
Anonymous 3118
what does it feel like to touch a penis?
Anonymous 3119
>>3118like a warmer harder boob in the shape of a sausage
Anonymous 3120
>>3119you make it sound way less exciting than i thought it would be to hold one in your hand
Anonymous 3121
>>3120Holding a penis in your hand is exciting but not because of the texture
Anonymous 3122
>>3118Like a warm silicon dildo.
Anonymous 3123
>>3122Also like this but a bit more squishy.
Anonymous 3124
I'm curious too, OP. I want to touch one in the near future ;_;
Anonymous 3125
The surface is very, very soft. I've never touched such a soft surface on the human body. And I'm talking about when it's hard. The feeling of grabbing it itself is comforting. There is thickness and it is dense.
Anonymous 3126
Its honest to god just like
>>3119 said, but in my opinion its quite a bit harder than what comes to mind, like, imagine a hard piece of wood covered in thick,
very soft skin (the skin kinda feels like a really thick cover for leberwurst), all of it in human temperature and somewhat twitchy. When its fully erect you cant bend it at all. Its cute and fun to play around with.
Anonymous 3127
>>3125exactly like this. It feels amazing to just hold it
Anonymous 3128
>>3118Like a bag of salty coins.
Anonymous 3129
i'm really curious to know what a penis feels and smells like. i also phantasize about licking balls, idk if that's weird or not. at the same time i'm scared of men and i want nothing to do with them. feels bad.
Anonymous 3130
>>3129not weird at all. No need to be scared of men fren, you should find a qt nervous virgin bf who you can trust
Anonymous 3131

In additition to OP's question, is there a difference between a virgin penis and a used one?
Anonymous 3132
>>3131Not really. It's the person that counts.
Anonymous 3134
>>3131no but virgin boys are better
Anonymous 3135
It's exhilarating because like others have said, it's so soft, yet so hard and warm. Also when you look at his face you can see the tension - in your hands, you are holding his manhood, literally and metaphorically. It's invigorating to feel that power, especially from someone you love.
Anonymous 3136
>>3131something something pairbonding
Anonymous 3137

>>3135that sounds so hot. aaahhh i just want to touch a
virgin peepee
Anonymous 3138
>>3131it can become a bit dry/scaly around the tip if it's used a lot
Anonymous 3139
>>3131According to a few biologists, human evolution was actually driving towards equipping human males with a physical virginity.
When I was in high school (I dunno if this is true for other people or if it was just a local thing) some girls would talk about a guy's "rope" and say that when a guy has sex his "rope breaks" and it's a bloody, painful, horrifying experience. In Sex Ed they told us that was a myth and that that part is called the "frenulum" and it's there to deliver blood to the tip of the penis and that circulating this myth was just convincing men to take razors to cut an important part of their penises just so that it'd look like they had sex (and also so women wouldn't be unwilling to have sex with them over fear of a mess).
Well according to this medical hypothesis, the high school girls were right and the teachers were less right: hypothesis also explains why male-dominated cultures practice male circumcision, and it's pretty much the same as the reason high school boys were cutting their frenulums.
Anonymous 3140
>>3139The frenulum is not supposed to break, wtf. If it is you're either doing something wrong or were born with one that's too short.
That article is outdated and makes claims that have been disproven. I wouldn't listen it. There is no worldwide tradition of circumcision. It exists because of religion, not because of the practice itself.
Anonymous 3141
>>3140African tribes have had traditions of circumcision long before contact with either Islamic or European societies, usually as a manhood ritual. Their forms of circumcision were often significantly more extreme than the religiously-motivated ones; it was not uncommon for boys to die as a result of various practices. To this day, African tribes engage in male circumcision rituals which can be best described as "unhygienic," not for any specific spiritual purpose, but in order to undergo a social transition into manhood.>When I asked the abakwetha why they had to go through all this, they replied: It’s hard to be a man. You can’t buy it, or be given it, you have to be it. You have to endure pain, hunger and hardship. When times get tough in your life, you know you got through your initiation, so you can get through whatever challenge you are faced with. European colonialists and explorers noted that male circumcision, including infant circumcision, existed among Native Americans long before transatlantic contact. Likewise Australian and Polynesian cultures practiced male circumcision.
It seems more likely that the practice originated first and then gained religious trappings than that it was born purely from religion, since it existed on all human inhabited continents rather than all flowing from a single cultural and religious source.
Anonymous 3142
>>3139If the frenulum breaks it's because the guy has phymosis or something, but that's not the norm
Don't say it as if frenulum breaking is something expected and supposed to happen like hymen breaking
Anonymous 3143
>>3141in these tribes, the reason still remains ritualistic or religious.
the frenulum is NOT supposed to break. at all. if it does, its due to phymosis or the like.
Anonymous 3144
>>3141>>3139This is utter nonsense
Thank you, you broke the thread
>mutilate your dick as a baby to prove you're a man.also Look at the loser cultures that still do it. It's obviously a sign of quality, right?
Plus it's said it males masturbation harder for the boys. Tell me, please, what is the hardest challenge for a boy, if it's not touching their dick with all the porn and sugar that's around.
Anonymous 3145
>>3140>>3131there isn't a different between a virgin and non-virgin penis. but many people have a mental attraction to virgin (pure) sexual organs.
>>3137>this Anonymous 3146
>>3144Yeah, circumcision was literally promoted as a means to stop masturbation.
Anonymous 3147
>>3140The main reason why frenulum might break during sex is that the woman is not wet enough and that's a problem for both involved.
Anonymous 3148
>>3147I've heard of guys ripping their frenulum trying to force their way in before the women was wet enough. Serves him right. Lick it before you stick it.
Anonymous 3150
>>3149The tip feels hot? So sexy.
Anonymous 3152
>>3118My thoughts on penises even though I've only see and touch one in person. . .forgive me I'm autistic
-I find flaccid penises are very cute. They look like soft little slugs
-The skin is very soft like really soft
-it's usually darker then the rest of the body
-it gets surprisingly hard and really warm
-I think it's funny how the foreskin covers the head and you can pull it back to see the head, it a game of peekaboo
-men hate it when you pull it back too far, at least mine did
-like what I assume any human body sometimes it smells nice and other times it can stink same goes with the taste, from very pleasant to really sour
-it's fascinating to feel it pulses or throbs
Anonymous 3154

>>3152This description makes me want to touch a penis. Why was I born a femcel, only to suffer? Time to go listen to more “getting murdered by ur bf” asmr I guess.
Anonymous 3156
>>3155>female celibateIts a play in "incel" which is involuntary celibate. People who fail in dating and or casual sex. They're usually virgins.
Anonymous 3157
>>3154Nobody is born a femcel. If you're open-minded, participate in social activities and don't live in a place where you just can't fit in, it's almost impossible not to find a relationship.
Also, don't listen to the delusional post from 12/13/19 7AM. So much LARPing these days.
Anonymous 3158
>>3157>participate in social activitiesEhhh…
Anonymous 3159
>>3118The weirdest part is how the skin moves over top of it. Like the skin is really smooth but there's all sorts of ridges or muscle or something underneath and the skin just slides along over top of that.
Anonymous 3161
>>3138That's just if the guy is cut, friction in underwear causes the dryness. If you ever have male kids remember not to mutilate them ;_;
Anonymous 3162
>>3129If you go down to give him head & it stank, dont fucking do it!!!!! I did with my first boyfriend because I didnt know any better. A clean guy should not smell like moldy cheese down there!
Anonymous 3164
>>3131No not really. Its more about the individual and how he takes care it. But virgin bfs are the way to go. Guys who are in between virgin and man-whore tend to pick up weird things that they think all women are into (obviously not all). Virgin bf guarantees a fresh dick and his sexual learning will be shaped by YOUR needs & wants.
Anonymous 3166
Like 23. If a guy is a virgin past that then there is something wrong with him and he should avoided at all cost.
Anonymous 3168
>Aren't virgin guys at that age sort of weird?
Aren't you kind of weird too?
Anonymous 3169
>>3168Weird women fumble in social situations and show up late and have weird hobbies. Weird men abduct women and lock them in their basements and abuse anyone who makes the mistake of being involved with them.
Anonymous 3171
Especially if you're older than that. You don't want to be wasting your time on losers.
Anonymous 3172
Abduction yes, abuse no.
Anonymous 3173
>>3166>23Why do you think so?
After browsing love-shy forums (and not those nutty online communities where male teenagers whine about not getting laid), I really think that most virgin men over 30 are just more reserved and cautious than the average person but not necessarily weirdos.
Anonymous 3174
Outer skin is like the inside of your lip and moves freely, can stretch a lot easily, it's quite easy to bend and move around when not hard. FUCK CAPTCHA
I'll get back to you witb the hard one in a bit ;)
Anonymous 3175
>>3174When hard it feels like a really swollen muscle, flexed to maximum strength, it doesn't bend at all, it's around 2 or 3 times bigger than when small and the foreskin comes off the baby skin smooth tip, although it will move on and off partially when stroked
Anonymous 3176
[/spoiler] [spoiler]
Anonymous 3177
>>3166>If a guy is a virgin past that then there is something wrong with him and he should avoided at all cost.Why?
Anonymous 3178
>>3166My current boyfriend and last boyfriend were both late to have sex/a GF.
I think some men are legitimately shy and too reserved to date. They're also both heavily involved in their careers in male-dominated fields.
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with a guy having little to no experience, as long as you can see a reason for it. If they show evidence of being bitter and hateful toward others (lack of empathy) then drop them though.
Anonymous 3179
I think it's looking at me…
Anonymous 3180
Surprised nobody's mentioned how much dick skin feels like eyelid skin.
Anonymous 3181
>>3180Like soft, moisturized eyelid skin? Or "it's mid winter and no, I do not moisturize" eyelid skin?
Anonymous 3182
>>3180I just tried touching my eyelid and hurt my eye
Anonymous 3183
>>3181i think anon means the way it glides over the firmer surface beneath it
Anonymous 3184
Anonymous 3185

What a coincidence. Today I decided to go on google maps to browse Russia, and lo and behold I saw the same fucking signpost
Anonymous 3186
>>3185oh they're not the same I'm just a moron. Anyway sorry for slightly derailing the thread
Anonymous 3187
gtfo back to wykop you fucking normie scum
i'd kill you with my bare hands if i had the chance to do that
Anonymous 3188
Pretty good :DDD
ahahah benis!
Anonymous 3189
What's it like to touch a penis with your mouth?
Anonymous 3190
A weird combination of both soft and hard. The skin is almost nice, but it's actually a pretty gross feeling.
>>3121 said it perfectly. It's more about feeling close to the guy.
Anonymous 3191

Touching this must feel so lifelike.
Anonymous 3193
Dummies stop responding to smelly males for God's sake
Anonymous 3194
>>3193PLEASE. Stop giving them attention.
Anonymous 3195
>>3167>>3171>thinking you deserve better when you're no better than themcute
Anonymous 3196
>>3191That is not what a normal penis looks like. It's way too veiny.
Anonymous 3197
Like very soft pink velvet.
Anonymous 3198
>>3142also if you ever have a baby boy, remember to make him stretch their skin when they are young. be prepared for them to hurt a lot but it´s worth it doing it younger rather than older as it prevents phimosis. remember to check with your doctor as well
>t. little brother did it and came out fine while a highschool friend that grew up without a mother and didn't do it had to get circumcised in his teens Anonymous 3200
Why are moids like this. My bf says absolutely nothing and I hate it so much. I like it a lot more when I can see the enjoyment.
Anonymous 3201
>>3200>grab his dick>lean in bite his ear>whisper “moan for me you fucking slut”Bingo bango Bob’s your uncle
Anonymous 3202
>>63839>>3200maybe he doesn't actually feel good? or good enough to moan.
Anonymous 3203
>>3200>>63839my bf makes a lot of noise and i love it so much
Anonymous 3204
>>3202He would cum in 1 minute if it were up to him, pretty sure it feels fine.
Anonymous 3205
>>3200Tie him up and force him to moan.
Use whatever means necessary.
Anonymous 3207
tenor (4).gif

>>3201D-does that really work?
Asking for when I lose my virginity. Anonymous 3208
>>3207Yes, actually just approach random men on the street and do that to them if you want to lose your v more expediently
Anonymous 3210
It's not that they are retarded by nature, it's that they all started watching porn during puberty, before they had sex. So they think that women want men to act like the guys in porn who rarely make pleasure noises or say anything besides "yeah I bet you like that bitch" which might work for some but makes them seem autistic to most
Anonymous 3211
>>3200squeeze his penis after he cums
watch the moid squirm
Anonymous 3212
>big numbers
Anonymous 3213
On one hand I feel like you could reach several dozens of GB of normie porn quite easely if you want real high quality stuff and want to download a collection of specific series, actresses etc to keep it fresh, compared to those poor pornhub quality that are only 3 minutes clip
It'd be high for a normie who can barely use google but for some guy with internet addiction that'd be beginner size, my JAV folder is 12GB at the moment and it's only old 480p videos that have half finished downloading
On the other hand when I was deep in hentai my folder was almost 100GB big, and those were pretty small files (100mb per doujin), which is pretty fucking degenerate if you ask me
I lost the point of my message but I don't think 20GB is an insane amount seeing as a single high quality file of a hour long video can be 5GB by itself
Anonymous 3214
20 GB really doesn't seem like anything, assuming it's a video. Full HD 1920 x 1080 is 149MB for a minute. That more than doubles for Ultra HD / 4K at the same length. If it's actually like a porn movie style of video that seems like it'd be a gigabyte even on the low end. Not that I don't think that sort of stuff is kinda weird in of itself.
Anonymous 3215
It's a rabbit hole, I did read them all and hoarded them throught a year, it feels good to have things "at hand" all neatly organized and stuff
had it on an encrypted drive and planned on burying it somewhere if I ever killed myself so that future archeologists in the year 3000 could discover high japanese culture but I deleted it all a few years ago and never looked back
Anonymous 3216
>most men
>>moids online
that´s a lot of confirmation bias
Anonymous 3217
>this thread was posted 10 months ago
>still never touched a penis
Anonymous 3218
>>3215Reading 100gb of hentai is a big achievement imo. I have 2gb and it's already hard to browse.
>>3217To be fair, the past 8 months have been very uneventful for most people.
Anonymous 3219
like rubber,no kidding
first time I touched a dick I laughed out loud because of that,which was very tough to explain later
Anonymous 3220
>>3219I hope you apologised for hurting his feelings.
Anonymous 3221
>>3220But boys don't have feelings. Only girls do.
Anonymous 3222
>>3217Want some advice? What country are you from?
Anonymous 3223
>>3131a boy's urethra gets stretched out every time he has sex
Anonymous 3224
>>3223Lmao what? That is patently untrue, if it was wouldn't all guys dicks except for uncles be like 20" long?
Anonymous 3225
>>3224incels* guess I don't shitpost on my phone enough
Anonymous 3227
>>3224>wouldn't all guys dicks except for uncles be like 20" long?They do??? Have you never touched a dick before anon.
Anonymous 3229
>>3224I think she means the tip gets more exposed, not that it gets longer.
Anonymous 3231
>>3131This is a dead animal. Do not insert it in you.
Anonymous 3232
>>3230A post of me appears. I'm famous lol
Anonymous 3233
This entire thread is adorable
Anonymous 3234
>>3118I don't know and I don't want to know. Gross.
Anonymous 3235
>>3118It's like, when it's erect, it's warm and hard when you grab it, but your hand slides so easily over it like the skin is super smooth. When it's soft, it's just like that - soft, squishy, still really smooth though. It's a lot of fun to play with, though he never understands my obsession to just play with it non-sexually.
Anonymous 3236
>>3230>psychotic (censored slur) women can make threads that reach bump limit about how they want to torture and kill cats and dogs.Err, anyone knows what she's talking about? Where do we have threads like that here?
Anonymous 3237
This thread makes me realize how much of a virgin I really am.
Anonymous 3239
>>3138That's caused by circumcision
It makes their penis numb too
Anonymous 3240
>>3135The male is a retarded female, penises start as clits in the womb, clit exists solely to give pleasure when penises are used to rape women and children to death. Most women think dicks are gross (or neutral at best) and it's natural to think so. I'm very sceptical of "women" who fawn over dicks like this, you sound like a scrote. Scrotes love dicks and draw them everywhere, it's their homoerotic fixation.
Anonymous 3244
>>3241>>3243It's a mistake to assume that women with low opinions of men are bitter female incels.
On the contrary, most develop negative opinions of men as a result of having had extensive and intimate contact with them.
Anonymous 3245
>>3243>not fucking scrotes means you don't have sex Anonymous 3246
>>3244Sure. And I'm certain many incels developed their opinions of women from having interacted primarily with bitches. Many of them have terrible relationships with their mothers. That doesn't make their opinions right
You just need to find men who aren't assholes. Go outside your immediate family, for starters. Maybe check out a college campus
Anonymous 3247
>>3246Nta but I'm only sexually/romantically involved with women now. I didn't have to be dicked down and abused in a relationship to know the truth about men and to decide to never pursue them. I've seen and heard enough both irl and on the internet. The wast majority of men watch porn and I'm pretty sure they don't see women as fully human, like they see other men. Women who still chase scrotes in hope for a "happy ending" are fucking delusional. Don't compare women who reject men to incels who want to force women to have sex with them through enforced monogamy lmao.
Anonymous 3248
>>3245not everything's about you dyke
Anonymous 3249
>>3248I'm bi. Also, have sex is not a valid argument in the first place. I know heterosexual female separatists who are less fucked in the head than women who live with scrotes. Fucking men literally makes women dumb kek.
Anonymous 3382
>>3319You started by being rude.
Anonymous 3454
When a guy cums inside you, can you feel it?
pls say yes
Anonymous 3463
>>3454not really
but touching a penis, when its clean, is very pleasant
it has a soft tender skin, and can be both soft and hard, and i think soft penises are even better to touch because you can squeeze it a bit
Anonymous 3465
>>3463but what if he's like, really loud and his whole body tenses up? can that make his cock feel extra-twitchy inside you due to the mind filling in the blanks?
Anonymous 3617
whats the best dick size?
Anonymous 3618
>>3617Depends on the size of your vagina, I think
Anonymous 4080
>>3118I like that you can feel his heart beat faster when you hold it
Anonymous 4165
>>4100If you grip it tightly enough to stop the spurting, it'll turn his orgasm into extreme pain.
Anonymous 4168
>>4165It can't come out of the tip but the contractions don't stop
Anonymous 4176
>>4165virgin hands typed this post
Anonymous 4177
>>4165I'm pretty sure that doesn't work like that.
A moids dick does become much more sensitive after they orgasm though, maybe even to an uncomfortable level.
If I keep going, my bf basically has to gasp for me to stop.
Anonymous 4196
>>4177the helmet becomes super-sensitive after orgasm like a clit does, it's basically the same organ
Anonymous 4199
>>4196The best part to go for is interestingly the part Jew religions cut. That area seems to be moid's most pleasurable spot. You can even make them burst just by pushing against the pen there with your index finger repeatedly or even by rubbning them with your pinky.
Anonymous 4207
>>4199Do you mean the frenulum/banjo string? I think all guys have that, even circumcised
Anonymous 4210
>>4207It gets cut off. It still stays one of the biggest pleasure centers on a cut dick, though not as much.
Anonymous 4211

>>4207yes the fremulum whatever it is called. Just literally push it with your finger repeatedly very fast or even rubbing it with your pinky up and down quickly will work the moid will burst hard. I done it, it is stylish to do, looks skillful and sexy.
>pic courtesy of wikipedia Anonymous 4222
>>3118It is hard and warm. The skin of it is weirdly thin and soft compared to the rest of a guy's skin which is probably how it is sensitive I guess.
>>3180Now that you mention it that's a good comparison
Anonymous 4411
>>4211women should stand up and stop circumscicion, its responsible for most of the behavior problems associated with western men.
Anonymous 4418
>>4211women should stand up and stop circumscicion, its responsible for most of the behavior problems associated with western men.>>4412
Use your imagination.
Anonymous 4420
>>4411I don't trust men to clean their anteater
Anonymous 4430
>>4420girls get gross smegma too though
Anonymous 4863
Like scalding hot iron. feels like something extremely hot and hard jabbing into you. It pulsates and throbs too.
Anonymous 6530
OP, close your eyes
now gently touch your eyelid skin.
that what a penis feels like.
you're welcome.
Anonymous 6531
>>6530Surprisingly accurate.
If you have a bulbous nose, the tip feels a bit like that. Testicles are a softer version of elbow skin.
Anonymous 6536
>>3139I know this was 2 years ago but LMFAO tell me you have never touched a penis before without actually telling me
Anonymous 6944
>>3200>>3210Very late reply, I know.
Just tell him you want to hear him moan. Not moaning is a habit guys have from jacking off in secrecy.
Anonymous 7039
>>6944>Just tell him you want to hear him moan. Not moaning is a habit guys have from jacking off in secrecy.Wouldn't it make sense for women to have the same habit then?
Anonymous 7041
>>7039Guys learn to repress external shows of emotion, sensations, and feelings in general. I don't agree that it's all about jacking off in secret, but more about social conditioning to dull feelings.
Anonymous 7044
>>7041Lots and lots of women are also socialized to repress their feelings.
Anonymous 7045
>>7044Ok but it's definitely not to the same degree as men. You don't see nearly as many women who are afraid to cry as men.
Anonymous 7046
>>7039I think it's also because men don't make much sound in the porn they watch
Anonymous 7047
>>7045What does this have to do with the thread? We're talking about moaning here, not how poor moids have to repress their feelings. Also kek because when growing up I noticed more boys crying than girls.
Anonymous 7056
>>7047>>7045>>7044>>7041>>7039yeah it's just different norms/habits for level of open expression, which may include expressing pleasure. 'repressed' is too strong of word.
Anonymous 7360
>>4411>its responsible for most of the behavior problems associated with western are extremely stupid. most western men aren't cut. circumcision is only prevalent in islamistan, africa, israel, america and some americanized asian countries like korea
Anonymous 7428
>>3139the frenulum isn't what determines male virginity. in intact males, the foreskin is
fused to the head of the penis. upon having sex or engaging in sexual activity over time, it retracts. usually most of them will pull it back themselves before 14 (you don't think moids would break their own hymen if they had one?). however if you get one that's untainted, if you're rough and just pull it back, there's blood and it's very raw and sore.
Anonymous 7429
>>7360if you haven't noticed, cut moids are fucking psycho. i'm not saying normal ones can't be batshit, but the cuttoids are always hyper toxic insecure and scary violent.
Anonymous 7461
>>4411>>7360>prevalent in islamistan, africa, israel, americaSo basically all the worst places to be a woman? I know it sounds like schizo shit but I've read some articles on how badly the circumcision traumatizes an infant and it seems valid tbh. I also I've never talked to a nice moid who was american or muslim and I assume they are cut.
Anonymous 7495

>>7461there's definitely some truth to it. from what i've noticed with cut moids is that the ones who still have their frenulum in tact seem to be more stable than ones who do not. i think low and loose is what keeps it usually but not always. pic related.
Anonymous 11398
>>3131I knew a guy who said it was painful for him to try and have sex because his foreskin wouldn't pull back.
He said he was considering cutting part of it, I told him not to because it's dangerous.
Ultimately he just tried stretching the skin over time (painful).
It amazes me how much people overshare these days.
Anonymous 11399
>>3143They didn't get the idea from religion, even though it became incorporated into it.
Like all rituals they do it because it will bring about an outcome, probably fertility.
All ritualistic religions do things to try to gain favor with higher powers.
That's why "cargo cult" religions exist.
Anonymous 11786
Any kind of "why did it evolve to be this way?" speculation is pseudoscience to me and I like to avoid it. It's unverifiable and shaped by bias and overthinking.
Anonymous 11787

if thats the reason its shaped that way then its a bad shape. it should look like this
Anonymous 11789

Am I the only one who thinks flaccid is hotter than erect? It allows me to imagine how big the penis is when erect. Also more men should be effeminate. 11805
>>11789h-how far do you think his would reach after growth. i'm not good at estimating full size from soft
Anonymous 11809
>>11805That's the point I was trying to make. You can imagine whether or not he's a grower.
Anonymous 11813
>>11789I think flaccid can be as hot as hard. My boyfriend has a very sexy soft penis, he's well endowed and a shower as well. There's just something really alluring about watching him moving around naked and his penis just moves "along" with the rest of his body as it hangs in between his legs. It's quite sensual in a way.
Anonymous 11819
>>11818Yeah, I need a boyfriend who is a shower. He should also be cute like the ones in the cute guys thread.
Anonymous 11820
>>11816Be careful with what you wish for, even after the years I still have problems with his size once in a while. I've gotten used to it, but he's still really big and sometimes sex can become not so fun. The rest of the time I really enjoy his size though.
Anonymous 11824
>>11789Flaccid are a lot of fun for teasing and playing with.
>>11813I think I prefer growers. My guy is
tiny flaccid (and I tease him something awful about it), but seeing him go from soft and tiny to hard and like four times that size gives me butterflies.
Anonymous 11825
>>11824At least he can fit his pants in with a flaccid size that small.
Anonymous 11826
>>11824I've never been with a guy that was a grower, but it does sound nice.
>>11825An obvious bulge is sexy.
Anonymous 11855
>>6532Plastic girl.
Still haven’t touched a penis 3 years later, but I think I will escape femceldom soon.
Anonymous 11856
>>11830>Bragging on a porn board of all placeskys
Anonymous 11857
>>11856Chill, I was just teasing. I'm not even the nona she was replying to.
Anonymous 11861
It’s stiff and firm and fleshy and veiny and warm
Anonymous 11873
>>11857>Hehehe isn't it sooooooooooo funny that I bragged on the porn board of this website? I-I was just t-teasing, it's not like my words hurt anyone or anything, am I right?DIE
Anonymous 11875
>>11874This idiot
>>11830 bragged and I don't like this.
Anonymous 11876

>>11875i'm the person she replied to and found it funny. i can see that it might be hurtful if you are not often around 4x expanding qt penises but i don't think she meant badly
Anonymous 11877
>>11876>Saying extremely hurtful things on this website is actually allowed because WELL SHE DIDN'T MEAN IT OR SOMETHING LIKE THATGo back to where you came from. This site has never allowed this thing. Fuck off.
Anonymous 11883
this thread took such a weird turn
Anonymous 12188
I've only ever touched my moids, but all I can describe it as, is it makes you comfy and horny at the same time. He gets hard in his sleep and sometimes I hold it whilst I masturbate without waking him up
Anonymous 12191
>>12188>He gets hard in his sleepApparently that's like a regular thing that happens to them.
Anonymous 12336
>>12188>>12191thats so sexy fuck. next time im sleeping with my moid i need to take a peek lol
Anonymous 12803
>>12794What does that mean nona? Explain in great detail
Anonymous 12805

It's like dragging a surprisingly soft skin around one of these things
Anonymous 12832
>>12831That's a churchkhela, traditional Georgian (country, not state) sweet
Anonymous 12845
>>11398He might have phimosis or something similar.
Anonymous 12909
ok so… imagine like a ROCK ok like im talking spheroid but long? cyllindrcal? ok now pretend there is like warm latex but thick warm latex all over it and it isnt tight against the rock but its like smooth and flexible like u could pull on that shit with ur teeth and like lil bits of pubes and hair at the bottom???
but like the rock is kinda soft maybe a rock isnt the best thing to say maybe like a pickle that has been left in the jar for too dang long
Anonymous 14172
>>7461Circumcision indeed hurts the baby a lot, regardless of gender
Anonymous 14201
>>14172Well circumcision is something that can only be done to a penis, when it’s done to a girl it’s just genital mutilation at that point.
Also, circumcision isn’t necessary but it genuinely doesn’t have any serious affects and only crazy people think it’s seriously some crime against humanity. And if it is super harmful for some reason, it’s ok because it makes incels really mad lmao
Anonymous 14202
>>14201>Only crazy people think mutilating infants for aesthetic & satanic cult reasons is bad!I hope you never have children.
Anonymous 14206
>>14201 much like all surgeries carries risks. That's why surgeries are often kept as a last resource as they will always inflict damage on the body. Sometimes barely anything, sometimes very destructive. There are no benefits to circumcision in healthy infants and it's thus a totally unnecessary intervention that can seriously harm a child. Even if that chance is rare, it might be your own child who'll suffer the consequences for the rest of their life.>>3118A hard and warm cylinder squeeze toy.
Anonymous 14238
>>14172does it? at least circumcision makes the penis clean, and helps retarded moids keep their phallus clean. i'd prefer that over a moid with an intact foreskin, who has cheese and other bacteria growing on his filthy frontpole.
Anonymous 14257
>>14254No doubt that males posted in this thread but it's not like women would never talk about this topic.
Anonymous 14394
Foreskin just looks kinda gross. The dry look on a cut penis is easily fixed just by like, rubbing his pre around on it.
Anonymous 14395
Foreskin just looks kinda gross. The dry look on a cut penis is easily fixed just by like, rubbing his pre around on it.