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pookie wookie bear…

How Often Do You Get Wet Dreams? Anonymous 13130

I don’t know why but I just can’t stop thinking about this dream I had. There was this guy there, he looked like the all American type. Blonde perfect hair, blue eyes, tanned skin and a ripped fucking body. Gosh, he was so hot. In the dream we were running around shooting stuff, well he was shooting bad guys (I was running around scared while he protected me) because he was like in the military or something. He had this big ass fucking gun and he knew how to use it. He was so masculine. Like he was one of those tough manly redneck country boys, yet he was still a pretty boy and he was so attractive. I also distinctly remember him being a bit of a douch but once again he was just so fucking sexy. I remember for a brief moment he fucked me. Like missionary style. He was naked and his face was real close to mine, he was looking me right in the eye. His body was right on top of mine enough to crush me. I need to have my brains banged out like that once in my life by a man that looks like that.

Anonymous 13142

Mine are very rare i tend to trigger them after i read something sexual like yaoi before going to bed, or my brain is thinking about sexual stuff as i fall asleep when i am in my horniest, i genuinely could only dream of ever having sex so it's a good replacement for loneliness

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