
Porn for females Anonymous 2012
What do you use to masturbate? For me porn is okay and I use it most of the time, but I'm getting really annoyed at how most of it is so pandered to males, as if a female could never possibly watch it.
One decent thing I found that seems to be aimed at females is yaoi doujin, but even then it's pretty weird and rape-y a lot of the time.
Just curious what everyone else looks at, if anything? (I guess just fantasizing is an option but I'm lazy, and I get bored of it.) Maybe there are any good porn sites or genres aimed at females?
Anonymous 2013
>>2012I could have sworn /nsfw had a similar question there but I guess not.
There starting to be more prob for females but a lot of it is personal preference. Like I find blow jobs a bore to watch.
Anonymous 2014
>>2013Oops, I haven't been here for long and honestly didn't realise there was a /nsfw
Anonymous 2015
Usually I just fantasize. Sometimes I watch porn, but would end up feeling gross afterward because of the way it’s filmed (like you said, really pandered toward males).
I read erotica sometimes, but strangely I can never masturbate when I’m reading. It’s good fuel for fantasizing in the future though.
Anonymous 2016
I usually masturbate to yaoi doujinshi, 2D homo fantasies, and spanking videos (because it's hard to find spanking in 2D). Never cared for actual porn, it's just gross to me. Nowadays it's just the spanking videos, my fetish for it is 2strong.
Anonymous 2017
I know its weird but I usually combine Hentai videos and my own fantasies. The extreme abnormalities of (modern) Hentais are exciting, but I prefer strong-minded female characters though which are kind of rare. Plus I own various vibrators and dessous that I use every time.
I simply like masturbating when my bf is not at home and he doesn't mind, why should he?
Anonymous 2018
>>2012Lately I've been reading can fix smut and or erotica…..sometimes I cross out the names in the erotica and put my current fixation.
Anonymous 2076
I'm really into all sorts of bulge porn on various porn sites but I usually just end up on pornhub. This fetish started a couple of years ago when my bf first sent me some lewd pics in his underwear and ever since then I've been really into it. I hate seeing male faces in porn though, mostly because they tend to be unattractive for my peculiar tastes and it ends up ruining my fantasy or whatever.
Sometimes certain futa sfms also fall into my masturbation material but I'm really picky with those. I like the focus on rising erections/dick twitching/really big tits and I hate when animations are lazy or when there are absurd amount of cum. I actually don't really like cum at all in porn. It's why I like dry orgasm videos but those are pretty rare.
I used to be into yaoi big time, then I had a big breast expansion fetish, shamefully I've also had a shota phase, does it count as pedophilia if I was really underage?
Normal porn never interested me aside from when I first discovered it, like most people say, it just isn't catered to women and I don't like staring at vaginas/facial expressions or hearing fake grunting/moaning.
Anonymous 2086
Half the reason I learned Japanese is so I could understand all those lewd situation CD's. But now I have a huge backlog that I haven't listened to because it's just easier to just have a quicky with the vibe while mostly focusing on the sensations.
Anonymous 2087

>>2076I also really like vids of guys getting erections. But good stuff is hard to find.
Anonymous 2093
>>2087why do I find this downright adorable, it's like a little worm that's trying to dig its way through the dirt, but fueled by the thought of naked women.
Anonymous 2138
>>2110No, but keep in mind that if he fucks you with your legs over his shoulders like that, it can be hard for you to cum from that because you can't grind on your clit and because he needs to be very accurate in where he's thrusting.
imo that guy had a strange penis, it was so skinny near the base.
if you're a boy with a penis like that, please don't feel bad, I just haven't seen one before that's looked like it. all penis are cute
Anonymous 2788
I don’t think she enjoyed that unless she was really wet or something because he’s just bruising her cervix at this point he’s not even thrusting properly
It just looked like he used her to get off, plus it looked very aggressive, maybe you have a kink relating to that anon lol.
Also this said porn for women, this looks like the shit ED dudes jerk off to lel BYE anon
Anonymous 2808

>>2107Did you… self post this? If you aren't him shilling himself, why would you like this fat neckbeard dude sounds?
Anonymous 2809
>>2808Maybe anona likes chubby sounding dudes? It's fine to have different tastes.
Anonymous 2818
>>2110Are Germans all perverts? Not insulting you this is just something I’ve picked up on based upon their behavior
Anonymous 3035
>>2110Yes. It has no foreplay or any care for the girlfriend.
It's stupid to let moids do that without them paying tribute first.
Anonymous 3263
i have a pornhub and xvideos playlists of porn for women, and one for fpov too. there are japanese porn producers specifically for women that are pretty good. the guys are cute and the focus is on them, the stories are romantic. the big ones are GIRL'S CH and SILK LABO.
Anonymous 3264
>>3263Yeah I only watch JAV or X-Art when I watch pron which is rarely. I prefer hentai 100%.
Anonymous 3269
>>3263>>3264>Yeah I only watch JAV or X-Art when I watch pron which is rarely. I prefer hentai 100%.besides listening to ero-CD's, i only really watch JAV as well. ever since i found out that there's people that actually make porn from the viewpoint of women like silk labo and GIRL'S CH i've pretty much been watching those ever since. they usually have a good storyline and it isn't disgusting like the porn in my country. i just recently discovered GIRL'S CH due to that asian boss interview areku was in. him and yoshihiko arima are my favorite actors along with ittetsu now
>>2086same here, anon. my understanding of japanese is extremely basic but ever since i learned certain lewd terms i've been having a ball with listening to ero-seiyuu (? i'm not sure what to call them).
other than the CD's out there, there's a whole community on youtube, mainly in english, japanese and korean and even chinese. i usually just listen to japanese ones and the tags usually go by 女性向けASMR. some of the nice channels that i've come across are kirinyan (japanese) and ASMR zero (korean).
Anonymous 3283
>>3269Who are your favorite r rated seiyuu? I feel like furukawa Makoto and nakazawa masatomo are big favorites of a lot of people since they are so active in the niche, but I'm also a fan of shirai yuusuke, I feel like he just really gets into it lol
Anonymous 3295
>>3283to be honest, when i listened to bl/otome cd's in the past, i didn't really pay attention to the seiyuu, so unfortunately i can't name a lot. but i'd say furukawa makoto is by far one of my favorites along with tatsuhisa suzuki, even if he hasn't done that many r rated cds. furukawa's voice is just.. amazing. i get so flustered when ever i listen to his stuff lol! and i love tatsu because i have been a huge fan of his for years. i'll definitely check out the other seiyuu you listed because i've been just listening to youtubers out of laziness and severely lacking in some professionals
Anonymous 4733

>>2012I look at male focus porn (yaoi/male solo) on Gelbooru and /y/ and read doujinshis on MyReadingManga. I also look at straight porn (female with attractive men) which can be a little hard to find so I usually go to the Female POV/Femporn general threads on /h/.
I sometimes read self-insert fanfics when there's a particular character I like or listen to nsfw audios.
Anonymous 4834

https://www.dlsite.com/girls/work/=/product_id/RJ314781.htmli was digital window-shopping
is that even a thingon dlsite until i noticed the series i've had my eye on has a free audio/dramacd. it's mostly a stalker-ish kind of series and is quite disturbing so it may not be everyone's cup of tea
Anonymous 4838
Usually a doujin or imageset with captions. In fact the latter is probably my favorite.
Anonymous 4841

Found this excerpt here:
https://www.thefreelibrary.com/SERIOUS+SEX+BATTLE%3A+SARAH+NICOLE+PRICKETT+ON+THE+MYTH+OF+THE+WONDER...-a0527771608It made me wonder if porn lost something vital due to the different form factor of short internet videos, lasting minutes, as opposed to theater releases.
Anonymous 4879
I used to be able to get off to porn and hentai, it really excited me to imagine how insanely good dick must feel but I made the mistake of getting a boyfriend and it pretty much ruined my sex life forever. As in sex with men is pretty terrible and now that I'm aware of that I can see porn for what it is and I can no longer get off.
BL is alright since I can convince myself that it feels good for both parties and 2D boys aren't unattractive to me. I hate anal though. I wish I could read yuri but it seems like nearly all of it is made for men and it's more or less just as bizarre as straight porn.
Anonymous 7997
IFeelMySelf is great, one of the few porn sites I'd call realistic
Anonymous 8019

>>3269Hypothetical: Your Japanese American bf found out about your ero CDs and jokes about talking dirty to you. Emphasis on jokes, but you're still not sure. He has a kind of deep, breathy voice. What do?
Anonymous 8021
>>4879Technically penetration for men feels good since they have a prostate i think, so… do with that info as you will
Anonymous 8045
>>8019The thought alone would turn me on. Hoping it's one of those things that start out as "ironic" and becomes a turbo fetish
Anonymous 8067
The only truly female-oriented porn is 2D BL, literally everything else is just moid or pick-me shit.
Anonymous 8069
>>8067assuming you're not counting written smut then this is correct.
Anonymous 8070
>>8069Of course I do and 50 Shades and reader-insert shit are both pick-me cringe.
Anonymous 8071
>>8067Wrong, femporn exists. But to you fujos, everything that is straight = moid pandering. Well, sorry that not every straight woman wants to see the hot men she finds attractive fucking each other in the ass, and that some women would prefer to see said hot guys fucking a woman like themselves instead.
Oh and btw there are many gay scrotes who like BL.
Anonymous 8072
>>8070>reader-insert>pick-me cringeI would love to know the mental gymnastics behind this claim.
Anonymous 8073
>>8071>everything that is straight = moid panderingunironically true, actually
>any erotic content involving women = moid panderingtoo because absolutely no one is immune to the male gaze and objectification of women, no matter how "feminist" and "femgaze" they claim their content is. Nice homophobia too kek
Anonymous 8075
>>8070wasn't talking about 50 shades, but even then it still has more of a female audience than a male audience, which is the only metric we can actually be objective about rather than passing subjective judgment.
Anonymous 8076
>>8071the problem is anything that's both straight and visual attracts male consumers who quickly outnumber the female ones and become the primary audience.
Anonymous 8077
>>8073>unironically true, actuallyThankfully, I don't give a fuck what moids think about drawn porn that caters to me, because men always ruin everything (even BL, like I said). Living in constant fear of moids consuming what I like is fucking lame. I will continue to enjoy art where a hot 2D guy is fucking a woman that represents a female audience, because that's the kind of thing that I find arousing, I don't even think about real men when I look at it.
>nice homophobiaImagine unironically defending gay scrotes just because they're gay and you can use them as a weapon against yumejos. If the problem with straight femgaze porn is that straight scrotes can jack off to it because there is a woman involved (which they rarely do because most of them don't even know it exists, or because they feel gay jacking off to female POV porn focused on a hot anime guy), why aren't you applying the same logic to BL and the gay scrotes who jack off to it? Double standards much?
And for the record, I don't support gay males, but I support lesbian women. "Homophobia" has nothing to do with it, but the fact that they are male does. Fujos just LOVE to throw the homophobia accusation whenever a woman doesn't think that getting off exclusively to gay porn is the best option for herself.
Anonymous 8078
>>8075NAYRT, but she's also forgetting that fanfic tends to attract a lot more women than men. Of course, there are a lot of men who write and read fanfic too, but they usually have a much different writing style and use subject matters that are different from what women write in fanfic. Not all fic written by women is slash, either. Men mock women's erotic fiction a lot, I think that's proof enough that there are straight options for women when it comes to porn or erotic content.
Anonymous 8079
>>8078>there are straight options for women when it comes to porn or erotic contentyes and they're all garbage
>>8077gay men are nowhere near as harmful to women as straight men and you know it, also
>"I support lesbian women">thinks all fujos are bihetsalways
Anonymous 8080
>>8079>yes and they're all garbage>implying yaoi isn't all garbage as wellYou really have no right to call straight erotica for women garbage when BL is just gay erotica for women with the same cliches over and over.
>gay men are nowhere near as harmful to women as straight men and you know itGay men are just as or even more misogynistic than straight moids, they're just allowed to do it more openly than straight males because "haha sassy gay man". It doesn't matter if they're gay or straight, all moids are capable of the same level of misogyny. A few months ago for example, we had the gay scrote from /ic/ spamming both the femporn thread on /h/ and the pinkpill thread on here, because seeing women sexualize men in the way women like usually makes males seethe, both gay and straight. On 4chan you can see how the fujos were kicked out of /y/ by barafag gay scrotes who hate BL drawn by women, so I don't know why you keep defending them.
I hate seeing this insult being used against fujos because it's rarely true, but in this case I feel it's justified: please stop acting like a faghag. There's no need to defend gay males while attacking other women's preferences based on what straight moids do.
>>thinks all fujos are bihetsOhhh here we go with the "most fujos are lesbians, actually" argument. There's no doubt that there are lesbians who are into yaoi, but there is no way that the majority of fujos are not attracted to men, either. Most women are straight or bi, and most fujos are straight or bi, too. In the first place, I have never told you or anyone else that you cannot enjoy BL, or that women shouldn't like it. Hell, I enjoy it sometimes too. You are the only one here telling other women what they should and shouldn't like. Second, I don't give a fuck if some lesbians are into it or for what reason, nor did I ever imply that I care, so stop using fujo lesbians as a shield.
We are talking about porn for women here. Not all women want to masturbate to yaoi. Are you gonna tell lesbian women who want to see more decent lesbian porn that they should masturbate to yaoi only, too? Oh no wait, you're gonna call them moids and tell them that they don't exist because no lesbian woman would ever like anything other than BL. Fucking retard.
Anonymous 8081
>>8080>BL is just gay erotica for women with the same cliches over and overeven the bad BL is still better than hetshit at least because the absence of women means the absence of (het) male gaze
>absolutely no one is immune to the male gaze and objectification of women, no matter how "feminist" and "femgaze" they claim their content isremember
Anonymous 8082
>>8081>>absolutely no one is immune to the male gaze and objectification of women, no matter how "feminist" and "femgaze" they claim their content isThis is a schizo take that not everyone believes, but I didn't even call femporn feminist. Again, we are talking about what kind of porn aimed at women gets us off, not what kind of porn is more feminist (it's ridiculous to think porn can be feminist and you're a retard if you unironically believe it).
That argument of yours won't stop women from wanting straight porn for women, though, and it certainly won't magically convince all women to force themselves to like yaoi.
Your take is basically "women can never enjoy anything bc the male gaze is everywhere" and that the only "ethical" kind of porn for women there is, is the genre where only men get to experience sexual pleasure and fulfilling romantic realtionships while women either don't exist or aren't as good as men (either that or that the only hot sex there exists is violent rape between men, lmao).
Just be honest and say that feminism to you is just an excuse to defend your preferred type of porn.
Anonymous 8085

The yaoi infighting is very ridiculous.
Anonymous 8086
1 (2).jpg

I erp. And I don't mean asterix bounces on you chatroom bullshit. Nah. None of that normie shit. I am talking 6 paragraphs per response AT LEAST e-mails. It's gotten beyond a fap thing. The other weekend I spent an entire day hand-drawing maps for an RP of a prince running away from an arranged marriage into a fantasy land. I have a whole geo-political landscape for this idiot to explore.
ERPing is nice because if you find a good partner the sky's the limit. No rapey tropes, no ugly dudes, no ethical concerns about human trafficking. Just handsome princes and their monster girlfriends.
Beyond that I usually just close my eyes and imagine things. Sometimes I read hentai, particularly if I can find one with an interesting storyline and a hot guy (pic rel. for a ghost story)
Anonymous 11270
I usually read BL to make myself horny and then masturbate using my imagination
Anonymous 11311
I can only orgasm (or get close to since I’ve never had one) to lesbian porn. I am into men mainly when I’m ovulating but even then I’m still into women. Nothing gets me going like lesbian porn. I’ve also only had sex once with another girl. I’ve known I’ve liked girls all my life so I never felt any shame around it. I’ve never had sex with a guy before and only recently found them sexually attractive. I used wonder if I’m a lesbian but I think I’m just bisexual. I’ve never dated a girl but I am open to it. I think I’ve just been conditioned to imagine myself settling down and having men as romantic partners.
Anonymous 11314
>>11311>since I’ve never had oneLiterally how?
Anonymous 11315
>>11314>Literally how?I’m not sure. I just scared and my clit gets really sensitive. I usually just get close which leaves my body shaking. I’m a bit afraid of what an orgasm would leave my body feelings like.
Anonymous 11316
>>11315Anon, just go for it. Don't be like me. I used to avoid finishing for years because
being on edge felt like I was about to piss myself. Looking back, I regret it. I could have so many orgasms.
>I’m a bit afraid of what an orgasm would leave my body feelings like.Kek I promise you it's really good and not scary at all.
Anonymous 11322
>>11315>I’m a bit afraid of what an orgasm would leave my body feelings like.wtf?
Anonymous 11325
>>11316I’ll make it my goal for the summer.
>>11322I can’t help that it scares me. Edging alone leaves me shaking and makes my head feels like it’s going to explode. An orgasm would be even worse, in my opinion.
Anonymous 11327
>Have you had some sort of trauma that might have changed your rapport to sex?
Slightly. I’ve always been exposed to people having sex/porn against my will growing up so I’ve felt sexually repulsed for years. It’s only been a couple of months now I feel comfortable exploring my body.
However, I want to give myself my first orgasm. I don’t want some man to leave me dickmatized.
Anonymous 11331
>>11315I'm a late bloomer when it comes to exploring myself, and my first orgasm was kind of a "huh, okay" moment. It doesn't feel like anything leaving my body, just a contraction on the inside.
Anonymous 11337

Ppatta / blublblu2 is a blessing from the heavens, their male ahegao porn is so good. Ever since I discovered it a year ago, I always came. Normally I don’t cum quickly from many porn (female focus, gay or straight) but ppatta has made me so happy, I’m still tearing up. I barely pay for nsfw content, but I always buy their comics. They need the support and money! I also recommend Mussoap by Chen com
Anonymous 11344
Does aidungeon count as being porn addicted? Asking for a friend.
Anonymous 11396
Voice calls with hot guy with perfect voice. He knows exactly to say the right things and he's obsessed with getting me off and giving perfect boyfriend experience. Better than any audioporn I'd ever be able to find.
Anonymous 11404
>>11344Use NovelAI instead. It has 6-8k context, and higher quality output.
Anonymous 11414
>>11411nta but there is way too little male focus content that isn't gay shit
Anonymous 11432

>>11411Hot dudes kissing is hot, I don't make the rules
Also straight, femgaze porn comics are rare and what does exist has female characters so pathetic and stupid that I can't read them
Anonymous 11747

Why is female pov porn like this so hard to find?