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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 2421

What can I do to make my man's libido higher?
He really doesn't feel like having sex more than once or twice every day. We get to be together two days a week most of the time and I have an insane sex drive. Like, kiss me or touch me in the wrong spot and basically call my legs Ontario and New York, because the Niagara Falls are right fucking in-between.
Or alternatively how can I lower mine?

Anonymous 2422

does he watch porn and is he physically inactive?

Anonymous 2423

He does not watch porn and stopped doing any kind of sport or physical activities around the time quarantine started.

Anonymous 2433

Men's libido diminishes as a relationship becomes more long-term but it's very unusual to not want sex at all. Generally when a man's libido seems completely gone he's actually just started to masturbate in lieu of sex, but there's no indication that's going on here
I think it could be that the quarantine has taken a toll on him and he's become a bit depressed or whatever. Same thing happened to my boyfriend. Exercise will temporarily increase his libido even if he is depressed, but it's not a solution as the libido diminishes again after one or two hours. Important to support him psychologically but also be very clear about your sexual needs with him, so he has the chance to try making some sort of change
Does he have any weird kinks or bad sexual experiences in his past? Like abuse or similar

Anonymous 2450

He might simply be tired after sex or no longer into it. It could feel a bit empty for him to have sex for hours on end and then hardly see you in the week. Absent other changes in his life, I would presume the difficulties lie with some emotional problem in the relationship
It’s hard to lower your libido and you shouldn’t try to. There is no point him trying to raise his unless there is an actual problem. Once or twice a day is not unusual or low either for a man or woman. Neither is once or twice an hour. Compatibility is what matters, there is no point trying to dictate what amount of sex is too much or too little. It depends on the person

Anonymous 2453

I'd say he's been doing okay and I've been looking out for him and how he feels, but you bring up a point. I might try to ask him if we want to work out together or something like that.
>Does he have any weird kinks or bad sexual experiences in his past? Like abuse or similar
Not that I know of. He's very vanilla other than a thing or two, but considering that I'm very sexually conservative and I'm fine with doing those things, I wouldn't say he has any weird tastes per se.
Noted, thank you.
>It’s hard to lower your libido and you shouldn’t try to.
I'm interested in why that is. Can you please elaborate?

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