
Anonymous 4463
Tell about your porn-induced problems
Anonymous 4464
A hefty case of body dysmorphia, or at least making it worse. Mild sexual dysfunction in that when I'm having sex I need to think of a porn scene to finish.
Anonymous 4465
I want to eat a moids ass so bad
Anonymous 4472

>>4465Hearing them moan and grunt.
Squirming from your touch, trying to hide their embarrassed but lewd face under a pillow or their hands?
Anonymous 4477
Attraction to men was porn induced since my intro to sexuality was yaoi/gay male porn.
Reverse of the pornosexual bihet-woman who only likes women bc of porn meme basically. Since going noporn my interest in men waned to nothing.
Anonymous 4482

Intense kinks brought on by exposure to porn at 16 (thanks tumblr). These include hardcore humiliation fetish and with exhibitionist tendencies. Also ddlg type shit which I am uncomfy remembering. I’ve done a lot of work figuring out my less shameful fetishes but the darker ones are too painful to address. Trying to go noporn and seeing if that helps.
Anonymous 4586

my porn-induced problem is that I like to look at anal sex. not really having it. the first time I saw it, I was shocked and it looked so violent and dehumanizing. now it's the only thing that gets me off and it looks nice to me. porn is still very gross to me, the whole industry behind it but I still like to look at it, too. I hate how fucked-up the expectations surrounding anal sex are. How obsessed and creepy guys can get about it. I feel there is way too much pressure surrounding the subject and too many women get hurt emotionally or physically with it. all in all, a mixed bag.
Anonymous 4589

This is so fucking shameful but not being able to orgasm without porn. I cum within minutes while watching porn but a few days ago I decided to see if I could do it without looking at any porn an it took me an hour and a half to orgasm. What the fuck. I used to be able to do it in 15 minutes before I started watching porn. I thought the pornsick shit was a meme or a moid-only problem. Not to mention I developed a whole laundry list of paraphilias because of porn. Literally memed myself into a piss fetish. God, please just put me out of my misery I just want to cum like normal again…
Anonymous 4601

>>4463I don't think this is a porn-induced thing, but I have been quite static on masturbating entirely on hetero feminine boy x girl stuff, and can't seem to go back to normal now.
I think it is because of how pretty they are by themselves and how shy they are with that blushing ears included every time they crossdress, and the obvious difference between this kind of guy to other, more mainstream men like the average non-feminine and 'bara' guys.
I want to believe there must be at least one anon who is the complete opposite to me and is obsessed with bara men, lol.
Anonymous 4602
>>4601That's simply good taste, anon
Anonymous 4620
Porn is literally poison for the human psyche. Read easypeasymethod.org
Anonymous 4623
>>4601It is I, your total opposite. If we fuse now we can save the world from ending.
Anonymous 4744
fran serious.jpg

>>4589read easypeasymethod.org and quit cold turkey. You don't need porn, porn needs you.
Anonymous 5504
>>4463This may be a late reply to the thread but I watched a lot of doctor and specifically gyno porn. I never had a checkup before and I am very worried that I will be very aroused when I have to get checked down there the gyno doctor can tell. I don't know why I am really into it but the stirrups and the position makes you so vulnerable.
Anonymous 5505
>>4589You start by slowly thinking about very arousing situations. I guess it helps if you're like an artist or writer who's capable of coming up with such stuff and visualizing it in yout mind. I regained my ability to cum from just my imagination this year (or last year, I forgot), now looking at porn on my phone feels way more tedious than just using fantasies. Also I masturbate sometimes after having horny dreams, that also helps. There's one particular scene from a dream that I keep coming back to.
>>5504LMAO same
I don't think it'd be such a big deal for the doc, though, since they probably expect that kind of reaction to happen sometimes
In my case it's because I have a mild medical fetish though
Anonymous 5506
Ok, so for my porn-induced problems, I NEED a lot of pressure and friction on my clitoris to cum, I've been masturbatng in the same way ever since I was a kid and it has obviously also had a noticeable negative impact on my sex life (when I have one). I think I've damaged my clit beyond repair, but maybe I could regain some of its sensitivity if I try, like I did with my ability to orgasm using my imagination. I don't know, I would have to see a doctor.
Anonymous 5509
>>5506>I think I've damaged my clit beyond repair, but maybe I could regain some of its sensitivity if I tryI thought this was moid propaganda or jokes, it's real?
Anonymous 5510
>>5509It's moid propaganda. She just needs to stop using the wand and wait to adjust.
Anonymous 5511
>>4463My problem is that I love porn, I don't revile it or hate engaging with it, but it's definitely destroyed my ability to appreciate romantic or tender stuff. My tastes have become so depraved, so specific, that the only way I can sate them is through F-List. Violent, almost comical rape. Slaughtered and killed. My corpse raped some more like a cheap sex doll before being Hannibal Lecter'd, followed by a time skip where the other person shits out my undigested remains.
I've tried cold turkey abstinence, managed to go two months of never looking at porn or writing it, and it did nothing. It just made me appreciate this disgusting stuff even more.
Anonymous 5512
>>5510But so it DOES have bad side effects, right? I have no wand or bullet vibrator, and my urges aren't bad enough that I can't outright ignore them or tend to them in a more spaced out manner at my convenience, but I was always told that using vibrators and other sex toys would never make you less sensitive, the actual opposite in fact.
Anonymous 5514
>>5512I think if you're used to cumming with a Magic Wand (and the magic wand specifically, as it's very strong), it can make it harder to cum without one. It's also recommended by top "sexologists" for women who haven't figured out how to cum. But it's not going to affect sensitivity in the long-term, you just might need to find ways to get stimulation in the right spots without it
Anonymous 5515
>>5511Abstain from any kind of porn and retrain yourself using only your imagination, also use a blindfold for sensory deprivation
Anonymous 5516

>>5511I can't believe I'm saying this in /nsfw/ but you need to quit asap and seek Jesus.
Anonymous 5517
>>5515I have a very vivid imagination, and porn through active text ERP helps amplify that imagination. Like I said, I abstained for two months and it only made this stuff more appealing, mainly because I was just daydreaming about it.
>>5516Jesus isn't gonna help me stop friction burning the buzzer to the thought of my character being raped and eaten by zombies. Or her head blown off with some high powered rifle in excruciating detail about skull fragments puncturing the walls as her brain liquefies.
Anonymous 5518
>>5509Which part? The part about being damaged beyond repair or being able to regain sensitivity?
>>5510>stop using the wandI don't use sex toys at all. I masturbate by rubbing my crotch against the corner of a table or the edge of a toilet. Yes, I've been told that I do it like a teenager even though I'm an adult, no need to comment on that. But I never "grew out of" it. I remember how I would masturbate until my crotch hurt and I couldn't feel any more pleasure when I was a child. Ugh. So yeah, I'm definitely afraid of having damaged my clitoris to some degree.
Anonymous 5524
>>5518If you've done damage to your clit that way… It's the first time I've ever heard of anything like that happening. Think about how intensely men masturbate, especially during puberty. I know it's easier said than done but I really don't think you need to worry about it.
Anonymous 5525
>>5524Ok thank you, that does make me feel better. Still, I'll see a doctor sometime.
Anonymous 5582
It takes so fucking long to cum without porn. I can get off in minutes with it, but it can take hours without. I maybe also masturbate too often because porn makes me cum so quick (7-10 times a day).
Anonymous 5587
>>5582Yep, definitely stick to cumming with your imagination. You'll get used to it little by little. The visual stimulation you get from porn drastically reduces the satisfaction of masturbating without it (and even with it, eventually)