Kissing Anonymous 5795
Do you like kissing? What "styles" or "ways" of kissing do you prefer?
Anonymous 5828
If I even like kissing very much depends on the style. I prefer shorter, slower kisses with just the right amount of soft tongue and lips. The golden rule is less is more. Idk it's kinda hard to describe, it would be easier to list what I don't like:
>sloppy wet kisses
Feels like saint bernard devouring your whole mouth up to your nose even. You'd think guys with big lips and mouths would go for this one but it's not a given. After it's done you secretly wish for a towel to get the drool off. I encountered two guys using this style, so it must have at least some representation in the moid population.
>going on forever
Listen, my lips are prone to chapping and saliva makes them even more dry. Prolonged kissing leaves me slightly annoyed with sensitive dry red lips that hurt even on the next day. It's a better idea to switch over to dry kissing here and there, those are very nice.
>aggressive hard-rock tongue
Nobody likes that, you're not conquering a new land, just keep your tongue soft and again: the less is better.
>other factors
Sandpaper stubble. Either have a proper beard or be freshly shaven. I can't stand the prickly ones, it fucking hurts.
Also I find open-eyed kissers creepy.
I just realized my best kissing partners just leave me to lead them and reciprocate in the way I do it. Also I don't mind kissing a smoker, I find it hot. Fuck, I feel like kissing someone now.
Anonymous 5845
I like sexy kissing where I want to do more but my partner will only let me kiss to tease me >:)
Anonymous 5857

I love kissing, especially if there's a huge amount of sexual tension beforehand, and especially if it's unexpected and slow (otherwise, for example if kisses become too frequent and predictable, sadly, they might not even have an effect on me).
God my first wet kiss was probably the best one I ever had, and it had been my second kiss on the lips in general, lmao
Honestly I like kissing more than I liked having a dick in my vagoo, maybe I just have an oral fixation 'cause I like oral sex a lot, too.
sauce is The Virgin Witch
Anonymous 5858
>>5828>Also I don't mind kissing a smoker, I find it hot.You ever kissed a smoker? It tastes fucking awful. But maybe if you're a smoker yourself it doesn't seem that bad.
Anonymous 6024
i loooooove it when someone bites your bottom lip while making out
i have yet to do it to someone else but this one person i was seeing would do it to me and it was amazing
Anonymous 6049
>>5828>I just realized my best kissing partners just leave me to lead them and reciprocate in the way I do it.I find it weird and uncomfortable when my partner is totally passive. Like I don't want them to totally be forcing the issue but they should act like they want me at some points too. A bit of back and forth.