
Sex Dreams 298
Good sex dreams are one of my favorite things. They have this effortless intensity and freedom that I'm sadly often too unfocused to achieve in real life. If you feel similarly, post about yours!
The nice ones, not the horrifying ones that make you wake up in regret.
Also, if you never have good sex dreams but are an otherwise sexual person and want to, I didn't get good sex dreams until I started attempting to practice techniques to induce lucid dreaming. I think it can help improve the intensity and pleasure of normal dreams and help your remember them when they're good.
Anyway, wet dream thread
Anonymous 299
>>298all i've ever had is this literal 2 second feeling of a man eating me out, but that's it.
how would you recommend getting another dream, that's longer Anonymous 300
I only ever have memorable sex dreams a handful of times a year, but I wake up in the middle of an orgasm at least once a month.
It's really bizarre because for a long time I believed that only men were capable of this, but it really gives credence to the power of the mind that that can occur without any physical stimulation whatsoever.
Anybody else ever experience sleep-orgasms?
Anonymous 301
>>300 I have sleep orgasms a lot. But it's weird that I do IMO, considering I find it mega hard to reach orgasm when I'm awake, especially if I'm
doing the sex with other people. Basically the opposite to what OP was talking about.
Brains are spooky.
Anonymous 303
My wet dreams are usually really bizzarre
>mom comes on to me, fingers me on the couch. raped
>gummy and pink toilet creatures ambush my gentials. Raped.
>a man inserts his Pocky stick-shaped dick into the bottom of a glue stick to augment his penis. Anally raped.
>Cheetahs controlled by the red devil thing from the Powerpuff girls eat my sister. Raped by cheetahs.
hmm maybe I have a complex
Anonymous 304
>>303Well, I can't say that that wasn't an interesting read.
Anonymous 305
I used to dream a lot with rape when I was with my abusive ex. Whenever I dreamt about having sex with someone else other than him, it would be rape. I used to have wet dreams at least weekly.
Now that I am with a good and caring boyfriend, I think I barely dream with rape at all. I don't have as many wet dreams as before (Because I am not as sex deprived as before), but whenever I have them, they are pleasurable, loving sex dreams with my current bf.
So I am guessing that it says a lot about our current sexual and psychological state as a whole. Probably the same for
>>303Anonymous 306
>>305Poster of
>>303 here. I have some serious sexual anxiety, and my mom is touchy-feely in a way that would be prosecutable if she was male, but otherwise I don't really have a reason for these dreams.
1 more
>masturbating on the top floor of some unfinished skyscraper for some reason. silent Hill style gargoyle and fleshy dogs approach, no staircase to use to escape. Raped. Anonymous 307
>>306>and my mom is touchy-feely in a way that would be prosecutable if she was maleUrrghh I'm so sorry anon. I fucking hate that shit. What a nasty inconsiderate person. It's not even different at all if she's female. I'm bi but I'm pretty sure even if you're straight, you can't just interpret inappropriate touching as completely non-sexual just because you're not into chicks.
Anonymous 309

I'm sorry so many of you guys are having these psychosexual terror dreams! I've had weird incest and necro dreams before. They're really upsetting but apparently "normal"
Ok I'll type up the dream that inspired me to make this thread. I'm typing with both hands I promise.
So in the dream, I was having a threesome with my male uhhh celebrity crush and a random qt dream lady. Basically we would take turns where the guy would fuck one girl and the other girl would be masturbating next to them and feeling them up. It wasn't that what we were doing was anything crazy, it was just that I was so unbelievably horny (both in the dream and probably irl) and it was implied that the other 2 were just as horny as me so it felt almost spiritual somehow. It felt like every move anyone made was perfect and just made me closer and closer to coming hard. There was really nice dark ambience and good music playing. It makes a surprising difference as to what kind of sexual mood you're in imo. It was also the perfect bisexual fantasy because while I'm normally more in the mood for either guys or girls, in this dream I was perfectly equally attracted to both people and they worked off of each other.
Then it got a little weird because after the guy got done riding me, his dick became like 2 ft long and leaky, and I was like uhhh idk if I can work with that and it woke me up. But apparently as a dream symbol that's about sexual power and growth so cool I guess.
Anonymous 316

I just woke up from a dream where I was Hitler's (or someone equivalent to him, I am pretty sure it was modern times but the dude would mimic Hitler to a T) favorite minority confort woman and he would rape me anally (at least he lubed up??). The worst part is that I came both in the dream and IRL. Just why brain, why.
Anonymous 317

For some reason in my dreams, I'm usually the "dominate" one even though I'm FAR from dom in real life and I occasionally have super hot dreams about women when I'm straight as all heck.
>first dream
>grinding up against some cute girl
>whispering super fucking dirty talk in her ear as I pull her hair
>leaving massive hickeys and just going at it against her neck
>forcefully pull her pants down and slowly tease her clit with my fingers
>really getting into it
>tfw dream ends
>next dream
>randomly facesitting some qt guy with long hair
>grind hard against his face and make him smell me and eat me out
>he moans into me and tells me he wants more
>hes acting like a disgusting dog in heat telling me he wants to lick up my juices
>hes got a visible boner
>get up and wave my pussy above his face while i undo his pants and lightly suck the head of his dick through his underwear
>dream ends and i think i have an orgasm irl and i half wake up
>wtf man how that happen
Now I want more steamy sex dreams tbh bc I ain't getting none irl lmao and I'm liking this dom vibe I got going on in them.
Anonymous 318
>>317how do i get this to happen to me
Anonymous 320
>>318idk, the first dream i described, i was watching a lot of different varieties of porn the day before. i was probably doing the same thing before the second dream i described occurred to be honest.
Anonymous 321
Tips for avoiding pedophilic dreams where you are the aggressor and abduction + rape dreams where you are the victim?
Anonymous 322
>>321Honestly the only suggestion I can come up with is therapy.
Anonymous 326
>>321Are you familiar with "The Nightmare on Elmstreet" films series?
Anonymous 457
I just had a dream that there was a really cute porn star I would watch when I was a teenager, who ended up leaving porn and getting her life together and started a youtube channel (not that porn is bad but let's be honest the industry is pretty bad for women in general) and I really liked her content and for some reason it made me super happy.
Anonymous 479
I had a really vivid and pleasant wet dream yesterday night and seems like I was moaning loudly in my sleep… I’m staying at my parents and… well, they heard me, since they sleep in the next bedroom and their house have paper thin walls lol.
This morning they were staring at me in a weirded out manner and my mom asked if I was feeling fine. I said I was feeling all right and she blushed. I wanted to bury my head ashamed, but damn that dream was well worth it.
Anonymous 496
Had a Dream Yesterday where i had sex with my famous youtuber crush, best dream i had in a looong time.
It was also Porn With Plot so thanks subconscious, i guess?
I wish i had prophetic dreams at those moments lol
Anonymous 506
Years ago, I think after 2 days without sleep, I finally passed out. And usually when this happens I have some weird as fuck dream or sleep paralysis. This particularly memorable time was both, I guess. I basically hallucinated that this beautiful as hell woman was on top of me. You know when people describe an incubus sitting on their chest? It felt like that, except it was a woman. And I couldn't make out what she was doing, and I couldn't move, but it felt amazing. It was like I was drugged but enjoying it. The whole thing felt amazing and SO REAL. I'm bisexual but I've only ever dated men, so I'm always hoping to have a dream like that again.
Anonymous 507
>>506That's amazing, anon. Wish that would happen to me with it feeling real and all. I never get dreams that feel real unless I'm in a half awake hallucinating state and I cba to learn lucid dreaming.
Anonymous 1156
Whenever I'm sick I have really vivid intense sex dreams.
The best one was last halloween, my boyfriend and I were watching a playthrough of haunting ground and I fell asleep halfway. Dreamt about getting chased around by Daniella but when she caught up with me we had the most intense fightsex, ending with her going down on me after I finally got control of the situation.
I have the flu right now and last night I dreamed that I was a secret agent for the devil and to carry out my latest mission I had to grow a dick from scratch. It fuckin' sucked, I had to be pushed around in a wheelchair because my stupid dick hurt when I walked around.
Anyway, results may vary.
Anonymous 1157
I recently had a dream where I fed a rotten egg to this guy irl that I have crush on and forced him to vomit. Although it wasn't sexual, I was definitely turned on when I woke up since I have a forced-vomit fetish. Not for the fluid itself, but the act of making someone sick.
But most of my sex dreams involve women. My favorite involved a girl whose appearance resembled that of Venus from Botticelli's painting. She was some sort of supernatural entity who I had to summon in the women's washroom by presenting rose water at the window. Then we fucked, of course.
I also have a lor of dreams where I'm just masturbating. Not quite as exciting, but it does feel nice.
Anonymous 1165
I remember a fragment of a dream where I slept with my crush, I am a virgin so I felt really ashamed later. Also in one dream I was an archaeologist and I was excavating in a tomb and found ancient vases and statues, and some very voluptuous pretty woman confronts me saying she wants them, I say I'm not gonna sell them to her and she presses her body against me and says maybe we can arrange some other kind of payment. I was absolutely disgusted and shoved her and yelled at her. I guess that dream tells me I 1000% don't like women.
Anonymous 1896
The first time i ever had a wet dream was so weird. There was this really cute young woman wrapped in white silk in a bright room, she looked at the opening door, smiled genuinely dropped the silk and started walking towards who opened the door. Then the dream eye panned to this old, balding ugly guy with a beer belly….. fml
The second time was me and my sister playing on the couch, we were having a tickle fight that turned into grinding and kissing. I cant say it wasnt sexual but it felt more like love than sex? I dont know how to explain. That was the last time i ever got a wet dream, its been almost a decade.
How can i have wet dreams again?
Anonymous 2502
I don't think I've ever had a dream about having sex, but I have had some pretty hot kissing dreams. Like lying next to each other and feeling him hard against me.
I love the feeling next day where you remember what happened and see someone that you never thought about much before in a totally new way. Like sinking deep into a comfy crush.
I've had two recently about completely random internet celebrities. It's sad that my bf is a disgusting smoker and I can't recreate the deep kissing with him :(
Anonymous 2527
The other day I dreamed that I had sex with my bf and he made me cum twice. It's sad because irl he never makes me cum. Thanks brain.