Anonymous 2061
I just spent 2 hours messing around in AI Dungeon 2 trying to have sex in whatever situation pops up…
Didn't think that something akin to sexting with a neural network could be so fun.
Anonymous 2066
ikr, it's gets spicy fast
Anonymous 2068

I just wish my computer was good enough to play the offline version with the extra commands you can use to guide the AI better.
Anonymous 4024
I'm hooked on AI dungeon and it has been my primary coom medium for a couple months. I even pay $30 a month for unlimited Dragon. They just released the world builder update which is fun to play around with.
Anonymous 4028

>play a "you're a prince/princess and your knight confesses her love to you" premade nsfw dungeon
>female knight comes into my room
>says she is pregnant and asks to marry me
>I, a woman, ask who the father is
>it's the guard captain
>captain is married so she wants to marry me as a cover-up
"I know you'll take care of me and the baby"
>haven't played AI dungeon since
Anonymous 4031
How difficult would it be to train the AI to assume that men are the size of large raccoons and have fiercely independent personalities which you slowly melt into trusting romantic dependence?
Anonymous 4033
>>4028I always roleplay that I fug young shota princes like 30 times in a row until somebody sends an assassin at night to kill me and i fail to defend myself.
Anonymous 4050
>>4033>on a quest to slay a dragon>princess comes running through the forest being chased by rapists>cut them down and save her>she makes numerous advances, but I am an honourable knight>escort her back to her family in the capitol>the king treats me like filth>no one remembers my name>everyone constantly threatens me>meet her brother, the young prince Tomas>always remembers my name>constantly talks about how strong/brave/beautiful/skilled I am>gave me a kiss on the cheek for valiantly defending his mother from looters>tasked as his personal guard>he's so young but so cute and the sexual tension is palpable >there's a riot on the streets one night while I'm escorting him to the palace>take him to shelter in safety at the inn>have to strip to treat my wounds>give into our impulses and make love>proceed to mating press him daily>his father wants him to marry a princess from another kingdom>I'm pregnant>tfw run out of energyI'm considering paying for it…
Anonymous 4051
I used to do that as well. It's really addicting, especially considering it sadly isn't for free.
>>4031There is an optional "lore/info" subsection of the adventure that basically is costabtly checked by the AI before writing something to make sure what it's writing is compliant to the lore.
So for example, on it you write "You live in the world of Basedonia. Here men are the size of large raccoons and have fiercely independent personalities, but you can slowly melt their heart with time and effort."
Anonymous 4118

>Play as a silver haired futa elf alchemist who joined a rebellion to get rich (and kill/enslave all non-elf and human races)
>Tasked with making explosives to storm a castle, spend a measly day to research and test with my superior intellect
>Make them with my loyal elven masterrace assistant during the day, give it to the captain in the evening
>He tries to fucking scam me when I ask for my pay
>"He rummages through his drawer and pulls out a few rumpled notes"
I planned on making this nsfw but that's when I knew what I had to do
>I tell him to lock the door, there's another type of payment I want
>He backs away, I throw him to the floor,tie his hands together to a table and rape him with my assistant
>Steal all the fucking valuables in his room I can sell
>Told my agent(his female door guard)to act oblivious
>The rebel army storms the castle a few days later, wins, celebrations are on
>Everyone's drunk and celebrating in the giant ballroom, find the captain with my assistant, go in, get my agent and rape the captain in a deserted hallway + in the the royal bedroom
>Haven't even gotten to my original goal of captured gnome prisoner rape and getting pregnant to get a spot in with the royalty yet
Ugly midget and pig races can not compete against elven/human supremacy
Anonymous 4119

>>4118I've been editing sequences and dialogue after pressing retry until I find something that fits. By itself, its nowhere near as coherent and keeps trying to get me to follow the actual war storyline prompt like it's interesting.