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Horny Thread Anonymous 3046

Post in here when you're horny and state what you want to do and/or have done to you!

Anonymous 4096



Anonymous 4097

I've been fixated on having a cute white guy get me pregnant with adorable little half white half Hispanic babies.

Anonymous 4099

Same anon. I feel weird about fetishizing my boyfriend though, is it wrong?

Anonymous 4101

Is it wrong for men to fetishize butts or women to fetishize beards? I’d say it’s wrong if that’s the main reason why you’re with him. If you have a great relationship with him and his race is one of the many things you find attractive about him then I see nothing wrong with that.

Anonymous 4102

Yeah, I didn't choose him because of his race. I hope he finds it more flattering than weird.

Anonymous 4103

I hope so too and honestly there's a chance he fetishizes you for your race as well. If you do decide to talk to him about it let us know how it goes!

Anonymous 4104

i wanna be tied up and have a dick rubbed all over my face

Anonymous 4105

Not horny

Anonymous 4106

White guys are the asian women of gender, everyone wants to miscegenate with them. To be fair, that's understandable, white boys are almost always far and away better than any other moid of color.

Anonymous 4111

I'm almost never horny, and I've only had sex 3 times in my life. For the last week I've been so damn horny I can barely think. I got so desperate I asked a more friend, but he refused to do anything more than oral. It may not have been the best orgasm of my life, but it was definately the most exhausting and relieving. While initially he was just doing me a favour, I'm now focusing my horniness on him. I feel entitled to his dick for turning me down and leaving me like this.

Anonymous 4112

Tfw you're already half white and feel like not having babies with a white boy is just dooming them to weird looks

Anonymous 4113

You're already part white anyways, unless you're from some village in the jungle you probably have 50%+ white DNA.

Anonymous 4117

I want to bury my face in a cute guy's crotch and inhale deeply

Anonymous 4174

Me too.

Anonymous 4191

For what purpose? Don't give em power over you

Anonymous 4193


As much as I don't like moids.. I think it's hot…

Anonymous 4194


>hasn't tried a cute girl's crotch to replace the shameful need of a moid's crotch

Anonymous 4198


nta but based. getting tied up and having a juicy, red cunt rubbed over my face just sounds way hotter than a stinky wrinkly peen

Anonymous 4202


The catboy thread got me. Reading the VN game idea of that anon.

Now I want a qt moid to just act like a pet and lick my face for no reason whatsoever and I want to get humped.

Anonymous 4473



Anonymous 4475

>Posting on cc while being horny in bed
New high point

Anonymous 4478

who are they?

Anonymous 4480

Some amateur couple that I found that looked cute.

Anonymous 4481

i want to see more of them :(

Anonymous 4483


Anonymous 4486

I'm horny and depressed :)

Anonymous 4487

Seek qt bf or gf I guess. Work for it, work for something motionlessness is not going to bring you anywhere in life.

Anonymous 4489


Anonymous 4497

I got off my birth control because of hormonal problems and I’m inconsolably horny. The fact that I’m not in some fanfic style antics rn is a fucking crime. I want to give the cute chubby azn barista at the cafe down the road to my number, go back to my place, handcuff him to my headboard and I don’t even know ughghguhhggugiugh FUCK

Anonymous 4498

Just do it. But make him wear rubbers, doesn't matter that they feel awkward.

Anonymous 4501


I want to fuck hot fictional dudes

Anonymous 4510


>mfw I find high quality girl x femboy vanilla hetero porn
I really like cute smooth boys, I don't know why.

Anonymous 4511

they're so rare, most femboy stuff that isn't yaoi seems to have futas instead

Anonymous 4515

Anon, you can't just say that and then not drop the link. Sharing is caring.

Anonymous 4516

Horny and bored
What do you do when

Anonymous 4519

Here they are

Anonymous 4531

I have this male friend, I just cannot stop thinking about his body

He said he spends his time naked when he is at home, I just imagine his hairless, tall, glowing pale body, the head of his uncircumcized penis is pink, sticky, like a sweet
he lays on his bed, starts grinding on his pillow, panting, he keeps going faster and faster, lets out an adorable moan as he releases, then falls asleep right there


I'm such a bad friend

Anonymous 4550


I haven’t had sex since January and I want a porno-style brutalization on my body that would make the anons on the anti-porn threads denounce me.
>my face while reading this

Anonymous 4576



Anonymous 4625


>read the word salad thread about why anal is bad on /hb/
>instantly horny
Oops. I hate having kinks

Anonymous 4626

oh shit oh no.jpg

I want to wrestle with a big muscular guy so bad and for both of us to be too tired to have actual sex by the time someone wins so we just lazily make out instead

Anonymous 4628

I want to own you

Anonymous 4634

Dang I came here to post this. I used to love to wrestle, it is so exciting

Anonymous 4691

It's an hour or so before class and I'm so fucking horny. I just want a hard cock thrusting into my slit it's no even funny.

Anonymous 4697

That is exactly what happened when I had my first kiss.

Anonymous 4703


I'm a virgin living in my parents basement and good god I just want some male attention. My standards are pretty low, just an average guy with good hygiene would do. I want to get fucked hard and passionately by a man that wants me and loves me. I don't just want to have hot sex but I want the experience of sharing it with someone. When I go to college I am going to be so desperate to find a boyfriend, masturbating every night is just not cutting it for me anymore

Anonymous 4725

hehe I did it…he liked that I felt that way it seemed. Says he's my white boy jokingly now.

Anonymous 4731

You're all such degenerates. You should have normal Christian fantasies like attending a satanic cult ritual in the woods, getting bent over a tree stump, and fucked by a hot demon dude while everyone watches.

Anonymous 4741

Hot demon dudes dont exist in the bible thats why. Except Lucifer when he transforms to trick people.

Anonymous 4742


But I want a divinely cute long-haired bishounen angel boyfriend myself!
I don't give a heck if I will give birth to Nephilim, to be honest.

Anonymous 4757

It has only been a few days since I came back from visiting my bf and I want him to FUCK me.

Anonymous 4759

Fetish unlocked, thanks anon

Anonymous 4792

Happy boners and wee wees

Anonymous 4793

me want pengy

Anonymous 4799

I'm so horny all the goddamn time, I'm so desperate not to be a virgin anymore, I'd let nearly anyone do anything to me. Masturbating and toys just don't cut it anymore, I need an actual human being. FUCK.

Anonymous 4807


Image is Gudako, with Astolfo as the femboy.

Anonymous 4808

Anonymous 4829


want nips sucked so bad

Anonymous 4860

I'm really horny but it's hard to find any good touch myself material. Feel like I've seen it all. Doesn't help that I'm banned-a from the panda for some reason

Anonymous 4861

I just wanna put my hands under my bf's shirt and run them up and down his chest and stomach…we're in a ldr so we haven't met irl yet but I've been so horny lately.

Anonymous 4870


Very horny and very single. That is okay.

Anonymous 4871

In a similar situation. I find his accent so hot, and the breathiness of his voice when he tells me dirty things just gets me unfathomably horny. He talks about wanting me to sit on his face and cum on his beard so he'll smell like me.

Unfortunately, rona is preventing this from happening.

Anonymous 4872

have a baby

Anonymous 4874

haw haw

Anonymous 4877

Been riding a wave of horniness since yesterday. Have not looked at porn and/or masturbated. This is cool. I like being just horny. It's nice.

Anonymous 4878

It was hot today.
I were sweating buckets in the bus and looked like shit.
As a butch lesbian who had to wear a dress for this occassion, I also felt like shit.
Not like I'll ever look like a heartbreaker.
Anyways, enough about me.
What I saw was a cute lady sitting next to me, facing away from me.
She was wearing a dress or a floral-themed top with a shoulder strap.
What really drew me into the fantasy world was a brief sight of her clavicle on her cutely freckled tanned skin.
Hot damn.
I felt extremely bad for leering at her tbh.
She was so insanely attractive, I just wanted to bend over and kiss her neck until sundow.
God I'm an idiot.

Anonymous 4894

I need to find a guy who'll suck on my nips period but I also admittedly wouldn't mind having my nips sucked when they're extra sensitive gotta find a way to get preggars until then I'll just fantasize

Anonymous 4987

I had sex this morning but I'm horny again already because of how good it was, I can't stop thinking about it. He watched me cum on top of him and seeing it made him cum too, I love when that happens. I got to watch him shake for like half a minute straight through it. Awooooooo

Anonymous 5000


Get it, girl

Anonymous 5068

I always feel like shit trying to horny post about women because it makes me feel like a male creep but dang I want to finger a girl until she's shaking.

Anonymous 5075

Not horny rn but a few days ago holey moley. I have a moid friend and I've been staying at his place a few hours away from where I live as a sort of staycation/workation as I can work from anywhere.

Anyway this bastard comes out of the shower smelling like an English garden, he's sitting on the sofa in just a towel around his waist and I can see the outline of his dick under the towel. Made me incredibly horny, I kept entertaining the thought of going to my room, stripping down ass naked, bending myself over the bed, calling him in and telling him to fuck me hard and when he was about to cum locking my legs around him and making him pump me full of cum.

Would have ruined our 20 year friendship but the decision was on a knifes edge, I kinda regret not going for it.

Anonymous 5076

I don't really understand the "sex would ruin our friendship" thing. If he's not completely retarded, you can maintain a friendship with him after having sex. I have done so and it has been fine. If he actually expects constant access to your body after having sex, he's not a good friend. I don't think it makes it awkward either if they're not awkward people generally.

Anonymous 5080

A big part of maintaining a real/quality friendship with a moid is both parties not seeing (or pretending not to see) each other as a sexual being and resigning each other as a potential mate. I have consoled him after a break up as far as "Cheer up bud! You're a great catch, don't let it knock your confidence! She just wasn't right for you." Etc etc but we're both careful not to push past the sex barrier. I think the closest we came to that was when we were both 14 and we got into my dad's beer cabinet. I pinned him down and kissed him and then realized what I'd done, stopped, apologized and calmed down.

It's not that he would expect constant access to my body (although sometimes I wish I had constant access to his, especially on cold nights IYKWIM). It's that once that barrier has fallen you can't go back, In the same way that you can't remove the cream from coffee. Only an idiot would sacrifice such a great friendship for 5 minutes of relieving 20 years worth of explosive pent up sexual aggression towards each other.

That said. I'm almost ashamed to say that if he ever made a move on me, all reason would go out of the window and I'd need to get an IUD because the thought of him filling me up with his cum has been the end of so many fap sessions over the years I couldn't resist it.

Anonymous 5082

Wouldn't that be the perfect foundation for a relationship? You can end up in a bad one if he just wants you for sex but when you already know you get along great, have 20 years of trust and work well as a team, I wouldn't have it any other way if I could.

Anonymous 5084

Maybe some people can make friends with benefits work but if I have decent PIV on the regular I'm gonna start falling in love.

Anonymous 5093

>It's that once that barrier has fallen you can't go back, In the same way that you can't remove the cream from coffee. Only an idiot would sacrifice such a great friendship for 5 minutes of relieving 20 years worth of explosive pent up sexual aggression towards each other.
I don't agree at all. I think there are plenty of friendships where one or both people see the other, or each other, as good potential possible partners (which I don't think is that weird tbh, if you're great friends, like another anon says, naturally, that would be literally the best possible foundation for a relationship), but it doesn't mean they have to get obsessed with it or not move on, if, for whatever reason, it's not feasible for you two to be together long term after being sexual. Idk if you're insecure that he wouldn't want to be with you long term or something, but I think plenty of perfectly fine friendships still have some unrequited love or interest between them, it's just manageable for them, or one or both parties get over it when they meet new people, etc. You obviously don't "just" see him as a non-sexual being anyways, so what's the difference?

Anonymous 5133

I wanna be gagged, blindfolded, tied up, and get absolutely fucking destroyed from behind. Lockdown means my partner is in another state with family and this cannot happen.


Anonymous 5134


i just want to pin that fucking hetero whore cunt to a wall and make her beg for me to release her but i won't do that for shit y'know i would just mess with her small a cups mashing them into a fucking tit pulp (she's skinny and short so no chance of running away or retaliation) i think she actually needs to know i'm much better for her than that disgusting scrote reeeee i just want to fuck her with harsh noise blasting in the background she needs to know my fingers and talk to my hand in person that cunt fucking needs it

Anonymous 5142

I have a gay friend who has expressed a dominating, almost rapey kind of interest in me when she's really drunk. I'm straight but I like to be domimated I've considered letting her go for it. Should I?

Anonymous 5150

Penetration is nice, but I'm def more clit-focused. If she pinned me down and choked me or slapped me around a bit, then her just using fingers on me isn't a problem.

Anonymous 5172

I want to give my bf a bath and cuddle afterwards.

Anonymous 5179

I take the train with the same guy every single day. He's a tall, handsome white guy and my God he smells amazing. When its packed I take the chance to press against him and when it's warm out, all that fresh sweat on him drives me so fucking crazy. He has this deep, rumbling, sad voice and it makes me think he's a sub. I just want so badly to snatch him by the shirt and drag him off the train to a secluded end of the platform, take him to his knees, pin him against the wall and smother him. The thought of him simply accepting his fate as I push him over and strip him runs through my head whenever I see him bend down or crouch. I want to ride him as he groans with pleasure I'm forcing on him until he grunts and lets out a little quivering moan that lets me know he's mine now.

Give me your babies and become my house slave, cute boy. Now.

Anonymous 5209

I'm at work right now and I am at the 'unreasonably horny' part of my cycle, and I've been this way since this morning, but I don't think I can get away to masturbate in the bathroom so I've just been discretely rocking in my chair and squeezing my thighs together over and over to try and get off.

Anonymous 5229

i want to go to ram ranch

Anonymous 5233


Boy butt, lol

Anonymous 5239

lol I wanna peg a boy butt and make him cum against his will lol

Anonymous 5249

>be me
>working in a pharmacy
>cute, nerdy looking moid comes in, asks for a pack of condoms
>give him the standard sized pack
>he blushes suddenly, stutters something about needing them a size bigger
>give him the XL pack
>"N-no… still not big enough…"
>he is all red faced at this point
>give him the XXL pack
>he calms down, shyly thanks me and pays
>he leaves, I see him meeting with his gf outside
>she smiles at him and they kiss before walking away hand in hand

I think I've got a big penis humiliation fetish with a romantic ending now and I hate it

Anonymous 5251

>xxl condoms
to those exist? what for? there cannot possibly be enough of a variation in human penis sizes this must be a vanity marketing thing

either was, my embarassing contribution is that I just watched a speed run and the way he narrated what he was doing mixed with him being kind of smug about it kind of got me a lil-

Anonymous 5252

Hng. Just the other day I was fantasizing about this dumptruck-ass-having celebrity I have a crush on being unaware of or embarrassed by his butt. There's something about boys with huge butts that are unaware of or insecure about them that just does it for me.

Anonymous 5258

Yes, XXL condoms exist, at least they are labelled like that in my country. What, do you think those 1% moids with oversized cocks don't need condoms? FWIW we only sell a handful of different sizes, but apparently even more exist, maybe it's a male ego thing to find one that suits just right. And people almost never come to the pharmacy to buy them, most buy online or at the drug store.

Anonymous 5271


Me irl

Anonymous 5273

Just want to fuck an equally degen masc nerd chick who is really into me being able to crush her. This is so specific but I hope it's achievable. Even a femme legbeard is great (still has to be into the possibility being squished though).

I've just had the big realization that the best match for me is another terminally online ex-coomer and I'm excited to look after figuring that out. I want to get back to dweeb circles irl asap anyway, but now I look forward to also seeking my future wife maybe.

Idk maybe this is all silly. Stupid horny lonely brain today.

Anonymous 5285

Finally lost my virginity and I’ve been really horny since
All I want is to see this guy and fuck him again but he lives 5 hours away from me

Tempted to just have a one night stand with someone just to get over this feeling but it doesn’t really sound fun or appealing
Masturbating doesnt appeal to me either at the moment


Anonymous 5295

onee night stands aren't good
and they don't even make sense
if you want to have lots of sex its better to be in a relationship with someone you like

Anonymous 5301

statistics show that most women dont cum during one night stands……. not worth it! most scrotes have lame dick

Anonymous 5302

i just want a girl to teach me how to eat coochie……… i want to eat a girl out… i've not been able to think about anything else
i wish god would send me to the afterlife

Anonymous 5304

I just had a memory from middle school when I went streaking and skinny dipping with some of my friends. I wish I could do that again, I felt amazing, and the memory really turns me on lmao

Anonymous 5357

You should take up jujitsu. For real.

Anonymous 5396

ya i know, just sucks cause the one person i do wanna have sex with is a flight away

feeling the same way i felt last time posted tooooo i guess masturbating is my only option

Anonymous 5602

same anon here we met up in July for a few days and I think he's the best moid I've ever been with. He focused on my pleasure and I actually came which is a big deal because usually another person can't make me finish. we're gonna try to meet up again in January.

Anonymous 5946

I miss my mom's weight machine. It had one of those padded bars that goes over your legs that you're supposed to push up. Anyways it was just about the right size that I could hump it and pretend it was a girl's thigh. The softness of it while also being hard in the middle (like a bone) made it more realistic in my mind

Anonymous 5947

You can jump me instead if you want.

Anonymous 5948

I meant hump, sorry.

Anonymous 5993

I want to find the cute, shy, nerdy autist of my dreams and ride him while he's lying down on his back so I can look at his face and body. He'd be so embarrassed and afraid to touch me and wouldn't be able to make eye contact and I would kiss him and mark him up just so I could hear the noises he makes. Afterward he'd feel really impotent and embarrassed because it was our first time and he didn't expect to get topped and his skin (which would be pale from lack of sun exposure) would have really visible marks all over. And of course since this is just a retarded fantasy he would be desperately in love with me as well. Obviously.

Anonymous 5994

>I want to find the cute, shy, nerdy autist of my dreams
>ride him while he's lying down on his back so I can look at his face and body.
>He'd be so embarrassed and afraid to touch me and wouldn't be able to make eye contact
>I would kiss him and mark him up just so I could hear the noises he makes
>he'd feel really impotent and embarrassed because it was our first time and he didn't expect to get topped
>his skin (which would be pale from lack of sun exposure)
What the fuck, are you me?? Or does everyone on this godforsaken site have the same taste in men? lmao

I love MajimaAAAAAAAhhh

Anonymous 6007

i just want to have sex with a girl jfc

Anonymous 6012

is it possible to manifesting hooking up with someone

i need to see this guy next weekend because i need his dick in me ASAP SOS

Anonymous 6013

No. Just talk to him. Say "Hey, wanna engage in sexual activity?".

Anonymous 6022

Oh my GOD I had a dream yesterday where I was going to meet up with an online friend who was exactly my type and we were going to fuck. We flirted with each other and that got me super horny. I'm dying to meet another guy like that and cuddle him lewdly and then have his dick inside of me. I missed such a perfect opportunity with this friend I had in real life (but it was for the best honestly). Anyway, I wish I could just go outside and meet another one as delicious as that (like the guy in my dream or the ex-friend)

I think I'm starting to have sex dreams frequently again. It's great, but sometimes gets tiring, I don't even masturbate in the morning anymore. Maybe my period has something to do with that though.

Anonymous 6023

im in the same boat, literally had a dream last night about meeting up with this guy that i knew i was going to fuck but unfortunately the dream didn’t make it that far

my mind is teasing me and doesn’t help that ive been super horny lately

Anonymous 6025

There are rare times when my dream goes to the part where I have sex, or where I masturbate and orgasm, but most of the time, getting to fuck or masturbate is like a seemingly impossible quest in my dreams, there are a thousand distractions along the way. Aghhh I hate it.

Anonymous 6214

What that feeling called, when you
>use AI Dungeon to write probably 1TB of loving smut
>then snap out of it
>realize you have just wasted _the_past_24h_ laying on your sofa when you should’ve done stuff like eating and drinking and sleeping
>and that won’t ever have anything like that smut, because you’re too ugly and weird
>and you’re also tired of trying to be less ugly and weird, because it never works no matter how hard you try, and you’re just stuck being a lonely swampwitch because universe just hates you, and you will never know what having sex with someone you love feels like, and you will always keep dreaming about it until you croak, and writing that crap is just you trying to cope with that fact and escape reality to the point of neglecting your own body
Because damn. I didn’t need this.

Anonymous 6222

ai dungeon is a scary trap
when you notice that you've pressed the redo button for the 10th time to get the ai to guess how you want it and written paragraphs upon paragraphs of fantasies and its been 8 hours and you didn't do anything besides this for the whole day its pretty crushing

Anonymous 6223

At that point, why not just rp with real people?

Anonymous 6281

I developed a crush on this dude who I see regularly in passing and he activates the horny for me. A couple of times he's worn a turtleneck which is a dangerous piece of clothing for my libido.

I want to grope and fondle his chest and dick in this secluded back area of where we work, then make him strip and take lewd photos of him. He'd be very turned on by this so I'd end up sucking him off and we'd go back as if nothing happened.

However, I also want to take him on a nice dinner date where we dress up, get to know him deeply, hold his hand, have him rest his head on my lap while I pet his hair, and kiss him. But that's SUPER lewd.

Another fantasy, not necessarily with him but it could be, is going on a hike and getting really sweaty then sniffing his armpits and licking sweat off of his body. Man BO (but usually only on guys of this ethnicity) really gets me. A handful of times I was with a friend and we ended up sweating because it was the summer and I just loved smelling him. He skipped a shower and apologized on a few occasions, to which I said "whatever" but holy shit I love it.

Anonymous 6282

>(but usually only on guys of this ethnicity)

Which is that?

Anonymous 6283

Pls no bully or racist jokes, I'm completely serious. It's South Asian guys.
I've heard this means we'd create children with good immune systems or something if I wasn't so terrified of pregnancy.

Anonymous 6287

I'm horny because I did a bit of ERP with some dude on an imageboard
I feel stupid as well as aroused

Anonymous 6315

very horny and just want to fuck this guy again but he lives 2 hours away whyyyyyyy
masturbation does not help

Anonymous 6362

my old posts here are making me cringe lmao

Anonymous 6370

Embrace the cringe
Embrace the horny
Embrace the coom

Anonymous 6387

tired of being horny

Anonymous 6393


Dreamed about her head between my legs today and have been horny ever since i woke up. I just want to get fingerblasted into the shadow realm

Anonymous 6405

FUCK same. I'm super keen on this one girl, but honestly at this stage I'd eat any girl with a pulse as long as she returns the favour.

Anonymous 6441

Pounded my moid's pp with my pussy until he came. Pretty cool. Also good exercise.

Anonymous 6442

How the fuck do you do that
Ughhh I feel like I completely wasted my chance when I lost my virginity to my ex, literally the only time I've ever fucked
But then again he's a pornsick dumbass who was in the process of developing ED and I wasn't exactly the most fit person around

Anonymous 6475

OK, today I dreamed that I was trying to seduce this chubby guy. I kissed him on the mouth, then I had to leave with my family, but he didn't seem to react positively to all my flirting. Later, though, he was looking for me and kissed me again but this time it was a super long and sloppy kiss. That really turned me on and I just remembered the dream.

Anonymous 6476

I just want to fuck him with a strap mannnnn. He's got such a nice waist and a slim build, I'm losing my mind.

Anonymous 6491

i really want to make a cute boy my bitch, like have him bark for me and let me step on him footjobs are hot i can't deny it

Anonymous 6502

I just wanna fuck nerds SO bad
Small and cute and shy

Anonymous 6505

Me too, anon.
Me too.

Anonymous 6508


Fuck yeah

Anonymous 6510


Not horny, but I want the validation that I'm making someone I like feel good
Is there a word for this?

Anonymous 6514

I like the idea of sitting on a guy's (or girl's) face but that kinda requires a lot of self-confidence I think. And it wouldn't be as comfortable as just reclining on your back. But it's a fun thought.

Sometimes I think about a threesome with two guys and rubbing their cocks together. Like a sword fight I guess. And sometimes guys joke about something not being gay because their balls don't touch. Well fellas I'm gonna make those balls touch real good.

The idea of being pressed between two guys is crazy hot. You can view it as two guys working together to make you feel good or just being completely helpless and dominated by them. Either way works.

Anonymous 6515

Being fucked from behind is so humiliating

Anonymous 6517

Is this a horny thought or just an opinion?

Anonymous 6519

>he's a pornsick dumbass
Then you didn't lose anything anon! Get yourself a man with a pp sensitive enough to cum when you ride.

I just sat on his face, he's way too cute. Almost feels bad sitting on such a cute face.

Anonymous 6520

Sitting on or grinding against a cute face is simply one of the best feelings out there.

Anonymous 6524

Horny if you like the feeling of losing control to the moid behind you and feeling dirty

Anonymous 6526

When I asked my ex to do that (when I lost my virginity) he lost his boner, according to him, maybe because I was too hairy or because he got nervous (but obviously I believe it was the former more than the latter, so I've felt ashamed of my hairy crotch ever since). But on second thought, maybe it really wasn't me, since he's told me (after breaking up) that his porn addiction has affected his sex life with other women in a similar way.
Damn, and I had always wanted to be fucked doggy style by him. I hope the next guy I get to fuck doesn't hate my unshaved pubes…

Anonymous 6527

Hairy crotch is top notch anon.

Anonymous 6528

Last night I was craving to have someone in my arms and lap to kiss and ride after all my stresses from this week, specifically a cute femboy.

I have been dying to use my Lovense again with someone in particular but I haven't brought it up yet. If he says no, I'm just going to have to find someone cute that I like that will…

Anonymous 6533

Pegging my boyfriend awakened everything in me. I want to bend him over every day

Anonymous 6537

Is he sweet?
Is he good to you?
Is he intelligent?
Is he confident?

Anonymous 6546


Anonymous 6548


I am typically not even into the thought of gangbangs, but I want to get gangbanged by my favorite slashers. Jason in the pussy, Michael in the ass, Bubba in the mouth, Ghostface in one hand, and Harry Warden in the other.

Anonymous 6549

If you find a really hot guy then you really get horny and willing to do whatever to him

Anonymous 6615

I wanna fuck my husbando holy shit. I want him to thrust his hips hard and go PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP like an animal while doing ahegao. Until he cums a huge load of cum inside me and pulls out with his dick completely covered in cum.What a lewd sight.

Anonymous 6635

i want to ride a nerdy boy and spit in his mouth while he moans for me to slow down

Anonymous 6642


Anonymous 6747


I wish i had a bf to gently beat up right now. Just give him a few slaps, kick him around and pull him by the neck to kiss me. Very gently.

Anonymous 6777

I can recommend that, I like to slap my boyfriend in the face while I ride him and it's just so exhilarating, I can't wait to get my hands on him when he gets back home…

Anonymous 6782


I wish I had a bf to brutally eviscerate

Anonymous 6784

I had sex with my friend for the first time and he complained I was forceful and refused to stop. At first I was shocked, but now it just turns me on. I'm going to turn up at his place in an hour or so and really dominate him this time.

Anonymous 6812


I'm so horny lately I can't sleep well at night because I keep making up scenarios in my mind.

There's this specific one I'm obsessed with right now in which I'd play the role of this spy and I´d be ordered to torture some cutie for a confession or whatever but instead of ding my job properly I end up sitting in the same chair she's cuffed to but on her thighs because she's so pretty I can't focus on my mission and and then we make out or something I don't even know

Anonymous 6828

>I'm so horny lately I can't sleep well at night because I keep making up scenarios in my mind
Fuck, same. There was even a day when I couldn't sleep at all because I kept coming up with scenarios in which I could meet or fuck my husbando, it was an effort to dream about him lol

Anonymous 6864

tbh im against homosexuality and hookup culture but id like hookup with another woman at least once since i will probably never be in a relationship anyway. i dont wanna die a virgin

Anonymous 6889

do any other anons get horny for cute boys with stutters?

Anonymous 6927


Anonymous 7042

horny checkkkkk
been 4 months since ive had sex and it’s all i want lately
dont have a partner or any options to hook up with and can’t masturbate cause i have no privacy

Anonymous 7043

Anonymous 7051

sometimes living at my parent's home is hell like i'll drive myself insane thinking about this woman who makes me so horny right in the living room but it's not like i can pull out a vibrator and rub it out so i have to wait until i can go to my room inconspicuously and then i still can't fucking jerk off bc hearing them talking in the living room turns me off entirely and makes me nervous so i have to wait until everyone sleeps to get in the mood again. it's literally torture i'm giving myself a serious case of blue clit aaaaahhhhhhh

Anonymous 7053

There's this NSFW drawing of a character I find extremely hot (used to be my husbando actually) that I've been working on for like 2 freaking years, it's almost finished but I haven't had the motivation to finish it; also, naturally, since it was me who drew it, I became desensitized to it and instead of being arousing it, over time it just represented my lack of motivation and skill and frustration. Anyway, last time I worked on it I saved it as a PNG and put it on my phone. It had been months since I last looked at that pic and when I did just that two days ago in the bathroom, I suddenly became extremely horny, lmao. He looks so fucking hot in that drawing omg. His expression, the cum, how close to the source material he looks, the colors, the lighting, holy shit.

For the love of god nona, post an example

Anonymous 7061

Browsing CC while fondling my moid's juicy pecs. Feels like Stacy shit, I highly recommend you to do it.

Anonymous 7066

my sexual fantasies have been more vanilla than regular vanilla sex lately. i want a man to go the extra mile to make me feel comfortable and cared for. i want him to ask before he does anything. i want him to be in charge in the polite and caring way. and when we've worked up to it as slow as we possibly can i wanna get rawdogged so hard i start shaking and screaming.
too bad men all have crazy rape fantasies.

Anonymous 7072

I just want to french kiss my husbando, is that so much to ask for? Every time I go to bed I fall asleep while thinking of how sexy he must look half-naked and the many ways we'd fuck but he'll never be real. Also I wanna unbutton his jacket slip my hand in his shirt and touch his chest hnngh

Anonymous 7075

I've been having this fantasy about my husbando recently. He's younger and a virgin (so am I though kek), but since I'm the older one I'd probably take the lead most of the time. Usually we'd just make out or do oral and I won't let him touch me unless I say it's okay.

I have this one fantasy where he's shirtless and his hands are tied behind his back. His hair is all messed up and he has marks all over his neck and chest (and thighs heheh). He'll be edged to the point that he can't take it anymore and starts crying about how much he wants to touch me. I start to feel bad because he looks so cute, so I tell him I'll let him take the lead this time since he's been so good. Then I undo the belt that's tied around his wrists and he ends up railing the shit out of me multiple times (in a very loving way of course). I just think a crying moid begging to touch me would be so cute…

Anonymous 7076

Anonymous 7185

I want to be used for sex by an older woman. She doesn't have to do anything to me.

Anonymous 7189

a little while ago my sweaty said that he doesnt like how much he likes it when i tease him. nonneys i cant stop thinking about him saying that… we both believe in waiting until marriage and this is not going to change but my mind is full of things…

Anonymous 7191

Hands and mouth

Anonymous 7193

thats no better than the poophole loophole lol

Anonymous 7194

No slit mouth on clit.

Anonymous 7196

Have you ever helped a horny friend? Like you have a virgin female friend and hook her up with a guy she might like

Anonymous 7202

I want to fuck my male friend. He's built and very handsome and sweet. I can imagine he's got a big dick too. It would be a terrible idea but I can fantasize

Anonymous 7211

What is stopping you

Anonymous 7212

I suddenly have the urge to give some older lady a sensual massage, then eat her out, and finally, cuddle for the rest of the night.
Am on my periods, just read a shitton of fanfics, and can’t get any sleep, so that’s how I came up with such a spesific fantasy.
Too bad I don’t know how to do massaging, and also I’m too awkward to talk to MILF WLWs as a millenial.

Anonymous 7442

I just want to cuddle with someone so fucking bad

Anonymous 7443

Would a girl work?

Anonymous 7475


Anonymous 7476

Well think about it

Anonymous 7493

>calling condoms "rubbers"
ok boomer

Anonymous 7498

My friends whos way too much into MMA just made me watch a movie about MMA and now I want to get punched in the face. What the fuck.

I think I understand why she likes it now.

Anonymous 7513


I just want to keep getting this guy to say worse and worse things on some roleplaying server.

It's a violent game at base, but no ERP is allowed, so our characters' relationship is both very fucked up and hilariously chaste. The contrast between what they say and do, and what it means, makes it all so much better.

Normally I don't actually feel anything from it, because it's clearly acting, but yesterday he stumbled saying something. It definitely felt like the player stumbled, and not the character. What he stumbled on, and how he stumbled, and how he recovered, was very degenerate, and very cute.

Maybe things were getting too real; maybe it's just me. I hope it's just me being mistaken, because then it will definitely continue. But I also hope it's him. I want to bother this guy a thousand miles away, where he can't do anything about it.

Anonymous 7645

Some of you post in the Femporn & het female /aco/ thread don't lie I seen some of the things found here, there. The exact same tastes & takes too.

Anonymous 7653

I definitely do, why would I lie about it? Hell, I even posted about the /h/ thread (the original and more active one) several months ago on here, to make more women aware of it (and of femporn).

But aside from that, I'm curious. What similar tastes or takes are you talking about?

Anonymous 7657

French kissing is so underrated. I wanted to just peck this fat 6' guy I met on the internet, but as he stop being an anxious bitch he fucking engulfed my whole ass mouth into his. GOD the feeling of his huge tongue slithering inside me almost choking with his warm saliva was mesmerizing.

Anonymous 7668

It nights like these I wish I had long hair so I could have my bf bend me over a chair and yank on my hair while he pounds my slit from behind

Anonymous 7671

You're pretty lucky that you replied to someone with a chubby fetish. I just hope your guy wasn't a super ugly weeb incel or something, that would be fucked up.
I do think what you said would be pretty hot coming from a cute chubby guy, because I've already felt high being hugged by one that was pretty tall, I can already imagine what being kissed like that would be like… It's a shame that it's almost always me who takes the initiative, kisses become boring and taste awful after a while on the rare occasion I have a new partner.

Anonymous 7753


im so horny for this stupid fucking cartoon…

Anonymous 7759

kek, did you just discover Alastor? (but yeah he's hot)

Anonymous 7766


kek, i did. im in my 20s and (kinda) past my fujo days, but recently i went down a tumblr sexyman rabbit hole and found him waiting there for me at the bottom. i keep imagining my nigel dressed up as him . I want to make him my little bitch

Anonymous 7771

you're welcome nona
>past my fujo days
But what does this have to do with fujos? Designing a male character that is appealing to women isn't necessarily a fujo thing.

Anonymous 7786

i just meant like the period of time when i was way into 2d husbando shit, its a re-emergence of that type of feeling

Anonymous 7805

Oh ok
Sorry it just triggers my autism to see someone call every woman who is into 2D a "fujo"

Anonymous 7810

I want to be called a good girl

I support you

Anonymous 7847

I've really been into watersports and cuckquean lately.
I really want to get fucked until exhaustion and receive a warm golden shower while I'm struggling to breathe.
Why am I so fucked up?

Anonymous 7946


>The plan backfired; I am now the pepetually bothered one.
>His excuse for his character being gone for a short period was a couple of metaphors for something terrible and obscene.
>I can't stop picturing all the ways it could happen.
>My anatomy drawing has improved by leaps and bounds
>and bound
>in a b
>in a basem


Anonymous 7960

Cute twins, beauti…

For me, it is having a hot and steamy threesome with twins, with the boy twin being my boyfriend/husband, and the girl twin being my best friend, but also my lover from time to time.
Imagining myself as the center of attention, both sexually and romantically, for more than one person is very ecstatic.
.webm sorta related
Goddess bless femporn threads, unironically.

Anonymous 8038


I don't know if this is a horny feel, but I feel like I'm some kind of being that's born to be sexually cockblocked. Like an angel meant to purge horny thoughts without touching anyone, or getting in too deep. I'm really good at making the people I like pre-cum or get wet, but actual sex is just meh. Anticipation and teasing always trumps the real thing. I almost get the sense that it's not my calling to follow through, idk

Anonymous 8132


this is so true…. i want a sweet but stern gf that will simultaneously be gentle AND rough (each at the right moments, you know?). she’d hold me by the hair and instruct me how to do things and not let me leave when i get tired. not until i finish the job. then we’d cuddle and she’d kiss me and tell me she’s proud of me and she loves me and make me do it again. maybe she’d let me finger her/fuck her with a strap on, telling me what to do and how. would be very comfy.

also would love a cute submissive guy i could pin down and force-peg… would love to hear him squeal and cry out and moan and struggle aimlessly against me. only to enjoy it in the end. and maybe i’d see him later and give him a knowing smile and scare him. or blackmail him or something. degenerate things, i’m sorry. but i love the idea of making a moid nervous and scared of me…

Anonymous 8141

I'm at the tail end of my period and now I'm fantasizing about what it would feel like to be pregnant. I would really like to carry a baby to full term but I don't really have the money to raise a child, much less someone I would want to raise a child with.

Unfortunately, most surrogate mother programs won't let women who haven't been pregnant before volunteer out of fear they'll lose the baby, which feels ridiculous.

Anonymous 8146

why are you using a character that trannies like to use in your replies.

Anonymous 8156

I am so fucking horny for my husbando, why isn't he real? Oh god please I need him


Anonymous 8884


>We're chatting and voice-calling outside of the server now.
>He really likes my voice.
>It would be so easy to just call him up and have him talk about whatever
>so I can hear him while I do whatever.
>I can't do that.
>I don't need to do that.
>I know all kinds of sounds he makes now.
>I have a perfectly good memory & imagination.
>I won't do that.
>It's unnecessary.
>It's not happening.
>I'm not doing that.

Anonymous 9462

A month ago I went back to a moid's apartment to fool around and it was the first intimate experience I had with a guy since I was 18 (and that first guy had absolutely no idea what he was doing). The thing I remember the most was how he was lying on top of me and kissing my ear and what the fuck it felt so good. His face was so close to my ear I could feel his breath and it really tickled but also turned me on so bad. And he didn't have any facial hair (that I could see), but while he was kissing me I could feel the stubble around his face around rubbing against my ears and everything was so warm and ticklish and he would laugh occasionally or make a slight noise and whewww… I was so wet just from that and even thinking about it really gets me off it's so pathetic.

I'm embarrassed that something so trivial turned me on so much and also that guy never contacted me again and I don't want to go out again and meet another moid and have to work up the courage again to be able to all of that stuff just to embarrass myself the same way I did that last time. But I'm also so sexually frustrated from that experience I've had recurring dreams about it. I hate myself!!

Anonymous 9650


I came. There is nothing better than finding a really hot story

Anonymous 9655

I find threesomes are hot as a fantasy. Not much more than that though, so I don't want to have one IRL. They sound like they would be actually pretty uncomfortable. Especially about double penetration, which I find the hottest. I imagine you'd have to be pretty stretched out, otherwise it would hurt.

Anonymous 9662

where do you find stories to read

Anonymous 9664

It's better when a cute boy is whispering that story into your ear while pleasuring you with his fingers

Anonymous 9672

My heart is running with excitement. I feel like I'm about to explode.
I finally convinced my bf to make my "rape" fantasy real.
Right now I'm sitting in a hotel room and he's making his way here. We're going to pretend we're total strangers. I don't know what kind of crazy stuff he'll do to me, but I explicitly asked him to be very violent, so my expectations are high.
Would you like me to post the results?

Anonymous 9673



Anonymous 9676

This one I found on adult-fanfiction.org although I also find them on archiveofourown.org

Anonymous 9677

I don't get how can some people get off from that stuff…

Anonymous 9679


Anonymous 9691

Sounds a bit spooky but I'm curious to know how it went.

Anonymous 9791

I know it's not normal, but I can only do it with my bf because I trust and love him.
That's a compliment.
Short version: it was a very intense experience. Good enough to want to do it again, but also brutal enough for not wanting to do it anytime soon. Glad I saved it for my birthday.
Long version: I gave him the room number and previously let the desk know he was going to come to avoid getting a call and ruin the suspense. About an hour after checking in, I heard a knock at the door. As soon as I opened it, he grabbed me by the neck and pushed me against a wall, choking me and slamming the door behind him. Then he threatened to hurt me immensely if I did or said anything. I struggled a bit to make things fun, but he overpowered me every time. I had asked him to slap me hard beforehand, so every time he had the chance he would hit me across the face. He did and said some seriously humiliating things, which turned me on even more, whenever I cried he would lick my tears and bite me. He then threw me to the floor, ripped my underwear and pulled my hair while penetrating me, you know, standard violent sex stuff in addition to everything mentioned before. After he was done, he dragged me to the shower, forced me to open my mouth and pissed all over me.
He was ready to keep the humiliation ritual going but I had enough and said our safety word. He embraced me, we took a warm shower while hugging and he helped me get clean while making me feel loved (well, he always makes me feel loved). Then he princess carried me to the bed and we cuddled while watching cartoons, fell asleep for a few hours and then had made love again but without the extreme violence. We went to my favorite pizza place afterwards, karaoke with friends afterwards. He also made me cry of happiness by singing a song for me in front of everyone.
So yeah, loved it, but I'll save this kind of stuff for special occasions. I still like slightly rough sex and other painful things, like candle wax or spanking. But the rape thing? It was exhausting.

Anonymous 9804

Last year my ex friend tried to sleep with me and I regret not taking the opportunity.
We were having a sleepover at her place and I was a little drunk. We were supposed sleep in one bed and I remember her putting my arms around me and rubbing my thighs. I told her it made me ticklish but she hushed me and asked to endure it and gently rubbed my underbelly getting close to my pussy. I was an idiot and laughed (because I rly was ticklish) and then she stopped,thought she still put her legs around my hips when we were falling asleep and ngl I was kind of horny. From the way that she spoke and caressed me it was obvious she was trying to do something with me but I was too oblivious. We have since stopped talking to each other and since then I regret that night whenever I'm horny. She was open about finding me attractive and talked about having sex with women to me and I just blew it. Now she has a bf and we don't talk anymore. I wish I had let her touch me back then :(

Anonymous 9808

I invited a guy I've been talking with to come see me at work, since I was working late and he was nearby. I told him I wasn't there alone, because I don't really know him well, but as I was showing him around we started touching and kissed. He pulled me up onto a table and we started grinding while making out, taking me right to the edge of orgasm within what felt like under a minute. He pulled back because he didn't want anyone to walk in and get me in trouble, and I couldn't just tell him the truth that I was working alone and lied in case he turned out to be a creep. I desperately wanted to fuck in his car, but I couldn't be away for more than a few minutes by that point, so I had to just let him go. Now he's working all the time and completely unavailable to me. Literally every day I'm at work, all I can think about is how much I want him, and I just looked at the social media of a girl he works with to see multiple pictures of her hugging and feeling him up. I just fucking know I'm running out of time and the jealousy makes me even hornier. I feel like a coomer, but can't actually coom with how stressed it makes me.

Anonymous 9809

He is probably going to just use you to cheat. Thats the problem. That guy seems like a lost cause.

Anonymous 9810

They're not dating, she is just clearly into him.

Anonymous 9832

Imagine teasing your bf for weeks, making both of you so incredibly horny you both faint when you cum and just lay dazed, with him still inside you

Anonymous 9833

I see, well the violent stuff isn't for me but I am glad you had fun and I can see the appeal.

Anonymous 9856

I'm gonna meet up with this cute moid who's into the idea of me putting him into a chastity cage and making him do whatever I want, but me coming from a prudish background, being shy and kinda insecure and generally being used to being submissive despite not enjoying it much could make it hard to just enjoy myself, but damn would it be lovely to make him beg for it and hear his cute moans after I decide to spare him

Anonymous 9858

>tfw finding out I'm a disgusting foot fetishist
Wtf why I never liked this shit.
It started as a joke after watching Gawr Gura joke about feet. Then my boyfriend gave me an amazing foot rub after a long day. It was amazing and I almost came just from that. He also gave them little kisses, nothing perverted or sexual. Just cute little kisses.
I've been looking at feet pics (mostly drawings and some sculptures/statues) non stop for like two weeks. I always thought this shit was disgusting.
Now I keep looking at my bf's feet. He won't let me massage them, not even touch them. He says he's too ticklish. I want to rub them and kiss them too but I'm afraid of him thinking I'm a degenerate.
Why. Why did it have to be feet? Even eating ass felt less degenerate two weeks ago.

Anonymous 9859

Are you the version of me that likes guys, lmao? This is a revelation I had weeks ago and despite having weirder kinks I feel awkward about it (maybe because it's considered scrote-y to focus on the "lowest" body part?). Most foot focused art or sex involving feet grosses me out, but I've had awkward moments where touching mine felt good and I wouldn't mine having mine touched by a girl or maybe touching someone else's.

Anonymous 9862

I don't really like feet-related porn, although stuff like footjobs doesn't sound that gross to me. But seeing something like an anime girl with pretty and clean feet is very, very attractive to me.
I like both guys and girls, although when it comes to feet the only male ones I want to see are my bf's. The rest feel kinda gross.

Anonymous 9865

(AYRT) Yeah, I don't like porn in general except for artwork (and even then I have picky taste, most scrote art is really bad) so most foot-focused art is really gross to me. When I do see good art the foot part is incidental as opposed to close ups or detailed wrinkles (gag) or something. I've seen art of this specific pose where a woman is bent over and you can see her butt, crotch, and feet, and despite not being into butts or feet by themselves, it turns me on hardcore and then I feel like a weirdo.

Anonymous 9914

I need to get plowed harder than a farmer's field. Got I need to get plowed.

Too bad I'm:
1) Extremely unfuckable
2) Don't believe in sex outside of a relationship. So no FWBs or one-night stands.

Anonymous 9927

>1) Extremely unfuckable

Anonymous 10045

love my bf so much and i really want my first time to be special. i want him to help undress me, then kiss me while he slips his hands down my underwear and gently rubs me. little kisses down my tummy until he’s between my legs eating me out would be sweet too. also missionary with his hands on my hips or holding mine, i know he would be really gentle with me at first which is lovely. when we’re done, i’d wanna be held and called a good girl while falling asleep in his arms. i just love him so much and can’t wait to lose it to him

Anonymous 10060

Yeah, I get you. This is why I really like looking at anime figures. They have such beautiful feet and they don't make me feel like one of those wrinkle-obsessed degenerates, nor have shit like "smell lines."
On an update that nobody cares about: my bf finally let me give him a foot massage a couple days ago. It wasn't anything sexual at all, but it was very cute to see him try to fight the tickles. It also turned me on more than I was expecting.
Next step is get him to lick/suck on my toes during sex and do the same to him.

Anonymous 10080


not him getting me all wet and horny and just falling asleep, i know he’s very tired but i want more, i’m probably going to do something lewd when we wake up

Anonymous 10084

I don't want to be loved. I want a woman who absolutely hates me and is utterly disgusted by me to fuck the shit out of me. Make me cum on her fingers while calling me a stupid perverted lesbo dyke virgin idiot or whatever other insult she can think of. I want her to force me to eat her out until my face turns blue from lack of oxygen. I want a woman to step on me and treat me like a doormat, humiliate me in any way she can think of. I want to be disrespected, to be used, to be hurt emotionally. Also I want to eat pussy so bad rn but I have already gone on an insane horny rant and made everyone uncomfortable so I will shut up now.

Anonymous 10093

>I have already gone on an insane horny rant and made everyone uncomfortable so I will shut up now.
This is the horny thread nona, it's meant to be used exactly for that, and you didn't make anyone uncomfortable with your horny rant.

Anonymous 10097

awww thank you nona, now I feel better. I guess I have trouble not feeling guilty about this stuff cause religious upbringing, homophobia, yada yada.

Anonymous 10101

I hate how all the attractive women I meet IRL are straight but apps are just full of "serious relationship only", men, or couples who want a threesome. Masturbating doesn't replicate touching someone or being touched (unless decent waifu technology exists), it doesn't compare. I know hook up culture bad blah blah but I'd kill to find a woman who isn't expecting us to get married by the countryside when I just want sex right now.

Anonymous 10111

just get a gf? then you can have all the sex you want; you kinda sound like a frustated moid

Anonymous 10113

??? I literally explained why I don't have one in this post, lmao.

Anonymous 10116

My new boss is so handsome it hurts. He bumped into me while shuffling past through some stacks and I felt his hard chest on my back and cock against my thigh. His voice is so deep and rumbly and even his hmms and groans are hot. He can be so funny and kind to all of us, but when someone from another department came in to steal our supplies like usual, he completely shut the guy down and reduced him to a mumbling, stuttering mess. I just want to wait until we're on a late shift, flirt with him all day and then, when everyone else has gone home, take my dress off, bend over his desk and let him fuck me as he talks dirty in my ear.

Anonymous 10117


Anonymous 10118

i've been low-key horny all night. i just wanna wrap my arms and legs around a cute guy and dry hump him.

like fuckkkkk. why are so many guys fixated on penetration? it does nothing for me. i want a dude who can just do cuddles and mutual masturbation, or eat me out.

Anonymous 10126

No problem, maybe expressing your desires like this can help you overcome your puritanical upbringing.

Anonymous 10131

>White guys are the asian women
so they're the last resort for incel cope?

Anonymous 10133

My bf sucks at taking dick pics, so I took one myself on a nice angle the other night.
I'm at my parents' house for the weekend. I've made that pic my phone's screensaver, I just love it so much. I love my bf, I love the amazing sex we have and I love looking at his manhood.
I'm not just horny, I'm horny and in love.

Anonymous 10158


Anyone else experience constant horniness for days at a time, literally looking at lewd shit first thing you get up, mentally undressing dudes in public, and then when it's over you feel nothing for weeks? Lol

Anonymous 10181

Yep. I feel like it's a reproductive instinct, but I'm just broken. I get it like 50% of the time on the lead up to my period, but from a baby-making perspective, it's way too late and a crapshoot. After it, aside from a few brief moments mainly at night, I feel almost nothing until my broken reproductive clock informs me IT'S TIME.

Anonymous 10183

It just happened to me (I think my horniness is going down now which makes me sad). It happened at the end of my period. I'm pretty sure that's around ovulation so that checks out?

Anonymous 10188

Yeah it's called hormonal cycle lmao

Anonymous 10195

Sorry ): I'm a late bloomer and was curious. I wish I could be constantly in that excited mood though. Are men just like that.. all the time?

Anonymous 10204

I hate being horny. I hate having a libido. I hate feeling like I'm objectifying women. I wish I were asexual. There is no use for being so sex obsessed when the only women who want me are asexual (they call themselves that, not my judgement). I want to be used for sex by women, spontaneous random sex, I want her to tease me for being such a massive simp as she presses her pussy into my face in an alleyway or behind a tree (where nobody sees).

Anonymous 10205

Dating apps tend to be full of women like that, but they tend to be bisexual and already have boyfriends, if you're okay with that.

Anonymous 10207

If they're cheating on them yes, but I don't like it when the boyfriend knows about it, because then he gets off on it and gets to hear about it.

Anonymous 10222


So horny I had to cancel game night and go offline and retire to complete privacy like some kind of fucking monk.
My desire to bully is off the charts. Insane. Going to kill a guy.

Anonymous 10223

Why does the horny make you wanna bully?

Anonymous 10225


mb I read too much femdom my last few cycles?
I don't want to reproduce but I have a lot of sexual energy lmao

Anonymous 10240

god i just want to be degraded into a pain slut an dhave my nipples pinched and teased while smelling my bfs musk, I also just want his body over me while he grunts and uses me, i could also go for just having his cock in my mouth, i just want my nose to be buried in his pubes and to breathe it in. im honestly so horny and lonely without him, masturbating isnt the same if he is not next to me :c

Anonymous 10241

I want to take a woman dancing, hold her by her waist, let my hands wander down and squeeze her ass. Do that motion where by squeezing ass the labia part a little bit. Have her sit on my lap and grind on my thighs. Then I either fingerbang her in the bathroom or we go for a walk outside to somewhere private. I'd pick her up, put her against the wall and eat her out (I don't lift for nothing). Go to her or my place, smoke some weed, until she's all giddy and sensitive. Just massage her and caress her body, have her enjoy the high, then fuck her again, maybe with strap, while continuing to constantly caress her. I want her to wake me up the next morning by sitting on my face, pussy for breakfast.

Anonymous 10244

I can't separate my horniness for my crush with cute aggression urges. He's just so soft. I want to hurt him.

Anonymous 10245


Anonymous 10284

i can't stop thinking about my boyfriend fingering me in an empty alleyway. we couldn't do anythinh further beyond that in that moment, but i wish he used more fingers in me until i was dripping wet…

Anonymous 10317

Reee I'm so horny and lonely right now it's pissing me off. I wish I was asexual so I wouldn't have to feel this way anymore. I don't even want anything crazy. It would be nice just to be close to someone that I'm attracted to and care about. Make out with them, wrap my arms around their waist, hear their breathing, etc. Maybe grind one out on his hand or have him eat me out. I just want to be close to someone. Oh well.

Anonymous 10330


does he lay good pipe? i feel like he does

Anonymous 10333

Certainly, look at his nose

Anonymous 10338

So bored of not having sex ughhhghg

Anonymous 10339

I hate men I hate men I hate men
Men die challenge
Men die challenge
I hate the men I HATE THE MEN

Anonymous 10344


yesterday my bf and i were fooling around, and he likes touching every part of me. when his hand accidentally brushed up against my neck, it felt really good that i asked him to grip my neck (firm but not so tight to choke me, i still want to breathe) and kiss me. i didn't know why that felt so good.

i also gave head for the first time in my life. in the past, i was never interested in giving oral but i must of been horny enough to straight up ask if i could suck him off. at some point he asked me "are you sure this is your first time?" which felt like an ego boost

Anonymous 10349

Any1 find physical arousal easier/stronger when you have to pee?

Anonymous 10351

Anonymous 10394

Had a super hot dream about fucking my brother-in-law and now I can't stop thinking about him that way, my sister and he live in the same house as me so I see him all the time, I love my sister and I'd never actually do this but fuck I just want to jump him and make her watch and see that sex with me would be 1000% better

Anonymous 10541

I went to a party where I cuddled with a guy and now I can't stop thinking about him. Why does a bit of cuddling turn me into a horny mess a week later?

Anonymous 10544

When will I be able to lick the inner thighs of a cringe awkward nerd woman.

Anonymous 10546

His smell particles entered your nose like a brain parasite

Anonymous 10547

does the rain make anyone else horny?

Anonymous 10551

It does for me. Also the fall season in general.

Anonymous 10561

I am entitled to sex. Men owe me sex.

Anonymous 10562


Anonymous 10563

This is correct and men are nonsentient sex objects, btw.

Anonymous 10564

Very based

Anonymous 10820

i miss my bf so much, next time we see each other i need him to fill me several times until i spill

Anonymous 10821

Last time I let my bf do this to me he refused to eat me out afterwards because he didn't want to taste his own cum or some lame bullshit. Now as a rule of thumb I will NEVER let him cum in me again until he eats me out.

Anonymous 10822

I want to be held in bed by a man who loves me

Anonymous 10824

im a virgin with a fantasy of being filled with cum by several men. this is partially because i didn't know you could be filled by just 1 guy due to the refractory period. please explain. do you keep your legs elevated until he's ready to go again? how doesn't the cum dry up and/or spill out during or before sex after he already came in you once or twice? is there a bad smell after u guys are done and you've cleaned yourself? i've heard that women are left with a bad vaginal smell after a guy cums inside if they don't clean it out soon enough after sex.

Anonymous 10825

Depending on how much cum he produces, if he has masturbated or cum recently, his arousal level, he may produce different amounts cum, but generally when I see my bf he produces enough to fill me up after one time. I think different men produce different amounts of cum, but because me and my bf are LDR and don't see eachother often, and because usually he is busy travelling and preparing to travel and the 24 hours before I see him, he cums a lot because he hasn't released recently and we haven't had sex in months at that point. Men cum more inside vaginas than they do when masturbating, their bodies can tell I have heard and release more semen.
After my bf and me have sex we usually cuddle laying down so it doesn't leak out too much, still leaks though. Then sometimes we have sex a few times in a row, last time he came 5 times in a 6 hour period lmao.
Even if you stand up the cum will come pouring out, but I remember the first time I had sex the cum was still coming out of me a few days after. Wasn't so much like that last time because I did take a shower and try and wash it out (so he would eat me out) but even then still failed at getting it all out because he could still taste it.
So it isn't really necessary to have multiple guys, just depends on your moid.

Anonymous 10888

I'm in hospital, which is making me both terminally bored and horny. I'm just sitting here alone all day and night, thinking about sex all the time. A friend revealed he can just easily sneak in to see me after hours with no trouble and despite the fact I've never found him attractive before, I'm constantly fantasising about fucking him. It's made worse by the fact that I can fuck in just about any prone position, but can't masturbate at all. I can't decide if this is just lonely desperation or men-are-sex-objects girlboss shit.

Anonymous 10890

don't do it you're not in the right state of mind. I've had something similar happen during the covid lockdowns and often thought about fucking this ugly guy i barely knew

Anonymous 10892

he snuck in to bring me an actual roast chicken dinner last night because I couldn't eat hospital food. He's not ugly, just not my type at all, but I don't care anymore because want sex

Anonymous 10893

that's nice of him but idk i still think you should wait until ur out of the hospital. especially so he wont start thinking being nice = sex with you

Anonymous 10895

had a persistent fantasy about the chubby guy im talking to on discord masturbates me from behind. no sex, he's just there to "get me off"
the problem is he calls himself an incel & is lowkey racist and misogynist, but is the sweetest guy besides that. makes me laugh in the dumbest ways and will listen to everything i say and is really supportive. doesnt seem to be interested in me tho…. i want kms…

Anonymous 10899

I'm gonna do it. Castigate me later.

Anonymous 10900

>It's made worse by the fact that I can fuck in just about any prone position, but can't masturbate at all
Both your arms are broken and in a cast right now?

Anonymous 10902

I had a little accident and now the fingers on my left hand and my right wrist are immobilised. I now write everything with very quiet dictation.

Sex was 6/10, very awkward, a little painful because of the movement, good parts were very sexy foreplay and kissing.
Orgasm was 8/10, extremely satisfying and from penetration which is rare for me.
Pillowtalk was 6/10, only lost points because we couldn't cuddle for long or talk him into going again.
Overall mark is 7/10.

Anonymous 10911

>Post in here when you're horny
>implying there are times when I'm not horny

Anonymous 10932

I just love when a hot or cute guy has broad shoulders, I can't stop picturing wrapping my legs around them while he eats me out..

Anonymous 10953


I had a dream last night about going on a date, and screwing Kabal from Mortal Kombat. Not the 11 version, the MK9 version. Yeah okay so he's burnt and scarred tf up and doesn't exist in real life, but he's still hotter than 80% of moids that walk this living earth so-.

Anonymous 10954


Asshole moids are so insufferable. Their only value is being pegged until they go full twink.

Anonymous 10955

Saw a handsome young man wearing shorts with one of his (long, beautiful) legs perched up on a bench today. I wish publicly staring at men was allowed, so sad I had to look away.

Anonymous 10956

Why not take a creepshot? Then you can look at it for as long as you want.

Anonymous 10960


He's a male. We don't give a damn if he's sexualized behind his back.

Anonymous 10964

>haven't had sex in over 3 years
>don't masturbate much and try to avoid smut
>friend suggests we should design costumes together for a ren faire
>decide to go with a Byzantine/ERE look
>long flowy gowns with plenty of shiny
>she ropes some people in later
>convinces her cousin to come, but there's not enough time to make him a new costume
>haven't met him, but she works something out
>meet up with everyone for final costuming
>meet her cousin for the first time
>long auburn hair, bright green eyes, at least 6'2, well built and incredibly handsome
>he's going as our Varangian palace guard
>spend the day getting to know him and he's incredibly respectful, even a little shy around women dressing
>get to sit and watch as he strips down to boxers repeatedly
>go home
>lay back and daydream about ravaging him
>have such an intense orgasm I need to recover like I'd just ran a marathon
>learn he's only ever slept with 3 women, all were in long-term relationships and all ended amicably
I'm WILL have him. I've had recurring dreams about being a Byzantine princess forcing a hunky Varangian palace guard to be my submissive, secret lover. I'm honestly just considering cornering him during the faire, kissing him and taking him home, because if I'm right about his past relationships, all were self-possessed and dominant women and I might get to just dom him into submission and maybe boyfriend status.

Anonymous 10966

Wow what a read I love auburn hair oh my- you should go for it; I know I would hate myself if I didnt at least try!

Anonymous 10967

I have been too horny and tried vagina with mixed results

Anonymous 10997


This is me and I'm still horny, still haven't had sex almost 2 years later. Left the basement tho

Anonymous 10998

Good luck, nona!

Anonymous 11014

Just had our final costume adjustments and the fair is next weekend. Again saw him in underwear and I just kind of forced a hug goodbye on him and he picked me up.

Anonymous 11019

Anonymous 11020

>learn he's only ever slept with 3 women, all were in long-term relationships and all ended amicably
They never tell about prostitutes and other things, do they?

Anonymous 11021

For the past couple years I've only been truly attracted to females, but now I'm super horny for this one dude. Kill me.

Anonymous 11022

That's pretty normal. Bicycle continues, the wheel turns lol.

Anonymous 11024

I’m horny as hell. I really want fuck this one guy in my class. He’s in high school (last year, 18) doing dual enrollment at my school. I’m 20. I just want to stimulate his senses (nice perfume, dressing well) and have him rail me. I’m horny everyday of my cycle. It’s sick.

I have fantasies of us hooking up after the semester ends. He’s so attractive to me. So humble and so very smart. He also seems religious which makes me love him even more. I’ve becoming more connected to my religion because of him.

Fantasy: I want to kiss me, eat me out, finger me, and then rail me.

Anonymous 11025

You know most men don't actually hire prostitutes, right? Stop trying to ruin him for me.

Anonymous 11026

Sure, but can you be certain it's the case for him?

Anonymous 11027

It's not.

Good luck nona, I'm rooting for you. Get him!

Anonymous 11045

We spent most of the morning as a group, but split up in the afternoon and I stuck by him as we did the fair stuff with him as my bodyguard. Did a lot of walking arm in arm, then I started holding his hand and he started touching me more, picking me up and putting his hand on my back. I kissed him on the cheek for a picture and got him to touch my lower back and hips. He won a strength/stamina competition and gave me the prize, so I gifted him with a kiss. He was a little slow on the uptake until we stopped to get some shade, I told him how much fun I was having and had to slide his hands down to my hips and kiss him again for him to get it. When we were leaving he cuddled me from behind and we've been very physical on the ride back. Now I'm typing this back at my friend's place waiting until some people get tired enough to head out so I can ask him to "drive me home" without being suspect.

Anonymous 11061

Needs another update

Anonymous 11064

I very covertly arranged for him to drive me home and again had to just come out and say I wanted to spend the night with him, because I have come to the conclusion he has absolutely no game and I shudder to think how many women have hit on him without him noticing. Turns out he owns his own home, and I'm pretty sure his mom or an old girlfriend decorated the place, because it's actually very classy with nice furniture and paint scheme that no man would ever consider. I was pretty nervous so I had more than a little liquid courage and we made out a little, which was nice but really was just making me thirstier, so I took a chance and tried a little bit of taking control. He's not as much of a pushover as I'd like, but he let me guide things and at one point we spooned on the couch as he fingered me, which I'd never done before. Being completely wrapped up in his arms, embraced by a warm body on a cold night, his tongue and lips on my neck as I just silently adjusted his position until orgasm was probably the most erotic thing I'd ever done in my life until that point; which is a deeply sad thing thinking back.

He refused my offer of oral, which was a bit weird, so we went to his bedroom; again, very clean and tastefully decorated, besides the bigass computer and crafts table filled with parts and tools. He's a good size, so I set the pace until I pulled him on top and my phone suddenly started pinging my joke message tone, which just made us laugh as he tried to concentrate and keep pace. At about what I thought was midway through, I told him to stick his tongue out for me to suck and after he told me to stop because it'd make him cum. I couldn't resist and did it again because I thought he meant in a few minutes, not in 15 seconds. He came and I was only a little disappointed, but he said he just needed a few minutes, so he kissed until he was ready again, only to find his pack of condoms had precisely 1 left and it'd been torn at the corner months ago. The nearest all-night pharmacy was over 45 minutes drive away and neither of us wanted to risk a breathalyser, so we opted to take a shower together and I didn't feel like receiving oral, so we did a little grinding and the thought of pinning him down under the running water and forcing him to cum inside me was enough to push me over in a few minutes. We got out and while I considered watching a movie with him, by the time we'd dried off, all the fatigue of the day hit me all at once and we crawled into his nice big comfy bed for 6 measly hours because we had the second day of the fair in the morning.

Anonymous 11065

The next morning was surprisingly not at all awkward and very nearly graduated to sex, but I regained my senses and we were considering doing the whole, pretending to arrive separately thing, but he was completely fine with everyone knowing, which set the attitude for the entire day. Of course we were mocked relentlessly, but my friend and his cousin had no problem with it, so we packed into the car again, but this time we could cuddle openly. The second day just wasn't as packed at the first, so we had time to ourselves and I dragged him another endurance competition so he could win me a very desirable giftcard. Sadly he came in second and I teased him that disappointment would be met with punishment duties as a royal guard. That thought just played off my fantasies and set things in motion. I didn't so much drag him away as take his hand and decide our direction toward some tents for privacy as we kissed. The thought of being found was incredibly hot, but the horror of ACTUALLY being found was overpowering, so I made a compromise with my libido and I just started leading him away from the fairgrounds out into actual wilderness. I didn't know it until I checked on google maps just now, but we ended up in a little cops over 1.4km from the edge of the fairgrounds. This time he didn't need any explanation as I found a nice spot in the shade with grass and little debris, kissed him and told him to roleplay with me.

Prepare for cringe.

I absconded from the royal party with my personal guard, a Varangian from the barbaric wastes of the north, given as a gift by the Emperor himself. He barely spoke a word of Latin, but his Greek was just passable enough to receive orders; still, it wasn't a civilised language I wished of his tongue at that moment. I laid down and issued the order for him to slip his armour and pleasure me. He crawled on hands and knees to slip between my thighs, giving me one last look at his hair loose over his shoulders and those bright eyes staring back at me. He licked and sucked, kissing and penetrating with firm, unrelenting strokes. I laid back and let the sunlight play across me skin as it filtered through the canopy of the tree above. I grabbed for his hair and firmly adjusted his mouth to guide him, feeling him move without resistance or apprehension. I felt the rush coming on and pressed him harder, wrapping my legs at the ankle over his shoulders as he tipped back and angled me toward him. My thighs squeezed over his ears as the rising tide surged to the edge of the dam and burst, all tension fleeing me as if the dam's water flooding the valley below.

I drew him closer and raised on my elbows, but did not kiss him; simply looked into his eyes as he looked back with that pleased, vaguely self-satisfied smile on his face. He uttered a gutteral prayer to his pagan gods and tried to pull me toward him, but I slapped his hands away. He knew his place and pulled back, asking what I need I would have of him. I leaned forward and stood, placing a hand on his chest and leaning him back. From my baggage I drew some wine and drank, before settling over him and motioning to drink as I poured it into his mouth. He drank and savoured the taste of the finest vintage from Negev. Licking a drop which ran from his lip, I kissed him deeply, unfasted his brutish trousers and parted his tunic so he could feel me as I hoisted my skirts and settled upon him. Slipping him inside, our bodies came together in a kiss, only broken as he began to thrust. Our coupling was frantic as we parted and met and I could begin to feel the dam fill once more. Seated, kissing and rutting madly, he grunted as I felt the great rush once more and slowly ground to a halt. I was prepared to stop and breathe, but my Varangian rose and seized my hips, then pulled me to him. He looked me in the eye as he began to thrust and my hand shot out to strike the impudent sellsword. He took the blow as I forced him back and I could see the disappointment in his eyes. I'd taken what I'd needed from him, but that look just drove me wild. Rather than stand and leave him, I pushed him down and ticked my legs beneath me; without breaking contact I rose and fell. I took him there, one hand on his neck to keep him pinned and the other anchored to his side. He barely noticed the pain I inflicted, instead focused on me as I saw breathing grow more ragged and his hands roam over my body. He wished so badly to take me as he had women from his world, but now this was my world and I took him as I pleased. He let out a call and thrust into me, then faltered and sank back. This time as he pulled me to him, I came willingly and laid with him for a time, before returning to camp, lest we be discovered and servants need bribing or disposing of.

Cringe over.

We cuddled for a bit and I told him I liked him. He asked me if I'd want to properly date as a couple and I said yes, then immediately clarified "like boyfriend and girlfriend?" which I instantly regretted and he started laughing at. So now after 4 years, I have a boyfriend again and he's already a serious improvement from the last.

Anonymous 11067

That was not cringy nona, I liked it. Also congrats on the new boyfriend!

Anonymous 11068

YOU GOT HIM. Congrats nona!

Anonymous 11069

Cool, and this is where some problems are solved, and new ones open up

Anonymous 11074

I desperately want to fuck my lab/project partner, and I know he wants it too. The way he looks at me, the way he blushes when I make a dirty joke, and the way he tries to lean in closer and touch me are indications.
I know better than to give in to my desires, and I know that part of the allure is the fact that I'm not going to fuck him. I know that if I did, the magic would be gone.

There's a pool themed party in a couple of days. Thinking of going with him wearing the skimpiest bikini I could find. I want him to practically be begging for me to fuck him. I want to say "hmm, give me a couple days to think about it".

Anonymous 11124

I fucking hate being on my period I'm always so goddamn horny I can hardly look at a woman without going crazy. I want to get fingered, soooo bad. I want to kiss her neck and undress her and suck on her nipples and kiss her stomach and eat her out. But I am ugly and an autistic retard, no woman will ever touch my lesbian ass. I'm too scared to flirt with women IRL I get so nervous.

Anonymous 11125

i want him to come home all sweaty from a long day of work, as soon as he gets home he strips to just his boxers. i want him to manhandle me and sit me on his lap. and i want him to take out all his frustrations on me, i want to be a source of relief and pleasure for him. i want him to be so exhausted that he falls asleep immediately after cumming and pulling out. I want him to wake up later that evening on the couch to me cooking dinner for him. I want him to apologize profusely for how mean and tough he was as we enjoy a nice dinner. then we'll fall asleep in each others arms.

Anonymous 11172

lately i've been having MAD sexual tension with this qt moid i've known for a few years. ended up going out with our mutual friends a few nights back. at some point, something snapped and we started making out feverishly as hell. for the rest of the evening, we kept leaning into each other and there were a few innuendos thrown around. ended up going home, but he texted me the next morning asking if i made it back safe and saying i was a great kisser.
i'm so fucking horny it makes no sense GOD i can't stop thinking about the little whimpers he let out when i semi-straddled him. i need him to rail me pronto.

Anonymous 11178

Lately I've been getting closer with one of my moid friends of few years and it's crazy what just spending more time with a person does to your brain. Before while I liked him as a friend and everything, I didn't think much of him, mainly because he is friend of my ex so for obvious reasons when I was taken and now I guess it'd make things too complicated or whatever. We'd only hang out as the 3 of us with me, my ex and him. After I ended things with my ex we've spent a lot more time the 2 of us and we'be been getting closer.

Now I've started to get real horny thinking about him. He's pretty cute guy, he is calm, patient, stoic and polite. I like to think that secretly he would be real horny and would fuck me like an animal if given the chance. This kind of contrast turns me on so much and it makes me even hornier thinking he is secretly imagining it too while he is being such a cute gentleman to me. He is so nice to me and I'm just imagining him hammering me hard, making me scream and just have him fuck my brains out.

I guess I have a kink for ''calm facade, animal in bed'' type or something. Not the first time I've been crushing over a guy like this and had same fantasies. It's so fucking hot and I've been getting off so much to this.

Anonymous 11181


I'm so fucking desperate I need a qt awkward boy to cuddle and make out with be fingered by while he struggles in the cutest way to tell me how much he loves me

Anonymous 11182

I'm thinking about sucking dick. I love sucking dick so much it's unreal.

Anonymous 11184

I'm ovulating and therefore too horny. Something I always think about is how I'd sit between my ex girlfriend's legs, back turned to her, and she'd touch my breast while masturbating me. I could feel her breath on my neck and it was so good. In desperate need of a girlfriend right now.

Anonymous 11271

I want a cute girls with plump lips to eat my pussy :(

Anonymous 11286

I think that Touhou posters are cute! Cute! And I want to have sex with them!

Anonymous 11423

Can you share one of the sexts?

Anonymous 11446

Well, that's flowery enough that he's certainly put some thought into it, but it's also apparent to me that, well, he's spent some time at least thinking about fucking you. That line about a heartpine might read like a dropped hint, but it immediately goes back into hornyville.
If you haven't talked, definitely talk. You might just go friends with benefits. He might be fine with that. Clearly your both horny. If you clarify in advance, you might be able to avoid getting feelings involved.

Anonymous 11450

I never used to get horny, but I finally got an e-boyfriend and he keeps sexting me and now I'm horny all the time. The problem is he lives 9000 mi away so I can't fuck him. I don't like masturbating either. I need authentic dick and man chest. We're not going to meet each other until next year. This is torture. I am literally dying. Is this how normals always were? Is this what I've missed out on in all those years of femceldom? I crave cock all the time. I want to live on his dick. I am going insane. I am thinking of ways to estrange him from his friends and family so he won't have problems preventing him from moving to be with me. I don't care if that's insane. I need to fuck him and it's his fault for making me like this.

Anonymous 11474


Looking at this art makes me horny like I wish I had a boyfriend who likes to go nude, has a big penis and testicles, and is toned quite well.

Source: https://www.deviantart.com/stoneman85/art/Zoopolis-Draco-Ryu-by-Ono-Fire-882686945

Anonymous 11475

I'm probably the only girl who said something about this art because everyone who favored it or commented on it are boys, and that kinda doesn't make sense since the character is canonically constantly chased by girls. Where are all the girls commenting “My ovaries exploded!” when looking at this art?

Anonymous 11476



Anonymous 11485

you have a guy you can happily live with, who's your friend, who you find desirable, who puts more effort into a casual joke that most men put into anniversaries and birthdays, and who's first sexual thought is pleasuring you with oral…BUT YOU'RE WAITING FOR THE PERFECT GUY!? i'm you've never lived with or fucked this perfect man and probably don't know him half as well as you think you do. ok, wait, no. you SHOULD tell your housemate you're not interested, and then give me your address. I'll be there shortly to take him away so he's not so much of a distraction

Anonymous 11486

one of my friends told me she has massive fetish for married men and I don't know how to feel about it

Anonymous 11494

I want to suck his cock so much. I want to hear his hot voice moan for me. Then I want him to fuck me hard in missionary with my legs locked around him I wont open them till he finishes inside me I crave his cum.

Anonymous 11500

I don't know why I seem to have a high libido compared to other women, or is it just that the notion that women usually have a lower libido a meme all along and most women are actually horny a lot.

Anonymous 11510

Horny and thinking about the girl I used to hooked up with using a strap to fuck me

Anonymous 11708

i love having big tits nonas… i was already a D cup and now they're growing because i got prescribed spironolactone for my pcos. i love feeling like a cow that needs to be milked

Anonymous 11709

is your fren's name ariana grande

Anonymous 11880

This got deleted.

DeviantArt will allow so much unhinged fetish art but apparently won't allow this.

Anonymous 11947


Anonymous 11978


I like to think that a man's penis can tell you his behavior or that it affects his behavior.


Anonymous 11979


Man butt (You can still see his penis)

Anonymous 11980

>I like to think that a man's penis can tell you his behavior or that it affects his behavior.

Anonymous 11981

NTN, but at a minimum you can tell a lot about a moid by how oversensitive, overconfident, or accepting they are about their dick, regardless of how big they actually are. Guys who are oversensitive about their dicks tend to be toxic assholes, guys who are overconfident about their dicks tends to be inconsiderate and lazy in relationships and in bed, and guys who are comfortable with the way they are whether their above or below average tend to be comfy to be with.

Anonymous 11991

Moid friend talked about his ex during a conversation about our sex lives, and he used the phrase "milked me with her ass". Absolutely grossed out at the time, but now I can't get the phrase or image out of my head. I don't enjoy anal play but the image of that phrase has really gotten me going the past few days. There is no hope for me.

Anonymous 11992

What do you like about it?

Anonymous 11993

I'm still a virgin at 32, but I've had elaborate fantasies about my best friend ever since we kissed and traded oral when we were 19. I've been so absolutely consumed by them since he broke off his last relationship that I'm finally going to take action.

I'm just about to get off work, so I'll ask him to get some after-work drinks, which he'll accept. He'll take about 20 minutes to pick me up, during which time I'll go down to the gym, shower and change into a nice dress that I know he likes and said I looked beautiful in, then get my hair under control. I'll meet him out front, make sure to force him to spin me around when we hug, then be flirty and expect him to open my door and offer a hand to get in. The second we arrive I'll start on a beer at our table and then quietly order a shot at the bar. By the time I've finished my second beer, I should have 30-ish minutes to get back to his place before it kicks in and my inhibitions will be low enough to convince myself this is a good idea.

I'll suggest making dinner and ask for something light. If I time it correctly, we'll be at peak comfiness when we're quarter-way through a movie I know he's seen a dozen times and won't be distracted by. I'll snuggle up to him and annoy him by mocking the movie. When he gets physical, I'll provoke tickling and wrestling, then use superior flexibility to wriggle on top of him. I think once I kiss and lay against him, he'll get it and give in. Since I've hidden the couple of shots, he won't start thinking I'm too drunk to take advantage of, and if I maintain the initiative, he won't have any reason to slow down. I'll straddle and grind him, and ask him to grab my hips because he loves wide hips. Once he's rock hard and we're both a little breathless, I'm hoping he'll volunteer to carry me to his bed. It should be just a little dark since his bedroom window faces East. Laying on his bed, I'll let him strip me and then pull him in. He's always said he wasn't a fan of blowjobs, and his last girlfriend gave me the impression he gives amazing head, so I'm expecting him to take the lead and I get to just lay back for a moment. By the time I'm ready, it should be nice and dark for us to slip under the sheets and for me to break the whole "Hey, I've never been penetrated before" thing and hopefully go really, really slow.

I've packed some lube to assist in penetration, extra condoms I think are his size, dry deodorant and wipes for the fear sweat I'll be leaking and 2 tiny bottle of vodka just in case my timing is off.

Anonymous 11994

Did your plan work out?

Anonymous 12008

Well, he saw me take a shot at the bar, then there was traffic so it took a little too long to get to his place and I had to push my timetable and quietly down one of the vodkas in the bathroom. The rest of it went kind of as planned, except he wasn't as dense/clueless as usual and made some flirty jokes about the positions I was twisting into and I was juuuust drunk enough to go with the flow. I wriggled to spoon with him and we kissed as he fingered me, which was kind of frightening at first, but after getting some rhythm and being more focused on him felt pretty great. Having him hold me tight as I came reduced me to jelly. I was fantasising about being bridal carried to bed, but I called him a neanderthal earlier and couldn't stop laughing when he slung me over his shoulder with a caveman impression. He was really, really patient and spent a lot of time warming me up, then put the AC on so it'd be cool enough to get under the sheets. There was a moment where I became irrationally angry because one of his pillows smelled like someone's shampoo, but being held down and stripped naked with of a lot of appreciative caveman noises distracted me. I really thought we'd have painful sex once and that'd be it, but he knew I was a virgin and we must have spent like 2 hours in bed just going between foreplay and penetration. When he said something along the lines of "I just need to loosen you up enough for me", it was hilariously gross, but insanely hot at the same time. By the end I was getting actually physically exhausted and hadn't come in like an hour so I was actually frustrated, until he turned me face down, wrapped me up in his arms and had prone sex. It felt like I was having my organs rearranged while getting a back adjustment, but fucking incredible too. The pain only lasted a few seconds and I came in under 5 minutes. We turned over and tried missionary so we could kiss as he came. After that we just lay together and talked for hours, then cuddled and fell asleep. I was expecting that this morning I'd leave and we'd talk, but he had things to do and hugged me, then left me with breakfast, so I just kind of hang around. He got back a couple of hours ago, kissed me and held me from behind, then asked what I wanted for dinner. So I think I'm staying another night? I'm also frightened to ask if this means we're dating now. I feel like you don't come home to your FWB and kiss them on the neck and run your hands over their waist lovingly, right?

Anonymous 12009


Since you know him (and hope he considers you best friend too) for 10+ years, its weird you hadn't made moves on him earlier after the age of 19. Were you ever a thing or were just friends? You sure seems to know everything about him, his favorite movie, loves wide hips, not a fan of blowjobs, even where his bedroom window faces. Weirder he didn't make moves on you before, since he seems the type to be straight forward with relations.

Since he isn't dense/clueless about what you're doing, even took care of you to be gentle with your first time, he REALLY wanted to have sex with care/intimacy, not just fuck. How was his previous breakup? Was it just fling for him?

He seems like a straight forward guy, so best you come forward if you want to have a long term relation with him (and why not? you know each other for years). He isn't second-guessing the fact that he fucked his best friend, right after a breakup, since he lovingly cuddled and hugged you in the morning, so don't let him. Tell him you don't want to be sex-friends. Maybe he's looking to finally settle down after a breakup and who better than you?

Also how did you figure out someone's shampoo on the pillows?

Anonymous 12013

This reads like a fanfiction lol. Sounds like you lost your virginity in the best way possible

Anonymous 12026

After that one time as teenagers, we kissed one NYE, but were never involved and stayed just friends. It's mostly my fault since that first time I got drunk and tried to have sex, but he refused because he didn't think I could consent, and it kind of bruised my ego, so I just never entertained any thought of it from there on. Eventually he got into a string of serious relationships and it was just never an option until now. His last relationship ended a few months ago, and I figured since it was amicable, he was over it.

Anyway, we're pretty firmly in the relationship stage now. I just spent the entire weekend living with him, talking about stuff and having sex as frequently as possible. It was kind of awkward admitting that after 15 years of friendship we can skip most of the build-up in a relationship and kind of flirted with the idea of moving in together, since he owns his home and I rent. I lost it a little and rambled, ended up talking about having kids, and he wasn't shocked or nervous about it. I already knew he really wanted to be a dad, but it's always been something I've never really considered, except in the abstract. Last night I brought up using birth control and he made a joke about not needing any if I play my cards right.

I'm suddenly trying really hard to keep a level head, because I think I'm becoming an egomaniac after going from being totally undesirable, alone and miserable, to having a very handsome man cook my meals, pleasure me sexually and tell me how beautiful I am.

Anonymous 12049


It might seem daunting to have a boyfriend who's so caring, so affectionate to you, that you feel that every part of you is full of pride and confidence, that your ego is being inflated, but be assured it's not exactly unearned. You stayed friends for 15 years. You took him to a date and it worked out. And it's simply another role to play for you. All about giving each other what they need in just the right way, doing stuff that compliments one another. He does stuff for you, you do stuff for him, not as an obligation but because you want to show your love for him. He seems to be the perceptive type.

Going from friends to lovers is very good for the overall stability of a relationship. remain a happy, caring friend for him, one who he can be casual and silly around. So he can make more Neanderthal noises and have fun in general. You gained a boyfriend, but didn't lose your friend. You should ask him about his ex, let him vent out about them.

Take your time with babies and marriage. Sute you know each other for a long time, but living and suffering problems together is whole another thing. Have lots of different experiences together before you decide to put a ring on it.

Anonymous 12050

This simply didn't happen, but it's hot

Anonymous 12157

I want to go tinder and hook up with chads and send video of fucking them to my shitty boyfriend.

Anonymous 12170

decided to hang out with a new friend while he was babysitting for a relative. we were eating at a kids play place and i saw him teach one of the girls about independence and learning from mistakes. i just kind of zoned out while he was dangling the kids from each hand as he dunked them into the ball pit and had this intense fantasy. i imagined dragging him into this little alcove around the corner so i could pull his pants down, force him onto the ground and straddle him in a desperate, frantic rush to fuck his brains out before someone saw. for the first time, i had this vivid thought of biting his neck and commanding him to come inside me. snapped out of it as he was walking back, realised that I was hunched over, getting wet, grinding my thighs together, breathing heavily and salivating. on the way out one of the kids said her feet hurt and i chimed in that mine did too, so he ended up carrying me bridal to the car with all the kids clinging to him like a climbing frame. i feel like i have brain parasites because while i really want to have fun casual sex with him there's this urge in the back of my brain thats screaming at me to have his babies.

Anonymous 12339


Fugggggggggg I miss my ex's butt so much

Anonymous 12347

Did you know that butts are the only naked thing allowed on SFW social media now?

Anonymous 12402

I've been in an asexual relationship with my boyfriend for about 4 months. He's very good to me and I have almost no libido, so we just fit into this nice cozy relationship. The problem is that recently I met a guy who just turns me on so much it's overwhelming. I've masturbated to the thought of him more in the last 2 weeks than I have in total my entire life. He's incredibly smart and really funny in a way my boyfriend just isn't, while being just as sweet and kind. When we're together I find myself touching and pressing up against him, which he reciprocates. He's almost a full foot taller than me with painfully beautiful piercing green eyes and this perfect intense masculine face that just drives me nuts. Tonight he lifted me onto his shoulder with one hand and no effort. When he put me down, he stood behind me and I just leaned back into him and he put his hands on my shoulders, so I rocked side to side so his thumbs would slowly rub aside the straps on my dress and I could feel his hands on my bare shoulders. I'm now sitting across from my boyfriend as he plays Super Smash Bros, just reliving this intense fantasy of this new guy pinning me to the floor as I wrap my legs around him and beg him to come inside me. I feel like I'm cheating, but it kind of just makes it even more exciting, which is simultaneously disgusting and incredibly hot.

Anonymous 12414

I want my boyfriend to hammer nails through my upper leg and make out with me. Won't ever tell him though, it's too weird and I wouldn't actually do it, don't want to get nasty scars on my legs.
The thought of it makes me insanely horny, but I don't even know how'd convince him to hurt me in the first place.

Anonymous 12415

That seems like a tough sell if you tried, considering he seems to care about you. You dummy.

Anonymous 12421

I want to ride a guy and after he cums inside me I'll sit on his face and make him eat his own cum.

Anonymous 12429

Got into edging lately to spice things up a bit, and now the thought of getting right to the edge and then being denied is just melting me right now

Anonymous 12635

I love doing this with my boyfriend, watching him licking me clean is so hot.

Anonymous 12683

I ended up sleeping with my best friend and I think about his cute moans every night since it happened. I want to bite him on his neck and suck him off just to hear his loud whimpers and praises. I want to pin him down and ride him for hours. He's so delicate and easily corruptible. Now he blushes every time we hang out together and I love teasing him for it.

Anonymous 12686

The other week my moid came inside me then slid down to suck his cum out of me and then spat it into my mouth while calling me a good girl. Honestly it was out of no where he has never done anything like that before and it drove me wild

Anonymous 12689

>it's just all about… pleasuring moids
That's not true.

Anonymous 12691

Does your bf send you a lot of dick pics or is that just an ldr thing? I've gotten at least one every day of this year so far, with 24 today alone. A few days ago he sent me 30 in one day. I don't mind it because he has a cute dick, but I'm not sure why he does this.

Anonymous 12697

Every consider that's just how we're made? The vast majority of women are submissive.

Anonymous 12755

>I rocked side to side so his thumbs would slowly rub aside the straps on my dress and I could feel his hands on my bare shoulders
>I feel like I'm cheating
you are. It's already ogre, your contempt for your soygamer bf is readily apparent. Just break up with him you silly goose

Anonymous 12756

A bit shameful to admit it, but I have lactation fetish and I want to suck on small breasts so much. People with this fetish usually like bigger breasts, but something about milking a small-chested woman drives me crazy.

Anonymous 12788

I crave alarm cock

Anonymous 12789


Anonymous 12814

Thread teme

Anonymous 12816

I should be able to beat and choke and ass fuck him but I will never ever, ever, ever get what I want.
I'll never be satisfied or happy.
It's no fair It's no fair It's no fair It's no fair IT'S NO FUCKING FAIR

Anonymous 12830


Fat fetish
You try to repress it but it won't go away, like a rent free tenant
Dog walker doggies out on the block
But with the rate of inflation better put on your shirt
You posted yourself on this imageboard
But it's called a chan not a smorgasbord
Cover that belly, the boys are emitting their jelly
When you're working on something artsy and not eating at a party

Anonymous 12850


Holding my horses because it may happen this year, yet.
He haunts me and emotionally terrorizes me but we'll see in June or July. Maybe earlier. Oh my.
He's an easy slut if I can convince him I might give him what he wants. I despise him. He is the thing I want so much.

Anonymous 12857

I'm 25 and have fucked 11 men, I kind of want to whore around more but I'm afraid of catching herpes :/ any advice

Anonymous 12862

are you gonna get into mutual bdsm?

Anonymous 12863

No. I'm domme and top only.
Honestly I'm starting to feel bad for that last post's wording because I do have fondness and care for this man. It's a shame, really. Maybe I'm a masochist but only emotionally.

Anonymous 12869


Too horny

Anonymous 12871

Nevermind I must endure this wretched horniness for longer because he decided against what we had!!!!!
So close to the sex of my dreams, sad. Ultimately good but sad.

Anonymous 12877


i can't fuckimg take it anymore nonas

Anonymous 12880

Just touch yourself jeez

Anonymous 12882

Are you>>12871 ?

Anonymous 12891


no im not
THAT'S LITERALLY ALL I DO AND IT'S STILL NOT ENOUGH!!!!!!im on antidepressants so i have to work twice as hard for a mediocre orgasm. I'M SO FUCKING TIRED

Anonymous 12892


try sillytavern and just erp with the bots.
also, the antidepressants may be doing harm to you, just use them to learn a new way of living and once you get that drop them.

Anonymous 12898

i don't like roleplaying

Anonymous 12900

my new boss gave me encouragement and praise then put his hands on my shoulders and told me he thinks i'll do well

pls give me babies or be my new dad

Anonymous 12902

Why in all the porn where it's like sucking dick POV those moids are always so mean? Like I enjoy sucking dick and it's where my goes when I'm horny but this "open your slut mouth whore" is so off-putting
Why can't they say nice stuff like "Yeah, sweetie, you're doing so well!"
Still safer than engaging with real moids but so off-puting

Anonymous 12903


I want picrel to eat my pussy so bad I know he'd be amazing at it but also I know I'd likely be too young for him but that makes him even more based I just need to age up my donut steel into a 60 year old Stacy

Anonymous 12907

Is this the keanu reeves videogame everyone was talking about?

Anonymous 12911

No it's Yutaka Yamai from Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth or more colloquially known as Yakuza 8

Anonymous 12913

Thank you, long hair moids are my weakness.

Anonymous 12919

> A few days ago he sent me 30 in one day.
that seems excessive

Anonymous 12920


yeah, we are made to be slaves to moids due to biology.

Anonymous 12923

Horny because of period. Just want to be eaten out

Anonymous 12956

i need a cute inexperienced boy to eat me out like now … i want to feel his hot breath the most and then after he plays with my clit while fucking me. i feel so ashamed

Anonymous 12970


imagine making a virgin boy cream his pants from eating you out…

Anonymous 13115


this is so weird but i heavily fantasize about taking some moid in as my personal maid as his last resort and i basically pay him pennies lmao. he would be at my beck and call like sebastian from black butler and wear a cute maid outfit like picrel. he would clean and cook and follow my every command, even stupid shit like being my personal stool. i would also use him for sex and command him to eat me out and basically be my human dildo. the part of the fantasy that gets me off the most is he absolutely hates it at first and is just in it for the menial pay but then gets stockholm syndrome and realises he loves his new life and doesn’t want to leave. he stays at home all day and has no life outside of me and grows severely attached to me. he becomes severely horny around me and sometimes i indulge him because hes worked so hard. only sometimes though.

Anonymous 13117

I just want to get fucked passionately, with love. But thank god for masturbation. Kek I know it doesn't make sense. But moids give me no hope so.

Anonymous 13119

had an orgasm and it didn't feel forced/boring. i think my sex drive is coming back i'm so happy!!!!

Anonymous 13123


i seem to get turned on by hyper-specific things, to the point where sometimes i suddenly feel uncontrollably horny watching something that should be innocuous, and then realize "oh, yeah. it's because of that". it's really embarrassing and sort of taboo, so i won't say what it is, but it's almost impossible to find clearly labeled in the wild. the people who typically end up "triggering" it aren't usually deliberately trying to be sexy or anything, either. i don't really know how i ended up like this, but it makes building real arousal a hassle (very worth it when it happens, but difficult to get it jumpstarted).

i wish i could "reset" myself and get turned on from normal things like an attractive woman or man's body, or sex scenes in movies or tv shows. at best, i'm like "oh, that looks nice". i already don't watch porn, so that's probably not doing much. my boyfriend loves being sexual with me, and i don't know how to tell him "hey, i'd be really into this if you just xyz". i've hinted at it, but not taken the full dive because of the taboo aspect, and all that's happened is he's tried out like, a mild version of it that doesn't quite hit. i want to shake his shoulders and tell him to go harder, but i don't want to jeopardize our relationship or weird him out.

Anonymous 13143


Anonymous 13145

I'm kind of horny and want to fap but I don't know what to fap to

Most regular porn triggers me because I just got out of an abusive relationship and I can't take the submission symbols I used to enjoy anymore

Wat do

Anonymous 13146

Dumb suggestion but it's worked for me more than once: do it while looking at yourself in a mirror. You can sort of control how sub or dom you look that way.

Anonymous 13149

it would honestly never work for me

Anonymous 13151

foot fetish is common these days and is getting mainstream though

Anonymous 13153

Was so horny yesterday turns out it's just first day of period

Anonymous 13157

i wish it were feet, honestly. it's far more fucked up than that. most i can say is that it has to do with degradation.
i found out there's an online community with people who are into related things to it. reading their posts doesn't do anything for me, but it's relieving to know i'm not as alone as i thought. i feel like i could use that, then fuck my boyfriend without having a mental block of shame killing my desire.

Anonymous 13162

Had a dream I was naked and floating in a void and being touched all over by dozens of disembodied hands. Stroking my hair, holding my chin/neck, massaging my shoulders and feet, teasing my nipples and clit, penetrating me, even playing with my anus which I do not enjoy irl. I was beyond turned on when I woke up. I've been daydreaming for days about it and it occupies my thoughts more than anything in recent memory. This is weapons-grade horny, I'm worried I'm gonna develop a new fetish for hands.

I had to rewrite this post more than once because I kept going into detail without thinking and was worried it would be too much lmao

Anonymous 13163

I'm interested in the details.

Anonymous 13167

I have a hand fetish and I'm borrowing this fantasy.

Anonymous 13168

It switched between first and third person
>naked in void (transition from another dream, you know how it is)
>bright light above me, feeling very warm
>can feel something lightly touching my thigh, look down and it's a disembodied hand (blue like the ones from Labyrinth)
>I vaguely recall talking to it or someone, not important
>suddenly feel hand in my hair pulling how I like
>more hands appear, stroking my cheek, holding my throat, retraining my arms and legs (dunno what against)
>cupping breasts, pinching and flicking nipples, massaging shoulders, stroking up and down my spine
>whole body feels on fire in a good way
>feel them massaging my feet, gently spreading my buttcheeks and vulva, squeezing my tummy
>don't remember when I was vaginally penetrated but it was like it was always happening
>distinct sub-scene almost of a hand sliding a middle finger into my butt and just how amazing that felt, literally remember going "I don't do that" but also "wow"(???)
>enjoyed the feeling of everywhere being gently stroked and touched while I can't move
>right at the edge, everything intensifies, light in my eyes gets brighter
>post-orgasm realise I'm awake, had been humping in my sleep
>immediately go for round 2 lmao

Have attempted to recreate the feeling of all the hands but no success. Have tried choking myself, pulling my own hair, even a bit of anal play (I'm a bit more open to it since this happened but just on my own, moids stay out), it just isn't the same. Definitely noticing people's hands a lot more now, especially my own. Gonna rewatch Labyrinth, see if that does anything

Anonymous 13169

>but it isn't the same
Maybe you could try disguising your hands? Gloves or nail polish of a similar blue color. This way, when you look at them playing with yourself they feel not your own.

Anonymous 13171


Anonymous 13180

Long distance from my girlfriend who I ideally see 1-2 times a month but due to work, has gone about 3 months. Finally saw her on Wednesday and had amazing sex for hours. She touched me everywhere and spent her time sucking and playing with my nipples. She ended up making me cum twice, dirty talking in my ear and edging me the entire time. Now I can’t stop touching myself waiting to see her again.

Anonymous 13185


I've been incredibly horny the past week or so, probably because I just got past a lot of stressful stuff + my period came which always makes me horny. I have a vibrator and a loving relationship with my boyfriend so it's all going good, basically. Except for the fact that I think I'm a little into one of my good friends. I always thought she was a beauty (not in an instagram baddie way, but in kind of an unconventional way?) but last year we had a very deep long and very personal conversation where she told me that she "used to be bi" (?? she made a recommitment to her religion at some point in the past years so maybe that's what she was meaning) at which point I told her I was bisexual as well. Everything she's said about her sexuality since reinforces her still being bisexual, so I have to wonder if she was just trying to make sure I wasn't uncomfortable because she's kind of the type to be overly considerate + we were in a hotel room alone together. She's also said she might be asexual though, but then she also talks about having a sex drive and feeling sexual attraction so.. ?! I don't know what to make of her. In general it's just been a passing curiosity like "well it's cool to know my friend and I share this about ourselves" but the other evening we were hanging out and we ended up talking late into the night and she ended up showing me her old writing. It was a fiction story about a friend group of lesbians and bi girls getting into drama, and it was actually really well written. She didn't remember a lot of it so we just read it together, we got really into the characters and the story. It had some sensual themes for the most part but it was kinda just PG-13 silliness so it wasn't awkward. Up until the last chapter when things were more sexual, not a straight up sex scene but a tasteful amount of masturbation references and grinding. She got really flustered because she clearly didn't remember that she'd written all that which was hilarious. Now my mind drifts to her every now and again. I kind of cut our hang out short today which is sad as fuck to me because usually I love hanging out with her, but I feel kind of weird knowing that I love my boyfriend, he and I are really compatible and it's not like I would leave him. So yeah. Anyway bye

Anonymous 13196

I just wanna be owned.. like a pet. Just like free use, whenever he wants where ever. I also think about being put on a leash lol. Nothing in public obviously.. I like the thought of choking and such too. Not too rough though, just like super dominant "I get what I want" sort of thing.

I was talking to this guy who's way too old for me, he's hot as hell though, and he said he'd tie me up naked to his barn and use me at his pleasure!! I think about that a lot

Anonymous 13205

>had sex twice
>was awful both times
>tried to initiate a few more times
>the second a moid touches me I dry up and it feels gross
>have an internal sexual fantasy life instead

With that in mind, my best friend and roommate broke up with his girlfriend and we ended up making out after drinking and wrestling for the remote. In the back of my mind I was expecting the kiss to end, he'd put his disgusting hands on me and it'd be over. "Oh well, at least it was a nice kiss" I thought. That was right up until he wrapped his arms around me, running his hands over my waist and it was like electricity up my spine. I stripped and he turned me around to spoon me as he felt me all over with one hand and slipped the other into my underwear. I came in under 5 minutes of fingering as he played with my nipples and kissed my neck. Normally, an orgasm knocks the horny right out of me and I couldn't imagine going again, but despite this being one the best orgasms I've ever had, I immediately wanted another. I straddled him, half suffocated him with my hair and, so fucking embarrassingly, humped him like a dog as I tried to get his pants off, only letting him come up for air to kiss me. I was honestly close to cumming again just from grinding, but he was worried I was too drunk to consent and pulled back. Not wanting to look pathetic and desperate, I agreed to stop and we just cuddled. Now, I think about him 10x more often and it's accompanied by my internal monologue screaming "WHY WOULD YOU STOP!? HE WAS INTO IT!". I literally had the first wet dream of my life last night, not knowing that was a real thing for women, dreaming about him playing with me as I lay floating in the bath, then pinning me to my mattress and fucking the life out of me as I begged him to cum inside and get me pregnant. I didn't even know that was something that turned me on, but now I do and it's so pervasive that I have this kind overlay of him passionately fucking me, filling me, every time I look at him. I'm so horny, so frustrated, that I can't even masturbate. I keep anticipating the kind of shivering, shuddering orgasm he gave me and I just can't get to the peak.

Anonymous 13206

This guy must be really hot for you to get so horny.

Anonymous 13214

He isn't my usual type at all, but I still fucking need him.

Anonymous 13216

What's the difference between him and your "usual type"?

Anonymous 13217

I'm drawn to guys around my height, skinny, very toned, with nice long hair, sharp features and a good sense of dress. He's much taller, thicker, bulkier, practically buzzes his hair every month or so, has a very sweet face and dresses like a dork. He's not exactly the opposite of the only other guys I've been able to stomach touching, but close enough. He's sitting across from me and I know that I love deep, dark eyes, but his are this bright green that I just want to stare into as I straddle and grind on him.

Anonymous 13218

So you didn't enjoy sex with average guys but now that you kissed a gigachad you suddenly became interested in sex?
This story is nothing special.

Anonymous 13219

>only attractive after he's been in a committed relationship
>suddenly attracted to strong builds
>vanity (hair and clothes) no longer an issue
>drawn to light eye coloration
>sudden fascination with pregnancy
I'm going to guess your roommate is a really stable kind of a guy. Some people might call him boring but he's calm and rational. He's either a real romantic or a bit of a pushover when it comes to women. He makes good money and is frugal with it. He's either traditionally masculine or maybe just had a strong father figure and projects that. You're in your late 20's or early 30's and have either worked shitty jobs your whole life or failed to land a decent career.

If most of these apply? You are undergoing Babycrazy Syndrome brought on by your biological clock and dissatisfaction with life. You're not really attracted to him you're selecting your best prospective babydaddy. Get a hold of yourself and realise you'll go right back to finding him unattractive once you're married with a couple of kids and end up throwing yourself at some long-haired twink who plays the drums for a Black Keys coverband thereby detonating your marriage and setting you on a path to being a single-mom pump'n'dump for any skinny guy in a band tee. If I was way off-base then maybe you really just fell in love with a guy you already liked. I dunno.

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