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Are there any secrets to finding out if a guy is hung before seeing him naked? Anonymous 6849

I prefer much more well-endowed men (7" and thick and up) and smaller men just can't do it for me. I've been disappointed bringing back cute guys only to see they are a waste of time.

I've checked bulges but that's not always reliable. I've been in clubs and gotten a quick feel dancing but that's not reliable either.

I heard height and penis size are linked, but I'm not sure if that's true.I know really fit guys are bigger so that helps. Is asking for a shoe size too obvious, or is there something else I need to know?

Please share your secrets!!!

Anonymous 6850

Skinny bigskull

Anonymous 6851

Bulges tend to be a lie. Moids like to stick a sock or other padding in their underwear to appear bigger.

Anonymous 6852

>>6851 what are they that desperate eww

Anonymous 6855



Anonymous 6856

are big dicks really better or is it just propaganda? assuming you have a bog standard vagina of course

Anonymous 6872

this is most definitely a trans thing

Anonymous 6881

I mean we have padded bras so

Anonymous 6888

I don't think there's a way to know. My ex boyfriend was skinny, below average height (just 1.70cm), his hands were about the same size as mine, average shoes size, and he had a good size (18cm, which I think is 7").
I remember expecting like 14cm because everything else about him made me think that, but I was wrong

Anonymous 6917

i haven't slept around much but i've heard a lot of women say that lanky men tend to have bigger cocks

Anonymous 6931

yeah there's definitely a thing where tall skinny guys are often hung. maybe they're so skinny cause they don't feel like they have to compensate for something

whereas some guys who care a lot about the gym come across as insecure

Anonymous 6943

Deep voice?

Anonymous 6949

There was a study that men with deeper voice have smaller testicles, not sure about penis size

Anonymous 6960

All I know is that my relatively tiny 5'7" husband weighs like only 115lbs, and he has a pretty good sized 7.75" dick with a 5.5" circumference.

It doesn't seem monstrous to me, especially not while flaccid, but it's a pretty big dick.

His voice changes quite a bit in pitch as he speaks.

If it's a formal thing with new customers, he'll put on his big deep man voice. With friends it's a bit laid back, then a bit more with me unless the big man voice makes an appearance, and he's actually most of all with chill with his family and uses his highest voice (still quite masculine) with his family.

As for other things that might matter… I dunno. His feet are I guess average size for his height but a bit wide. He has wears a size medium in the home depot work gloves.

I guess he definitely fits the "skinny" type for big dicksz but he's definitely not tall.

Anonymous 6968

The only thing I could find for that was a study that was comparing species to species, not humans against humans.

Anonymous 6972

quick rundown on various traits
height: generally, the taller the dude, the longer the dick, obviously this isn't a rule set in stone but you do raise your chances
fitness(muscle): zero corelation, ask /fit/ lmao, the amount of fit dudes who do it to compensate for dicksize is surprisingly high
fitness(fat): now what IS a proven fact is that chubby/fat guys have somewhere around 1 inch of disadvantage due to a layer of skin/fat around their dick, technically the dick is still there… but a 7" fatpressed quickly can turn into an unimpressing 5.5"
confidence: probably a mixed bag but you'll have to go with your own judgement here, a guy with a big dick will be naturally more confident in his way of handling girls, a "shy cute boi" is most likely to have a complex about his average 5.5 onahole destroyer
try tall, confidence radiating, naturally healthy/skinny looking dudes

Anonymous 6977


>try tall, confidence radiating, naturally healthy/skinny looking dudes


Anonymous 6978

That's weird, didn't choir boys used to be castrated so that they would keep their high-pitched voice as they grew older?

Anonymous 8505

>try tall, confidence radiating, naturally healthy/skinny looking dudes
Ah, yes. Much like everyone else.

Anonymous 8564


You can't eye a guy's size. Taking away guys that literally stuff their underwear (Which I didn't even know existed). There are also growers. Unless you measure the dick itself you can't know the size.

Mostly propaganda, unless you have a specific 'thing' for big dicks and just like fucking staring at them or whatever, they aren't much better than average or below average. I can say for certain that tiny dicks do underdeliver.

Anonymous 8566

Height doesn't correalate with penis size.

Anonymous 8601

Big nose = big dick. That's the only real indicator

Anonymous 8605

why has this not correlated with my experience then?

Anonymous 8613

Knee him in the crotch, his reaction time will tell you when you start to hit his dick.

Anonymous 8615

>what is anecdotal evidence

Anonymous 8632

just ask him to show it off some men would be glad to oblige

Anonymous 8636

study was done in japan, maybe it's only true for japanese men.

Anonymous 8647

Just read their eyes after you look at them. Clubber pretty boys who would tell you lie for a living
is this a moid with a humiliation fetish
skinny tall big nose

Anonymous 8648

fitness(fat): now what IS a proven fact is that chubby/fat guys have somewhere around 1 inch of disadvantage due to a layer of skin/fat around their dick, technically the dick is still there… but a 7" fatpressed quickly can turn into an unimpressing 5.5"
Wait is this why super skinny guys always seem to have larger dicks? I thought it was just a weird coincidence

Anonymous 8649

good cardiovascular health also makes a dick bigger because it fills out more of its max engorgement potential.

Anonymous 8655

Dumb stick

Anonymous 8786

The biggest dick I ever saw was on a tall skinny guy. He had a normal nose, normal voice, and his hands and shoes were around average size. He was kinda shy though

Anonymous 8792

you cant tell the size but you can tell the shape kinda from their hands and feet. its an acquired skill, you just have to start looking.

Anonymous 8823

Everyone nose and ears never stop growing, penises do.

Anonymous 8869

It's because fat covers up the penis from the base. So if you have twins with identical penises and one of them puts on weight then the skinny one will have the longer dick. Technically they're both the same size underneath but that doesn't matter when one has an inch or two sunk in fat.

Anonymous 8946

>Are there any secrets to finding out if a guy is hung before seeing him naked?
No. There are none.
There isn't even a way to know for sure what his size will be before he's erect.

Anonymous 9276

it's propaganda for size queen and sph fetishists

Anonymous 9430

A guy thats scrawny + deep voice + slightly tall (like 6' or 6'1) will probably be decently hung

Anonymous 9431

Skinny guys probably just have higher prenatal testosterone.

Anonymous 9437

gay bottoms and trannies have the biggest dicks. if you have messed up hormones as these people often do, the body won’t always get the testosterone signal at the end of puberty for the dick to stop growing. paradoxically, low T can equal big dick.

Anonymous 9443


>lean build
>actually quite deep voice when he's not trying to sound bat fuck insane

Anonymous 9464


this entire thread is fucking hilarious, literally nothing correlates with dick size

Anonymous 9465

hand size does. a small correlation is still a correlation.

Anonymous 9491


Anonymous 9703

Any man who has a strong heart and not a lot of body fat will have an extra 2 inches on another less healthy guy. The reason is the fat padding on the pelvis covers up some of the shaft and a weak heart reduces blood flow and makes erections weaker, just go for healthy weight or skinny men

Anonymous 9704

from my experience watching copious amounts of porn:
>skinny fat
>trans (having nudes sent to me)
>bad hygiene (see above)
All have small peepees and should be avoided. Not that it's beyond common sense to advise.

Anonymous 9724

some of the ones you mentioned are right but legit one that is very consistent: fat people

fat moids have smaller dicks, it sinks in their excess of skin and it results in a shorter dick, its pathetic.

Anonymous 9834

being fat also puts a massive burden on the cardiovascular system. fat guys physically can't supply enough blood to their dicks.

Anonymous 9984

Literally everything has some level of correlation with something though, when the correlation is very small you just classify it as nonexistent.

Anonymous 11162

In my experience all sizes are just as good except for 3" and under. 4" is pushing it a little.

Anonymous 11777

>the size of literally every body part correlates with height except penis size

Love this moid cope lol

Anyway can confirm skinny tall moids are more likely to be big.

Anonymous 11780

>skinny tall big pp moid bf
hhhgggnnn fucking hate moids but I hate this type a little less

Anonymous 11791

Generally speaking (because porn actors exist who seem to violate this rule). Look at his index finger, then follow it down in a straight line from the outer edge past the thumb joint crease to where the hand ends. That's how long his dick is erect. My first boyfriend pointed this out to me and held his hand over his penis whilst it was erect to prove it. I asked my second boyfriend (now husband) to do the same when we first started dating and it was spot on, 1:1, just like the first. I asked my big brother if this was true and he said said it was. so that's 3/3. It's why generally speaking height matters too, although my 6'2 ex boyfriend had a smaller one than my 5'11 husband. But that's just because my husband has big, meaty hands whereas my ex boyfriend had comparatively delicate slender hands that were in proportion to his height and frame.

As far as I know there's no way to tell girth just by looking at the hands, so even if he has long, slim pianist fingers he could be packing a coke can or a pencil down there. In spite of the differences between my ex and my husband the girth looks and feels the same.

Anonymous 11806

This thread is full of bs. There's literally no way to see a man's size before you see him erect. Even "big dick energy" guys can have a small dick and viceversa.
By the way, men lie about their size all the time'

Anonymous 11812

moid alert be buzzing

Anonymous 11814

I would say height is a plausible correlation simply because bigger men being "bigger" men makes sense, but all the crap about weight and hand length and voice depth ITT is genuinely retarded.

Anonymous 11821


I'll leave this here

Anonymous 11834

did we date the same moid?

Anonymous 11859

you don't have to be a moid to know it's bs. if there was an actual method no one would date small dicks. clearly, that's not the case

Anonymous 11860

Of course it is bullshit. But I'm willing to bet half of you believe in zodiac signs or manifestation so this thread is almost sane in comparison.

Anonymous 11904

Is that chart from china or something?

Anonymous 11906

yeah agree, feel like the numbers should be a little higher

Anonymous 11909

I think it’s just easy to overestimate. I actually measured my last bf once and he was like a whole two inches shorter than I would’ve guessed.

Anonymous 11924

Isn't 7 inches literally less than one percent of men?
If they tell you they such and such inches long, they might be exaggerating
Self reported penis length us longer than measure by scientists in studies

Anonymous 11933

>4" is pushing it a little
No kidding!

Anonymous 11935

Men lie about their penis size all the time. Their "7 inches" is actually less than 6. same goes for porn stars

Anonymous 12187

I've only dated european guys but skinny/thin and deep voice = hung in my experience

Anonymous 12200

So ask them to measure it with a unit they're not familiar with, like cm.
If you can convert it perfectly to an imperial unit, they're probably lying.

Anonymous 12203

Why do you prefer hung guys anyway?

Anonymous 12205

filthy dicklet moid hands typed this post

Anonymous 12206

I don't want anything to do with a penis, big or small

Anonymous 12218

Watching two moids trying to pin each other out while failing to convice anyone is the funniest thing I have ever seen here

Anonymous 12274

Anonymous 12283

>skinny tall guys with big noses have big dick
I used to believe this, but in my experience it’s not true.
The smallest dick I’ve ever seen was on super skinny lanklet with a huge nose. He had small hands and feet though.

The biggest dick I’ve seen was on a fat tall guy, huge hands and feet and really manly face.

Anonymous 12317

Reminder that the average penis size is 13.6cm (5in) in the US, all moids lied to you.


Anonymous 12318

So based on that website, are you saying that all along the answer was just to date Canadians?

Anonymous 12319

Canadians are never an answer. Holy hell, love yourself, girl.

Anonymous 12329

What's so bad about Canadians?

Anonymous 12331

I want you to look at your post, then at a picture of Justin Bieber, and then look at your post again.

Anonymous 12332

Just grabbed a ruler and 5 inches was way more than whatI expected

Anonymous 12333

Just tried this. I thought you were exaggerating but wtf??

Anonymous 13328

I attract a lot of extremely tall men. Most of them had similar average sized dicks that average height men had. Though the smallest thinnest dick I ever saw was on a 6’6 man. My husband is around that height and has the biggest and thickest dick I’ve ever seen I didn’t even know they could get that thick before I met him. He’s not only tall but very lanky and thin. The tiny dick tall man was very broad shouldered and had a very wide frame in general. So maybe there is some truth to the skinny frame big cock thing. Maybe bigger dicks are caused by high estrogen like tall height in men is? A good way to tell if he’s packing is to get him to wear pajama pants or sweat pants and make out with him while cuddling. I was able to feel my husbands huge erection through his sweat pants while we made out the first time. It was so big that it was poking me through the fabric. I could tell it was big without even touching it, it was touching ME! Maybe this is the only way to tell without seeing a guy naked. Also, if a guy can’t get hard while making out with you he will be a lousy lay and have 0 passion while having sex with you so just pass on him if he can’t even get excited when kissing a woman.

Anonymous 13329

male hands typed this

Anonymous 13345

There is a difference between the "average" size and the optimal size. While 7 inches are top 1% in terms of "average" size, they are just barely scratching the surface of optimal size for me at least.

P.S: go to r9k on 4chan from what I've seen all people there are 6'2, 7inches+ good-looking incels.
But they are very misogynistic or mentally ill/autistic. I've met one fairly handsome guy with 7.5 confirmed length there but unfortunately he turned out to be mental and was into butt stuff.

Anonymous 13353

Are blowjobs more fun with a big cock?

Anonymous 13360

It has to be average or a bit above. When it’s too small it’s not very fun and harder to make him finish.

Anonymous 13363

But not if its too big?

Anonymous 13367

If it's too big it starts hitting my teeth.

Anonymous 13467

idk why nonas and women in general go with the false sizes men tell them. my first bf said he was 6 and a half inches and i believed him (was still a young idiot in high school back then). then people in school and the internet started saying that 6 inches was the average so i thought that my then bf’s dick was above average, which made me feel weird since i didn’t feel like his dick was particularly big or anything.

it wasn’t until i met my second and current bf, who told me he’s 6 and a half inches as well, and when i finally saw it i was fucking confused. it looked wayyy bigger than my ex. it wasn’t until i took a ruler to measure that i found out my ex was a lying POS all this while lol, with a 5” at best.

measure your man’s dicks nonas, with rulers or even measuring tapes (if it slants). i swear most alleged “size queens” who want 7” in them are just women lied to by their perfectly average bfs, and all they want are 6”s (which imo is the perfect size for everything). women who unironically say they want anything 7.5”s or bigger inside them either have some cervix hitting fetish or they haven’t touched a ruler before in their life.

Anonymous 13563

just ask them to take a picture of it in the mirror?

Anonymous 13617

Ask their diets.
Ultimately the only true thing that can affect dick size is testosterone, so what they eat heavily influences what they MAY have.
If they eat meat, avoid processed products, vegetable oils, soy products and the likes, he likely has at least an average dick.
If he eats junk food, vegetable oils, soylent and other crap, he's more likely to have a smaller than average dick.
Also be careful of body builders that do testosterone: those types of injections apparently can not only affect dick size negatively but reduce their fertility and balls size, if you're into that type of stuff too.

Anonymous 13627

this is the dumbest thing I've read all year.

Anonymous 13646

Anonymous 13733

is this unironically the jewish propaganda you hear people talk about?

Anonymous 13745

It's nose width, so the distance between nostrils. Jews are stereotyped as having protruding noses, but not wide noses.

Anonymous 13772

this thread wins for the highest amount of virgins and retardation e even 2 years later

Anonymous 13778


No way to measure reliably (spoilered, if you click be prepared for nudity and measuring tape)

Anonymous 14287

Depends on the study. They'll exclude curves sometimes

Anonymous 14465


Anonymous 14469


>They'll exclude curves sometimes

Anonymous 14556

How do I psyop my bf into using a penis pump and do stretching exercises?
I've done more research on it than I probably should have and from what I've seen it's legit, though rightfully meme-y.
I just want to change that one thing about him and then he'll be chef-kiss-tier perfect. 4 inches does not, for a young girl, a very fun time make.

Anonymous 14557

Maybe you dont't deserve a bf or to experience love ever in your life for having these corrporeal expectations?

Anonymous 14558


It's literally just this one tiny thing about him. Literally. I'm not about to throw away a guy that is otherwise perfect and knows how to make me astral project from eating me out.
Should I subtly hint at it? Or introduce it as a kink type thing?
I was also thinking of slowly withdrawing bjs in connection of bringing up the subject to pavlov him into doing it.
I'm open for suggestions.

Anonymous 14570

I think Women like you are single-handedly responsible for millions of moids seething and coping about their dicks world-wide. I'd say it's based if it wasn't for the fact that all the big-dicked ones are already taken, so you're essentially just tainting the meat. Literally, and figuratively.
I don't wanna deal with a guy crying to me about
>"babe, am I big enough for you?"
>"How big is your ex?"
>"you can sleep with other men if you want, I don't mind"
I understand that some of you pervs are into that, but I want a guy that has a spine at the very least.

Anonymous 14580

No you absolutely should not subtly hint at it
The penis is a central part of a man's identity, you don't want to fuck with that
Penis size is probably one of the leading causes of suicides in men without anyone ever adressing it

Anonymous 14582

>muh male suicide
moid hands.
No one cares. Men are supposed to be big and strong and their manhood should reflect that. Yet most can't handle a little bit of criticism or they'll cry and bitch about their broken egos.
If you're too insecure about using a sheath, then at least man up and make your dick bigger.

Anonymous 14588

Why don't you give birth to his child, and then you can say something to that effect. Until then you can't start making demands he change his genitals for you that's really rude.

Anonymous 14599

I won't let him pour a single drop of semen inside me until he fixes his dick.

Anonymous 14600

Fix your soul

Anonymous 14601

My soul is fine, his dick isn't. It's that simple really. Just put it in a pump and stretch it every once in a while. Do that for a year or so until it feels nice and that's it. I don't understand what you're gripe with this is, unless you're a insecure moid.

Anonymous 14643

>Babe just get a boobjob! I won't love you till you artificially modify your genitals for me!

Anonymous 14644

Boobs aren't genitals tho

Anonymous 14647

More like: get a labiaplasty

Anonymous 14649

A boobjob involves surgery, what I'm suggesting takes less effort than working out and is non invasive. He'd be doing himself and me a favor. Plus whether it's a labiaplasty, or a boobjob, it's purely aesthetic. It doesn't actually affect anything logistically, whereas dick size does. The fact that he can't hit a spot that's the deciding factor for my orgasm, that my $30 dildo can is depressing. Between that and most positions forcing him to thrust like he has a hip replacement without it falling out all the time makes me want to shoot myself. If there is a definitive way to fix it, why wouldn't you?

Anonymous 14655

>If there is a definitive way to fix it, why wouldn't you?
There isn't. All that crap you mentioned doesn't work and is just a scam. There is a surgery that severs some of the ligaments and allows for some additional length at the cost of having it just flop around. Its time to face reality and leave because you two will never be sexually compatible.

Anonymous 14663

>sexually incompatible
That's usually just cope for guys with small dicks to feel better about themselves. Also, no, it's not a scam. There are mountains of photo evidence, not to mention the fact that you're not being sold anything, so how exactly is this a scam? The only part you can buy is a dick pump, which is like $40 and unlike a gym membership you only have to pay once. I'm not about to break up with the only guy that has ever made me cum, all he needs to do is some stretches and that's it. If you want to wallow in ypur internalized misogyny and put up with men's shrimp dicks, be my guest, but I'm not about that.

Anonymous 14667

You're the only one who is complaining your moid is too small for you. If that stuff worked why isn't every moid walking around like he's smuggling a sausage factory in his pants?

Anonymous 14668

NTA but I have looked it up and every moid who has done it swears by it. But it is a very long and laborious process and there are risks of permanent erectile dysfunction and injuries

Anonymous 14671

>"trust me bro" moidsource
lol, lmao even. Have fun trying to break moid's dicks ig.

Anonymous 14673

Working out/going to the gym also works and guarantees a hot body, yet only a fraction of moids actually put in the work. Same thing here, not to mention the stigma of talking about it openly. Plus most moids take comfort in the fact that women will always cater to their egos and tell them how size doesn't matter. So if women like you actually started speaking out about it, more moids would get on it.
Small dick = broken dick, so you'd have nothing to lose.

Anonymous 14675

Is 4 and a half inches so bad?

Anonymous 14676


Anonymous 14677

Can't do shit with 4,5 inches. And that's 4,5 inches tops mind you; Most positions require an extra inch or two for logistics and add another half to account for user error, which effectively leaves you with ~2 inches that are actually inside you.

Anonymous 14683

How about 5.5?

Anonymous 14715

have you considered putting down the 10 inch horse dildo

Anonymous 14733

I got my answer to this question first hand a few days ago.
A big Johnson is a lot more fun but it's in a way that is "satisfying" rather than pleasurable. The things you read online about magic spots only hung men can reach are BS. An average dick can hit all those just fine and be plenty of fun (if the mood it's attached to is) but having that extra "heft" makes moving on it kind of addicting in a way.
All in all, hate moids, regardless of their package.

Anonymous 14735

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