
How do I train my moid? Anonymous 3600
I want to dom my bf. He's a stereotypical alpha jacked chad, at least on the outside. He has a cute and sweet side to him that he tries to hide, even to me sometimes. How do I convince him to le me dom him? I know he would like it, but he's so in denial. Every time I mention it he blushes and looks away, or changes argument, or other dismissive things.
This is becoming a bit too much, I even dreamed about kissing him while he's collared during the holydays
Anonymous 3601
Dump him and get a man who actually wants to be dominated.
>but but but signals!!!
If he wanted you to peg him, he'd have let you by now.
Anonymous 3602
>>3601But I KNOW hes's into it. He basically confirmed it when he waa drunk, but now refuses to admit it.
Anonymous 3603
>>3600>How do I train my moid?Don't. As hot as it sounds, you should either let that remain a fantasy in your head or find a man that wants to be trained/dominated. You could fuck him up mentally depending on how you "train" him.
If you do convince him to let you dominate him at least once then don't do some crazy shit like a 9 inch strap-on or stringing nettles immediately.
Anonymous 3604
>>3603But I don't want to do anything too extreme, at all. Heck I know already even pegging is probably off limits. But I'd want to at least get him to kneel for me sometimes… Is that too much to ask for?
Anonymous 3605
>>3604yea if it's beyond his comfort zone, do you want him pushing you to do things you don't want to? Even if you were drunk and said you might like to? Seems pretty shitty to me anon, just talk to him about it, ask him to keep an open mind but don't pressure him. What sorta shitty partner are you?
Anonymous 3606
>>3605I guess you're right. I love him too much to risk hurting him over a shitty kink.
I think the distance is making me a bit crazy…
Anonymous 3607
>>3606It's alright, sometimes we get wrapped up in our own fantasies and forget to consider other people. Just think about what it'd do if you pushed him to try something and he really didn't like it. How would you feel after he pushed you to do something you were uncomfortable with, you might not even feel safe with him anymore. I think you should just speak to him about it and until you've both spoken it over thoroughly don't try anything. Sometimes fantasies are best left as such anyways
Anonymous 3608
>>3604>Is that too much to ask for?You can ask for whatever you want. You can sit and spin when the answer is no.
Anonymous 3609
>>3600Just do it. Start out slow and leverage affection, build up over time.
Anonymous 3610
>>3609Can you give me an example? I don't know how to without feeling annoying or invasive…
Anonymous 3611
Of course it's possible OP, don't listen to those anons discouraging you. You just have to be patient and bold.
First of all, you need to have sex with him in the best position ever invented which is missionary. Move your hands towards his buttcheeks and then towards his anus but don't stick your finger there. Next time do the same thing, rub the butthole with greater force but still don't go inside. The third or fourth time you can go inside but VERY gently and shallowly. If you succeed with that, all you have to do is getting deeper and deeper every next time, gradually of course.
I don't know if I need to mention it but you must do all those things when he's extremely aroused and nearly cumming, in the other case he will just ask what the hell are you doing
Do everything right and he will beg you to peg him sooner or later, it worked perfectly with my ex.
Anonymous 3612
>>3611wtf kind of advice is this? She just needs to talk to her boyfriend, not surprise him with anal play when he's about to cum jfc
Also OP, it might be the distance. I have sex with my boyfriend very infrequently, mostly because of covid and where we live and I've noticed that my porn consumption gets increasingly deranged until I actually get laid again. It's like a switch that goes "vanilla shit/borderline vanilla is actually more than satisfying enough" before the cycle repeats again. Idk how applicable this is to you, but you did mention the distance thing so maybe it's more you being sex starved than actually
needing to act these kinks out with him
Anonymous 3615
>>3612She's already talked to him, he said yes but doesn't want to admit it becouse of his crazy pride or something. And moids ussually like when the woman takes the initiative
>>3613>Manipulative and Stacy as fuckMaybe but it works
Anonymous 3620
>>3615>he said no but actually meant yesWhat happened to "no means no"?
Anonymous 3621
>>3620I mean, of course no means no, we can all agree on that I think.
But he actually said yes, alcohol revealed his true desires. Than he sobered up and the culture he was raised in forced him to be ashamed of it and deny everything. That will be liberating for him when OP doms him, I mean mentally liberating, they will both be happier with that. She just needs a good way to do it and I gave her one
Anonymous 3624
How about you try telling him "I want to do x/y/z during sex, let's try it once or twice"?
Anything short of scat he should be open to giving a shot.
Anonymous 3625
>>3624Honestly, this.
Instead of focusing on what a man might secretly want, focus on what you actually for sure want.
Anonymous 3838
>>3621>But she actually said yes, alcohol revealed her true desires. Than she sobered up and the culture she was raised in forced her to be ashamed of it and deny everything.See how fucked up this sounds when you flip the genders?
Anonymous 3839
>>3838That's only if you believe she's weak and can't take her own responsibility for drinking
Anonymous 3840
>>3839It's not about that. It's about assuming that drunkenness paints an honest picture of who someone really is.
Anonymous 3847

>>3838nothing wrong with some girls being naturally submissive. The only bad thing is the enormous amount of dominant girls and submissive boys who suffer because culture represses their true nature.
Anonymous 12980
>>3600slap him in the balls lightly so he has a choice to make there and then
Anonymous 12981
Study the technique known as The Ben Franklin Effect.
>ask for small, simple favor
>pay off favor on time, but try to make the balance of favors favor you so he feels increasingly invested with payoffs either gradually decreasing or moving further and further into the future
This is also how some women develop polyandrous cult followings, and iirc how one of the most prolific black widow serial killers got all her rich handsome husbands..