
Hot fit ASF male models Anonymous 497
Post them! :')
This is Christian Hogue btw.
Anonymous 503
images (5).jpg

Caio Castro 2/2
And I'm done with my first contributions!
Anonymous 527
>>517I don't even mind the mustache, this guy is hot
Anonymous 555
>>549>>517 is a hot dad type wtf are you talking about?
Anonymous 557
>>555Unless you're 40 yourself there isn't such as thing as a hot dad type. Deal with your daddy issues in a healthy way, not fetishizing gross old men.
Anonymous 558
>>557You don't have to get triggered because someone finds some random guy hot.
I guess people really do have different tastes. He is hot with or without the mustache imo. I'm not the person who posted the pic, I'm just stating what I see. The only I think is disgusting is the guy with a big belly.
Anonymous 568
>>549>>557why be a buzzkill in a motherfucking thread to thirst on hot models of all places
would love to see you elaborate on what you find gross about those guys or share pics of your prefered type of hot guys, enlighten us nonnie!
Anonymous 594
>>500Noooooo I fuckin know him, he was a friend of mine during school.
Anonymous 596
>>581 I just want to grab his ass. I love guys who are THICC so much nowadays for someone whose only ever like do underweight guys. Hooty hooty, I'm coming for that booty.
Anonymous 661

i hate him but would fuck the shit out of him
Anonymous 678
>>667Omg anon whos this
>>667Whose dick is this
Anonymous 681
>>678His name is Adobe Photoshop. I think it's Greek or something.
Anonymous 687
>>681I googled the guy, he's a brazilian bodybuilder.
https://www.instagram.com/brunotarchetti/?hl=enNow as for the dick…we will never know. Maybe it's just ps like you said.
Anonymous 696
>>667This looks really gross and uncomfortable, ngl.
Anonymous 783

>>557While I agree that
>>517 is a gross old man with weak musculature, Tom Selleck is a great example of the hot dad type.
Anonymous 798
>>787Hot body, ugly face. Still would bang.
Anonymous 2815
>>667>”ooh, babe, I’m gonna burst!”What, like, with a pin? Lol
Anonymous 11487
>>11470Damn, is there a name for this kind of pose?
I love guys partially showing their bulge.
Anonymous 12028
where you looking …

i need my moids with full body tattoos.
its the minimum requirement
Anonymous 12030
>>12028>>12029just begging for someone to totally fuck their lives up, really.