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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 14551

Does anyone else hate blowjobs?
Both the idea and the actual act just seems so degrading and off-putting to me in a way I can't describe it.
Even with guys I was in love with I didn't like it.
My last ex never asked for one, but always went down on me and it was heaven. I don't like topping either, I still want a guy to take control.
Is there something wrong with me? Anyone here genuinely like blowjobs where you're not just doing it for the guy's sake, but because you like the actual act?

Anonymous 14552

I like my pussy eaten, he likes his dick sucked and we both like pleasuring one another. That's about it for me, I don't get a 'kick' out of the act itself.

Anonymous 14553

I don't mind them but I don't find them particularly enticing, it's just a thing people do

Anonymous 14555

have you ever had a guy chimp out at you for not doing it?

Anonymous 14559

No, I haven't been with that many partners. That sounds vile though.

From my experience, I prefer oral over fingering. I don't know if my partners have just been bad at it but, it feels way better to be eaten out. So, if it's the same for some men I can understand the desire for a blowjob. That being said if they 'chimp out' then there is something seriously wrong with them. My partners have never done that when I refuse to give a blowjob for whatever reason.

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