
Blowjobs Anonymous 1640
Does anyone else here actually like sucking dicks? Obviously it has to be attached to someone you like though but yeah. I sometimes see these sexist comparison things on 4chan that will tell men that being gay or dating a trans person will give you someone that "actually loves sucking your dick", as if cis gender women are incapable of that. Do any of you like to?
Like all of my sex dreams consist of making out for a while and then sucking dick, I don't even have sex in them. My favorite sex is 69, side by side on the bed almost embracing each other in this hug stance. I've been single for like a year and I can't wait to have a bf to blow again, though admittedly it can feel like a chore at times.
Anonymous 1641
I'm not the biggest fan of having a dick in my mouth, but I like giving pleasure to my BF, so I enjoy the act
Anonymous 1642
I usually enjoy them almost as much as actually having sex if not more, but unless I can find a way to unhinge my jaw like a snake, I'm pretty much never going to get to give my boyfriend a real one. It sucks (or doesn't suck?).
Anonymous 1871

I honestly love sucking dick. It gets boring and uncomfortable at times, but my preference with a bf is to suck his cock more than we have sex. Unfortunately, most guys want to fuck as soon as I start sucking them so it's hard to get the guys to go along with the cock worship.
Anyone who thinks that girls don't actually like sucking dick have never been with a girl who's sexually attracted to them.
Anonymous 1874
>>1871>Anyone who thinks that girls don't actually like sucking dick have never been with a girl who's sexually attracted to themHoly shit anon, this is so true. I want to nuzzle my face in my bf's crotch and tease God out of him with my mouth.
Anonymous 1883
I have never done it before my current bf and I thought I would hate it because of how it's seen as a demeaning and submissive thing, but I got more comfortable with the idea of doing it after he gave me oral a lot.
Physically, it can get uncomfortable bc my boyfriend is 8 inches and thick, I get tired easily. Sometimes it takes him about 30 minutes to cum (he gives me oral for an hour or more and his tongue cramps up a lot too) so I think inherently oral is not supposed to be the most comfortable thing ever for either party.
Mentally, I like doing it because he loves it so much. He moans a lot, looks at me with the dreamiest eyes ever, etc. When he cums he moans very loud, his legs shake, he obviously enjoys it a lot and it's the hottest thing. He kisses me passionately a bunch and is all cuddly after, he gets all starry-eyed and tells me how much he loves me and then passionately eats me out if he hadn't previously done so.
I enjoy it because he earnestly loves it so much and is super appreciative after the fact. If he didn't react much, saw it as something he was "entitled" to, and looked at it as something demeaning like a lot of men do I would probably be traumatized from it. Just goes to show it really depends on context if you enjoy something or not. He is so cute and sweet, I love making him feel good.
Anonymous 1884
>>1640i personally dislike the act of sucking off bf physically (its fun the first 5 seconds but then it kinda turns into a chore), but its also bc hes not really reactive to it much. he says hes not into it since its "too soft".
however im apparently a "handjob goddess" as he says it. hes super reactive (and so fucking CUTE jesus christ) during handies, so i tend to actually put work in it and spend quite the time/effort on it. my hands feel like hell afterwards though, but its not like i care when i can look at his face and hear his moans and
making my bf cum/be loud makes me feel kinda.. proud of myself in a way? anyone feels like this?
>>1640>69, side by side on the bed almost embracing each other in this hug stancebased anon. might i sell you on the idea of 69 with the girl laying on top of the guy? a lot of skin to skin contact (the entire chest and belly area), a lot of cuddling, and you can "ride" your bf's face. the "facesitting" even allows for some nice dom/sub aspects
>>1883blessed anon
Anonymous 1897
>>1884That's really interesting, do you have any handjob tips? I feel like it's one of those basic things I should know how to do, but I don't have much experience. I kinda want to make my bf go crazy with handjobs instead, because like you said, oral feels like a chore to me too and can get painful even if his reactions are extremely hot… Whenever I give him handjobs he usually goes soft after a while, which really surprised me bc he's circumsized (and a bit of a tight one too) so I thought handjobs would be more pleasurable and oral would be too "soft" for him.
Anonymous 1898
>>1897>do you have any handjob tips?oh yes i do. im a top/dominant though so this might come off as tmi or things youre not ready to try. read at your own discretion
1.use lube (you can make it yourself at home) or spit, maybe a mix of both. dont worry about spitting into your hand or using the guys spit if you dont have any. if you manage to get your guy into your throat (just at the start already suffices), it will release thicker and slimier spit that works amazing as lube
2. go properly tight and rough. dicks arent like vaginas so you dont have to go super soft, (especially on a circumsized guy). i dont know what to liken it to, but dont go soft. act kinda like youre pushing a lever/his arm and not a more sensitive organ. use force (but dont iron-grip his dick) and actually tighten your hand around it. depending on your position/how long youre doing it for your hand/arm might hurt but thats normal
3. definitely get into edging (especially if you want to dom him/are kinky). its a lot of fun,
he gets a lot more sensitive every time you edge him (and more sensitivity=more pleasure=more moaning and looking cute) and you can extend sex for as long as you want, plus you decide when he cums or not. make him tell you when hes about to cum (for example, say "stop", "black" or tap three times anywhere) and when he says it take your hand away INSTANTLY, wait few seconds, then go in again. when you get good at it, you can keep him right at the edge as long as you want
dont touch the dick for a few days before. it will be so worth it. tell the guy to not masturbate for like, 3-5 days then go for a handjob like you mean it. he might cum in 30 seconds but it will be worth it, especially if you apply n. 3, then itll last as long as you want
5. teach him its ok to moan. it gets so much more entertaining when hes not just staring at your face/his dick with a frown on his face. guys get conditioned into holding it back so slowly push him into moaning. he might have to force it here and there at the start but it comes out naturally over the time
6. bonus too-good tip only for the best miners
make him get this "extremely overwhelming feeling that hurts but is also rly good" by rubbing the forehead with your fingers (use a lot of lube for this!!!!). for some its at the banjo string, for others is at the plain side that faces up, for others the sides, just explore around to find it and have fun with it. for some guys it might hurt, for other guys it might feel like nothing at all and for others its an instant orgasm. i think it only works with uncut boys though bc it relies on the forehead being overly sensitive from being under the foreskin Anonymous 1899
>>1898Thanks, I never thought about using lube. I'll get some soon. It makes sense bc my boyfriend seems to get a lot more pleasure from oral or intercurral (since I get really wet) while he doesn't really feel much from (dry) handjobs despite using a decent amount of pressure. When I watch him he death grips his dick and goes really fast, and still doesn't orgasm as easily when we do other things, so hopefully I can help him discover new things about his body!
>edgingBased, I love doing this although I didn't know it had a name. My bf gets really cute when I stop and deny him. He whimpers and bites his lip a lot. You mention stopping for a few seconds, I think I end up waiting too long and he goes soft, it's hard to get the timing right. One time I didn't move my hand away in time and he came anyway. Got any tips for getting the timing right? Are there any tell-tale signs you look for? I can't really tell when he's close despite observing very closely.
>dont touch the dick for a few days before. it will be so worth it.It's going to fun to try this too, I've had it so he hadn't orgasmed for a week or so, but I've always touched him and teased him in between.
Thanks for the advice, I'm excited to try all this stuff out!
Anonymous 1900
>>1899>I never thought about using lube.damn thats one of the most important things about handjobs and sex in general
>he death grips his dick and goes really fast, and still doesn't orgasm as easily when we do other thingsyou guys might have a problem there. he might have deathgrip syndrome, which fucks sex up for a lot of guys bc they put so much pressure with the hand that sex otherwise feels like "throwing a hotdog down a hallway" (As i heard other anons so eloquently put it). in that case you need to make him stop masturbating for some time to "reset" the dicks sensitivity (depending on how bad it is, from 2 weeks to 3 months), then restart really slow and gentle with jerking him off then get him at the sensitivity you want him to have
>One time I didn't move my hand away in time and he came anyway.thats absolutely normal and bound to happen, happened to me n my boi very often already
>Got any tips for getting the timing right? well, i personally wait 4 seconds when bf tells me hes close (just count slowly to 4 in your mind, that should be enough). you dont need to go exactly for this number, but dont wait more than ~7 seconds or else hell get out of the "almost cumming" area)
>Are there any tell-tale signs you look for?its really hard to track signs even after youve been together for years. so the best thing he can do is tell you, an easy "im close" is already enough. he also needs to
not be 0.000001 miliseconds away from spilling when he says that, otherwise hell cum on your hand. that being said, my boi slightly arches off the bed when hes really close. i have a dom friend who says to look at the balls because theyll move a bit right before he pumps, but i didnt notice anything with my guy.
the best thing you can do is just have him tell you. have him say something that lets you know that hes coming. my guy and i have a more specialized code bc we do a lot more stuff, but i find it that i "take it more seriously" when he says "black" (our word for cumming) rather than just "im close" and take my hand out faster
good luck anon and have fun!!
Anonymous 1913
>>1899Nta but you can also take advantage of other things that you know turn him on. Like sounds, biting, power dynamics, anything else really. You could sit on his face, or lick his balls, idk.
Like 40% of making my bf cum depends on things that have nothing to do with my hand tecnique.
Anonymous 1951

I gave my boyfriend a blowjob for the first time last month (it was also his first time receiving oral) and it went pretty okay. I honestly really enjoyed it. I was a little toothy a couple times, but he still liked it. I hope.
The second time I gave oral, he helped me try to take it all in (it was a bit uncomfortable but I didn’t hate it). After a while of pushing my head up and down, I gagged really hard and threw up a little. I kept my mouth shut around his dick and swallowed it lmfao. I didn’t tell him and I never plan on telling him. I don’t even know if he knows. Has this happened to anyone else?
But I hope on becoming better at this because I enjoy the idea and act of pleasuring my boyfriend.
Anonymous 1956
>>1951Honey are you sure youre ok????? Choking so hard you puke is not normal!! Try to go slow and don't have him going very hard. You dont need to go straight for deepthroating either, most of the times it doesnt even feel nice, porn just does it bc it looks impressing. Instead try to take things slow and careful and focus on the head more than anything else
Anonymous 1958
>>1956I’m okay! I asked him to push me down so I could take more of him in, but I’ll keep your advice in mind. I will admit that I do want to perform like the women in porn, but I guess I’ll have to take it slow for now.
Anonymous 2477
I feel shitty about myself because I see all these girls (granted, on their accounts, they usually have an onlyfans link or something, but not always) and they claim they can make a man cum from just sucking and even though I'm very generous and excited when it comes to giving blowjobs and I'm not afraid of deepthroating, my man either gets too excited and wants to get to PIV before he cums from the bj, or he has to sort of facefuck me in order to cum from it.
I did make an ex cum from my blowjobs, but only if I was also sort of jerking him, too. It's the same thing with my current bf, he also can get off if it's in my mouth and it's being jerked.
Given all this, I feel like none of it "counts" and like I suck at blowjobs. I want to get my boyfriend off with just the sucking. I pay attention to the frenulum, I give plenty of bj "foreplay" like long licks, teasing, I suck the balls and lick them, as well as his perineum, I try to have a good mix of different techniques, but somehow I still am not good enough. What am I missing? I have asked my boyfriend and he always says I'm great and there's nothing he knows of that I can improve upon. But I know there must be something.
If I'm honest, I also feel anxious because he's mentioned briefly how he's had Bjs he's cummed from in the past and I want to be that good. He tells me I treat him very well and I'm an extremely considerate sex partner. But it doesn't matter to me, I just wish I could make him cum from sucking.
Anonymous 2478

>>2477>What am I missing?You could try concentrating on the frenulum and the head with your tongue. It's a very sensitive part.
Anonymous 2479
>>2478Hmm I do a lot of teasing and licking on the head and frenulum. I will put it in my mouth and vacuum suck while flicking his frenulum and head at the same time with my tongue. I'll vary how high and deep his penis is inside my mouth, too.
Maybe I do need to spend much more time there, though. Perhaps I'm too quick to get to deepthroating since it seems like a natural progression to me.
Anonymous 2482
Dick noob here, is frenulum the most sensitive part? I googled it but got conflicting results.
Anonymous 2503

>>2482Impossible to say if it's the most sensitive, but it is sensitive. Go for the whole head in case.
Anonymous 2504
Do men like to be sucked all the way while cumming? I mean I don't wanna be cummed in my mouth :( but men like it don't they?
Anonymous 2513
>>2504Well yeah most men do, but I don't think he would want you to put yourself through unpleasantness for his sake. So don't let him cum in your mouth if he will resent you for it
BTW I'm pretty sure the dick is super sensitive when cumming, so lots of guys don't like you to do anything to the tip (head/foreskin) while they are cumming. So in that period you can use your hand to massage the shaft and base
Anonymous 2514
>>2482It depends. For uncut guys probably. For cut guys (really all guys), hard sloppy friction on the flat of the head is that Gucci shit
Anonymous 2515
>>2504Yes they like it, if you stop sucking and pull him out of your mouth before he cums it’s like cancelling a sneeze. Ofc ruined orgasm is a fetish for some but don’t bet on it, it’s sorta niche. If you really don’t want splooge in your mouth jerk him off, but don’t just let go before orgasm and expect him to take over, he’ll be pissed lmao
Anonymous 2551
>>2514For cut guys (the minority of guys) their sensitive head has undergone keritinization (scar tissue formation) and is there for much less sensitive.
Anonymous 3062
>>2551it's something like over 80% of Americans are cut
Anonymous 3107
How do people feel about the size of a dick when giving a blowjob?
Do you prefer a small dick that you can get it all in your mouth without chocking or a big dick where you can feel it go down your throat?
Anonymous 5829
bringing this thread back to life just to say i followed these tips and now i'm addicted to sucking my bf's dick. he appreciates it but i think i like it more.
Anonymous 5832
>>3062>Americans Here is your problem, clown country
Anonymous 6640
Gonna use this thread to ask about BJ "etiquette" (I'm obviously a virgin)
How does initiating it work? I guess it just happens naturally.
What do I do if he cums in my mouth? Am I expected to swallow it? Or where do I spit it if I don't want to ruin the bed?
Or am I not supposed to do it to completion? Or is the condom already on by this point?
Halp, I'm confused
Anonymous 6641
>>6640The 3 dicks I've sucked felt kinda sorry for cumming in my mouth and quickly handed me a tissue to spit it on (even though I was trying to tell them to open up so that I could pass it into their mouths).
I actually have no problems with swallowing, even if their cum tastes particularly horrible idgaf, but they were considerate enough to not expect me to do it. I think swallowing might be seen more as a preference or kink than a requirement for men.
You could also immediately head to the bathroom and spit it out in the sink.
Whether you perform oral until the other person cums or not, really depends on the situation. You might be doing it as foreplay before PiV for example, or you might only be doing oral. You¿ll be doing whatever you two feel like doing at that moment.
You use a condom during oral for protection against STDs or if, for some reason, either of you find mouth-on-dick contact gross. If you're both clean, not wearing a condom shouldn't be a problem.
To initiate it, both of you obviously have to be in the mood, and then you could directly ask, or suggest it in an indirect manner like touching around his bulge, or even surprise him by getting his dick out and just sucking it without warning. But rarely there'll be men who don't like that.
Anonymous 6651
>>6641>(even though I was trying to tell them to open up so that I could pass it into their mouths).were you trying to humiliate them? assert your dominance?