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Femdom Anonymous 4907

Have seen it mentioned on this board, but didnt found (if it actually exists pls send link). In any case, post femdom pics with cute male subs here ^_^

Anonymous 4908


Anonymous 4909


Anonymous 4910


Anonymous 4911


Anonymous 4912


Anonymous 4913


Anonymous 4914


Anonymous 4915


Anonymous 4916


Anonymous 4917


Anonymous 4918


Anonymous 4919


Anonymous 4921


Anonymous 4922


Anonymous 4923


Anonymous 4924


Anonymous 4925


Anonymous 4926


Anonymous 4927


Anonymous 4928


Anonymous 4929


Anonymous 4934


I get the appeal of coquest, control, and of cute boys blushing moaning and squirming, but i don't understand what do people see in some elaborate bindings. I even read a bondage themed manga(the characters were cute, name's Tsumi no Kai) and i still don't get it.
also 2D > 3D as always

Anonymous 4935


Well, thats more of an aesthetic issue, like his pose, the ornament of ropes on his body, etc. A man tied up in shibari style looks more beautiful than a man tied up just by his hands and legs (at least to me)

Anonymous 4936


Anonymous 4937


Anonymous 4939


Anonymous 4940


Anonymous 4941


damn, you make it look like art, i get the aesthetic part, but does it actually make you go wet? Do you masturbate to those pictures?

Anonymous 4942


This artist is good. She concentrates on sub guys a lot more than most femdom artists. Here: https://twitter.com/yumine_guo

Anonymous 4943


Anonymous 4944


Anonymous 4945


Anonymous 4946


Anonymous 4947


Anonymous 4948


Anonymous 4949


Anonymous 4950


how moidanons must be treated

Anonymous 4952


Anonymous 4956

not into tying men up or the bdsm stuff, but if a guy wouldn't let me do what i want with him, i wouldn't respect or desire him personally. men are only attractive when they are yielding and mentally submissive (not necessarily submissive in the sexual sense exactly).

Anonymous 4959

That's a really funny question because my bf has the same views on the opposite stuff. He told me he finds blowjobs disgusting because, quote, "how could I respect a girl after seeing her do something like that?" yet he has no issue eating me out. I would probably lose respect for him if he started acting like a regular coomer moid. That behavior disgusts me.

Anonymous 4963

Yes, why wouldnt I? :) men just look more beautiful to me when they are tied up like this. Thats some sort of fetish I guess

Anonymous 4964

>men are only attractive when they are yielding and mentally submissive
Yes! Yes! Yes! :)

Anonymous 4965


Anonymous 4966


this one is kewt^^

Anonymous 4967


Anonymous 4971


Anonymous 4972


Anonymous 4973


Anonymous 4976


Anonymous 4979


Hate his hairy armpits tho 🤮🤮🤮 (sorry for emojis, I just cant hold it)

Anonymous 4980


Anonymous 4981


What do you think about chokers and collars?

Anonymous 4982


>chokers and collars
Every man's musthave

Anonymous 4988


Anonymous 4989


Anonymous 5003

How tf is this supposed to be ergonomic? There's four fucking cups which implies four people are being served, but there's only two goddamn chairs. Not only that, but whoever's sitting in the left chair has to deal with this moid's head between their knees. His head isn't even close enough to the chair for comfy pussy eating who the FUCK designed this

Anonymous 5004

>men are only attractive when they are yielding and mentally submissive (not necessarily submissive in the sexual sense exactly).
what’s that mean? like being a people-pleaser basically? I like that too.

Anonymous 5005

>ctrl-f “nipple”
>no results
damn, what is wrong with you people

Anonymous 5073

I like the idea of tying a guy's hands behind him and riding him when he's helpless but I also like when he grabs me and holds me close so yeah guess I would be a sucky domme.

Anonymous 5081



Anonymous 5083


There was a really cute pic floating around in a previous femdom thread, it was a guy in an army uniform bound shibari style. IDK where it is but I really want to find it~

Anonymous 5098

This seems to be a largely moid dominated fetish. Why do men love femdom so much and women hate it so much?

Anonymous 5114

>men love femdom
moids can't be truly submissive, thus they only get turned on by female dominance being a repressed thing in society (doing taboo stuff gets a lot of males hard) but still "top from the bottom" usually (this meaning controlling the mistress and not just being a fucktoy slave)

>women hate it

most didn't even try it because most straight men expect their partners to be submissive. suggestions for female-on-top sex get dismissed or interpreted as just wanting to be a cowgirl, nothing more.
add fragile masculinity into the mix (feeling "homo" if something gets near his butthole) and you know… strap-ons (a pretty big part of straight femdom) is a no-no.

Anonymous 5116

>moids can't be truly submissive
straight moids*
i think gay/bi males can since they are already quite open to having sex with someone that can overpower them. pretty rare to expect being railed by a woman if you're already stronger than an overwhelming majority of them

Anonymous 5148

A confident woman taking over control, demanding to be pleased is truly beautiful.

Anyone likes to share some of their fantasies around femdom? Do you like it solely on a sexual level, or should it also be the dynamic of the relationship?

Anonymous 5187

Torture is fun

Anonymous 5190

What about girl on girl femdom?

Anonymous 5191


objectifying men is hot tho

Anonymous 5192

this is all fucked up artistically

Anonymous 5255

na Kek I can see what you mean, but it's still one of my favorite femdom images. That artist, in general, has a knack for portraying gaze and desire in a way I find really relatable.

Anonymous 5382


the deepest depth of femdom depravity. had to spoiler it.

Anonymous 5392


Does it classify?

Anonymous 5408


If any of you are interested, the femporn/yumejoshi general on /h/ usually has a lot of femdom (not very hardcore though, there's no leather, torture or heavy bondage usually, so yeah it's mostly gentle femdom). Pic related, it's from the previous thread (#13).

Personally, even though I love the idea of dominating men, I'm not into real femdom porn at all (or real porn in general). I prefer to dominate guys I'm attracted to in real life and to look at 2D femdom (for girls, ofc, not the garbage that is made for men). BUT this thread full of male-focused photos is great for art reference!

>This seems to be a largely moid dominated fetish
Luckily it's easy to tell when it's for men (male gaze) and when it's for women. It's something that straight moids don't usually understand and it's hilarious when they feel disgust when they see female-oriented porn in general (which they try and fail to insult calling it gay).
What's difficult, though, is finding said female-oriented content, unless you already know which content creators to follow.

perhaps you'll like this one, I also LOVE nipple play on men

Anonymous 5409


This artist that I discovered in those threads is super based. This set has 4 parts. Part 1

Anonymous 5410


Part 2
Oh yeah, their Twitter is https://twitter.com/irokawa_19

Anonymous 5411


You know, generally I'm more into gentle femdom than hardcore, even when it comes to 2D. But hardcore femdom is reserved for a handful of characters that I really like to see suffering, hehe. In that case, I enjoy it a lot.

Part 3

Anonymous 5412


Oh yeah, Tsumi to Kai. It interested me because of some fanart I found, obviously the glasses guy + femdom + bondage grabbed my attention. He's drawn in a relatively attractive way but it's obvious (at least to me) that the author, You Someya, is male. I remember some really dumb parts in the plot as well, so I was a bit disappointed in the story (and the translation I was reading was fucking atrocious).
Apparently the next volume hasn't been released yet (I don't remember, it's been months) but I haven't been able to read more. I want to know What's next.
>but i don't understand what do people see in some elaborate bindings
Same, maybe when I was younger and into BDSM yaoi I found it hotter, but now it's just aesthetically pleasing in a non-sexual way to me, at most. I don't really masturbate to it (or femdom, it's more of a psychological thing to me, or maybe I just haven't given it a chance as actual masturbation material…).

Part 4

Anonymous 7079

Has anyone watched the Netflix movie Love and Leashes? It's a Korean film based on the webcomic The Sensual M. It's about petplay.

I actually haven't watched it myself, but there's this scene making the rounds where the female lead's romantic interest starts barking uncontrollably:


People are memeing on it because the scene is funny and cringey. Which it is. But the scene struck a chord with me for a different reason. It's the first time I've seen media portray an exasperated, confused Dominatrix. She's new to this and she has no idea what's going to work. She barely knows what to do. Most women who get into BDSM can recall feelings of self-doubt during their early dynamics. Seeing this scene was really humanizing to female dominants, I guess. Like I said, I haven't watched the rest of the movie but now I definitely want to check it out.

Anonymous 7081

I need more pics like the op one please.

Anonymous 7324

It turns out that I was wrong and You Someya is female, she just draws porn for moids.

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