
sex toys Anonymous 6058
Didn't see a thread like this in the catalogue, so here it is. Discuss all things sex toys.
Do you use sex toys?
When did you get your first one?
What kind do you like?
What kinds do you NOT like?
What's the most amount of money you've dropped on a single toy? If you've never bought one, how much would you be willing to spend?
Vibrators vs dildos/external or internal toys?
etc. etc. etc.
Anonymous 6060

OP here to start things off. My long-distance bf recently got me a toy that he can control with an app. It's an egg-shaped bullet vibrator and was around 200, I believe.
I really like that he can control the vibrations but I have to say I don't care for the shape very much. Even with lube it's uncomfortable getting it in. It feels nice enough once it's actually in - the vibrations are nice - but when I squeeze down it's a bit uncomfortable. I think for my next toy I'll go for a more standard shape. This one is way too wide.
Not my pic
Anonymous 6061

>>6060I also used to have this massage wand. Don't recall how much it was exactly but from a quick Google search it looks like it was 120. I ended up getting water inside it and had to toss it. Really bummed about that, it did the job and was super cute. I don't think they sell them anymore either.
Obviously strong vibrations feel good but maybe throwing it out was for the best, sometimes I'd use it over and over until my clit was raw lol. I still have the unicorn part that goes over the top
Anonymous 6065
>>6060Aren't these the ones that all the camgirls use?
Anonymous 6066
>>6065Maybe? I don't know anything about camgirls
Anonymous 6068
>larger than average microdick moid
>different shapes and sizes, from normal sized 9 incher moidsticks to large 20 inch horsecocks
>vibrating or not - you can control them how you like versus moids just thrusting like dumbfucks
>don’t come with a downside of stupid smelly and gross moid body
Anonymous 6071
Sometimes I wish I had some, but could never risk parents finding them. Luckily hands have always worked well enough for me
>>6068>normal sized 9 incher moidsticksUhh
Anonymous 6085
The motor on my old pocket rocket was burning out so I bought this new toy that was on sale, but it has a weird shape that doesn't work as well as I thought it would. I feel like buying one of those that are shaped to just fit in your panties hands free.
Also have a nice 6in silicon dildo, but i barely use it because then I have to deal with lube and cleaning up afterwords.
Anonymous 6094
>>6071I used to use my brush handle fir a while.
Anonymous 6126
I've never bought a sex toy but I really feel the urge to stick a dildo up there since I'm so lonely (I've used a carrot before, though, and it wasn't so great, it was super "meh" and hurt a little despite me being very wet)
Hitachi magic wand seems to be "magic" according to eveyrone who ever talks about it, so I'm curious
>>6068found the LARPer
Anonymous 6129
>>6126What a waste of a perfectly fine carrot.
Anonymous 6147
>>6129I washed and cooked it later, cuz why not
Anonymous 6150
>>6147Did it add some flavor to it?
Anonymous 6196
>>6094what preparations did you make beforehand? youd definitely need to disinfect it first, but what should one use?
Anonymous 6203
>>6196Just go buy something cheap and silicon from a webstore. I use edenfantasy's they always seem to be having sales so it's only like $10-15.
Anonymous 6209
>>6196No one uses my brushes but me, girl.
I do remember hiding it away in my draw underneath old clothes after first getting intimately acquainted with it. Like, “you’re a dildo now. Hide there”.
Anonymous 6210
>>6209But that would make it appear a lot more suspicious than just leaving it in plain view, wouldn't it?
Anonymous 6228
Okay so, I recently bought
>Rocks-Off Chrome 80MM bullet vibrator
you know, the basic of the basics. It works fine, and I like how rumbly it is, but I have a problem using it.
The button which turns is on isn’t very sensitive, and needs to be pressed hard, from a certain angle. Once I stop pressing, it turns off. It’s difficult to be pinpointy and teasing, when I have to squeeze it like a ketchup bottle, with my both hands. This thing stabs my bits if I use lube, and my wrists get tired after a short while.
So it’s been sitting in my nightstand collecting dust.
Anonymous 6301
Is it weird if I travel 150 miles to this certain sex store, buy a bunch of toys I’ve always wanted with cash, and then haul them all back?
>why don’t you order them online?
Because of some stupid EU regulation, I’m 100% unable to purchase even a pizza online because I didn’t use the ability purchase things online within 1 year. Dunno if it’s possible to reverse, probably not, so this is the most hassle-free method.
>why do you use cash?
Because my savings are in cash.
Anonymous 6303
>>6301Yes but who cares
Why are your savings in cash?
Anonymous 6306
>>6060Do people actually like the rabbit vibes? It seems like it should be perfect, but it didn't work out for me and I've heard a lot of people say they found it frustrating also.
Kinda interested in those fancy metal or glass dildos you can warm up (or cool down) so you can pretend to be a decadent royal.
Anonymous 6311
>>6303You’re right anon, who cares!
It’s an old habit, really. And because my card has the daily spending limit of 100€, in case of theft, and the toys together cost around 500€.
Anonymous 6391
>>6311I guess it depends on how much savings you have but having ALL your money in cash seems really bad
Its good that the majority of the EU doesn't have paper money
Anonymous 6485
>be me
>be horny
>fingers aren’t feel pleasurable, feels like trying to tickle myself
>vibrations don’t do anything, feels like using a showerhead, bits turn numb
>vaginismus makes dildos useless
>only thing that works is using textured vibrators when they’re turned off
>or the sides of dildos
Is there something more convenient to use? Are ”rubbable pleasure surfaces”, or something, even a thing? My libido is driving me crazy!
Anonymous 6494
>>6485I honestly just recommend experimenting with your fingers more. Focus only on your clitoris and trying different rhythms, pressures, different fingers, different part of fingers (eg pad only or side), different parts of clitoris (side, hood, bottom) Make sure to have enough saliva too.
Anonymous 7307
So… I bought a clitsucker! What now?
I’m excited because vibrations usually numb my bits, so a different approach, such as pressurized air, could work.
But I wonder if it’s safe to use too much, since I’m sure that there hasn’t been much medical research into this particular tech yet.
Anonymous 7313
Is it ok to use a knife handle to masturbate
please don't judge
Anonymous 7316
>>7313Come on anon, you can answer that one yourself
Anonymous 7318
>>7307Yes it's very dangerous. It'll create a black hole inside your vag.
Just trust your body. Go slowly and when/if it starts feeling less good, stop. You might also want not to use every time you coom so that the novelty doesn't wear off too quickly.
Have fun and tell us how it worked for you!
Anonymous 7335

>>7318Thanks miner, I certainly will. Pretty excited about it, all in all.
>mfw saw Satisfyer available at my local back alley sex store>I mean for real, they usually don’t sell anything modern, so it was a pleasant surpriseAt least now that I’m having a flu, got nothing else to do for the next few days but to read doujins and ’bate lol.