
Masturbation thread Anonymous 203
Let's talk about loving ourselves.
Anonymous 206
Some topics to help get us started:
>At what age did you start?
>How often do you do it?
>Favorite way to masturbate?
>Do you prefer clitoral stimulation or penetration?
>Any troubles while maturbating? (Ex: trouble climaxing)
>Any tips?
>Any funny/interesting stories?
Anonymous 208
>At what age did you start?
I started definitely by the age of 2, I think I may be one of those babies that was doing so in the womb, lol.
>How often do you do it?
I used to not be able to live with myself unless I did it multiple times a day. Now I do it a few times a week.
>Favorite way to masturbate?
On my tummy with a rolled up blanket underneath my lady bits. I then grind on the blanket, it stimulates my clitoris just right.
>Do you prefer clitoral stimulation or penetration?
I think I prefer clitoral stimulation, but I enjoy using a dildo and using my grinding to "push it" inside me.
> Any troubles while masturbating?
This isn't a trouble while masturbating, but I've never been able to orgasm through penetrative sex and I suspect that is because I'm so used to clitoral stimulation.
> Any funny/interesting stories?
The closest I came to death is when I was around 3-4 years old. There was this chair lift ride at a fair and my mom took me on it. However, the guy operating the ride didn't put down the safety bar. Me being me, I started masturbating (back then, I just used my hands over my clothes to stimulate my clitoris, which would cause me to lurch forward while doing so) because I still didn't know it was an unacceptable thing to do. The whole ride my mom was scared out of her mind because I was scooching down the seat towards the edge and there was no safety bar to stop me from going over said edge. Fortunately, nothing bad happened, but looking back it's pretty funny that the closest I came to death was caused by me masturbating.
Anonymous 209

>>206>At what age did you start?About 11 probably. I learned about it online.
>How often do you do it?I attempt maybe once a week to once every month or so, usually only if i'm really bored and alone
>Favorite way to masturbate?uhhhhhhhh
>Do you prefer clitoral stimulation or penetration?uhhhhhHHHHHHH
>Any troubles while maturating? (Ex: trouble climaxing)I've never had an orgasm. I barely feel pleasure from sex/masturbation at all.
>Any tips?Definitely not.
>Any funny/interesting stories?the closest ive come was getting high as balls once and just going at it with pic related. one of the few times i've felt pleasure from masturbation.
as a kid, i used to grind on poles at the playground all the time, but i think the pleasure came more from clenching my buttcheeks really hard over actual clitoral stimulation or anything.
pls help
Anonymous 210
>At what age did you start?
12 or so? Maybe younger. The first time I specifically remember was when I started reading fanfiction.
>How often do you do it?
A few times a week nowadays. Before, when I was masturbating without any success, it was once every few months. I was one of those girls who thought female orgasms were a myth.
>Favorite way to masturbate?
Idk, long marathon sessions I guess.
>Do you prefer clitoral stimulation or penetration?
Clitoral lately but I like using attachments and having them touch my clit a little at the same time.
>Any troubles while maturbating? (Ex: trouble climaxing)
I have been masturbating for awhile and I've been sexually active since I was in my early teens, but I didn't have my first orgasm until I was 24.
>Any tips?
Clench, like you're doing kegels. Also, get a Hitachi. I didn't orgasm for the first time with one, but I find it really easy to use, especially with some sort of attachment. Wear panties and use a vibe over them if it's too intense.
>Any funny/interesting stories?
Anonymous 213
My Hitachi wand broke and I now have gone so far as to use my Xbox controller running a script that makes it vibrate on highest setting and hold it on my clit. Takes a while but is possible.
Anonymous 231
>At what age did you start? sadly, to completion, 18. i was really ashamed of being into girls and masturbating to completion meant I would have to admit it to myself fully. Plus like many girls when I tried the process I didn't relax or use lube so it was enough to convince myself I didn't like it. I did the squeezing-thighs-together thing but I don't know if it really counts because the orgasms were barely existent. I bought a vibrator when I was 18 and realized that not only am I definitely into girls, but also guys! Go figure.
>How often do you do it? Really fluctuates on my hormones and schedule. When I'm not especially horny or especially not-horny, I'd say every other day, 3 times in a row.
>Favorite way to masturbate? Vibrator (ohmybod cuddle) while lying on my side.
>Do you prefer clitoral stimulation or penetration? Definitely clitoral stimulation but I've gotten fond of penetration too.
>Any troubles while maturbating? (Ex: trouble climaxing) Only manually. Takes forever and usually get chafed before I can cum. With a vibrator I come every single time and have to edge to not come fast.
>Any tips? Just…trust yourself ;_;
Anonymous 232
FUCK i forgot to break up the greentext i'm sorry.
Anonymous 252

>At what age did you start?
17. Very late, as it seems lmao But I never thought of doing it until my first boyfriend did it for me first. I didn't even know what masturbating was until I was like 15.
>How often do you do it?
I guess it depends a bit? Maybe twice a week, but I usually have my boyfriend over and don't need to do it ( ° ʖ °)
>Favorite way to masturbate?
Recently I've been doing it a lot with my belly facing the bed and with a massager on my clit watching porn or something of the liking. It's good enough, but the best way to do it imho is to take it slow, by hand, with a lot of lubricant of any kind and steadily go upping the speed while feeling myself with the other hand elsewhere, like nipples for example. But sometimes I am just too lazy to do it lol
>Do you prefer clitoral stimulation or penetration?
For masturbation, I usually just do clit. If I didn't live with my parents still, I already would have bought a nice g-spot vibrator. And if I had the money, a rabbit one. Pic related, this one is so cute.
>Any troubles while maturbating? (Ex: trouble climaxing)
I 'unno? I think I am doing fine. Wish I could train myself to squirt while masturbating, though.
>Any tips?
I don't know? Just relax and don't try to murder your clit, i guess? Also, don't do asphyxiophilia, kids.
Anonymous 270
>At what age did you start?
Probably started curiously doing stuff at age 11, but didnt orgasm until I was 15 or 16, I was super confused and had to use google to find out what just happened.
>How often do you do it?
Few times a month, once a month, if I'm with my boyfriend I don't really do it
>Favorite way to masturbate?
Dark room, vibrator
>Do you prefer clitoral stimulation or penetration?
clitoral for sure, I don't care much for penetration unless someone else is doing it for me
>Any troubles while maturbating? (Ex: trouble climaxing)
I need a vibrator or else it takes too long and I get bored / tired before I climax
>Any tips?
Anonymous 281
>At what age did you start?
Around 11, was doing it without even realising what it was
>How often do you do it?
When I was a teenager, every day. But I fucked around with hormones and don't get horny anymore. So maybe about twice a week out of sheer boredom and always once or twice a month when I'm on my period to deal with the pain (if you've never masturbated to ease pain, you have to try it…amazing).
>Favorite way to masturbate?
Kind of developed a technique when I first started and never tried anything new. I put the tips of my index and middle finger on the inner labia and wiggle them back and forth in opposite directions. It kind of stimulates my clit without having to touch it directly (which kind of hurts).
>Do you prefer clitoral stimulation or penetration?
Definately clitoral but both at the same time feels great. I don't understand anyone who could orgasm from penetration though.
>Any troubles while maturbating?
I need to masturbate in order to climax during sex. Sometimes I'm not ready enough and it feels bad or we're doing it in a position where it's not possible for me to touch myself. I wish I was as sensitive as other girls who enjoy getting oral or nipple stimulation. Also I wish I had never messed around with hormones (don't do it, not even once).
>Any tips?
Just don't stress out. Make sure you're 100% relaxed. Watch some porn and wait until the desire to touch yourself strikes you, if you try before that you won't be ready. Go slowly at first and pretend you're touching something very delicate. You can speed up or go harder after a few minutes when your body is ready for it.
Anonymous 282

Anybody else own any of the Lelo range? Their products are usually pretty pricey but my god for the quality and longevity alone they're extremely worth it.
I have the Lelo Elise 2 in black (v. aesthetic) because I dislike insertable toys and prefer external stimulation. It's got a smooth silicone coating, charging port (no batteries), is waterproof, posseses dual independent motors (one in the tip and one at the base), has 10 different pulse settings, 10 different speeds, plus a lock function for travelling. It also comes with a 1-year warranty on purchase and you recieve a little registration card with a code that, in the event the product breaks down outside of its warranty, allows you to get 50% off your next purchase.
ty based Sverige.
Anonymous 297
>>208Sage for OT, but your story made me laugh.
Anonymous 312
>At what age did you start?
Like 5 or 6, I'd use the hard plastic breasts on Barbies and pull on their hair to stimulate my clitoris, or the more conventional table corner.
>How often do you do it?
Depends on how much time I have/how sad I am/whether or not I'm alone
>Favorite way to masturbate?
I usually just sit in a chair at pc and lean into it a little, just use my fingers.
>Do you prefer clitoral stimulation or penetration?
Yeah uh, I actually don't even bother with penetration on my own
>Any troubles while masturbating? (Ex: trouble climaxing)
Just the occasional climaxing before wanting to.
>Any tips?
Not really.
I've used several toys at this point, didn't do this at all until a few years ago. I started out with a cheap vibrator (worked great but died fast) then moved to the WeVibe2 (rechargeable, hands free which was nice), then I also started using this thing called kGoal which helped with kegel exercises and even came with an app! and I also invested in a Womanizer (clitoral suction) which works every time but is a little too fast and intense, it's not as nice for me without the buildup, honestly.
Anonymous 314
>>281What did you do to mess with your hormones? Birth control or..?
Anonymous 329

My arms are too short to get to parts of my vagina properly so I feel like a T-Rex trying to masturbate
Anonymous 330
>>329aw oh noooo. even vibrators?
Anonymous 333
>>330 I tried one once but it was painful because it was super hard. It was made of concrete or some shit…
Anonymous 334
>>209Anorgasmia's common and there are more and more solutions thanks to an increasing amount of sex positive studies. It's worth seeing a sex therapist a couple of times to discuss your options and find something that works for you.
Anonymous 355
virgin of virgins here. How do you know if you came? what does cum look like? Can you come without putting fingers up yourself?
Anonymous 356
>>355>> How do you know if you cameYou will feel a throbbing yet tingly sensation that usually feels like it emanates from the general area around your genitals.
>> what does cum look like?If by cum you mean male cum, it is sticky, thick, kind of snot-like, and whitish. If you mean female lubricant, that can be clear, thin, thick, clumpy, or whitish.
>> Can you come without putting fingers up yourselfdefinitely. try finding a low edge of a table or mound up a blanket beneath your genital area and try gently grinding on it. It's your clitoris that is being stimulated and more women get off from the clit being stimulated rather than their vagina, which has less nerves, being stimulated.
I hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions.
Anonymous 358
>>355If you're able to do kegels, it's like that but involuntary and very warm/tingly
Anonymous 362
>>203>At what age did you start?probably around 11
>How often do you do it?about everyday or every 2 days, sometimes twice a day
>Favorite way to masturbate?penetration along with clit stimulation
>Do you prefer clitoral stimulation or penetration?nowadays, i cant orgasm with only clitoral stimulation
>Any troubles while maturbating? (Ex: trouble climaxing)I cant orgasm from penetration, and sometimes i get very anxious? cant figure out why
>Any tips?huh, not really
>Any funny/interesting stories?I never fingered myself until i was about 18, it was life changing lol
and one time i got caught masterbating which was very awkward because i had a full on random convo with the person who caught me.. right then.
Anonymous 382
I've recently started fingering myself and I wanna try thicker things such as dildos. I'll start with small ones but still… I'm a little nervous. I'm a lesbian so i want to know if it hurts, burns or something like that, even if you're very relaxed. I feel a bit of pain if I try two fingers, so anything thicker than that scares me a little.
Thanks in advance.
Anonymous 383
>>382kinda seconding this… I remember going through some examination at the gyno a long ass time ago and it was very uncomfortable(slight burning like sensation), I know it’s most likely because I wasn’t aroused but I have a feeling my fear of pain would end up making me feel the same as I felt at the gyno despite being horny if I tried to stick anything inside. How to relax?
Anonymous 385
>>382 >>383 Just make sure you're super wet before sticking anything in. Lube is pretty fun and doesn't have to just be used for sexual activity with others. After that; any pain may be the hymen (a membrane near the entrance) and it's not a big deal. My hymen like grows back and my vagina genuinely hates most things so if I don't have any form of penatration for a while it can be a bit sore but if i have more regular sexual actively etc it doesn't hurt.
Durex have just released a new lube, intense orgasmic gel??? Anyone tried this yet?
Anonymous 390
>>382>I'm a lesbian so i want to know if it hurts, burns or something like that, even if you're very relaxed.It's kind of hard to answer that concisely. If you don't have vaginismus, a cyst, or any other problem that would increase pain there, then it honestly depends on the person. Some women will only ever be able to be penetrated very minimally without significant discomfort and pain, some women can take big girths without even a little pain, and some have pain but don't mind it enough for it to be an obstacle or even enjoy it masochistically if they're also aroused, but either way it is quite common. You basically have to just listen to your body and experiment a little, but stop as soon as it feels like it's not worth it. Sometimes your fear and anxiety will also amplify the way an inherently sensitive area feels, so experience and having a healthy and unselfconscious attitude will also reveal the nature of the pain. Hope that makes sense.
Anonymous 393
Is it normal to feel a warm, almost spicy sensation when you're getting off via clit? I don't really enjoy it or find it comfortable if I'm being honest but it's about the most I've been able to experience so far.
Anonymous 396
>>393I think I know what you're describing but I only get that if I'm not quite horny enough yet or if I continue to stimulate after finishing and it's tender. Definitely not the main event.
Anonymous 404
>>385>>390Thanks! Everything you two said seems useful!
Anonymous 416
Idk if this falls under masturbation, but I don't know where else to put it. But what the fuck am I leaking every day in my underwear, like when I am NOT masturbating? Like I'm not thinking or doing anything sexual, so why does my panties smell like it lmao, I am so confused.
Anonymous 422
>>416Vaginal discharge? It's a normal process that occurs because the vagina is self-cleaning. Not much to fuss about unless it appears to be abnormal, then it could be a sign of an infection.
Anonymous 467
Does anyone have any tips for masturbating without porn?
I became addicted to porn as a teenager and now I can't really masturbate without it. My imagination is alright in a pinch but it doesn't feel as good as masturbating with a visual aid. I heard that giving it up cold turkey for a while will help but I often masturbate to relieve period pain, headaches and even induce my period when its late so sometimes I don't have the pleasure of being really horny beforehand and my imagination going wild.
I just don't agree with how women in porn are treated and the effects it's having on us with regards to body image and expectations. I've noticed that the porn I view is becoming more and more violent (rape, bondage, humiliation…) and I don't like it.
I've also heard a lot of women read fanfiction but honestly reading about characters I love (especially when portrayed by actors, who are real people) makes me cringe. Also the descriptions a lot of people use are really vulgar and childish (the other day I read one about a woman's vag making a "pop" noise when a dick was removed from it, couldn't continue because I was laughing). I'd rather watch a short video than trawl through lots of badly written fanfiction lmao.
Anonymous 468
>>467I'm the same, anon. I hate porn for a myriad of reasons, some that you have mentioned yourself, and I think it's very unhealthy for everyone involved. Growing up I wasn't really addicted to it, but I used to watch it every now and then. Nowadays I don't support it in anyway anymore.
I usually take a nice bath/shower, apply some body oil on myself to help me relax, get comfy in bed, and then use my imagination, thinking of scenarios that turn me on. It's hard in the beginning if you're used to watching porn, but it'll get easier with time. It's also a great opportunity to understand your body a lot more since you will take longer to get aroused.
I did stop masturbating for a while before before trying this, so do I think it can help. Sorry if I don't have better advice, but I want you to know you can do it and that you made a good choice since you're following what you believe to be right. Good luck, anon! Have fun!
Anonymous 469
>>467how often do you do it? no matter if you give it up for a while, if you go back to masturbating too often, the threshold to orgasm is gonna be higher and you'll eventually still need porn to get there. i'd be thinking if you can try some asmr/self-hypnosis relaxation videos kind of thing to lessen the headaches if you don't want anything medical. sounds goofy but it may help a little, so that you can extend the time between your period-masturbation
anyway, if you're looking for more moral porn and don't like fanfiction type stuff, what about audio recordings? like r/gonewildaudio. from what i've seen it's mainly amateurs, male and female, who genuinely enjoy it, not for profit, and with a lot of variety in themes. it could be a middle transition point between porn and imagination.
Anonymous 473
>>467I'm sorry, but I honestly don't understand your reasoning and I don't see why you want to give up porn. Preferring to use porn for masturbation isn't a porn addiction, and in the situation you're describing isn't a bad thing. As for how women are treated and body image issues, sweetheart, that's every media. Are you going to give up all movies and TV shows too, especially after the recent scandals that show that pretty much every thing touched by Hollywood is made through rape and sexual assault? I doubt it. As for not liking your current go-to genres, I think you're being a little hard on yourself for one, and there's whole lots of other porn that aren't those things for two. There's many other options than jumping straight to now hating porn.
Anonymous 475
>>473>Preferring to use porn for masturbation isn't a porn addiction, and in the situation you're describing isn't a bad thing. I'm in the same boat as her, and the years of porn use that I've accumulated has had negative effects on my libido. It's been the same for a lot of long-time users. Porn is simply an unhealthy habit, and there's a lot wrong with the situation she's describing. Not everyone wants to develop into a degenerate paraphiliac that's had their natural sexuality rekt so bad that they can only get off to cheese pizza and images of women getting dismembered.
Anonymous 476
Not sure where to ask this and I don't have many female friends so here it goes: how can I stretch my hymen by myself? Like, how many fingers should I be able to fit in there to know I can handle a penis? I've never had penetrative sex before and my partner is pretty thick, and I don't want our first time to hurt and want to go all the way with him once he puts it in.
Unfortunately I don't have a dildo. Is lube and 2-3 fingers enough to do that on my own? Thanks in advance!
Anonymous 478
>>467I'm going cold turkey and lately I've been reading other people's fantasies online (think of the female fantasy thread on lolcow as am example.) It helps my imagination more to read what other people have written. Maybe we can start a thread here for that?
Also, if you haven't heard of
https://fightthenewdrug.org yet I'd recommend looking through the website to find more information on the harmful effects on porn. They also sell some resources that help people combat their addiction like an online program and a book, if you have the money for that. When I get the urge to watch porn again just reading about all of the harmful shit it causes can persuade me to reconsider. Human trafficking is quite unsexy.
Anonymous 485
I think this might get clearer if we split "porn" up into video vs written stuff and mangoes, because each gets treated differently ethically.
I've read enough terrifying interviews that mainstream video stuff has pretty much lost any appeal it once had for me, but if you're worried about ethics, there are plenty of indie sex workers with non-airbrushed bodies and studios doing pics/sessions/streams online. I've heard crashpad is good for lesbian stuff but can't afford their subscription.
Written smut is a mixed bag in terms of quality, but it sidesteps the body issue problem. Kushiel's Dart is maybe the hottest thing I've ever read, and I don't even like pain play. There's not really any ethical concern here, unless you're pirating or the material itself is something you don't like for moral reasons.
Yaoi/yuri mangoes give good reaction images, and doujinshi are usually made by fan groups and translated for free, so ethically this is probably fine.
I've heard about tolerance lowering, but what just kind of happened to me is that I ended up cycling through these three categories for lewds every few months or so. If for some reason you can only get off to the idea of getting whipped or peed on, shame will only intensify it. Maybe try dissecting it Freudian style-"I'm into being tied up because I don't want to be in control because I'm scared of responsibility, and that doesn't make me a bad person", or "I get off to thinking about being forced because I feel like nobody will ever want my ugly gross self and that's the only way I can imagine sex, and feeling that way doesn't make me a bad person" to unravel/detoxify the complex?
Anonymous 486
>>485These are a lot of good points. I think another dimension that this issue can be looked at is through portrayal and representation.
A major reason why mainstream porn is problematic is not only the abuse of the sex workers involved, but the overall narrative of women as objects, and the need for escalation for stimulation. It's heavily divorced from "real" sex, but there are more places that try to make "amateur," "realistic," "female-friendly" types that try to align with better ethics as anon mentioned. (Also putting making porn into the hands of more people as expression, normalizing sex without the grossness)
As for written representations, it is a safe way for people to explore part of sexuality, but also dependent on quality. Not every writer is experienced in a real-life way, so take the fantasy scenarios with a grain of salt. Same with manga, as a lot of the times can still perpetuate the same story of body archetypes and interactions.
But overall, for the people who feel that they would benefit from less porn consumption should try it out and see what is best for them.
Anonymous 487
Bit of an embarrassing one, but I could use some advice on it.
I can't really orgasm without thinking about a certain kink, which is quite embarrassing. I don't really enjoy it, I just use it to bring myself along to the point where I'm close, and then I let myself think about what I want to think about before coming.
It's annoying when I'm horny because I know that I won't be able to come unless I do that, so I tend not to masturbate really. I'm just really worried that when it comes to having sex, I won't be able to orgasm even in the moment. What do.
Anonymous 488
>>487Depends on the kink? It is something that you could explore with another person?
Or you can try to retrain yourself by trying other kinds of masturbatory material.
Anonymous 489
>>488Nooo, definitely not. It's way too weird and also it just wouldn't work. Do you think retraining myself would work?
Anonymous 490
>>468That sounds really nice and relaxing, anon. A break seems to be the way to go. I'd like to get to that stage where my imagination is enough again! Thanks so much for the advice!
>>469I go through periods where I mightn't do it for close to a month and then times when I do it daily. But I always keep coming back to the same content I'd rather not support.
I love your idea on audio recordings! I was really into them a while back but it was really hard to find recordings for women. Bless you for that subreddit!
>>473It's an addiction if you can't masturbate without it, imo. I don't think the example you gave is comparable. I agree with
>>475 in that it has a lot of negative effects on your real life, like with your real-life sex encounters. I just don't think it's healthy to be like this.
>>478I love that thread you mentioned and I'd 100% support a thread here too lol.
I've come to the conclusion that I should just go cold turkey for a while and then introduce myself back to some really softcore stuff like audio recordings and written stuff. I'll report back for anyone lurking who might be curious as to how my experiment goes.
Anonymous 491
>>487How long have you been masturbating to this particular kink, anon? I struggle with this too but I find that once I discover a new kink, I almost forget about the last one.
Anonymous 493
>>491Honestly, quite a long time. Probably since I first started masturbating, or not long after that point. I wish I could come to other things I find sexy. It's not like I don't have other kinks or that I am only turned on by this certain thing, it's that I can only come by thinking about it. Urgh.
Anonymous 494
>>469>be me>search for that subreddit out of curiosity>skim a bit through the titles>see one that catches my eye>click on it and load up the audio>immediately recognize the man's voice to be that of an old acquaintance>uhhhwhatthefuck.jpgI'm suffering so much secondhand embarrassment I don't know what the hell just happened.
Anonymous 495
>>494 >be me>went on it for the first time last night>literally got two hours sleep because of it.MFW.
Anonymous 505
>>490I stumbled across this website recently that has some information regarding porn addiction.
https://yourbrainonporn.com/reboot_your_brainIf you want a genuine recovery it's probably best that you hold off on any type of stimuli for awhile.
Anonymous 639
It's pretty hard for me to get my hands on a dildo or vibrator right now. I read online people use makeup brushes and carrots to masturbate… But aren't those a bit too hard? If anyone here has any suggestions please let me know.
Anonymous 641
>>639my ex used candles, but apparently they can get uncomfortably soft
Anonymous 643
>>641I will look that up, anon! Thanks!
Anonymous 646
>>639just please make sure theyre extremely clean before you put them anywhere. Even vegetables can cause issues. My best advice would be to hit up the local dollar store and buy a cheap electric toothbrush. Dildo + vibrator in one!
Anonymous 647
>>639>>646If anon has access to condoms, you should use those for the lubricated factor and for cleanliness.
Another tip is to warm the makeshift dildo by placing in hot-warm water for a bit beforehand.
Anonymous 648
>>647both these tips are A+ condoms are a genius idea
Anonymous 682
>At what age did you start?
eight probably.
>How often do you do it?
once before i go to bed to help me sleep, usually.
>Favorite way to masturbate?
i lay face-down and twist my head to one side. put my index and middle finger together and reach down to kinda stimulate my clit though my panties, and my lips (idk the exact term). i've never touched it directly. i also cross my legs.
>Do you prefer clitoral stimulation or penetration?
the former.
>Any troubles while maturbating? (Ex: trouble climaxing)
i'm totally unable to finger myself. tried it once in the shower and i felt like i was hitting something, a fleshly wall maybe. gave up after that.
>Any tips?
>Any funny/interesting stories?
Anonymous 714

I just bought this wand vibrator against my better judgment, because I don't usually use wand-style ones, and I already have one but the adorable collab drew me in.
Have also been thinking about how I used to get off more regularly, so maybe it will bring that spark back.
Anonymous 745
>>682>i'm totally unable to finger myself. Same. I have long-ish fingers but obviously not long enough to reach the g spot. I had an ex that had long fingers and he was the GOD of fingering.
Anonymous 777
>At what age did you start?
>How often do you do it?
Almost every night before bed
>Favorite way to masturbate?
With a toy on my clit, preferably my Jejoue Mimi or Satisfyer. Sometimes I like gross hentai, sometimes I just think of wholesome sex with a really buff but shy imaginary gf.
>Do you prefer clitoral stimulation or penetration?
Clitoral stimulation gets me off, but I love the feeling of penetration or gentle teasing at my entrance.
>Any troubles while maturbating? (Ex: trouble climaxing)
I used to love fisting myself and training myself to use bigger toys, but then I got an iud and now I'm a bit scared to do it.
>Any tips?
Good toys make all the difference. It is 100% worth paying for good quality toys, they last longer and feel better.
>Any funny/interesting stories?
One time, I was fisting myself and my mum called my phone. It scared me so bad that I clenched hard, and suddenly my hand was stuck. (I have phone anxiety and really strong kegel muscles.) I couldn't relax so I answered with my left hand. I had half a conversation before my muscles relaxed enough that I could slide my hand out without hurting myself. I laugh about it now
Anonymous 793

>At what age did you start?
Probably around 4.
>How often do you do it?
A few times a week.
>Favorite way to masturbate?
Edging while watching lewd videos.
>Do you prefer clitoral stimulation or penetration?
>Any troubles while masturbating? (Ex: trouble climaxing)
The only way I can climax is by doing some weird technique where I stretch my legs, push with my vaginal muscles, and press on my labia with a hand. I don't rub my clit or anything, I just press with my hand. I occasionally get a charlie horse in my left calf when I masturbate since I need to stretch when I do so. I want to be able to cum with clitoral simulation. I've tried rubbing my clit, but my hand gets tired. I don't own any toys, either. I've also tried fingering myself, but it hurt so I stopped. One of these days I'd like to be able to squirt.
>Any tips?
Vibrators seem useful. Also if you shave/don't masturbate for a while, you become more sensitive.
>Any funny/interesting stories?
Other than getting a bunch of charlie horses and killing the mood, not really.
Anonymous 1217
>>1216this anon has posted some advice
>>356 you dont have to put anything inside your vagina at all, most women dont.
Anonymous 1221
Take it easy and find out what you actually enjoy. Read this thread and see that no one is actually shoving huge dildos anywhere.
Anonymous 1251
>>793This is hella old but I'm so shocked reading about how you masturbate because that's the same way I do. I've never known anyone who does it that way and have always tried seeing if it was normal. Haven't been able to climax any other way. I can't get the same results with a vibrator on my clit for some reason, even though at first I figured it was just another form of clitoral stimulation.
Penetration also hurts fror me unless I use a lot of lube or a really small toy, but I actually found that letting a toy sit still inside of me while I do that same technique also feels good. Sometimes it makes me climax harder and other times it messes it up. So it's hit or miss.
Anonymous 1601
It's so good to see to know that there are more people aware about the ethical issues regarding porn and how it can damage our minds.
When I was younger, I tried to watch porn because I thought that's wjat you're supppsed to do, but I could never get into it. It felt creepy watching 2 people I didn't know fuck and it felt dirty. I honestly find it to be better to have phone sex or web can sex whenever it comes to masturbating.
Anonymous 1609
If you ever find yourself going down a dark path re: not being able to get off unless its some weird shit, nofap works for women too. I've reset myself a number of times, brought back sensitivity and lowered me back into a more vanilla range.
I never actually 'imagined' myself as the girl in porn, though. I call myself pornographically bisexual, I'm down for women on film as their own thing.