dog lick lolly.jpg

Anonymous 2112
Circumcised or uncircumcised?
Circumcised cocks are cleaner and nicer to suck. Uncircumcised cocks feel better inside you. Some cocks are circumcised so tightly the skin doesn't roll at all and it feels like getting fucked by a piece of dry wood.
Anonymous 2116
I used to not care until I got an uncut bf. Now I prefer uncircumcised.
> Circumcised cocks are cleaner and nicer to suck
Have to disagree with that latter point (extra skin makes bjs more fun for me) and don’t care about the former point. Sex is supposed to be nasty and dirty, that’s what makes it fun.
Anonymous 2117
>>2116>and don’t care about the former pointImagine the smell
Anonymous 2118

>>2116>sex is supposed to be nasty and dirtyI don't want smegma or any other bodily fluids anywhere near me. How can you even stay turned on if it's all "dirty and nasty"?
Anonymous 2130
>>2112Why do people think uncircumcised cocks are dirty? Do you all date guys who don't shower or are you basing it off shock images?
Anonymous 2131
I don't have a preference. Foreskin is fun to play around with, it's such an interesting edit of the clitoral hood.
I will say this - I have vaginismus, and I think it did not present as many complications for my partner who was circumsised. My partners who were/are uncircumcised get microtears on their foreskin in addition to the head of their penis (even with liberal amounts of lube) and I imagine that it creates more pain for them as opposed to their circumsised counterparts.
In terms of hygiene, it's the same. Get an uncircumcised male who showers regularly, smegma buildup is negligible.
Anonymous 2150
> Some cocks are circumcised so tightly the skin doesn't roll at all
I much prefer the tight ones because they make the guy feel larger than they are inside you
Anonymous 2178
I've had sex with two men, one uncircumsized and the other circumsized. Sex felt the same, I don't get how people can "feel" the foreskin when you're wet and all, I can only make the distinction of condom/no condom and barely. Maybe my exes penis didn't have that much excess foreskin since from what I remember both penises look similar when hard and I can still feel some skin on my current bf's penis.
Hygiene wise it's the same shit, just wash properly and there's no issues lmao
Anonymous 2180
>>2160If this is what the dreaded dick cheese looks like, I have to say that men and women are really not that different.
Anonymous 2182
>>2181You shouldn't have made this post. Yuck.
Anonymous 2198
Uncircumcised looks unattractive to me
Anonymous 2200

i prefer uncircumcised dicks, as long as theyre clean and dont have dick cheese in them, uncut guys have more sensitive penises, its cute
Anonymous 2263
god uncircumcised is so much better. way more fun to play with and handjobs feel more ergonomic with them. also i feel like anyone saying dick cheese have never actually been with someone uncircumcised. fucking americans.
Anonymous 2270

Uncircumcised is way better. Burgers mad.
Anonymous 2314
>>2112In terms of personal preference, I enjoy both, but I'm against mutilating infants' genitals. If a man wants to get circumcised, he can do so when he's old enough to decide that for himself. My husband is uncut and I prefer that to my previous two partners who were cut.
>Circumcised cocks are cleanerThis isn't true. If an uncircumcised man doesn't know how to clean his penis, he simply doesn't understand proper hygiene practices. An equivalent would be claiming that women with longer labia have "dirty" vulvas.
>>2118>I don't want smegma or any other bodily fluids anywhere near meWhat about the bodily fluid that… comes out of your vagina?
Anonymous 2380
uncircumcised clea…

I don't like foreskin. There is a smell even shortly after a shower and it looks.. I'm not going to say ugly but less manly? Cut ones are rare here unfortunately.
Anonymous 2382
>>2380>There is a smell even shortly after a shower and it looksSee a doctor and
>I'm not going to say ugly but less manly?go back to your discord.
Anonymous 2385
How old were you when you found out about circumcision? I was in high school when I learned there’s 2 different types of penis
Anonymous 2391
i'm kind of repulsed by circumcised cocks. i know that sounds mean, but the weird… unnatural red mark translates into = scar = wound in my mind. idk they aren't charming and cute, they look damaged, and they look dry and unpleasant to play with.
when my partner and i first met he was pretty porn damaged, and he admitted to me he sometimes wanted to get circumcised so he'd match what guys are "supposed" to look like*. i was like NOOO ONOOOOO NOOO.
(*we were teenagers, to explain this juvenile mentality. circumcision is common but the minority in my country)
Anonymous 2434
>>2382to have part of your penis missing is manly? ok
>>2391>*we were teenagers, to explain this juvenile mentality. circumcision is common but the minority in my countrywhat do you mean by this
Anonymous 2488
Circumcision is mutilation. Unless you really need it because of health issues (and only a very small percent of the male population will need it at some point) men shouldn't have it. I can't believe parents do this to their children. I was astonished when I found about it as a teenager, I never heard of it because I'm from a western european country. And of course I got the information from an american TV show where they spread false propaganda about natural penises being unclean and disgusting.
Anonymous 2508
Snipped for me please
I don't really care if it reduces men's pleasure, they have enough going for them.
Anonymous 2509
Uncircumcised only. I dated a couple of circumcised guys and you could tell they had less feeling, they were always really rough and took too long to finish. They always had to go hard or they couldn't end.
Btw, the reason the States loves circumcision so much is that they sell the foreskin to skincare companies. That's what happens when you run hospitals as a business…
Anonymous 2531
>>2509>>2488very redpilled. uncut cock heads are smooth and glossy, the skin looks healthy and the guy is sensitive. he can actually appreciate what you do for him. he can actually cum from a blowjob. with cut guys they're rough and demanding because their nerves are destroyed, a blowjob turns into an hour long throatfuck (and guys don't even appreciate what you do for them that you are willing to endure jaw and neck pain to try and get them off, they just demand more and get bitchy and entitled and rough and try to hurt you). sex is really dry with cut cocks, they're like dry knees. its' disgusting looking and feels bad. and nothing is better than going out of your way to try to pleasure a guy and HE CAN'T EVEN FEEL IT BECUASE HE HAS GENITAL MUTILATION THAT DESTROYED HIS NERVES. i'm not sucking your cock for my health you douche-canoe. i live in america and almost all the men here are mutilated. fuck jews for what they have done.
>>2391it makes me uncomfortable to look at a dried-up scarred-up mutilated dick and they need a gallon of lube to even be useable. i can't imagine being a mother and looking at your beautiful healthy infant and going, yeah go and chop his cock up becuase uhhhhh the crazy mormon behind kellog's cereal recommended it or something idk. if we followed abrahamic religions for womens' genitals we would all have had our clits removed with a rusty knife and our labia ripped off and our opening sewed up until it gets ripped open on our marriage night. how is it okay to do that to guys? it's barbaric. but most importantly, I can't have good sex with a mutilated cock!
Anonymous 2533
>>2531you have summed it up perfectly. seriously, this should be printed out and handed out to every woman everywhere
Anonymous 2544
>>2112>circumcised cocks are cleanerIs the circumcised cock of a man who hasn't showered for a month cleaner than the intact cock of a man who just came out of the shower? Use your brain.
Anonymous 2559
>>2488It can go very wrong sometimes though look at pictures of botched circumcisions in google images. They sometimes even ruin the capacity of the boy to even feel any kind of pleasure forever. It's high risk.
Anonymous 2568
>The first portion of this Mardudjara Aboriginal rite involves a barbaric circumcision followed by the circumcised male ingesting his own foreskin. After he heals up, the penis is then cut lengthwise on the underside, sometimes all the way to the scrotum. Blood is then dripped over a fire in order to purify it. From then on, the male will urinate from the underside of his penis instead of the urethra.
Anonymous 2573
>>2570>>2571They're not the only ones who do it. White men from modern societies also get penile mods ranging from recreational meatotomy (to increase sexual stimulation of their urethra) to whole shaft splitting. Anonymous 2585

>>2380>>2160At least you can force moids to clean their dicks or they get nothing. A botched circumsicion that goes wrong on the other hand…
Anonymous 2604>For example, in cases involving male children with micropenis, doctors may recommend the child be reassigned as female.[11]> In some cases, a child's gender may be reassigned due to genital injury. There have been at least seven cases of healthy male infants being reassigned as female due to circumcision damaging their penises beyond repair,[13][14][15][16]Imagine having a boy, having him still in the hospital, choosing to modify his penis to conform to the aesthetic preferences of society, and then the doctors tell you that it went so badly that his penis and testicles should be cut off entirely.
Anonymous 3385
>>2508This. It helps keep them under control
Anonymous 3433
>>3385No, it makes them a lot more rough and forceful in bed because they lack sensitivity.
Anonymous 12867
all moids should be lined up and circumcised.
Anonymous 12879
>>2112>Circumcised cocks are cleanercan't americans just wash their dicks?
Anonymous 12881
men from countries where it's routine to chop off their dicks are almost always off putting. coincidence?
Anonymous 13170
>fucked by a piece of dry wood.
When I was younger and had self esteem issues I tried to be open minded but now I would just kick a moid who can't get me gushing wet out of the bed anyway