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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 2287

Is there anyone else here who's into gooning, or no?
Gooning experiences thread and/or random images thread, I guess, idk.

Anonymous 2304

What do you mean by gooning

Anonymous 2313

The definition Google provides is
>Gooning may be most simply defined as that state usually achieved after a prolonged edging session, when a man becomes completely hypnotized by the feeling radiating his penis.

Anonymous 2316

are you the OP? I'm familiar with the male usage of gooning (which i think is slightly different from edging), but the OP image seemed to imply something different.

also, i always thought of male gooning as like, "no-fapper giving in to arousal and ruining his life to satisfy a porn addiction". like more about succumbing to animalistic desires and being a loser, whereas edging is just the prolonged denial of orgasm.

Anonymous 2317

I'm the OP here, and sorry for confusing anyone with the picture. Also sorry for abandoning this thread lol.

I was talking about the "male" definition of gooning, which I didn't even realize was a male-specific thing, so I guess you learn something new everyday. Edging is it's own thing, and that's fun, but as I understand it, gooning is more about the mental state, as you described. I really wasn't sure where to ask a question like this, so I went here and kinda let the thread die.

Anonymous 2318

No worries. So when you’re gooning, what do you do exactly? What does it feel like, and what sort of stuff do you look at / think about to get yourself in that mental state?

Anonymous 2319

This pic is hot, please tell me there’s a whole full-colored hentai about it where she forces him to repeatedly cum from anal and nipple stimulation until his mind breaks

Anonymous 2344

OP back again.
For me personally, I tend to use toys to masturbate whenever I decide that I want to do a deeper gooning type session. I live at home currently so it usually involves staying up late and having hours to myself when everyone else is asleep. Also for me, really loud music ends up getting me to a more, like, mystified state of mind, so hentai music videos and just Spotify are my go-to's for gooning.
The feeling of being in a serious gooning mental state is kind of hard to describe. Maybe it's different for everyone. Not to overdramatize it, but it's a genuine sort of high where I feel so sexual and primal, but also extremely emotional and happy. Hard to explain. More people should try it out for themselves, I think. It's really fun.

Thanks. I think it's super hot too. I think non-genital stimulation is great, especially when it's done to a partner in a S&M situation.

Anonymous 5136

Sorry for the necrobump, but source on that image? The combination of big brute hunk and leather domme is just perfect!

Storytime OP 5185

I will not give Lowtax $10

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