Anonymous 5467
We're all aware of pornsick men who treat women like shit because of unrealistic expectations. But has anybody else encountered a guy who watches absurd amounts of porn yet goes in the opposite direction?
I'm asking because I recently discovered one of my best moid friends who I've known for over a decade is probably the biggest coomer in my life through half-drunk idle conversation. He's the sweetest guy I know; he's attentive, he's never dropped sexist remarks that weren't very obvious dumb jokes, he's helped me through a lot of dark times mentally. He's never once made rude remarks about how I look or act, and all of this applies to other women he's been around… And then I discovered he's a chronic masturbator that's glued to furry porn websites and extreme grizzly fetishes.
Is my moid friend an outlier? Has he achieved some coomer nirvana where his constant meat beating has made him treat women with more respect? Is he just that mentally sound that he can filter between fantasy and reality with no trouble? Is he a serial rapist, and I don't know?
I'm just… stunned? Everything he drunkenly blurted out should be the makings of a raging incel who calls every woman an "ugly slut" because they won't sleep with him. I mean, I'm no innocent, pure angel; I look at porn too, but not every single time I'm by myself.
Anonymous 5468

You probably didn't consider that meat beating to fake situations videos (or situations which are greatly exaggerated), in some cases, has nothing to do with how the moid perceives how real sex and treatment of women should be.
Some people have a good reality-not reality filter.
Anonymous 5469
I mean it's rare from my experience, but some guys have crazy good filters, or they're so repulsed by something IRL that it becomes a fantasy fetish.
One of my friends is super squeamish. He blacked out because he cut his finger on a potato peeler, and one time he looked like he was about to cry because he accidentally stepped on a dog's foot. He's into guro and guts.
Anonymous 5470
I mean if it’s furry porn maybe you should think of him more like how you’d see a gay guy. he might not be into 3D women.
Anonymous 5471
maybe he self-inserts as the girl
Anonymous 5472
>>5471He did admit he sometimes self-inserts as the girl, but not in a troon way? Like he's always wondered what it's like to be in that romantic submissive position where you're held in a guy's arms and be passionately dicked? But he said he's not interested in trooning and is 100% comfortable as a guy.
Anonymous 5473
sounds like you should sleep with him tbh. with how much porn he's watched and the whole self inserting as a girl thing, he's probably picked up some pussy eating pointers and foreplay pleasing.
Anonymous 5474
Anonymous 5493
>>5468>>5469I guess it depends on mental wiring, like how one person might be molested as a kid and grow up to become a serial killer while another might be molested just as badly but instead become a motivational speaker on overcoming trauma
Anonymous 5557
>>5467I had a friend who was extremely addicted, cooming like 7 times per day by doing it back-to-back for hours. He'd restart right after finishing; I asked him how short his refractory period was and he said he never heard of that concept before.
He was a really wonderful person, very similar to what you described. He's also worked through the addiction and has a pretty low sex drive now, just wants to make music these days.
Anonymous 5558
>>5557>>5467I'm assuming these men are schizoids? As in they prefer being alone but don't crumple under social situations like people with anxiety or autism. Schizoids spend a lot of time thinking and self-reflecting, and their desire to be alone means the act of sex itself can seem bothersome or not worth the effort. So instead they just masturbate a lot, and since they don't connect the act of being horny with women and sex, they're not gonna develop a load of bad hang-ups.
That's my theory anyway.
Anonymous 5559
>>5558>As in they prefer being alone but don't crumple under social situations like people with anxiety or autism>Schizoids spend a lot of time thinking and self-reflectingThat just sounds like regular a asocial
Schizoids are characterized by a sort of limited emotional range and being emotionally distant/not being very attached to even "close" people,
in addition to preferring being alone