, I had no time to waste on masturbating or being horny when I worked 9-5 and went to the gym afterward.

Anonymous 13137

It feels like a chore.
>birth control/SSRIs
I'm already on SSRIs and they haven't affected my libido at all. I've considered BC but I'm put off by the long term effects TBQH.
>blocking porn
Doesn't make a difference, my mind does all the work for me.
>going outside
Yeah that's a habit I'm trying to break into. Maybe I'll renew my gym membership.

Anonymous 13138

Terrible question, sorry I'm asking because this is what happened to me. Did you experience SA? I became hypersexual very young after SA but it eventually calmed down in my teenagehood (probably because I had an ok support system)

Anonymous 13139

>I'm already on SSRIs and they haven't affected my libido at all. I've considered BC but I'm put off by the long term effects TBQH.
Which SSRI are you taking? I was on Prozac for a long time but it had no effect, but Zoloft completely zapped my libido (which I personally hated, but some people want that). The older ones tend to be more "potent" with that.

>Yeah that's a habit I'm trying to break into. Maybe I'll renew my gym membership.

Leaving the house is probably the best non-chemical way to manage. When I'm at home my mind wanders, but when I'm outside (even just taking walks or going to the gym) I have to focus more on other things.

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