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Anonymous 2268

What does it feel like when a man cums inside you without a condom?

Anonymous 2269

When it happens? Usually I can’t feel it unless he’s going slow. If you can, it’s a twitch (or a few twitches) then you feel wetter down there if you weren’t soaking already. I would just assume if a man stops and leaves the area and the cum is not visible on you or in a condom he has already “finished” inside you.
Afterwards? You do notice it. It’ll drip out of you but sometimes it’s not that big of a deal depending on how much discharge you normally have. And you didn’t ask, but anal is a different story You shit out the cum and you will feel like a worthless garbage bag of a human being. Don’t do anal unless you’re ready to think about you actions on the toilet later.

Anonymous 2279

Strong muscle contractions. Usually the man gets very relaxed if it was a more involved, intense orgasm (and he tends to get very snuggly after). If it was a routine type of orgasm he tends to recover more quickly and his muscle contractions aren't very strong.

You feel the semen drip out of you. Depending on how much he came, it's best to rise slowly so you don't suddenly queef it out.

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