
Anonymous 13735
at what age did start getting an interest in sex, porn etc.?
Was it embarassing to you at first? or how did you feel about it
Anonymous 13738
I was 10 or so and it was after one of my friend's older sisters showed us porn at a sleepover (just to get a reaction I hope). I was already masturbating because it felt good and curious about sex and then suddenly there was this way I could see it anytime I wanted? Sign me up!
And now nearly 20 years on, I'm still battling porn addiction. Who could have seen this coming
Anonymous 13739
>>13735When I was 14, but I was a late bloomer.
Anonymous 13761
10 or 11 when I'd be drawn towards cleavage/drawing women in lingerie and drawing male tummies.
I had a weird fetish from age 7 to 10 but luckily I outgrew it.
I knew most of my interests were shameful. My first pornographic content was fanfiction at 12, then hentai at 13 and eventually 3DPD the same year. I was only open with my friends about gay porn and yaoi because I was embarrassed about my attraction to women.
I started masturbation at 14 because I decided "it's time" to figure out my genitals and I took it very seriously, like a chore. To this day I don't need to get off to enjoy a sexual encounter, I just love to see and cause pleasure.
Anonymous 13766
I want to say 15, but honestly it was probably at around 10. Someone at school left themself logged in at the library and I found a pirated softcore porno from the Philipines or something. My brain just suddenly made the connection between the mechanical/biological-machinery sex talk my dad gave me and the weird feelings of infatuation I had for my brother's best friend.
I was a little worried when I realised what I really wanted was to have sex with a boy who was more like an older brother, but my only experience of sex was as a private, sensual act between two people who loved each other, so it wasn't very damaging to my perceptions. What was embarassing was then attempting to seduce a teenager. My parents recognised it immediately and were so angry, but thankfully the target of my affections just thought I was a silly kid playing a roleplay game.
It's interesting to me that just that cheap softcore-drama would completely set my taste in explicit material for the rest of my life. Two people having sex under a sheet, with nothing but their faces and body posture visible, is so much more attractive to me than anything with nudity or closeups. I also fixate on what things could have been like if my crush was someone willing to take advantage of me and how my life would been radically different.
Anonymous 13775
>>13766the cia couldn't have tortured this info out of me, what the hell
Anonymous 13780
>>13775aw. I thought it was vulnerable and real and poignant, honestly. it reminded me of what it felt like to be a naive kid.
Anonymous 13791
My grandpa molested me at age 4 and my stepdad groomed me when I was a preteen so I guess it was that which actually got me thinking about sex. (He would leave his porn around the house for my sisters and I to see but he was such a fucking retard that he couldn’t actually get us to trust him enough to actually do anything with him.)
I learned to masturbate when I was 13 when I was fooling around with a pillow, and started looking at porn also at 13. The porn was never irl stuff, only drawings of characters from the shows and games I liked.
Am I a weird pervert?
Anonymous 14216
>>13735Not entirely sure of a clear age but I'd say around 8 or 9. I hit puberty at 8 but remember spending one day just watching porn all day on pornhub after seeing an popup ad of it on my dad's laptop and asking to use it, without really eating or coming downstairs. Everyone thought I was just playing games and I wasn't aroused by it at all, but remember getting off it for the day and being around family having a very weird, disorienting effect afterwards. I think I mostly tried to watch funny videos on there and was confused/bored by all the sex I was seeing.
I didn't masturbate until around a year afterwards. I also looked up "monster high naked" about a year before the porn incident and got in trouble for it though, so maybe even before that?
Anonymous 14218

I was 12 when I borrowed this book from my mom and the sex scenes blew my mind, since I had never encountered explicit fiction before. Up until that point I had thought of sex as this very mechanical act that couples did only when they wanted to have a baby (yeah I was really that sheltered) but then I learned about things like fingering and cunnilingus and started fantasizing about that. I never brought it up with my mom though, way too awkward. A few years later I was (unfortunately) given unsupervised internet access, ended up discovering hentai, and it was all downhill from there. I guess I'm just glad that I had a somewhat positive introduction to erotica though.
Anonymous 14219
I was abused as a kid and had inappropriate thoughts/behaviors, but I only started being interested in sex and knowing that at 13. I was grossed out by real people bodies so I looked at hentai/cartoon/fanfic stuff for years. A part of me is thankful I never looked at real porn, but I'm also sad I started out that way. I'm lucky my sexuality is mostly normal now and I don't look at any porn (2D or real).
Anonymous 14220
>>13766i was holding my breath when you said you actually made advances on the teenager, so glad nothing came of that. i find this story quite sweet
Anonymous 14222
>>13780>>14220I was extremely lucky. He really thought of me like a little sister he needed to protect, so when I started being so obvious that even his oblivious self recognised it, he explained that I should be interested in boys my own age, then hastily changed that to boys my own age, when I was much older. I'll be honest that I still carry a torch for him even now, but he has a family and is very happy with his partner.
>>14218>I had thought of sex as this very mechanical act that couples did only when they wanted to have a babySo I'm not the only one. I blame my parents for letting my scientist dad have The Talk with me.
Anonymous 14236
>>13791no not your are weird, the ones who molested and groomed you are weird
that is the perpetrator introject, i had this too where i thought
>am i the pervert?look up
>perpetrator introjecton google
Anonymous 14268
I had accidentally discovered masturbating before I even knew what sex was and developed some weird kinks I'm not proud of. I've grown out of them thankfully.
Anonymous 14275
>>14236I don't have DID, so that's not it.
Anonymous 14279
>>14275nta but DID introjects are different, they have sort of own identity/self awarness.
normal introjects don't have that they could just be an idea or a way to think about yourself
Anonymous 14454
I think I accidentally discovered masturbation when I was around the age of 7. I don't remember exactly how, but I remember very clearly that my grandma gave me a severe beating because I kept humping a desk and took my pillow away for like a year for the same reason.
Then when I was around the age of 10 my mom would let me borrow her laptop pretty much every day, so I kept looking for pictures of Card Captor Sakura, Ranma and Sailor Moon. Somehow I ended up in a hentai site and became so infatuated with it that I wanted to look at it 24/7. This was also around the time I was learning about reproduction at school so it was kind of eye opening.
It was extremely embarrassing and something I only shared with my best friend at the time.
Anonymous 14455
I first saw pornography through a gay cam pop up scam when I was 7 or 8 while trying to download Final Fantasy VII on to a PC at my mother's workplace, lulz. I clicked out of it super fast because I knew I'd get in trouble but it sort of stuck with me mentally because it was the first time I had seen a man without clothes. I didn't actively search for it again until I was 10 when I sort of binge-watched across all sorts of categories to see what I would like but found it all weird and off-putting, which I still do. I spent a lot of time on the computer quite young and saw a lot of things very early, I had a fascination with watching gore around age 10/11 as well. I don't say that to be edgy, I feel like it wired my brain quite badly and I wish I hadn't gone down that path. I remember when I was 12 on a Skype call with a friend who was 15, we were going through that 'run the gauntlet' challenge together and I lightheartedly made fun of him for having to look away from the screen and he said something about how most people would and that was the first time I realized my interest in those things was actually pretty abnormal. I also didn't understand that incest and, to a lesser extent, rape were wrong until someone explicitly told me because both seemed normalized to me through the content I consumed. I tried masturbation for the first time when I was 10 but didn't orgasm until I was 12.
Wow it feels weird to confess this, never really had female friends with whom I could just talk normally about things like this.
Anonymous 14670
16, i used to torrent old playboy magazines and before that i just had 2 pages from a fashion magazine i had where the pose of the model was sensual in nature