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Are male escorts worth it? Anonymous 14625

I'm an extremely horny, sexually frustrated virgin and I wanna pay a male escort to lick my pussy and make me cum. To those of you that have hired them, are male escorts worth it?

Anonymous 14626

Just listen to some asmr guy and get a vibrator.

Anonymous 14628

I'm afraid that strategy no longer works, hence my question

Anonymous 14629


Ask a friend and see if he's down to eating you out.
You can't expect noobs to be good at eating out tho but good points for trying

Anonymous 14632

I literally don't know anyone who would eat me out, no male friends.

Anonymous 14635

You need to lay off the gooning if masturbation doesn't work anymore

Anonymous 14638


Ok, then ask a female friend who's not prudish and is open minded, if possible, or tell her to bring a Magic wand or any vibrator and then you go

Anonymous 14640

>paying a moid to go down on you

your doing it wrong. they should pay you

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