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/nsfw/ - xxx


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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Butt stuff Anonymous 1586

I can’t enjoy butt play. I’ve tried penises, fingers, and toys on many occasions. What am I doing wrong?

Anonymous 1587

gonna get moved to /nsfw/ but also it's not for everyone

Anonymous 1588

Your G spot is in your fannoo not your ass that's why.

Anonymous 1589

The male sex has a g-spot up there that the female sex doesn't it's true, but women totally have vaginal nerve endings that can be stimulated through their rectal wall.

Anonymous 1590


>anal sex is a sin
>god puts the male g-spot in the butt
god is such a fucking troll.

Anonymous 1591

Have you tried touching your clit while you do it? That's the only way it feels alright for me

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