Does anyone else Anonymous 6026
fantasise a lot about having a dick? I feel weird for it lol. When i masturbate I often imagine i’m a guy jerking off. I definitely don’t have gender dysphoria so i don’t think it’s that but it could be bc i’m bisexual? Or maybe it’s just porn that’s done this to me. When i watch porn i definitely mostly watch stuff that’s aimed at men and i imagine im the one fucking the girl.
Anonymous 6027

>>6026I do this too… Wondering if I'm weird for it as well…
Anonymous 6028
>>6026i do it too. thinking it's a mix of yaoi brainrot when i was younger and frustration from thinking how much simpler masturbation would be. not looking to become a scrote though.
Anonymous 6030
>>6026What's up with the constant fear of being weird? If it helps you get off to imagine you're standing on the head of a triceratops with a whole Ming dinasty tea set shoved up your butt, you do you sis.
Anonymous 6031
>>6026I thought I was the only one, I started feeling this way because I only watch gay porn and yaoi, do you think that it’ll go away if I stop?
Anonymous 6034
I have major dick envy just because it would be easier to masturbate. But I try not to think about it or fantasize about it because I don't want to start fixating on something that's truly impossible.
Anonymous 6035
i used to when i first started masturbating, which i attribute to being bi and the porn i was watching
now that i dont masturbate as much/having sex i dont fantasize about it anymore
Anonymous 6036
>>6026No, I'm the same (or I was). I used to dress up in the male school uniform at my school and masturbate while looking in the mirror. I liked to imagine myself as a cute guy fucking myself or some of my friends, or just imagine myself rubbing my own huge dick and shooting cum all over myself/my friends. Guaranteed orgasms lmao
Whatever gets you off, you know?
Anonymous 6037
>>6036How did you get a male uniform?
Anonymous 6040
when someone watches porn, they usually focus on the object of their desires. this can lead to associating sexual pleasure, not with your own body, but with the anatomy of what you're looking at. the "monkey see, monkey do" type of mentality.
in coomers, this will usually lead to them trying to emulate the women that they watch, sometimes to the point of trooning out in their attempts to emulate those they watch.
be careful.
Anonymous 6044
>>6036>>6037 this, also was it a suit/dress shirt and slacks uniform?
Anonymous 6050
>>6044I purchased it from the school I went to. They asked me if I had a brother starting at the school soon, I just said yes, and they didn't even verify. Easy as that.
It was a button-up white dress shirt, grey trousers, and a jumper (sweater), blazer and tie in school colours. I had to get the shoes and belt elsewhere.
Anonymous 6051
>>6050Please tell more stories about it for err research purposes.
Anonymous 6052

>>6040This.Be careful around this everyone. Thoughts like this are the main reason why I dropped 3D porn after noticing this was the main culprit of this kind of thought; and seeing that, even if I still focused my best on the boys and not on self-inserting or other weird stuff,
it still didn't go away.
Said thoughts, for me, somehow never happen when I'm reading/watching yaoi and looking at lewd/lewd-ish art. So, if you want to get out of this weird way of thinking, find the main culprit and switch to something else.
Anonymous 6053

>>6052Ah, wait.
Should I've spoiler'd the picture I posted?? Anonymous 6057
>>6051Not much to tell tbh. I'd make sure I was home alone, take everything out of my wardrobe, and put it all on, making sure I didn't look in the mirror. When I was fully dressed in the boy uniform, including the tie, blazer, belt and shoes, I would look in the mirror to get the full effect all at once. I'd usually then stick my hand in my pants (so I could pretend visually that I was rubbing my penis under there) and sort of focus on the uniform and just fantasise from there. Sometimes I got out photos of my friends or even myself in normal clothes and imagined boy-me fucking them. It wouldn't take me long to cum after that.
I did some pretty cringe and even dangerous stuff to heighten the effect sometimes. I attempted to keep things in my pants for a visible bulge, but that made masturbating awkward. I tried having a phallic object and stroking it, but it was difficult to do that and masturbate at the same time. I bought shit like guy deodorant in secret to get the boy smell. I even experimented with a little anal play and pretended I was a tough chad bully who was experimenting with his prostate and was ashamed because he thinks it makes him gay.
I even tried choking myself with the tie to pretend I was a guy doing autoerotic asphyxiation, which worked really well for me, but I stopped after I passed out once (if I'd tied the tie to something else and not just pulled with my hand, I'd be dead).
The ultimate side effect of this whole thing is that now I struggle to get off unless I'm standing up straight, I now enjoy being choked by others in the bedroom, and I keep accidentally perving on high school boys.
Anonymous 6059
>>6057There's something almost poetic in the concept of you masturbating to the image of yourself masturbating to the image of yourself. A recursion of lewdness. And also that you were portraying yourself as a chad and then breaking the chad image by experimenting with anal. Honestly, you should write a book.
Anonymous 6062
I do this too, but I've never been into yaoi or any kind of gay stuff. Haven't gotten off to porn in a long time and I used to watch only lesbian stuff anyway, hated seeing dicks in porn.
I've dressed up before for it too, I have some male clothing and I'd tuck my long hair under a hat
One fantasy I have is to be very similar to how I am now, just with short hair and a flat chest and small penis, and for my crush to bully me sexually for being a feminine boy. I feel kind of embarrassed about it.
Anonymous 6063
>>6034there's always this; not particularly interested myself but I've heard it is easier to masturbate. Anonymous 6072
>>6063I've actually seen that before, it's interesting but there's no way I'd mess around with hormones, It's too much.
Anonymous 6073
>>6059Nah, I'm happy working at a high school. But thanks for that!
Anonymous 6077
>>6073>working at a high schoolLOCK UP YOUR SONS
Anonymous 6081
it doesn't matter where you apply it, topically or not t is absorbed the same way. you can't pick and choose what effects you get
Anonymous 6082
Came here to post something similar. Sadly, it’s the result of our pornofied male gaze society frying our brains. We seldom see media representations of women being the centre of attention in sex, objectifying men, real lesbian representation, etc.
Personally it feels like I have two types of turn ons. Ones that really turn me on in a mental way which are a result of hetro or lesbian situations where I’m myself and I find the other person attractive. The other type is the fried male gaze way which is more quick orgasm focused. I’m a guy in these, seeing things from a guys perspective. The other person is just a pornified object.
I wish I could stop having the second type but it feels like my body is only physically connected to that type while my brain only likes the first type. Makes picking partners and having relationships difficult. No matter how much I try, even by myself, I only really get off on the male gaze pornification and not what I’m actually attracted to.
My brain is so fried.
Anonymous 6083
>>6082Isn't a scenario where the two can be reconciled? A pairing where you feel both sexually aroused and emotionally fulfilled?
Anonymous 6096
>are you porn-free
I look at glamor pictures but not anything more than that. Just very vanilla nudity. I have tried only masturbating to things that mentally turn me on but they can never push me over the edge. It's sad, I can think of all these incredible scenarios with my favorite characters focusing on me, very detailed fantasies but my fried brain prefers the same boring vanilla glamor photos.
>or have had sex in real life?
Yes, many times. I've been with my bf for years. He is very mentally attractive to me, looks and personality. However, sex has always been an issue my whole life because of the fried brain issue. I basically can only enjoy it if I zone out and go through my mental photo catalog. How sad. I didn't even masturbate when I started having sex and it was the same issue then, I guess I had already absorbed enough male gaze just culturally for it to affect me.
Anonymous 6098

>>6063Just lift and do exercise instead of taking hormones like a transvestite.Yeah I saw that and noticed the fat woman who posted her cooch. It triggered me since no shit she doesn't have any libido at all, being an American who still uses those retarded electric chairwheelies or whatever at Walmart(tm).
Anonymous 6107
>i'd suggest some kind of sex therapy but i've had shit experiences with them and they weren't helpful
that’s disappointing to hear. seems like it could be a fun job if you could actually help people, but I guess most things in the universe suck and this is one of them.
would you be willing to share what your experiences were?
Anonymous 6108
>>6098Is that gif supposed to be ironic?
Anonymous 6111
I actually have been to sex therapy about the difficulty having sex but never mentioned the fried brain thing as I hadn't realized it at the time. I don't think it is really a porn issue though as I have never been a heavy porn user besides vanilla topless women photos. It's just consuming a lot of mainstream media with the male gaze (ie teen movies).
The sex therapist was awful though and I quit going after a few sessions.
Anonymous 6123
>>6098>Just lift and do exercise instead of taking hormones like a transvestite.God I hope that works
I'm not lifting, I'm swimming tho.
Anonymous 6124

>>6082>We seldom see media representations of women being the centre of attention in sex, objectifying men, real lesbian representation, etc. This
Look, this is like the only time I've ever seen something like two guys licking one girl's clit at the same time, lol
Anonymous 6130
>>6124So proud that my years of learning jap let me understand this.
Anonymous 6131

>>6108>I'm swimming tho.Even just doing whatever cardio increases your libido - much, much better than doing absolutely nothing, so that's good!
I just mentioned lifting since it is the #1 thing it increases libido the fastest and most
>>6124>pictureHoly fish!W-What's the context, though? Can't read moon rabbit language.
Anonymous 6141

>>6131>Even just doing whatever cardio increases your libido - much, much better than doing absolutely nothing, so that's good!>I just mentioned lifting since it is the #1 thing it increases libido the fastest and most naturally.Oh ok, I already had heard that exercise increases your libido, I meant whether it can enlarge my clit without hormones. My libido is ok tbh.
>>6130>>6135I haven't read the whole thing, I just remember someone said it's about these twins eating this bunny girl out. Anonymous 6142
>>6141Why do you wanna enlarge your clit in the first place?
Anonymous 6149
>>6034>>6144I see. But please careful be careful with hormones, nona. I'm sure there are other ways to increase pleasure without risking it. You could try pumping for example, it should make your clit bigger and more sensitive temporarily so that you can have fun without any lasting effects.
Anonymous 6164
I'm sorry to hear that, nona. Does it mean you still get horny but cannot feel physical sexual pleasure or that you have no drive whatsover?
Anonymous 6165
>>6164NTA but I think she means she genuinely wants and desires some meat slapped into her but doesn't receive much pleasure during the act.
Anonymous 6166
>>6149I just want it to be easier to play with my clit. Not just for me but for anyone who has sex with me in the future. It's barely visible, I think. Maybe I should just go to a clitoris doctor or whatever, and see what I can do without enlarging it. Or just to see if this is normal.
Anonymous 6170
>>6164>>6165i have no libido and don't feel pleasure at all, lmao. also i don't like dick and don't want to do PIV or anything like that
Anonymous 6171
>>6166>it's barely visibleYou mean it's covered by the clitoral hood? If so that's not unusual. Or that you can't see it even if you pull up the hood?
Anonymous 6174
>>6171>Or that you can't see it even if you pull up the hood?Oh, right. I can't even
pull back the clitoral hood, that's what I mean, thanks.
Is that normal?
Anonymous 6177
>>6174I am not a doctor so don't give too much credit to what I'm about to say. However, if you cannot retract the hood even when aroused, that might be clitoral adhesion. I think your best bet would be to go to your gynecologist and ask directly.
Anonymous 6179
>>6177Alright, I guess I'll see a gynecologist.
Only recently have I started to observe and touch my genitalia carefully, and I actually learned a lot about my own anatomy that I somehow had missed all this time
such as where exactly is the hole that I actually pee from… now I'm learning to control the angle of my piss stream, lmao. So I didn't know that women also have a "foreskin" covering the clit. I noticed a sort of hole on where I assumed should be my clitoris, but it turns out that's the clitoral hood and it should be able to be retracted to reveal the clit, which I have tried a couple of times but I just can't do it, the "hole" won't open. That's definitely not normal. Could always masturbating by rubbing strongly against a hard surface had something to do with this?
Anonymous 6180
>>6179Yeah, sex ed is really fucking lackluster, especially when it deals with woman anatomy/sexuality. I only learned that the clit is actually much bigger than the "button" part on the internet for example. And yeah I think just getting to know one's own body is super important and will let you find out how to avoid things that feel wrong, focus on what gets you the best orgasms and write your name on the snow with your piss I guess.
Also no, it's not your fault. It's the same guilt tripping mentality as "having sex a lot will deform your pussy" or such bullshit. If anything, it's the other way around, it's because your clit is unavailable that you have to go for more intense stimulation.
Anonymous 6181
Male genitalia is less sensitive and their orgasms aren't as strong, so I lost my curiosity after learning that.
Anonymous 6182
>>6034I don't get it, how would it be easier to masturbate? Dicks don't self-lubricate, you have to do more motion to get off, and you have to dispose of your cum somewhere. And if someone walks in on you, good luck hiding that boner.
Anonymous 6202
>>6182More surface area? I don't know it's just the idea and seeing some webms of uncut guys with precum.
I don't want to stick fingers inside me because it feels gross and I don't know if there's a technique or something but my hands cramp up long before I can get off by just rubbing with such a small target area.
Anonymous 6236
>>6190That sucks, but it was the same for me basically. But I had internet since I was 11 and seeing certain things made me horny and the only logical option to relieve myself was to touch my crotch. It was just like an instinct.
>>6202Yeah i don't see how having more surface area would make masturbation better or more comfortable. Imagine having a huge dick, how do you even stroke that shit? Your hands will be tired as fuck and you'll need to buy lubricant.
>I don't want to stick fingers inside me because it feels gross and I don't know if there's a technique or something but my hands cramp up long before I can get off by just rubbing with such a small target area.I don't get why fingering is gross for you. Wash your hands and clip the nails short, that's enough. Your vagina should be clean inside unless you have a disease. Have you tied rubbing your clit with something other than your fingers?
Anonymous 6276
>>6182Dicks do lubricate themselves, that's what precum is for. However, circumcised men will often need lube to get off without the friction becoming unpleasant because they don't have a foreskin.
Anonymous 6278
I just remembered, it's not directly related to wanting a dick, but sometimes I smell my band t-shirts when they're a bit dirty, because it smells a bit like a guy's t-shirt. That makes me horny honestly, not just the smell that's vaguely reminiscent of a real guy's smell, but also the thought of an alternate me as a guy. Kinda like that anon who gets off to herself wearing boys' uniform.
Anonymous 6279
>>6278On second thought I should've posted this in the taboo thread.
Anonymous 6295
>>6278Fuck, I used guy's deodorant to get the smell part of the fantasy, but I never even considered trying to fake a 'natural guy musk'. Genius.
Anonymous 6342
>>6182Not sure if it's weird but my bf doesn't use any lube to masturbate and he's cut. He only gets precum when he's actually close to cumming. can't imagine if it's actually comfortable for him or not
Anonymous 6954
Jesus I can't believe I'm reading this. I tried to research penis envy for such a long time because I have it too to a very high degree and couldn't find any material about it. I wonder if theres a cure cause I don't really wanna have a penis and I wanna be able to enjoy normal sex with my bf
Anonymous 6955
>>6954I've been trying to look for "cures" for a long time now but I can't find any. Every single article with no exception just tells people to accept their fucking fetish and indulge in it. They don't realize that this kind of approach is good for some but not for others. I don't wanna accept and indulge in degeneracy anymore because it is not consistent with my anatomy and who I want to be with. I wanna have a normal sexuality. I'm pretty sure effective interventions could've been developed already but they haven't yet because of these degenerates who claim that would be "conversion therapy". I hate the world
Anonymous 8284
>>6124 this is for real the only time I've been turned on by a m/f doujin, since they even draw the clit and centre of the guys licking it… This should be the standard
Anonymous 11479
>>6026I have the same problem OP, it's a very recurrent fantasy for me. I also have no dysphoria at all, and I think it's related to too much porn. I feel selfconscious about it because I once told a friend about it and she mocked me.
Anonymous 11736
I do this. I even had a dream I had a dick, I woke up so disappointed. I really like porn (drawn) where the genitals don't match the sex of the characters, but I discovered it way later after I started fantasizing about it. I don't feel any shame, not even thinking it's weird, but I will never tell anyone irl that I do it.
Anonymous 11740

>>11736>I really like porn (drawn) where the genitals don't match the sex of the characterswhat, you mean like this?
Anonymous 11741
>>11740Did it really need to be sonic?
Anonymous 11742

>>11740I'm scared to click the image and I won't. I'm very picky when it comes to the nsfw I like, I trully dislike stuff that exaggerate the genitalia or put the main accent on it, I prefer the main focus to be the action. Such things are not the only nsfw I like, I also read yaoi and bl, but mostly where both characters have the assets they should.
Here's an example of something I like, mild and well-drawn, monster boys are good for such things. And I'm NOT a furry.
Anonymous 11743
>>11742>NOT a furrySuuuuuuuure, nona.
Anonymous 11744

>>11741idk, I just looked up the futa-on-cuntboy tag on to reply to her, and that was what jumped out at me the most on the front page. though this one is kind of hot.
Anonymous 11749
yes, except it's not even tied to being a guy (though i did enjoy the occasional crossdressing), i just want the phallus without the rest of the anatomy (not even t*sticles). i stumbled upon a pretty good futanari f/f manga at a really young age; its still a big thing in my fantasies but i dont mind since its not a fixation or central to sex for me
Anonymous 12207
Isn't this just the girl version of sissy moids