
Anonymous 5761
Have you ever asked a guy this? How would you react to the answer?
Anonymous 5762
Nah, but I have masturbated to 73% of my male friends at least once so it would likely be mutual. Not that I'd want to pursue something with any of them ha.
Also sauce?
Anonymous 5766
I have never asked, but I have been notified of it anyway.
Also, I am currently reading Self right now. It is very interesting, insightful and educational. I recommend it. Thank you for letting me know of such a gem, OP.
Anonymous 5768
I've asked a few times. The answer is always yes.
Someone told me that if you have a male friend guaranteed they've masturbated to the thought of you at least once.
Anonymous 5769
>>5768I can't imagine that's true, but then I'm not attractive. I assume most men don't jerk off to the thought of women anyhow. Don't they all use porn or pictures instead?
Anonymous 5770
>>5769you underestimate the male sex drive. Guys can't just wank to the same girl and fantasy over and over. They have to constantly push the boundaries. It's an evolutionary drive. So even if you look weird, it's extremely likely that a dude has jerked off to you least once.
Anonymous 5771
I asked my boyfriend when we first started dating if he had. I was kinda suprised he said yes because he hadn't even saw me naked yet at that point. I kinda felt flattered in a way though.
Anonymous 5772
>>5771Lol people can make good guesses about how bodies look underneath clothes, haven't you done it before?
Especially if he's into some hobby/livelihood that involves spatial awareness (engineering, visual arts, etc.).
Anonymous 5773
yes but only to a boy i was interested in. He said he often used me as wank material and i was flattered that he thought i was that attractive
Anonymous 5774
Would feel flattered. If i am causing a hard-on, means i am winning.
Anonymous 5775

I remember once a few guy friends admitting to masturbating to most of their female friends' Facebook photos and it freaked me out so badly. Fucking gross and desperate.
Anonymous 5776
I did, he said no and it turned out it's because I featured in his sex dreams as a killjoy cockblock who'd always get in the way and ruin the dreams at pivotal moments.
Finding out I was just a complete non-entity for him sexually or romantically was surface-level reassuring, but pretty hurtful too.
Anonymous 5778
I did, he said yes, I felt disgusted but deep in me liked it.
Anonymous 5779
yes, and he said yes. I guess it is better than him watching porn and becoming desynthesized into pornsickness
Anonymous 5782
>>5775probably only the hot ones se we're safe
Anonymous 5783
download (2).jpg

I remember we had this male friend i liked, and me and my quite popular (female) friend once asked him wether or not he ever masturbated to her.
He went red and said "yes, but i was really horny, and post-nut clarity hit like a bitch. Also most boys do masturbate to their female friends".
I then hurriedly asked him whether or not he ever masturbated to me, and he flat out looked me in the eye and said no.
Anonymous 5784
>>5783Did you scream at him to masturbate to you in a fit of jealousy?
Anonymous 5786
>>5783Tried to embarrass him and instead embarrassed yourself
Anonymous 5787
I never asked but I remember my friend's ex once said that he (and I'm assuming other guys as well) would masturbate to girls' pics on instagram. Considering you can save peoples pics off instagram within the app I wouldn't be surprised if the answer was yes
Anonymous 5788
>>5784Why did you word your question like that?
Anonymous 5791
>>5788Why not? Why did you ask why did I word my question like that to me?
Anonymous 5793
>>5769just because someone is watching porn doesn't mean the porn is all they're thinking about. the mind goes many places, you might start out watching porn and then finish to your friend.
Anonymous 5821
>>5766>I have never asked, but I have been notified of it anyway.Lol. Same
It grossed me out but mostly just because he told me that without me asking. Like what the fuck. If I wanted to know I would be okay with hearing it.