Anonymous 6226
I'm what people call a cum slut but my bf cum tastes horrible, life is pain
Anonymous 6227
Have you guys tried the pineapple thing?
The 3 different cums I've tasted… well, the first one was kinda horrible but still manageable, the second had a barely noticeable taste, and the last had a strong and disgusting taste, probably because he had the shittiest diet out of the three.
Anonymous 6231

>Have you guys tried the pineapple thing?
no :( tbh I doubt it to be true but who knows lol my bf diet is also terrible, he's not chubby but eats like a child, we don't live together so really hard to fix it.
I wished he could just cum condensed milk or honey, like the idea of him cumming in my mouth is so hot to me but when it does happen and I get the battery acid taste it just pulls me down from my cloud
Anonymous 6238
>>6226Change his diet. It is what ever he is eating. Usually you can tell what it is he is eating that is making it taste bad if you are an experienced cum slut
I'm not a cum slut btw I don't know how I know this I just do
Anonymous 6247
>>6238>Usually you can tell what it is he is eating that is making it taste bad if you are an experienced cum slutlmao I'm not yet at that level, he leaks a lot of pre cum and I find funny? that it doesn't taste like anything, I wish the final thing was the same but oh well (also part of me secretly wishes he could cum more)
Anonymous 6254
>>6247>(also part of me secretly wishes he could cum more)You are probably draining his cum supply. If you give it a couple of days and he doesn't touch himself, you get bigger loads
ANyways, generally if he eats only or mostly healthy foods it will taste much better, and actually nice. No junk food, or processed shit. Fruit is very good
Anonymous 6258
>>6247Uhh doesn't precum taste salty, usually?
Anonymous 6523
>>6226For a more neutral taste. Get him a nice water bottle, make him drink at least 2l(half a gallon) a day.
If you want him to coom more. A good multi-vitamin and zinc supplement.
Anonymous 7200
so update, we moved in together into a new flat about a month ago and I convinced him to take a healthy lifestyle more seriously, he now goes to the gym 5 days a week and we cook together "gym food" as he calls it, usually meat pasta or rice and a lot of vegetables also he has been drinking a ton of water and because we now live together he can't never masturbate :) and oh my GOD the difference is insane, I feel really shameful about this fetish because it makes me feel like a "whore" but omg it not longer tastes like death and he cums sooo much more than before, this one time we went like 4 days without sex until I gave him a bj in the morning, he took so long I was getting a bit annoyed but it was so worth it, he moaned so much and his legs got tensed up and twitchy and came for what seem like a minute straight(probably more like 10 seconds) it felt like it was shot glass worth, I swirl it a little bit around my tounge to get a taste and then just swallow it, I loved it.
so there, that's my story you're welcome
Anonymous 7201
>>7200That's good to hear :)
Does he know at all that you have this fetish and that you like his cum better now or are you to embarrassed to tell? If he is in the know it would make things easier instead of you having to convince him to do this and that. It is just better to be on the same page is what i'm trying to say
Anonymous 7206
>>7200based cumqueen changing bf's lifestyle just for tasty cum
seriously, congrats!!!
Anonymous 7534
>>6226I wish I could end up swallowing but the taste is awful and the load is so big all the time. Plus it’s gooey and hard to swallow like phlegm or a booger- I’m afraid of choking on it. How do you get better at swallowing? I want to do it for my bf, even if I don’t like it.
Anonymous 7682
>>7534>I want to do it for my bf, even if I don’t like it.then don't do it? Seriously, you don't have to do it.
Anonymous 11334
>>6226They'd have to adopt some sort of 100% fruit/veggie/whole-grain diet for it to be tasty. Semen taste ranges WILDLY and is completely dependent on diet. It can taste like candy or rotten garbage. Really interesting how much diet effects everything
Anonymous 11346
>>6247Keep him hydrated and have him eat more fruit. Also celery!