
Anonymous 14327
Virgins by choice?
I noticed that even most radfems or "femcels" have had sex or have sex actively but there are not so many people who are virgins by choice or are there?
Are here any virgins by choice besides me? Do you plan ever to lose virginity?
Anonymous 14328
>>14327How would you qualify people that are virgins but also in a relationship? I just don't have sex with my bf. It's been about 6 years now.
Anonymous 14329
>>14327"Virgin by choice" here. I really don't want to have sex before marriage, and my reasoning is twofold.
First, the idea that I have sex with some moid, and then he leaves me and never speaks with me again, is so absolutely disgusting to me. I hate moids so much, and to me it's so repulsive to be touched by one, especially when it gives the moid perverted pleasure. What I fear is that I may have a lapse of judgement, and think some moid is better than the rest and that he loves me, and let him have sex with me, only it turns out he's as filthy as every other moid, and then he leaves me because he never truly loved me, and then I have to live with retroactive repulsion. The only way to defend against this is to not have sex before marriage, because then there's that promise of commitment. Of course, it's not a perfect defense, since he may turn out to be a scumbag anyways, but most likely by the time we get married I would be able to see if he's good or not.
Second, I want a virgin husband. I don't want to love and devote my life to some stupid moid who goes around fucking other women. Now, obviously, I can't demand a virgin unless I were a virgin myself. Also, I'm sure virgin men, who aren't disgusting incels but are actually decent and choose to be virgins, would also want a virgin.
Anonymous 14330
>>14328I'm relieved to read this because moids usually demand sex in relationship because it's "human nature"
Anonymous 14331
>>14327Virgin by choice and I don't plan to ever fuck in the future so I'm not holding out for marriage or anything I'm just really serious about hating men
Anonymous 14332
>>14330He's the only moid I've ever encountered to be like that. He doesn't care about sex and doesn't understand why it's so glorified. I don't know why he ended up like this but he spent most of his childhood/teenagehood reading books and away from the internet.
Anonymous 14333
I was harassed and ostracized throughout my teens and early 20s, emotionally and verbally abused by men I dated, for being a virgin. But looking back on it maybe it was my choice not to give into that peer pressure. I only plan on losing my virginity in marriage, which is impossible because all moids are sex pests and scrotes only want virgins when they're children.
Anonymous 14334
I wanted to save it for when I got a bf but I didn't find one until last year. It's an ldr though so I'm still a virgin at 26. I wouldn't say I'm a virgin by choice really either though, cuz I want sex but just like loving sex in the confines of a relationship.
Anonymous 14335
>>14331Same. I am virgin for life. Even tho msny people say you are too young to know I think 99% I won't change my mind.
Anonymous 14336
>>14332>He doesn't care about sex and doesn't understand why it's so glorifiedNona, I don't think I can believe that.
Anonymous 14337
I'm a virgin by choice too. I don't think sex will be enjoyable for me unless it's with someone I love and I've never met a man who I think I could fall in love with so…
Anonymous 14338
>>14336That's okay. I'm not trying to convince anyone. Moids like these have 0.0009% spawn rate.
Anonymous 14339
>>14338He is secretly gay and fucking dudes behind your back, lol.
Anonymous 14340
>>14339Not the same anon, but shit I think you're probably right kek
Anonymous 14341
Early 30s and khhv. I'm not sure about the "by choice", since it might've been different if I experienced life up til now differently. However, I do believe that I'll remain a virgin for the rest of my life.
Anonymous 14342
>>14341>I do believe that I'll remain a virgin for the rest of my life.You're not missing anything… Hell your life's probably more rich than mine.
Anonymous 14343
>>14342Honestly, by now sex has become an alien concept that has nothing to do with me. The fact that I'm a virgin isn't something I think or worry about. Although I doubt my life is richer than yours. I'm sure you have plenty of richness yourself.
Anonymous 14344
If I deserved a relationship then I would have had it by now. If I deserved intimacy I would have had it by now too. I haven't, so I don't deserve it. I must be broken, or wrong on some fundamental level. I suppose I'll just die alone, and in some ways I've come to terms with that.
Anonymous 14345
I'm waiting for marriage like many anons here, second poster mentioned being afraid of a moid abandoning you after getting pussy and I have the same fear. I don't really feel ready for PIV sex either, I've been assraped so I think that has given me a mental barrier concerning penetration sex.
Anonymous 14346
No, this is library
Anonymous 14347
Wdym? Real girls don't want to be virgin ny choice?
Anonymous 14348
>>14327I'm an early-30s khhv by choice because I hate the idea of being used. Men hug women to feel our breasts and they kiss us and then say they want oral sex. It's bizarre that they claim to love us when all they do is use.
Anonymous 14349
Just turned 26, not even a conscious "choice" but I never even really wanted to actually engage with real moids. I'm a fujoshi and a yumejoshi and it honestly suffices to me. I guess I'm a sperg too so your milleage may vary.
Anonymous 14351
>>14348Bruh that's so true, the hugging thing then wanting their dick sucked, but when I say it I get called a pornsick fetishist by other women. I would dread dating men knowing the price you pay for a hug in which only truly men are held and they want that sex shit after cause unfortunately sex provides men love and hugging is not enough for them while as a woman doing one sided shit like this is a slavery so women prefer just hugging to experience a crumb of love. Men idea of love is probably being services. How can women have bfs and meet up with them knowing that they have to suck off dick when they meet
Anonymous 14352
>>14327You’re not alone, I’m a virgin by choice too. Men have made it very clear that they see sex as a way to dominate and destroy women, so I’m never going to let a man do that to me. The way they get so excited about virgins is really disturbing to me too. I was always told that when I lose my virginity it’s going to hurt and I’m going to bleed, but they think it’s exciting. I can’t help but wonder if the thought of tearing a woman apart and making her bleed is what makes it so exciting for them.
Anonymous 14353
>>14352It's not only men… Sex - seeking stimulation and as women in straight sex we have to self violate to get stimulation and the so called love and social status of a romantic relationship. Then accommodate our identity to these natural conditions and be a "pickme" "masochist" aka regular woman that fucks men. It's not something we choose to be stimulated by. It's our body that caged us like this. I just saw a moid saying that when his new gf texted him that she wants him to facefuck her, he decided to marry her and I thought.. What's the point of existing as a woman if violence in sex is natural because it's human sexual desire and this act is really so common and desired by women. that you can't sweep it off as porn influence. They do it cause it stimulates them. It's like we're supposed to give up and get abused, accommodate ourselves to liking it or be alone forever
Anonymous 14354
>>14352>The way they get so excited about virgins is really disturbingThat's mostly a 4chan thing. IRL it's fairly common for men to think virgin women are too much extra work/responsibility.
Anonymous 14355
>>14354yes, and they see virgin women as having something seriously wrong with them the older they remain that way.
Anonymous 14356
>>14337My mind can't even get into sex even tho every het woman is stimulated by the same shit in sex, its not our choice, its biology. But my mind is incompatible with this submissive receptive position, I wouldn't let go and become "mindless" to get into it. My mind would refuse, for years I wondered why and ofc since theres no sex education and other women want to murder you for naming sex for what it is and refuse to admit the submission and degradation and disgusting acts that make my stomach and throat tighten up and give me acid reflux sometimes when I think about them and feel violated and terrorized by other women doing them and oppressed by my own biology for putting me in this position, overeal I'm into being masculine and dominant which contradicts my biology and I can't get stimulation from being dominant because the female body is submissive in straight sex like to the core. So basically I'm asexual and sex terrifies me because of my mind not getting into it so how the fuck would I be able to date a moid and have sex. I would suffer so much and I still live in fear and threat of being forced. Being a virgin and sex repulsed is actually terrifying as a woman, it's hard to not despise my own biology. It took me years to notice my terror and physical reactions to certain sexual things(I never had sex) and then I tried to see if my disgust is fixable because of people's judgments and I have explored it to the core and its not. I'm just disgusted by violence while its natural so other women think im a freak because their minds see this degrading submissive shit as ok. All I ever wanted in life is to be left the fuck alone.
Anonymous 14357
I'm a khv by choice, I'm 20 and I refuse to touch someone who most likely sees me as subhuman and inherently inferior. I'm not even a terminal man hater and the person I'm closest to is male (twin brother), I'm just realistic about the way men see women. Wether men say a woman is a fragile property to be cherished or a disgusting whore they can't see us as full humans. I guess if I met a nice virgin boy my age who actually shows me that he likes me as a person I would be willing to get married and then lose my virginity. But I'm sure that won't happen since I'm a sperg who doesn't go out and men like that are incredibly rare/marry early.
Anonymous 14358
Not sure where I fall on this. I tried to save myself for marriage but ended up getting raped twice. I pretend I'm still a virgin but I know I'm not. Sometimes I just wish I could shoot them in the head. I think the trauma made me think I'm ace, but I'd still one day like to have someone I can trust enough to have sex with. But too bad some shitheads ruined that for me.
Anonymous 14359
>>14358Rape can't take away virginity, the same way a married woman being raped isn't adultery. So you're still a virgin.
Anonymous 14360
>>14357>men like that are incredibly rare/marry early.Maybe if you were in your 30's, but there's actually a decent amount of zoomer moids your age that are lonely and even virgin. It's quite an epidemic actually
Anonymous 14361
>>14329>The only way to defend against this is to not have sex before marriagemoid hands typed this.
Anonymous 14362
>>14339>tfw no comfy closetfag bf to have a chill sham relationship with Anonymous 14363
>>14361that isn't a male position at all, most males hate women who want to wait for marriage.
Anonymous 14364
>>14363Most normie males, sure.
It's an incredibly common stance for socially retarded, chronically online moids, who would like to infiltrate a niche imageboard like cc though.
Anonymous 14365
>>14364It's an incredibly common stance for socially retarded, chronically online women also.
Anonymous 14366
>>14361It’s very common for women to believe they can protect themselves from men by making the right choices or complying with their demands.
Anonymous 14367
Most other females are not Femcels and just like Larping. I've never had sex a day in my life. Some femcels even say that it doesn't count if they didn't like the boy. It's the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my entire fucking life.
At least the male wizards are more consistent with their inceldom.
Anonymous 14368
>>14361>moid calling other people moidspls leave
Anonymous 14370
>>14339Possibly, the more innocent explanation is
the usage of SSRIs, which can promote asexual tilt, as one of the side effects of those kind drugs.
Anonymous 14371
>>14329Good to know I’m not alone in my insecurities. Men have these rejection / abandonment insecurities too, so knowing that makes them less scary.
Anonymous 14372
>>14367Why you call other women "females"?
Anonymous 14373
I'm 19, never dated or had sex, I kissed one moid last year when I was very drunk and it was my first time meeting him. I am celibate somewhat by choice but also because of my opportunities/ situation. I want my first time to be with someone I am dating and every scrote in my life has repulsed me once I have gotten to know them. I also think I'm a bit clapped which definitely hinders my options, I've been hit on once within the past year IRL and it was a 30 year old creepy scrote, I'm attractive enough online with my camera inverted but I only know of one male who has been romantically interested in me IRL my whole life.
So I'm half volcel maybe… I think a lot of other femcels are in similar circumstances (having standards and being slightly ugly)
Anonymous 14374

>>14327I don’t really consider myself to be a femcel since the word has certain connotations, so I guess I think of myself as being more of a volcel. I’m 21 years old, I’ve never been in any sort of relationship, never held anyone’s hand, never kissed, you get the idea. I’ve had crushes on men and women before but I’ve never made my feelings known. I do want companionship and romance and I like to fantasize about having a family of my own someday, but I also think that I’m not quite mentally healthy enough to have a proper relationship, at least not now. I’m kind of avoidant, definitely depressed, I have low self esteem, things like that. Relationships require a lot of communication and vulnerability, and I don’t think I can give that to someone, so I don’t try.
I think that it’s for the best that I’m single, not only to save myself from any possible pain or rejection (which I know sounds selfish but it’s true) but also because I feel that it’s an unfair burden to put on someone else, especially a romantic partner. I wouldn’t want them to feel like they have to be responsible for my happiness or mental health. It’s bound to get exhausting for them, and everyone has their own problems. They shouldn’t have to fix me, only I can fix me. The way I see it, I just want to avoid any possible pain for both parties.
Anonymous 14375
im so bad at talking to men that i seriously started considering going from femcel to fem volcel lately..
Anonymous 14376
>>14375How can you be bad at talking to men? Most of the time they do all the talking anyway.
Anonymous 14377
>>14376im scared of men i feel like they all hate me bc im a girl and their energy is always off, so i never feel comfortable to act like myself around them….i just stay quiet and its bc im quiet that they dont wanna talk to me lmao plus i think most of them r a bit stupid and shallow so we rarely have anything in common.
Anonymous 14378
>>14377I think men and women naturally don't have much in common and we wouldn't even associate if we didn't want sex. Before puberty it's mostly like this, then you start getting horny and it changes. I had zero interest in boys until one day biology forced me. And now I suffer because of it.
Anonymous 14379
>>14378i agree to an extent. a few of my girl friends have genuine male friends who wouldnt try to persue them sexually or romantically. i met those guys they're actually nice but i still think we have nothing in common. and i have no idea how my friends befriended the honestly?? but yeah i feel like being attracted to men while not being platonically compatible with them is a curse. knowing i have to hang out with a guy alone in order to find a bf just makes me want one even less…
Anonymous 14382
I don't get this sex thing. Standing on all fours and letting someone bone you sounds like a humiliation ritual. Having genitals in your mouth is just as bad. Sex is invasive and weird, and it's in no way related to love.
Anonymous 14383

>>14382>I don't get this sex thing. Standing on all fours and letting someone bone you sounds like a humiliation ritual. Having genitals in your mouth is just as bad. Sex is invasive and weird, and it's in no way related to love.How do you explain women who crave this humiliation ritual?
Anonymous 14385
>>14383Its what women learn from a young age. The media is full of sexual humiliation targeted towards women. You can stumble upon very degrading porn very easily, call girls and porn are (or atleast were) advertised in normal magazines and on tv. Its normalized and familiar.
Also if you get an honest response the vast majority of women who do casual sex will tell you about how anxiety inducing it is.
No one actually, comfortably likes humiliating sex.
Anonymous 14391
>>14382>Having genitals in your mouth is just as badTry 69ing, it's amazing, both of you trying to pleasure the other as much as you can, because the other doing it feels so good you want return the favor
Anonymous 14392
>>14391…Great, now someone else has genitals in their mouth too. 2x disgusting.
Anonymous 14398

>>14382>>14385Did the media brainwash all the animals on earth for the past billion years too?
Anonymous 14399
I was originally too anxious about being naked in front of other people, I was super self-conscious about my body. I wanted to have sex but just couldn't take that step, so the very few relationships I had ended relatively quickly. Over time I've just decided I don't want to bother with overcoming that. I'm fine on my own and absolutely don't need sex from others, I'm good enough for me.
Anonymous 14406
>>14398The second post you're linking is clearly talking about things like casual sex and porn-style shit, which is absolutely conditioned. This is different from just sex as-is, which is what OP is talking about. Using the same response for both doesn't really work.
Anonymous 14437
>>14370tbh you might be onto something. I'm
>>14328 and he does use SSRIs
Anonymous 14440
>>14327I don't really know if this counts or not, but I've never had sex because I want my first time to be a woman, and despite being a woman myself I grew up in a house full of brothers and work in a male-dominated field so I don't ever really meet any other women. I dated a man once in my teens and even kissed him but I always hated doing it, so when he brought up the topic of sex I broke up with him rather then lose my v-card. I'm too scared to go to lesbian meet-ups because I'm scared it'll turn out that I'm not actually attracted to women after all, and I don't wanna fuck with someone like that. I'm pretty ugly so nobody wants to experiment with me, and at 22 I think I'm kind of too old for that anyways. I don't plan on ever having sex with a man, and I don't think any women will come my way, so that's that.
Anonymous 14445
>>14383Men craving this humiliation ritual too. And I don’t understand it.
Anonymous 14447
>>14383>>14445Someone might say it's the "job" of living things to engage in reproductive acts, no matter the humiliation