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Anonymous 6097

>sexy times with husband
>Really enjoying myself
>Suddenly have to fart
>Spend all of my attention on not farting
>No longer enjoying myself, too busy trying not to fart
>Husband plowing away down there is too much
>Fart anyway
>"I have to go to the bathroom"
>Stay in there for 30 minutes
>Come out and he went downstairs to do chores
>Pretend to be asleep for the rest of the night so I don't have to address this

Anonymous 6099

>no being comfortable enough to fart in front of your SO

Anonymous 6138

you married your husbando in sickness and health, good times and stinky times
just tell him when you gotta fart

Anonymous 6205

In times like those, please just go to the bathroom.
What if it wasn't just a fart next time, nona?!

Anonymous 6208


Good husband / Bad husband

Anonymous 6262

Anona you were in the bathroom for half an hour, of course he went to do something else until you came out.

Anonymous 6265


The other day my bf told me that the reason I never hear him fart is cause he doesn't fart often. Idk what to make of this information, he hears me fart 1-2 a day and I only heard him once while he was sleeping. This feels like an unhealthy power imbalance.

Anonymous 6952

This is weird and I feel like neither of you really care each other if you're not okay with tooting around/on each other. If you think farting on him during sex is going to end the relationship, it says a lot about how fragile the relationship really is.

Also men are REALLY degenerate and a lot of them would consider getting farted on as a plus. Shitting is another story, but you have WAY more control over not pooping than gas, which is just air.

This is also to say that "squirting" is often just literal piss, but men like to pretend it's ""female cum"" because they center sexuality around themselves and how they perceive sex.

Anonymous 6975

>This is also to say that "squirting" is often just literal piss
but does it actually taste/smell like piss?
my bf regularly manages to make me squirt using his fingers and he continues to perform oral on me like nothing happened while i am completely drenched down there
i never bothered to ask him or taste it myself
when i randomly hinted at whether he would like me to pee on him as a fetish he looked at me like he was about to leave me forever and call the cops on me so i figured it couldn't possibly taste/smell nearly as bad as urine

Anonymous 7338

>Spend all of my attention on not farting
>No longer enjoying myself, too busy trying not to fart
does anyone actually have a solution for this bc this is literally how sex has turned out for me every single time I've had it

Anonymous 7339

try and do it before sex? and avoid things like fizzy drinks that make you gassy

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