
Virgin or non virgin Anonymous 5531
The eternal debate: is it better to have a virgin partner? On one hand he's more "pure" and untouched. On the other he is more experienced and its proven some girl(or girls) like him enough to sleep with him.
Where do miners stand?
Anonymous 5532
>On one hand he's more "pure" and untouched
This isn't a legitimate benefit for men just like it's not a benefit for women
I lost my virginity when I was 16 to a guy I was in a long-term relationship with who was also a virgin. The sex wasn't great but it was more valuable to share that experience of doing it for the first time together. That's the only reason I'd ever do it and thus I'd never have sex with a virgin again
Anonymous 5533
>>5531Most important should be having a connection and him being a good person. But virginity might end up being a matter of taste or one's own opinion.
I also don't think being a virgin means they're any more pure, I know you put it in quote marks but a lot of virgin guys are anything but pure. They can be addicted to porn or be thinking about getting a prostitute. Likewise if he isn't a virgin doesn't mean he's especially desired, there's the aforementioned prostitutes case. And being a virgin conversely does not mean he is undesirable, there aren't as many of them but males who make vows of chastity until marriage, take promise rings, and outright don't mind waiting to make their first time a good memory do exist.
Anonymous 5534
(I'm talking about straight sex of course, dunno how it is for lesbians)
It depends on whether you want vaginal more than other kinds of sex and are willing/ready to practice with loooong sessions of it many times until you two get it right, or if what you're looking for is a "blank canvas" so to speak, to engage in other sexual acts or you get a thrill out of teaching a virgin how to do things right/giving him his first experience (even if you're a virgin yourself).
On the one hand, an experienced man is generally better at certain things, but on the other hand, a virgin is usually more submissive and obedient.
Anonymous 5535
Virgin because I am a virgin. Don't know how to answer if I have sex in the future.
Anonymous 5536
Honestly I'm more inclined towards men that are virgins/don't have much sexual experience. If a man has had multiple partners but is still dating he might be looking for a hookup instead of a relationship. On the other hand like
>>5533 said maybe he's a virgin because he's pornsick.
Anonymous 5537
I like for something to feel "special," so I'd prefer a virgin, but I don't want a pornsick incel with unrealistic expectatations either.
Anonymous 5538
It seems the 'pure' aspect of virginity is what a lot of guys especially seem to have some kind of psychological desire for in women, like the idea that if another guy stuck a dick in her it'd make it in some way like sharing a sex toy or something. Gross and dehumanizing, I know, but that's part of male humor. So I've concluded the real, less publicly confessable reason is that virginity is seen as a state of weakness, because it is akin to ignorance, therefore has an effect on the "power dynamics" of a relationship. This is true for both men and women.
Anonymous 5539
>>5531For me it's pretty important that my partner is a virgin as well, I care a lot about the first time being mutually special. Even if it's awkward and doesn't feel as good, that can always come later. I don't want a guy to be judgmentally comparing me to previous girls or someone who will see me as just another addition to his count instead of a real person. I really don't like men who think they're cool by banging a tons of girls without caring about any of them (sometimes through being disingenuous) and I'm really cautious about these types.
Anonymous 5540
>>5539Most based response in this thread.
Anonymous 5542
>>5534>dunno how it is for lesbiansabout the same, but with a vagoo
Anonymous 5543
Femcel but if I had the chance virgin bf is preferred, non virgin is fine too as long as he wasn't a womanizer or coomer.
Anonymous 5544
Non-virgin who’s only slept with 3 women at most and only because he was in a committed relationship with them.
Casual sex disgusts me.
Anonymous 5546
>>5544Why three? Seems like a bit of an arbitrary number.
Anonymous 5551
I enjoyed taking virginities when I was younger. I prefer a submissive boy who I can teach to make me cum, than a moid who thinks he can rut away and have it all about him.