
Let's talk about nudes Anonymous 136
>Do you take them?
>What if anything do you edit out?
>Face visible or not?
>Favorite angles?
>Favorite body parts to show off?
>Do you send them out? If yes, to whom?
>Do you post them publicly?
>Or semi-publicly?
>How do you feel about it?
>Ever been recognized by someone you know?
>Good experiences
>Creepy experiences
Anonymous 137
I used to when I was younger but i always went by the rule of "don't take a photo you wouldn't mind being displayed on a billboard" so I never really went mega lewd like some people do
Anonymous 138

>Do you take them?
>What if anything do you edit out?
Blemishes and the occasional hair
>Face visible or not?
No face. I only take pictures that I'd technically be okay with leaking, so I keep them as anonymous as I can.
>Favorite angles?
Just standing/kneeling from the front
>Favorite body parts to show off?
Boobs and labia!
>Do you send them out? If yes, to whom?
My boyfriend, some girl friends.
>Do you post them publicly?
I post some artsy ones occasionally.
>How do you feel about it?
It's nice to get positive feedback on my body and I'm not worried about backlash since I'm not ashamed.
>Ever been recognized by someone you know?
>Good experiences
I posted on GW once and was surprised how nice people were. I mostly got really friendly messages and even girls just telling me I look great.
>Creepy experiences
Long winded incest fantasies in my inbox.
Pic isn't me but I wonder if we should have a thread for self posting.
Anonymous 143
My rule of thumb is never send spread vagina or include vag close ups because if my nudes get leaked, that shit is as about as unclassy as you can get. I'd at least want to look cute or a bit demure if I'm naked.
Anonymous 145
>Do you take them?
Yes, but not so much lately.
>What if anything do you edit out?
I just try to frame it nicely, don't like having full-on vagina in the picture, doesn't fit my ~aesthetic.
>Face visible or not?
Honestly I feel like my face makes the picture funny, so only if I can pull a "sexy face".
>Favorite angles?
Booty, boob shots above waist with maybe my chin visible.
>Favorite body parts to show off?
Da butt. Also my waist but I don't think that counts?
>Do you send them out? If yes, to whom?
Yes, only to my boyfriend. I think he's the only one I've sent nudes to.
>Do you post them publicly?
>Or semi-publicly?
>How do you feel about it?
If I can get a good shot it makes me feel really good about my body.
>Ever been recognized by someone you know?
Bf always recognizes da butt.
>Good experiences
Making the boy happy and knowing that his dick just got hard bc of me. It's pretty cool.
>Creepy experiences
None, thank god.
Now with all the hackers hacking clouds we're both creeped out, so we don't do it anymore.
Anonymous 147
>Do you take them?
>What if anything do you edit out?
I just search for the angles/frames that I like. No edits.
>Face visible or not?
Before (casual dating): not visible at all
Currently (serious relationship): sometimes visible, sometimes not.
>Favorite angles?
Boobs. Butt. "Bended" positions.
>Favorite body parts to show off?
Boobs and butt
>Do you send them out? If yes, to whom?
My boyfriend.
>Do you post them publicly?
Hell no.
>How do you feel about it?
It's not that I'm ashamed of my body or anything like that. Rather, I'm more worried about the people I work with (specially the big bosses) and future employers stumbling upon my nudes. That's pretty much my major reason.
>Ever been recognized by someone you know?
Nope. Though I did get a "you know, you kinda look like this porn star…" from some people. And yes, those people all mentioned the same porn star.
>Good experiences
Helps keep our sex life fun and…creative? :)) And I absolutely love the fact of making dicks (guys previously I dated, my boyfriend) hard because of my nudes.
>Creepy experiences
None! Thank God!
Anonymous 152
>Do you take them?
>What if anything do you edit out?
nothing, maybe the brightness
>Face visible or not?
usually not, I usually send faceless nudes. I have sent the occasional one with my face in it, but that was only to an ex that I knew I could trust.
>Favorite angles?
I like angles where you can see my whole body in.
>Favorite body parts to show off?
The whole of my body is more aesthetically pleasing than one part, but I do like to squish my boobs together and curate nice cleavage shots. My vulva area is quite nice, too.
>Do you send them out? If yes, to whom?
Only to people I am close to. Three people in my entire life so far.
>Do you post them publicly?
No, but I have had them posted publicly (deleted later).
>Or semi-publicly?
>How do you feel about it?
The person in question deleted them. Hurt, betrayed, but not surprised given who they are.
>Ever been recognized by someone you know?
No, thank God.
Anonymous 153
I used to camwhore on a popular imageboard from my country like 2 years ago because I was in a bad place and in need of attention. Only now I realized that I will forever have the risk of all those pictures being sent to employers and all this things you don't think about when you're 19.
Kinda makes me want to die, but well at least my face is not on the nudes themselves.
Anonymous 163
>>153i feel like a lot of girls have gone through this weird ~*artsy*~ nude phase at least once in their life. it's okay, anon! you live and you learn. and you probably are safe since none of them have your face in 'em. i was pretty terrible. i posted a bunch of lewd shit on tumblr and instagram when i was underage. fuckin pathetic but i'm glad i've grown out of underage hoeing on the internet.
>Do you take them?yes
>What if anything do you edit out?nothing
>Face visible or not?depends but usually no
>Favorite angles?i like how i look when i stretch standing up or kneeling/squatting
>Favorite body parts to show off?boobs, tummy and waist
>Do you send them out? If yes, to whom?boyfriend and one close girl friend
>Do you post them publicly?>Or semi-publicly?the most recent public ~*nude*~ thingy was a gif thread of my boyfriend and i on 4chan lmao
>How do you feel about it?i only care about my family seeing it but then i'm not so worried either 'cause it's with my long term partner.
>Ever been recognized by someone you know?yes
>Good experiencessending each other nudes back and forth when we're apart really does spice it up! knowing that your partner is getting off to you when they're away.
>Creepy experiencesit being spread around and getting approached for it. also knowing that people you know or don't having it.
Anonymous 311
I take nudes sometimes still, but I took them a lot more when I was younger. I didn't lose my virginity until pretty late (24) and I guess it was a way to get sexual validation without, well, sex. I liked showing off my back/ass a lot, and my stomach, my chest was never really big. I never posted them publically, but one time, someone did as retaliation for me not sending more (still don't understand the logic) on a message board. I was a moderator at the time and other mods got mad at me, I stepped down and left the community.
Anonymous 313
I still take ass pics sometimes, which is the only thing I'm comfortable doing, but I don't send them out anymore. I always wear underwear in them, so I don't really consider them nudes though.
I'm really cautious about who I choose to do that with now, because guys I used to sort of date would coerce me into sending them more than that and I was too young and impressionable to stand my ground and eventually gave in. It really ruined the entire experience for me, and I still get really angry and hurt when I think about it. Partly because I'm pissed off that guys are like that, and also at myself for not making the right decisions at the time.
I also used to send them to friends (both guys and girls) in group chats and my butt would get a lot of compliments and it made me feel good about my body. I don't think I have a lot of hang-ups about doing that now, and I wouldn't care much if they got leaked, but when it comes to sending private pics to guys the entire notion of it just pisses me off because I've seen where that road can lead. I'd have to be really certain that he's mature enough to handle the situation properly before I do that now.
Anonymous 336

>>136>Do you take them?Lots.
>What if anything do you edit out?Nothing, but count on me to put artsy filters on nudes.
>Face visible or not?Never.
>Favorite angles? I have some like either facing a little bit to the side or pointing the camera down to accentuate some parts of my body i'm fond of.
>Favorite body parts to show off?Butt, maybe belly if the guy is into chubby.
>Do you send them out? If yes, to whom?Yes, mostly to my bf or otherwise guys or girls i have prior long involvement with. It happened that i sent nudes on a whim before when i was really horny, but i try to restrain myself.
>Do you post them publicly?Nope.
>Or semi-publicly?Also no.
>How do you feel about it?It's nice to take pics when i feel good because looking at them when i feel bad makes me feel better. Also it's just really nice to know the other person is appreciating you as much as you appreciate yourself, and i think i'm kind of an exibitionist sOOOO overall i'm very into nudes.
>Ever been recognized by someone you know?Dunno, i pray not.
>Good experiencesAlmost all of them, but i particularly like trading nudes with one of my friends with benefits. He never fails to deliver good shit and our sexting is 10/10.
>Creepy experiencesI once traded nudes with some 50-yr old out of a random whim and raging hormones on Kik. -10/10 would not do again ever.
Anonymous 366
>>365That isn’t so unusual. They might have agreed on both of them having fwbs and stuff. Works for some.
Anonymous 374
>>373eh, not at all. I see quite a lot of couples trying it out or wanting to(again, isn’t for everyone, but works for some). just pointing that out to
>>365 because she(provided it’s not actually a robot) reacted like it was the first time she ever saw an example of an open relationship/poliamory.
Anonymous 623
They look like sticks and have zero to no boobs. Even saggy breasts are better than this tbqh.
Anonymous 629
Only time Ive ever "taken" and "send" nudes was in 4chan, many many years ago. Only boobs tho, no face ofc . I enjoyed it a lot because I received only compliments (lol). I even got one of those "-chan" monikers, even tho by 4chan "rules" you could only get one if you showed vagoo.
Ive never told anyone this before.
To be honest I wish I could find them now, since Im a bit older and my body is not as tight/fit as it was all those years ago.
Anonymous 655
>>629Chansluts still exists and the sort of people who post that sort of thing have big collections and long memories. If I were you I'd ask them.
Anonymous 658
>>655>>629I recently got into an online long distance relationship with a guy. After 6 months of talking, he convinces me to send him naughty pictures. He ghosts me shortly after that and I start seeing my pictures on 4 chan.
Anonymous 789
>Do you take them?
>What if anything do you edit out?
I am overweight so I tend to choose angles that conceal my stomach.
>Face visible or not?
No face
>Favorite angles?
Laying down on my side
>Favorite body parts to show off?
>Do you send them out? If yes, to whom?
I mostly take them for myself and delete them later but sometimes I send them to my boyfriend on occasion.
>Do you post them publicly?
Absolutely not
Anonymous 790
>>658I worry about this shit all of the time. That's fucking terrible that he did that to you. Why do people pull this shit?
I sent an online bf a face pic a couple months back. A week later I was back to being alone, except with the added pleasure of having to worry about my face becoming a dank meme.
Anonymous 818
>Do you take them?
yes!! I love it
>What if anything do you edit out?
tattoos, scars, stuff on the background that would make me recognisable
>Face visible or not?
no way
>Favorite angles?
I'm still figuring out
>Favorite body parts to show off?
Butt and legs.
>Do you send them out? If yes, to whom?
I send them to guys I'm flirting or dating.
>Do you post them publicly?
Noppity nope.
Protip: take your noods at candlelight, illumination is so smooth
Anonymous 853
>Do you take them?
I have
>What if anything do you edit out?
nothing, but if I were to send them to someone I wasn't sure about, my face and any other easily identifiable traits.
>Face visible or not?
generally yes, but see above.
>Favorite angles?
generally anything that shows off my breasts well. i don't do it enough to have certain angles that are particularly good.
>Favorite body parts to show off?
beasts. they're the most attractive feature i have.
>Do you send them out? If yes, to whom?
yes, only to people I am involved with though. i may end up sharing with people i'm not so certain about one day, but i'm not sure.
>Do you post them publicly?
>Or semi-publicly?
>How do you feel about it?
it's good for situations where I can't meet my partner but want to make sure they know i think about them even when they're not around. would be a good way to make some extra money if i was attractive enough.
>Ever been recognized by someone you know?
the people i send them to.
>Good experiences
all of them, knowing I made the person i sent them to feel better is always good.
>Creepy experiences
Anonymous 1525

>Do you take them?
>What if anything do you edit out?
Rarely crop
>Face visible or not?
>Favorite angles?
Dont kno
>Favorite body parts to show off?
>Do you send them out? If yes, to whom?
Ppl who pay
>Do you post them publicly?
Sometimes for promo
>Or semi-publicly?
Spam chanz
>How do you feel about it?
I have less needy e - fucboiz on me since they already have Wat they would want
>Ever been recognized by someone you know?
My family, ex classmate
>Good experiences
>Creepy experiences
My aunt beating me up while holding them printed out
Anonymous 1599
>>136Sorry to necrobump this but how do you guys take the pics themselves? Do you take selfies? Use a timer? Use a mirror? I want to send nudes to my bf but i want them to be perfect, and i dont have big mirrors other than in the bathroom. I dont want to take bathroom selfies tho, i really want them to be nice artsy pictures. Do you know where i can find artsy inspo? Ironic that i get into this just after tumblr bans nudity, worst timing possible.