
Anonymous 14524
Why are men such whores?
Anonymous 14525
There are two possible motivations in most things. Reward, and punishment. Both have costs for anyone who attempts to offer them to others; a punishment carries a social cost for the punisher just as certainly as a reward carries a price for the donor. Hangmen and headsmen used to have their own traceable bloodlines, like a form of negative nobility, from the stigma.
The reward for having sex with a lot of women is having sex with a lot of women. The punishment for having sex with a lot of women is that other men see him as a sexual threat. The trouble is that acting upon that social threat is itself a sign that a given man feels particularly sexually threatened; it is then the man who is insecure and threatened by another's success who loses social and sexual and financial opportunities in the future.
The reward for not having sex with enough women is nonthreatening entrance to social spaces in which intermale sexual competition is discouraged. Such spaces are few and far between, and seem to be decreasing in number with the socialmediafication of social spaces, and this entrance is only dubiously rewarding. The punishment for not having sex with enough women is direct social exile from most male spaces in which sexual competition is part of the emotional pulse. And exile is still instinctively treated as a death sentence, even though it is no longer legally considered a form of capital punishment (which it was, legally and practically, for most of human history).
Nothing is ever going to offset the inter-male social importance of sex with women. In real life most adult male friendships are very, very shallow. And for all the talk there is of "inter-female bullying is too subtle too smart blah blah"–men are often worse with regards to that form of bullying too, it's just that it makes up a smaller percentage, not a smaller count of occurrences. The other problem being that a lot of time that "subtle" "indirect" "non-physical" interfemale bullying is blindingly obvious to everyone, your teachers did in fact know exactly what was happening and are making excuses.
This is the problem with the idea that men are even able to socially shame other men for being players. Any individual man who attempts to do that is signalling himself for social removal and this is made clear from a very early age. Which is also why it is inherently unwise to rely on men to in any way address sexual abusers who are within or atop the male hierarchy. They might frequently begrudge Donald Trump or Bill Clinton the sexual violence against women that they have both allegedly perpetrated, but living within the male power structure requires that they make the same Devil's Bargain and make the same excuses that your teacher made about certainty or fairness or visibility when Lauren elbowed you in the solar plexus every single week for seven months running.
Not that women have any fundamental power to socially shame men for having sex with lots of women either. The act in and of itself refutes the source of shaming in that case. Since it would either be "he had sex with Lauren, who used to beat you up a lot, and with Megan, and Susan, …. but not you, eh? And now you're mad at him? That it?" Or it would be "you didn't have any problem with him having sex with Lauren and Megan and Susan when he was also having sex with you, eh?" Or, "oh, I see, you suddenly became jealous when after he left you he had sex with Megan, and Susan, and Lauren, yeah jealousy's an ugly look for a woman but you've got to understand this sort of hystrionic woman display is why nobody intervened when Lauren used to beat you up."
Anonymous 14526
>>14525Damn who's this Lauren and why tf did she beat you up?
Anonymous 14527
>>14526You know that girl who's dad treated her like a princess after the divorce and whose mom used to punch her when she got drunk? The one who started to get that fucking gleam in her eye the moment she realized that she could indulge in physical violence against a smaller and weaker woman just like mom?
That's Lauren.
Anonymous 14529
>>14525Really good and detailed post that completely covers the issue. Thanks for the read!
Anonymous 14565
The main problem is that lots of women look for men who have been preselected by other women. We know most moids are ugly, gross garbage, only fit to be paypigs at best, hence why lots of moids are single and sexless. But the few men that aren't trash are almost always getting attention from other women. So, if we want to stop men (the ones that actually matter) from being sluts, we have to return to shamming femsluts. Good luck with that.
>>14525>Not that women have any fundamental power to socially shame men for having sex with lots of women either.Yes, but we used to shame femsluts that would fuck around all the time. My grandma used to tell me stories about how a known slut was excluded from almost everything if the women in her community had anything to do with the organizing. I have no idea how this could be done today, so it seems we are locked into a race to the bottom or who can be the biggest slut.
Anonymous 14567

>>14565We need to spread memes that slut-shame men until they become mainstream
Anonymous 14569
>>14567Eh, idk about that. Every instance of slut-shaming moids, including your example, just makes them look more effeminate. Which is nice in theory, but that's how you end up with soft boy crybabies and male feminist types, which ironically are a lot more of a headache to deal with than just regular guys. Guys' feminine side is only really hot, for me at least, when it's juxtaposed by the fact that at any point he could just pick me up and rearrange my guts if he wanted to.
The few guys that are worth dating, are exactly the kind that doesn't give two shits about being "slut-shamed" and fold under peer pressure, which is what makes them hot to begin with.
Just don't date fuckboys (which really shouldn't be that difficult if you're not a turbo autist with a non-existent judge of character). I'd much rather just accept the fact that my bf fucked like 5 other women before me, than have to take care of some guy who collects funko pops unironically, and will throw a tantrum when I don't want to fuck him with a strap on while indulging his SPH fetish.
Anonymous 14575
>>14569>don't date fuckboys>my bf fucked like 5 other women before meYou're contradicting yourself here lmao
Anonymous 14576
>>145755 is pretty reasonable. If you take into account the fact that if he's good looking and charismatic, every part of society will nudge him into sleeping with as many women as possible.
If he's not a fuckboy he'll probably have 1-2 one night stands, realize that they're retarded and pointless and date like three other women before I pass him in the hallway and clumsily trip and drop my stack of papers that I was carrying, and while he generously helps me put them back together our hands touch and our eyes meet and then our souls become cosmically linked for all eternity.
Anonymous 14577

>>14576>5 is pretty reasonableSure, if you like being a cuck.
Anonymous 14578
>>14577Why going with virgins is a good idea? Go
Anonymous 14579

>>14578Would you rather have a brand new bottle of coke, or one that's been inside several vaginas?
Anonymous 14583
>>14578Men are not really human and do not ever really rise to the moral level of animals or living beings in general, since a puppy's existence and presence in an owner's life is more or less self-justifying. This is very difficult for highly maternal women to understand since there is a strong temptation to think of sons as though they were self-justifying like puppies. But that thought process is disordered and we even have the term "boymom" for that specific delusion.
The proper frame of reference for a male is a mechanism.
Our human relationship to mechanisms is purpose-driven.
A machine for harvesting crops is a productive farming implement and a man who harvests crops for you is likewise useful.
A malfunctioning but productive machine requires either repair or replacement.
Now, when it comes to sex. When you think of a device that is used for sex, there are two varieties. The kind that is used to facilitate sex with another person (definitionally with a woman, see above), and the kind that is used without another person. These two varieties should not be confused for each other.
Some men might be useful in facilitating sex between two women or as proxies for intimacy with another woman, but those are rare. Usually a man is the shameful secret to be hidden in the lockable drawer away from friends or partners' eyes. And with that kind of device in mind, be honest - would you rent or buy a used vibrator? One that had probably seen multiple tours through other women's butts when they were feeling experimental?
Anonymous 14586
>>14583I'm starting to understand why some of you are chronically single holy shit.
Anonymous 14591
>>14586I don't want trash in my life, ever
Anonymous 14592
If men who are desired by women had sex with only 1-2 women, then most women would have to settle with men no woman wants.
Anonymous 14593
>>14592Or they are men who can't trust women
Anonymous 14594
>>14592So whats the solution? Majority of women having to accept becoming femcels?
Anonymous 14598
>>14596So man whores it is then. Rewarding shitty moids shitty behavior.
Anonymous 14603
>>14598Unless you find a way to truly flip sexual drive, you're out of luck. yes there are asexuals and low drive men, just like there are asexuals and high drive women, but men on average seem to want to have sexual intercourse a lot due to social reasons, "need", and validation from peers, or simply because they like it.
Prescribing medicines which take the libido down could work, but then you'd need to give women something which makes theirs skyrocket.
Would be an interesting experiment for sure
Anonymous 14606
>>14604>virgin bf that reluctantly lets me peg and humiliate him and is easily gaslit into being a cuckoldIt's not gaslighting. It's a normal biochemical process that occurs in the brain at the moment of loss of virginity in male mammals that makes an indelible sexual impression tied to the circumstances and behaviors under which they lost their virginity. Sexual cathexis in response to sexual intercourse is obviously evolutionarily favorable in species where sexual success has some element of socialization. Including extremely sexually promiscuous mammals, like rats, so it's not a matter of imprinting on a specific partner.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0031938413002539This is how male brains work because it is how their brains are supposed to work. A social environment of intense female sexual competition for one male will make the sexual stimulus depend on interfemale competition in which any one woman's victory is impossible because it is precisely her sexual insecurity that is cathexized. An environment of intense male competition in which he was a secondary or tertiary partner, however…
No gaslighting to it. Really you don't need to do much of anything at all.
Anonymous 14607
tranny hands types these
Anonymous 14608
>>14592>If men who are desired by women had sex with only 1-2 women,>then most women would have to settle with men no woman wants.I don't get it. Are you saying that woman want virgins but can't get them, or what?
Anonymous 14609
>>14608NTA, the argument is if desirable moids would get married to their first partner then the majority left would be undesirable. Its the 80/20 fallacy.
Anonymous 14610
>>14609No, the fallacy is that it has anything to do with virginity. The statement
>if desirable moids would get married then the majority left would be undesirableis already true. Adding "to their first partner" creates a false cause.
Anonymous 14612

>>14606>ummm akshually…I ain't reading all that lil sis. Keep on keeping on though.
Stay sparkly girliepop.
Anonymous 14613
>>14611>Moids>Feeling shameThey'd have to have self awareness first. Why would they feel shame anyway when they get validation from pickmes?
Anonymous 14619
>>14524Fuck you OP. I hate seeing this image any time I come across it because it reminds me of the fact I've only had one relationship, while my bf has had 3-5. Literally just ruined my appetite.
Anonymous 14620
>>14619Maybe you should hold yourself accountable for accepting being number 6.
Anonymous 14621
>when he's number 15 for you and you are his first:
Anonymous 14622
>>14619>i delibaretly chose a slut for a bf and now i am angry>how can this be happening to me Anonymous 14631
>>14594the return of harems. i feel like there are a lot of women out there who would be willing to share one highly desirable and wealthy man with other women than settle for the trash that the majority of moids are.
Anonymous 14633

>>14631>The 6'10" sports star said,>"When you think about, like, mental health, and how important that is,">"I need, like, a harem.">"A sex doll that looks just like your wife is about mental health." Anonymous 14634
>>14524Real answer:
Males invest less on reproduction, especially mammal ones by default because they don't have to give birth and then feed their offspring with milk. Because of that the best strategy for males is to breed with as many females as possible, because their reproductive investment is only ejaculation. Mammal males are literally wired to be whores because its the best reproductive strategy for them, and when needed to fight other males so it is them who only reproduces with those females. This is why men have always cared so much about virginity of their wives to barbaric levels but rarely applied the same standards to themselves and other men.
Anonymous 14685
>>14634>>14631Most males should not reproduce. Their only use is to be free expendable fodder for us to use. If they don't like it, they can get a sexbot and fuck off.
Anonymous 14688
>>14631I legitimately would be OK with this but there are so few men deserving of it that it would never work.