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Catboy thread Anonymous 4056

Let's talk about catboys

Anonymous 4057

I want 20

Anonymous 4058


I want to kiss every single one of them

Anonymous 4059

All dogs go to heaven; all cat boys deserve a head pat.

Anonymous 4060

Why are the OP catboys so thicc?

Anonymous 4061


Anonymous 4062


Moids would be so much more palatable if we could replace more than half of their DNA with feline DNA.

Anonymous 4063

How do you feel about puppy boys? Yay or nay? I want to make a VN about a puppy boy harem. I would base them on real dog breeds and it would manifest in their personality.

Anonymous 4071

What would your catboy harem uniform be? Maid uniform? Collars? Naked? How would you punish them if they started acting retarded?

Anonymous 4072

Whatever they want to wear but obligatory collar with a tag with their name + my phone.

Anonymous 4074


We aren't even talking about anything nsfw? What the hell, mods?

Anonymous 4076


It's probably because of the thread image
They could wear cute ouji lolita style outfits. Also, spray them with water when they act up

Anonymous 4079


>What would your catboy harem uniform be? Maid uniform? Collars? Naked?
Collars and only boxer briefs. Outline is appealing, but seeing dick all the time isn't.

>How would you punish them if they started acting retarded?

Spray bottle and/or shock collar. And I'd probably end up making good use of them because I'd spoil them a lot and end up with a brat.

Anonymous 4091


Cats are generally more superior than dogs, but god I love werewolf boys too. Sorry for using this thread to dump some of my husbando.

Anonymous 4094


somebody posted this image in the /cm/ thread or something and idk why i find it so hot gosh damn it. I'm legit developing a cute balls, butt, legs, feet fetish idk that whole area when a moid has it clean and is on those poses it is so sexy. I never thought I could get into the behind parts so hardcore.

Anonymous 4095

>Wake up
>Catboys still don't exist
>Go back to sleep


Anonymous 4127


You're not gonna throw you catboy away after he grows up, right?

Anonymous 4128


What kind of monster would?! Besides, when they get older they just develop a different allure.

Anonymous 4133

CatDILFs when?

Anonymous 4135

from pretty boys you can top to handsome bishies that can top you. who would hate that?

Anonymous 4152


Feeling like pure shit, just want to fuck a catboy.

Anonymous 4160

>wake up
>no catboy jyushimatsu next to you
>back to eternal slumber

Anonymous 4201

I wish the nipples were colored more pinkish this art is already so hot gosh darn…

Please make them walk around naked sometimes and with the similar behaviors just like pups, your idea is REALLY good. Keep us updated. Just work on your game I'll wait.

Anonymous 4493


Looking forward to this

Anonymous 4536


How long do catboys live and does he understand how mortgages work?

Anonymous 8587


Anonymous 8590


Why is most catboy content cringe ass shota/femboyfaggotry? Where are the regular handsome men with cat (or other animals tbh) ears and tails?

Anonymous 8612

Now we're talking. catmen

Anonymous 8664


I feel like catboys would be really good at skateboarding; cats are masters of reorienting their bodies in midair and setting up precise jumps.

Anonymous 8711

you are right, nona. I don't mind seeing average bishies as catboys, but damn I hate the femboy shit like in this thread's pic. it's not sexy at all
I wish it had more fanart with hot catmen

Anonymous 8712

femboy shit was potentially hot until trannies ruined it, all of it.

Anonymous 8716

yeah bishies are perfectly good, even crossdressing, as long as they're still visibly guys! but trannies and coomers and troomers had to ruin it with their "trap" shit, even "trapifying" regular bishies.

Anonymous 8720


the tiktokification of catboys continues.

Anonymous 8824

They'd probably be lazy, bite you if you pet them wrong, demand food all the time, be gone all day then bring home dead animals while out hunting and leave them on the porch.
And not to mention all the shit they'd push off the counter while starting you dead in the eyes.

Anonymous 8914

Bishie literally means pretty boy

Anonymous 10730


Really sick of this timeline where anime feminine men (femboys) are depicted as teenage boys that look like breastless women with dick. We should have had catmen that dont look like normal buff dudes. Should have been more like pic related
>But no moid in the universe looks like pic related
Same with muscle women having fat butts and giants tits, and yet you have hundreds of millions of moids masturbating to them, because actual women on steroids start having masculine body shape

Anonymous 10749

Ew. Why does he have Kardashian hips?

Anonymous 11066

Catboys understand mortgages, but not currencies, so it's more than likely he'll end up giving you dead animals and cat food to try and help pay it.

Anonymous 11116

I saw someone draw fanart of my hyperfixation as a catboy and it's embarrassing, but I'm fucking obsessed with the idea. He has a generally sullen and withdrawn personality, so that juxtaposed with cat ears and a long, fluffy tail is ughh. Ideally he'd wear a collar too, but I think he'd hate it so it would probably be impossible. I think watching the tail swish or twitch from side to side when he is concentrating on something or talking would be so cute. Or maybe seeing it perk up unconsciously whenever he sees me would be very cute too. So even if his affect is flat and monotonous (because he is an autist), you'd still be able to read his emotions in such a cute way. But of course the best part would be biting on the ears gently, feeling how soft and warm they are, and gauging his reaction. I'm sure he would be embarrassed and squirm around a little bit since he is an ultra virgin, but maybe if I did it while he was preoccupied with something (like playing videogames) then I could get away with doing it for a long period of time.

Anonymous 11153


He's a guilty pleasure of mine.

Anonymous 11308



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