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Are male escorts worth it? Anonymous 14625

I'm an extremely horny, sexually frustrated virgin and I wanna pay a male escort to lick my pussy and make me cum. To those of you that have hired them, are male escorts worth it?

Anonymous 14626

Just listen to some asmr guy and get a vibrator.

Anonymous 14628

I'm afraid that strategy no longer works, hence my question

Anonymous 14629


Ask a friend and see if he's down to eating you out.
You can't expect noobs to be good at eating out tho but good points for trying

Anonymous 14632

I literally don't know anyone who would eat me out, no male friends.

Anonymous 14635

You need to lay off the gooning if masturbation doesn't work anymore

Anonymous 14638


Ok, then ask a female friend who's not prudish and is open minded, if possible, or tell her to bring a Magic wand or any vibrator and then you go

Anonymous 14640

>paying a moid to go down on you

your doing it wrong. they should pay you

Anonymous 14693

How would I even go about doing that? The moid would be the one that's in position of doing a favor to me

Anonymous 14694

Depends, where do you live?

Anonymous 14696

I decided to hire one for Valentine's day and it was so incredibly awkward, but I came twice and he made me feel more loved and desired than I've ever felt in my whole life. I know it's not real, but cumming from penetration as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck was so intensely erotic that I'll be thinking about it for the rest of my life. He was very expensive, but I think this one expenditure will provide me with many years of high quality masturbation material.

Anonymous 14697

Nona, you deserve to feel all that for real, not from a paid actor.

Anonymous 14698

I do not see why an illegal act of prostitution would be better, emotionally, morally or practically, than casual sex off of an app.
a person who is currently committing a crime with you seems more likely to commit a crime against you than one who is not currently in the act of committing a crime.

Anonymous 14700

Unless you live somewhere with legal prostitution.

Anonymous 14701

I thought so, too. I was wrong. It was still nice though. I've never had an orgasm as intense as that before.

Anonymous 14702

just use a dildo in the shower and shower head on the clit or at the beginning of the opening, the further away the water splash is the more intense the felling is, swap the dildo from smaller to bigger and move your legs in such a way that you can push it further inside using the walls of the shower

Anonymous 14703

wait two weeks so you can recover, the orgasm will be more intense then

Anonymous 14705

Oh shit escorts are like heroin

Anonymous 14706

What do you mean, you were wrong?

Anonymous 14707

She meant she was wrong in thinking that getting orgasms from paid actors was a sad thing. Now she thinks getting amazing orgasms from male escorts is a-ok

Anonymous 14709

I thought I deserved to feel that sense of connection for real, but life has proven me wrong.

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