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How Do I Loose My Virginity? Anonymous 13131

’m really starting to believe I’ll never be in a relationship, I'm just too ugly I guess. sigh I’m tired of waiting. Most of all I want to loose my virginity. Having a one night stand would be far from ideal but I’m just so sexually frustrated that as time goes on I find myself increasingly opening up to the idea. I really want to experience the pleasures of sex. But if it’s going to be a one time thing I want to make it worth my while. I want to be fucked stupid and I want the dude to be really fucking hot. I’m extremely paranoid about online dating. Meeting strangers just sounds scary but should I just take the plunge? Maybe I’ll find something good? Or maybe I’ll just get pregnant or an STI. Too risky. Knowing my location there's probably nothing good on there.

Anonymous 13132

If you're on the autistic or schizo spectrum you probably just find sex and relationships as carnal things without importance and inconsequential, really just like drinking a bottle of water.
Try online dating with the right amount of wariness, or as an alternative to meet people in the flesh quickly and in a controlled environment, you can look for swinger clubs and spas in your area, the entrance for those establishments is generally free of charge for women or it doesn't cost very much. I've got some female friends who claim to have lost their virginity in such a club, but then the guys generally don't want to stay in a long term relationship

Anonymous 13136

Just buy a dildo and break your hymen for yourself and be done with it, it will be more pleasurable than most men could provide tbh

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