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Anonymous 6352

so ima virgin. is vaginal penetration sex supposed to feel good? when i stick my finger or an object up there, it doesn't feel like anything and feels a bit uncomfy. never had a vaginal orgasm either, only clitoris. how do you even get vaginal orgasm?

Anonymous 6353

I lost my virginity recently and felt the same way for the longest time. I couldn’t even put a tampon up there, let alone masturbate by fingering myself. Honestly I think I was just scared and didn’t know what was up there (lol) which caused me to tighten up and feel uncomfortable.

I think what it comes down to is being comfortable with your body and the overall feeling of penetration. Once you kinda tackle those it feels pretty good. I wouldn’t overthink it much, it might make it harder to feel comfortable.

And of course, correct lubrication and foreplay helps a lot too.

Anonymous 6468

>vast majority of women can only orgasm from clitoral stimulation
>vast majority
really? are you sure you're not overestimating that even a little?

Anonymous 6469

Anonymous 6471

If you're not a virgin, when was the last time you came from vaginal stimulation?

Anonymous 6479

It’s pretty well known. So many women put up with sex with no orgasms. So sad.

Anonymous 6480

How to tell me you’re a scrote without telling me you’re a scrote.

Anonymous 6501

Do you live under a rock?

Anonymous 6512

It can feel good especially if you can find your g-spot or a-spot which varies from person to person and might depend on very specific positions. Don't expect to get much out of it "cold" it's better to either be really turned on or already have an orgasm.

Don't worry about vaginal orgasms, just do penetration while rubbing your clit and see if that makes the orgasms feel better. Most of the time focusing on the clit will be easier and faster. Penetration for when you have more time and want the full sensation.

Anonymous 7305


Vaginal orgasms actually don’t exist, it is a Freudian myth. There’s barely any nerve endings there so it would make sense of not being that pleasurable. Any orgasms you have are directly or indirectly caused by your clit.

Anonymous 7314


Vaginal stimulation doesn't feel bad… but it's definitely nothing compared to based clitoral stimulation. Like it's not unpleasant but it's boring and unamusing, feels like itching a scratch more than anything. I cannot coom unless i touch my clit. Sometimes I can go several months masturbating without vaginal stimulation because it's literally uneeded even though you're supposed to be "more sensitive" if you're a virgin lol. I should reinterate, I almost never masturbate vaginally and if I do I also touch my clit. It's all a stupid myth that scrotes keep propagating because of porn with the "muh you have to jackhammer her for her to feel good". Stupid moids. If i do eventually have sex with a moid i'll just tell him straight that I will not coom unless my clit is stimulated. No point in faking pleasure. It's funny to see moids infight about dick size when their dick doesn't mean shit compared to clit stimulation.

Anonymous 7315

Sex with a partner is more than just mechanical nerve stimulation though (provided there's some chemistry between the two).

You're absolutely right in voicing your needs and limits though. Imo communication is what makes or breaks sex.

Anonymous 8852

>masturbating never felt good to me
>not even clitoral stim felt like much
>sometimes really horny but find no release in touching or putting objects in
>only vaginal penetration with a penis feels good, some clit rubbing during does make it feel more intense

I have no clue if I've even had an orgasm. I've felt really good during sex and had involuntarily spasms and imo the best feeling part is when he cums and his dick is really hard and twitchy. Idk what's wrong with me, I seem to be in the minority for really only enjoying p in v. I don't even like foreplay that much. I hate oral and nipple sucking.

Anonymous 8880

>can't coom from masturbation
>penetration does nothing
>stimulation is just a faint pleasure
>have to grind against something hard in public with the chance of being caught, at the height of horniness, to get a kind of release
I have had to grind against the rounded corner of a bench, in front of a crowd of people near a field, just to feel faint relief after having completely unsatisfying sex with my first boyfriend.

>meet a guy through friends

>he's incredibly funny and nice
>flirt a little
>comes to see where I work night shifts
>after the first time wait until we're alone and kiss out back
>comes back the next night and fool around
>dreading having to tell him sex is not really a thing for me
>wraps an arm around my chest
>kisses my neck
>slides his hand up my dress and starts rubbing my clit
>tell him to press harder
>knees tremble
>last 30 seconds before I get the faint sense of relief, except ramped up 50x
>throat seizes up and make a choked clicking sound
>can't stop laughing
>feel like I have a full body high
>just want to cuddle and kiss forever
That was the point I realised I'd never actually had an orgasm before that point, just an echo of one, requiring 10x the effort and frustration.

Anonymous 8937

As usual there is no absolute. For many, most of the pleasure comes from the clitoris. Penetration can bring a different type of physical pleasure, but most of it is psychological (and yeah that part matters). A few girls report getting more from penetration though. You probably know this but the clit isn't just what you see outside, it extends far into the body.
Orgasms are a lot about what goes on in your head, if you're with your lover and pay attention to each other, the feeling of being "filled" and the intimacy that comes with it is great, in most position it will also stimulate the clit "naturally".
For me I'll just say vaginal+clit is much better than just clit.

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