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Anonymous 5552

To those of you who do/like butt stuff…why? It just seems like degrading moid fantasy.

Anonymous 5553

It feels nice.

I can say with certainty that everybody who has tried anal and didn't like it didn't prep properly, and it requires some prep.

>Light foods that are rich in fiber for 2-3 days

>Wet wipes
>Gentle stretch foreplay and get comfortable so you don't tense

Then you can get dicked up the shitbox pretty comfortably. Only a handful of my friends have entertained the idea, and the ones who didn't like it all say the same thing.

>Poop on his dick

You didn't eat light and clean your ass out.

>I cramped my ass on his rod and it was the worst pain imaginable.

You didn't do enough foreplay.

Anonymous 5555

IDK, the only way I can get off is with really rough sex or anal. I think I have a "numb" vagina or something. Penetration just doesn't feel like much of anything unless the guy is really big, and then he hits my cervix and it's uncomfortable. With anal sex I at least actually feel it and can rub my clit until I climax. Also, there's the whole degradation, dirtiness aspect… brain is the biggest sexual organ, after all.
Guess it's a depraved moid fantasy a lot of the time but I can't help it. I'm fucked in the head :/

Anonymous 5562

I'm kissless hugless handholdless virgin so take this as nothing more than the delusional fantasies and ramblings of a weirdo.

I don't, for whatever reason, feel a big interest in a dick or fingers or tongue or anything else going in my genitals, but getting my asshole licked and prodded and ass groped has been the subject of a lot of my late night masturbations. It's dirty and taboo to have a hole that is only meant to expell to be made to "take". I don't think I'm actually into the shit part so I'd want to avoid that as much as possible.

I'm also p much a subby doormat, so the thought of a man tonguing my asshole is really hot. It's just so degrading for him so it's a kinky and fun role reversal. Imo at least.

I also kind of agree with >>5556 anything can be degrading moid fantasy, even cunnilingus or vaginal depending on the context, if for example you rather do other things and he ends up convincing you to do something he wants instead that's kinda degrading.

Anonymous 5564

Why that? What's so ok about being degraded?

Anonymous 5565

NTA but some people get off on imagining they're worthless pieces of trash, being degraded is simply part of that inner masochist vein.

Anonymous 5567

>Would I say it's better than normal? Eh.
I think it depends on how you look at anal mentally. For example what >>5562 says here.

>but getting my asshole licked and prodded and ass groped has been the subject of a lot of my late night masturbations. It's dirty and taboo to have a hole that is only meant to expell to be made to "take".

I remember being really nervous about the idea of anal in general until a guy offered to eat my ass out, no penetration. It was the best damn feeling in the world, and I think the idea of it being "dirty" was what made me so into it.

Anonymous 5568

IDK I just can't really get off unless I'm being treated like garbage. I like it when guys are nice outside the bedroom but during sex I want them to go full unga bunga and wreck my shit. The duality and contrast is what makes it so hot, I guess. If they are an asshole outside the bedroom too then I quickly get tired of them.

Anonymous 5581

>It was the best damn feeling in the world
Please tell me more, I'm the KHHV you quoted, the most I've probably done is gently prod my asshole with a finger or two while I'm showering and it's a wonderful tingly feeling that makes my toes curl. I think I once almost came just from it when I imagined my crush was doing it, but stopped because I was scared.

Anonymous 5588

scared of what?

Anonymous 5594

Slipping and falling and dying, for one. Next time you are showering try curling your toes really hard and then imagine what it's like to keep your balance when you have jello legs.

Or don't, you might slip and fall.

Anonymous 5601

Well, you could just crouch before going about your business.

Anonymous 5603

I like butt stuff
But only when it's his butt

Anonymous 5607

Women can be into a lot of things that are degrading or misogynistic, I'm not in support of it at all but it's not uncommon. Cumbrains like to use that fact as their defense

Anonymous 5608

I don't want a 4 step preparation methods just to have a dick inside of me for once because it kinda feels nice, no thanks

Anonymous 5609

Up to you, sis. Nobody can force you to have anal sex.

Anonymous 5611

Time to water the butt

Anonymous 5615

>Nobody can force you to have sex
It's called rape, sis

Anonymous 5619

i've had friends that used to say stuff like that, then they would spend two ours putting on makeup and picking out an outfit, just to go pick up groceries.

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