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Lewd VR game for women??? Anonymous 4856

Moids get to have a bunch of coomer VR games for them (think Kanojo VR) but I can't seem to find an equivalent for women anywhere. Even with Koikatsu party that has character customisation, there doesn't seem to be a way to make a male character. Why isn't there a lewd VR game targeted at straight women yet?? Why can't I have a game where I can rub a 2D boy???! HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO WAIT FOR ONE???!!!

Anonymous 4857

Why not make one yourself

Anonymous 4858


I dont know how to make games, if I could you know damn well I would make a game like that.

Anonymous 4859

You should learn how to make games. It's fun.

Anonymous 4880


That would be a quite the challenge. I can give it a try for sure, I doubt I'll succeed in creating the perfect lewd VR game I envision though. I hope someday in the future there will be either a Koikatsu Party update where you can create moids or a full on Koikatsu Party-like game where I can romance the perfect moid and lewd him in VR.

Anonymous 4892

I wish there was stuff like this too, but then it just reminds me that actual full sensory VR tech is never happening in my lifetime.

Anonymous 4896

It would still be really nice to get something like this. It's annoying to only see stuff pandering to men and never to women. I'd pay good money for a game like this.

Anonymous 5101


Ladies, we might have some hope! From the /y/ thread: https://boards.4chan.org/y/thread/2867421
download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/izs8hi71yhbg6e9/VRHusbando.apk/file
source link: https://github.com/AfterdarkGayveloper/VRHusbando
Twitter of the dev: https://twitter.com/AGayveloper

The dev seems to be on hiatus rn let's hope they'll come back. It's still nice seeing more male focus content in VR, let's hope there's gonna be more in the future.

Anonymous 5102

samefag, I just wanted to add it's obviously not perfectlol

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