
Masochism Anonymous 2842
Are there any masochists here? Were you able to find a respectable sadist to beat the shit out of you? What kind of fantasies do you have?
I'm not even interested in sex tbh. But I like the idea of finding an sadist bf at least once in my life. Sadly all the ones I've met were ugly soyboys. I really want someone to cut my face up. It sounds nice.
Anonymous 2844
>>2843Ok thanks for your contribution
Anonymous 2845
Camdamage-tier thread.
Anonymous 3034
>>2842This is disgusting OP, get some help before a moid kills you
Anonymous 3050
>>2842I’m into BDSM generally but that picture makes me sick. Actual abuse that gets emotional / “raw” is my limit I guess.
Anonymous 3055
>>3050I thought stuff like this was normal in the bdsm world.
Is there something wrong with me?
Anonymous 3058
Seek help
Alternatively seek a Jeffrey Dahmer of your own
Anonymous 3061
>>3058Jeffrey Dahmer was GAY but that's still a better option
Anonymous 3320
I'm really surprised by how unpopular this thread is. Oh well.
Anonymous 3321
>>3320>board is full of dommes and shotacons>"why is the masochism thread dead?" Anonymous 3322
>>3321I was under the impression that a lot of women are masochists. Is that just moid brainwashing?
Anonymous 3323
>>3322It's probably right, but we're all weirdos here so the rule doesn't apply or is even reversed. Sort of like male social weirdos being more into femdom/mommyshit/ss than the average man.
Anonymous 3325
>>3320Because pleasure is the opposite of pain.
Anonymous 3342

I really like to be choked during sex. I havent explore much into sadism. I don't mind being spanked and slapped. I even asked my boyfriend to punch me in the stomach, he didn't do it hard but it gave me those scared giggles.
Anonymous 3381
>>3342An interruption of blood flow to the brain for more than 10 seconds causes unconsciousness, and an interruption in flow for more than a few minutes generally results in irreversible brain damage.
Anonymous 3383
>>3381A lot of things are bad for you so what? Doesn't stop people from drugs, sugar, caffeine, oils, alcohol, too much sun and the list goes on. Besides I'm already retarded.
Anonymous 3384
>>3381>Assuming people who are into this sort of thing don't know that.In most cases they aren't even squeezing hard enough. Will you leave us alone and stop being condescending?
Anonymous 3411
>>3381pretty much everyone does choking wrong tho. ure not supposed to
actually be choked, theyre supposed to apply just enough pressure that ur brain flips out and makes u feel like ure choking. its safe if you do that, and… not safe otherwise, like anon mentioned, theres brain damage, but there's also stuff like, windpipe damage and possible bruising. reaaaallly nasty stuff :(
Anonymous 3412
>>3411Heck, even gently putting a hand around a neck can be enough to tirgger the pleasant response. People are often being stupidly condescending and absolutely not because they actually worry about our health. I am sick and tired of assumptions that I do not deserve my body autonomy respected becuase I am "doing it wrong".
I like being choked, but I like being spanked and slapped way more. Both of these things can also go wrong, but if we start banning everything that can go wrong we should ban breathing in a first place. You can choke to death by breathing an unlucky dust speck in or by swallowing water in a wrong way. Living is in general not safe and leads to inevitable death.
I also like being tied and dirty spoken to. Stuff like in OP pic is not my cup of tea at all, but in theory I can see the appeal of blood letting. Doubt I'll ever try it because I actually have an incredibly low pain tolerance, which is pretty ironic for a masochist, lol.
Anonymous 3413
>>3412Might be because of the image you selected to represent this thread which looks like a shit experience… Just saying.
Anonymous 3414
>>3413>Stuff like in OP pic is not my cup of tea at alldo you even read
Anonymous 3534
I'm a pretty big masochist like pic rel but lately I don't think any men is good enough to even beat the shit out of me. Like, even something as dehumanizing as that… Men are too fucking worthless for me to let them do it…
Anonymous 3707
>>2842I have a fetish for rape. I was sexually assaulted when I was younger and I still get wet thinking about it. When I masturbate I fantasize about being raped at gunpoint or kidnapped by human traffickers. I get off to reading real rape stories.
Anonymous 3833
I don't have a lot of experience with masochism besides what I've done to myself(self-impact play ftw) and accidents that ended up turning me on so it would probably be different if a man did it to me.
I've told guys about it before and most of them were a little offput by it, which I guess is good because it'd be concerning if they jumped at the opportunity to beat up a woman.
My current partner knows I like it rough and he does too, or at least he tolerates it for my sake, so we'll do things like facefucking and aggreasive tit sucking and its exhilerating. But liking it rough and being a total sadomasochist are two different things… he knows about the latter too and its safe to say he wouldn't entertain it, but fingers crossed. He's the only man I'd trust for that stuff.
Back to the self-impact play. I haven't done it in a while because lazy, but I'd do it with anything I could get my hands on. Rulers, extension cords… but my favorite is a hammer. I was always gentle on the softer areas of my body like my boobs and my stomach but I'd go all out on my legs. After one particularly liberating session I was left with bruises on every inch of my calves, some on my thighs. Even a hematoma. I love the bruises, they're a trophy to me.
I don't even get "real" pleasure or orgasms from this shit, but the pain itself is enjoyable. I love it. Sorry for the essay but I don't really talk about this with anyone else.
Anonymous 3836
>>3833I don't get the appeal personally. Like what is it about the pain that excites you?
Anonymous 3841
>>3836It's physically exciting. Gets the blood flowing.
I don't want any dom/sub bullshit, I just like pain.
Anonymous 3848
aren't you afraid that your partner won't respect and value you after all the humiliating and devaluing stuff you do in the bedroom? you cannot separate the bedroom from the rest of your life.
I have nothing against your submissivness, that's part of your personality and can be healthy, but masochism is pathological.
Anonymous 3868
>tfw no unstable daddy bf to beat me up for misbehaving
Anonymous 3869
>>3848I think this is why the optimum strategy is to get into a respectful and trusting relationship
first and then break out the kinks later, so there's a separation between your sexuality/the bedroom and your romantic relationship/respectability
Anonymous 4518
>>2842I'm surprised by the responses tbh, this pic is extremely hot. Maybe b/c I have an average pain tolerance but the emotional/psychological aspect of masochism is as good if not better than the physical pain.