Sexual Fantasies Anonymous 523
What kind of sexual fantasies do you have? Things you think about before bed, ongoing ones, etc. Post them here!
Anonymous 525
Great, big, long, hugs.
Anonymous 1166
>>523I enjoy getting horny (and staying horny) more than orgasm itself.
Anonymous 1167
>Being a rich businesswoman in her thirties with a petite, freshly 18 trophy husband. Usually "save" him from a financially unstable environment and spoil him mercilessly. In return for the nice clothes and expensive gadgets he'd basically be a sex slave and take any kind of torture I'd like to enact upon him in stride. Starts with basic gentle femdom and slowly develops into heavy bondage, scarification, fisting, forced vomiting and pissing for humiliation, etc. Kind of romantic since in this scenario I'd like to have moments where we get along as people, too. And lots of gentle aftercare.
>Drugging and trapping a guy in my basement. Had this one a lot last year but haven't been feeling it lately. Starts by forcing him to live like an animal without clothes or a toilet so I can revel in his shame and terror for a month or so. Then I start interacting with him more (while armed, of course, to add some realism) and force him to do sexual things, rewarding him food and a bath, then clothes, etc. Use the return of his humanity as an incentive and the threat of death as potential punishment. Over the course of a year or two he becomes mindbroken and won't escape even if given the chance to do so, develops some sort of stockholm syndrome and loves me. Usually ends with me amputating his limbs (unrealistic, I know, but this is the most out there fantasy so stay with me) to make him the perfect sex toy who can never escape me.
>Being the sole caregiver for an asexual man with severe FAS and low IQ who I've "saved" from an abusive home. Basically just financially support him since he can't exist on his own. Begin by genuinely wanting to care for him, but over time feel "tempted" by his body and start fondling him in an attempt to satisfy that part of myself. Eventually just outright perform oral on him which makes him extremely uncomfortable, but he puts up with it and the upcoming nightly assaults because he relies on me so much. I like to keep this one relatively physical-abuse free because it satisfies my need for non-con and my care fetish.
>On the more vanilla and realistic side of things, I like fantasizing about doing typical GFD things with an imaginary bf. Facesitting, pegging, spanking, lifting him and tossing him around, etc. Always a lot of build up for this one since I'm fetishizing consent and his masochism. I really like the idea of a guy being overtly sexual about himself, objectifying his body for me to tease me into jumping him basically. Big turn on.
Anyway, I love men. I don't want to murder or cannibalize them, and my fantasies are super monogamous. I actually have a base character I've made to insert into most of these scenarios (save for the first one, since I made another character and decided to insert him into that one). But there are never multiple men in one universe, you feel. I cannot cheat on the husbandos I'm torturing.
I realize how spergy that sounds.
Anonymous 1523
I love objects that aren't supposed to be in vaginas forced into them. It makes me so incredibly wet. I also feel ashamed that I can only get off with male related fantasies if they're somehow predatory or exploitative towards me. I am not attracted to men, though…like irl I can't see men as sexy at all. But I like the idea of being preyed upon. I feel so fucked from being sexually abused, I hate myself for it.
Anonymous 1524
>>1523With women, I can see them in many different ways in my fantasies. I love thinking of long, sweet sex with a girlfriend with big tits because mine are very small and wouldn't interfere with hers.
Anonymous 1582

Vanilla but whatever. I've always have been fond of the idea of teasing. It makes me feel like I have control in sexual situations. I often of fantasies of teasing a guy so much to the point where he'll just dominate me. It can either be rough sex or teasing me while having sex. I want to hear him moan and to say that "I made him do this" and I was responsible for making him horny.
I've also love the idea of having sex in public places where very few people go to like hidden hallways and empty classrooms. I'm too embarrassed and scared to do it public, but in a place that is semi-public always excites me.
Anonymous 1597
>>1166God, this is so relevant that I' not sure if I didn't make that post
I don't remember writing about it here though, so let's just have a sis fist