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How to bring up porn to my bf without it seeming weird? Anonymous 14473

Basically I want to ask him if he watches porn but I don't want to bring it out of the blue so how do I spin the conversation to that? I regret not doing it when I had the chance to

As far as our relationship goes there is nothing wrong with it in fact he lvoes me unconditionally and he seems like a honest person. He's hard working and a bit nerdy

As for sex he is willing to do anything I get turned on by and he doesnt push for anything nor has problems with staying hard

The only thing that threw me off is he uses porn-coded words sometimes but I wouldn't describe it as disrespectful though

I mean it's obvious he watched before being in a relationship with me but I find it wrong to watch it while dating

Anonymous 14475

>porn-coded words

What do you mean lol

Something like >>14474?

Anonymous 14476

If you just ask him out of the blue it probably wouldn't even bother him that much. It's not really a weird thing to ask and it's very understandable not to want your moid to watch porn while in a relationship with you.

Anonymous 14478

Like saying he would love to creampie me. I know what he's talking about and I find it hot but the word makes me iffy because of porn addicted faggotry

Anonymous 14508

maybe I'm too naive, but I wouldn't worry about that. Unfortunately a bunch of porn-coded words as you called them just seep into regular internet lingo.
I know this one guy who is an absolute prude and still knows and occasionally uses a few of them

Anonymous 14521

if you know the word, he might the same way

Anonymous 14708

all scrotes watch porn. If he says no, he is lying

Anonymous 14742

This. Everyone watches porn. No exceptions.

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