
Hypersexuality Anonymous 4764
Does anyone have the same issue or experience it? I'm a virgin but I can't stop thinking about sex constantly, mostly in regards to niche fetishes and my mild hybristophilia. I'm pretty anti-porn but i always come back to it someway or another either by just coming across it or actively searching for it. IDK, I really don't want to have a relationship though, because I feel like I'll demand it constantly.
>Pic Unrelated
Anonymous 4765
>>4764You probably want it so badly because you never get it. I think it's normal to be pretty freakin' horny after it's been awhile…
Anonymous 4766
>>4764I'm the exact same way too, OP. I think the anon above me is right too, you're just craving it because it's something you've never had.
Anonymous 4767
>>4764Are you me a few years back?
I married young partially because of my ‘strong drive’ (mainly because he’s great) and the desire ‘evens out’ so that you can live a life.
We still do it all the time, tho’.
As for the paraphilia - I married a soldier, a combat vet with some scars, a weapon collection, etc. Scratches that itch juuuust right AND he’s not a felon.
Anonymous 4768
Relatable. I've had a high drive since I hit puberty and it has yet to settle down at all. I've been coping with the porn addiction by drawing it instead. Less guilt, you know? And it makes it easy to cater to my weird fetish (femdom involving small men of a specific ethnicity).
I don't think you have to worry about wanting it all the time in a relationship if you're interested in males. Personally, that's the only reason I even want a bf lol. It's all males are good for.
Largely unsure of how it is in a lesbian relationships. Women are more diverse when it comes to sex drives, males are all the same.
Anonymous 4769
>>4768Make some money with that, gal
Anonymous 4770
>>4768I don’t know
My oldest sister complains bitterly that her hubby thinks more than once a month is ‘weird’
Anonymous 4771
>>4769kek I've considered it.It would probably be a good way to meet sub boys online too. But I'd be too scared of someone finding out.
>>4770>once a monthThat sounds like a nightmare. If you love someone I guess you put up with such nonsense, though. tbh if I was presented with the perfect boy I'd settle for once a month.
Anonymous 4772
I used to be like this for the longest time. Then I realized that I'm dumb and not straight. I now have zero sex drive and only have brief moments of intense horniness that last for a few minutes then pass, whether or not I orgasm.
Anonymous 4773
Not a virgin but probably hypersexual. 43, lesbian and have had 120+ partners, probably because none want sex as frequently as I do.
Anonymous 4774
25 y/o. Not a virgin but in a happy relationship. I'm ready to go at the slightest touch, and get horny suuuuper easily. My boyfriend makes fun of me for it and thinks it's cute but he has a really low sex drive and it's been about two weeks despite us having been temporarily living together.
Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy because I sleep next to such a sexy guy every night, but more than anything I'm just happy to be with him.
Anonymous 4775
>>4764Sounds like yo ujust need a dick in you.
I get the same after a longer dry spell where I'd like to go to the next bar and just pick the first good guy I see.
Tough for your first time I'd wager you should look for someone you can have a relationship with. And don't worry about wanting it too much, most guys are easily up to that.
Anonymous 4776
I have a high sex drive when i'm by myself (even if i'm in a relationship), but for some reason i can't orgasm when i'm with another person.
I don't have a bf atm, but the ones i've had so far have gone above and beyond to try to please me in any way i ask for, it's just that nothing really works for me.
After a while i just end up telling them that it's okay already and not to worry about it. Which i can tell damages their self esteem and our relationship in general.
It's weird because i want sex so badly and i can easily orgasm alone by myself with just my fingers and without even looking at porn, but for some reason i'm not able to orgasm when there's another person with me.
It really sucks. Growing up my more experienced friends always told me that sex was easy and not to worry about it. But it seems that reality was way worse than anything i could have imagined: i have vaginismus and i can only orgasm when i'm alone. I don't even seek relationships anymore because i don't want to put any other sweet guy through this.
Anonymous 4777
>>4768>being this naivesome males have a low sex drive
Anonymous 4778
Not really, I definitely feel like sex can do more bad than good though.
When I was in my last relationship though, I think I wanted to see his face. it was really childish and embarrassing. not in a cute way.
On my sex drive;
I only have a sex drive when I'm in a relationship, they're usually end up short-term though, so it doesn't matter. And I make the mistake of planning sex and then realizing I actually just want normal mundane every day intimacy. [its a mistake since I realize I may come off as a sex-obsessed freak]
Anonymous 4779

I hate the fact that I'm like this. Been this way since I was six and I really wish it would stop. There are some days where I'm not horny, though, but when it comes back I use porn. What makes me miserable is how over the years I would get bored with a certain category so I'd have to go on to the next "weird" fetish. I've already reached a level where it makes me feel really bad afterwards. I have a problem and it doesn't help that my bf is just as much as a coomer as I am.
Anonymous 4780
>>4764>hybristophiliaHuh, that's a new term. Wonder what it means.
>Hybristophilia is a sexual interest in and attraction to those who commit crimes, a paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent upon being with a partner known to have committed a crime.Oh dear god what is wrong with all of you.
Anonymous 4781
>>4780First day on the internet?
Anonymous 4800
>>4776Are you still here? I am the same. Why did God do this to us.
Anonymous 4805
>>4781No, but out of all the fetishes I've countered, I think only scat is more retarded than this one. Like, what? Criminals? Really?
Anonymous 4810
>>4805Hybristophilia is the straight girl equivalent of the popularity of 'teen' in male porn searches. Everyone knows it's a disturbingly popular possibly-majority marketshare, but only the severely socially retarded few are willing to admit to it for themselves identifiably in public.
Anonymous 5125
Good thread. I used to be the same, I had trouble in class since I used to draw retarded cartoon porn for 8 hours instead of taking notes. It's no longer compulsive but I masturbate frequently out of habit, usually once in the morning, once when I get to work, once or twice during lunch break, usually once on my second coffee break and then 1-4 times when I get home. I don't think I'm addicted or feel like it interferes with my life in any way whatsoever since it takes me around five minutes to reach climax without tools or material.
Like many women, I can barely orgasm with moids. Cunnilingus works for me but it takes some 20-30 minutes and some insane fucking zen level concentration. Entering a relationship was the thing that cooled my sex drive, PIV is so fucking boring and bad and it just has to be the main act. I fuck my boyfriend frequently but I haven't had an orgasm with him for 4 years. My least favorite part is that when I start flicking the bean he'll get excited and want to join, meaning he'll ruin my session, leave me without an orgasm and then get mad when he sees me start flicking again soon after.
I've really brought this upon myself but it's not like I can outright tell him that penetration doesn't do shit for me, I'd ruin it for him too and while dicks are worthless, I still like him as a person. Relationships are hard.
Anonymous 5130
>>5125>masturbates 10 times a day out of habitAre you me?
>has had sexnvm
I don't know if I'm just addicted to cooming or if I do it because I've never been in a relationship and I'm lonely. But hey, even if PIV is shit, at least you have someone to cuddle up with, you know? I don't know if that's enough.